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  • /*
    | Name : NEATPIC (无数据版本)
    | Created / Modify : 2003-12-27 / 2004-4-13
    | Version : 1.2.3
    | Author : walkerlee, gouki
    | Powered by NEATSTUDIO 2002 - 2004
    | QQ : 808075
    | Email : walkerlee@163.net
    | Homepge : http://www.neatstudio.com
    | BBS : http://www.neatstudio.com/bbs/
    | Note :
    | 1.本软件对于非商业用户完全免费,如果要使用在商业用途
    | 方面,必须取得作者的授权.
    | 2.你可以任意传播以及修改本程序,但不能以任何形式删除
    | 本程序的版权.请记住,保留作者版权是对作者工作的尊敬.
    | 3.如果有问题,可以通过上面提供的方式进行解答,但作者
    | 学业繁重,如果不能及时或者不解答,请谅解.
    | 4.作者对使用该程序导致的问题,不予以负责.
    | 5.本程序版权归 NeatStudio 所有.禁止任何侵权行为!

    | Config
    | C / M : 2003-12-28 / 2004-4-13

    $configAdminPass  = "neatpic";         //管理员密码 注:安全起见,默认密码不能登陆管理
    $configWantedPass  = false;          //查看相册是否需要密码 需要:true 不需要:false
    $configOpenGzip   = true;           //是否压缩页面 压缩:true 不压缩:false
    $configShowPicSize  = false;          //是否显示图片的大小 (单位:KB) 显示:true 不显示:false (注:不显示,程序运行速度将提高)
    $configExt    = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp'); //图片类型
    $strLenMax    = 25;           //文件名字限制长度 (防止撑破表格)
    $configEachPageMax  = 16;           //每页显示的图片数目
    $configEachLineMax  = 4;           //每行显示的图片数目
    $configTDWidth   = 185;           //表格宽度
    $configTDHeight   = 138;           //表格高度
    $configPageMax   = 5;           //分页前后预览数
    $configDirPasswordFile = "neatpicPassword.php";      //密码文件
    $configTilte   = "欢迎光临“开花的草”相册。设有精美小图、动态图片、人物图片、图文并茂、网页横幅、站长相关。";      //标题
    $configVer    = "1.2.3";          //程序版本号

    | Class
    | C / M : 2003-12-28 / 2003-12-29

    Class neatpic
     var $configWantedPass;
     var $configAdminPass;
     var $configOpenGzip;
     var $configShowPicSize;
     var $configExt = array();
     var $strLenMax;
     var $configEachPageMax;
     var $configEachLineMax;
     var $configTDHeight;
     var $configTDWidth;
     var $configPageMax;
     var $configTilte;
     var $configVer;

     var $dirOptionList;
     var $timer;
     var $usedTime;
     var $pathLevelNum;
     var $nowDirNmae;
     var $dirNum;
     var $picNum;
     var $pageTotal;
     var $start;
     var $offSet;
     var $pageStart;
     var $pageMiddle;
     var $pageEnd;
     var $temp;
     var $picID;
     var $picRealSizeWidth;
     var $picRealSizeHeight;

     var $picArray = array();
     var $picFileArray = array();
     var $dirArray = array();
     var $dirNameArray = array();
     var $pathArray = array();
     var $pathError = false;

     var $page;
     var $path;
     var $style;
     var $c;

     | Constructor
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / 2003-12-29
     function neatpic($configWantedPass, $configAdminPass, $configDirPasswordFile, $configOpenGzip, $configShowPicSize, $configExt, $strLenMax, $configEachPageMax, $configEachLineMax, $configTDHeight, $configTDWidth, $configPageMax, $configTilte, $configVer)
      $this->configWantedPass    = & $configWantedPass;
      $this->configAdminPass    = & $configAdminPass;
      $this->configDirPasswordFile  = & $configDirPasswordFile;
      $this->configOpenGzip    = & $configOpenGzip;
      $this->configShowPicSize   = & $configShowPicSize;
      $this->configExt     = & $configExt;
      $this->strLenMax     = & $strLenMax;
      $this->configEachPageMax   = & $configEachPageMax;
      $this->configEachLineMax   = & $configEachLineMax;
      $this->configTDHeight    = & $configTDHeight ;
      $this->configTDWidth    = & $configTDWidth;
      $this->configPageMax    = & $configPageMax;
      $this->configTilte     = & $configTilte;
      $this->configVer     = & $configVer;

     | Open gzip
     | C / M : 2003-12-29 / --
     function gzip()
      if ($this->configOpenGzip == true)

     | Get the querystring
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / 2003-12-29

     function getVars()
      $this->page = rawurldecode($_GET['page']);
      $this->path = rawurldecode($_GET['path']);
      $this->style = $_GET['style'];

      if (!$this->style) $this->style = "small";
      if (!$this->path) $this->path = ".";

     | Check error
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / 2004-1-1

     function checkError()
      if (preg_match("/\.\./", $this->path)) $pathError = true;
      if (!is_dir($this->path)) $pathError = true;

      if ($pathError == true)

     | Path array initialize
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / 2003-12-29

     function pathArrayInitialize()
      if (!$this->path) $this->path = ".";

      $this->pathArray = explode("/", $this->path);
      $this->pathLevelNum = count($this->pathArray);
      $this->nowDirName = $this->pathArray[$this->pathLevelNum - 1];
      if ($this->nowDirName == ".") $this->nowDirName = "根目录";

     | Timer
     | C / M : 2003-12-29 / --

     function timer()
      $time = explode( " ", microtime());
      $usec = (double)$time[0];
      $sec = (double)$time[1];
      $this->timer = $usec + $sec;

     | Show used time
     | C / M : 2003-12-29 / --

     function usedTime()
      $startTime = $this->timer;
      $endTime = $this->timer;
      $usedTime = $endTime - $startTime;
      $this->usedTime = sprintf("%0.4f", $usedTime);

     | Make over direct
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / 2003-12-29

     function makeOverdirect()
      $overPath = ".";

      for($i = 1; $i pathLevelNum - 1; $i++)
       $overPath = $overPath."/".$this->pathArray[$i];

      $this->dirArray[] = $overPath;
      $this->dirNameArray[] = "上级目录";

      for($i = 1; $i pathLevelNum; $i++)
       $this->encodePath .= rawurlencode($this->pathArray[$i])."/";

     | GetFileExt
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / --

     function getFileExt($fileName)
      $pos = strrpos($fileName, '.');
      return strtolower(substr($fileName, $pos+1, (strlen($fileName)-$pos-1)));

     | Make direct list
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / 2003-12-29

     function makeDirList()
      $dir = dir($this->path);

      while($file = $dir->read())
       if ($file "." and $file "..")
        $fileName = $file;
        $file = $this->path."/".$file;

        if (is_dir($file))
         $this->dirArray[] = $file;
         $this->dirNameArray[] = $fileName;
        if (in_array($this->getFileExt($file), $this->configExt))
         $this->picEncodeArray[] = "./" . $this->encodePath . rawurlencode($fileName);
         $this->picArray[] = $file;
         $this->picFileArray[] = $fileName;


     | Get each array number
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / --

     function getEachArrayNum()
      $this->dirNum = count($this->dirArray);
      $this->picNum = count($this->picArray);

     | Make page bar
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / 2003-12-29

     function makePageBar()

      $this->pageTotal = ceil($this->picNum / $this->configEachPageMax);

      if (!$this->page or $this->page page = 1;
      if ($this->page > $this->pageTotal) $this->page = $this->pageTotal;

      $this->offSet = $this->configEachPageMax * $this->page;
      $this->start = $this->offSet - $this->configEachPageMax;

      if ($this->start start = 0;
      if ($this->offSet > $this->picNum) $this->offSet = $this->picNum;

      $this->pageStart = $this->page - $this->configPageMax;
      if ($this->pageStart pageStart = 1;

      $this->pageMiddle = $this->page + 1;
      $this->pageEnd = $this->pageMiddle + $this->configPageMax;
      if ($this->page configPageMax) $this->pageEnd = $this->configPageMax * 2 + 1;
      if ($this->pageEnd > $this->pageTotal) $this->pageEnd = $this->pageTotal + 1;

     | Show page bar
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / 2003-12-29

     function showPageBar()

      print("[ path)."&style=".$this->style."&page=".($this->page - 1)."\" title=\"上一页\">上一页 ] ");
      print("path)."&style=".$this->style."&page=1\"  title=\"首页\">\n");

      for ($i = $this->pageStart; $i page; $i++)
    path)."&style=".$this->style."&page=".$i."\" title=\"第 ".$i." 页\">[".$i."] ");

      printf("[%s]", $this->page);

      for ($i = $this->pageMiddle; $i pageEnd; $i++)
       print("path)."&style=".$this->style."&page=".$i."\" title=\"第 ".$i." 页\">[".$i."] ");

      print("...path)."&style=".$this->style."&page=".$this->pageTotal."\" title=\"第 " . $this->pageTotal . " 页\">[" . $this->pageTotal . "]\n");
      print(" path)."&style=".$this->style."&page=".$this->pageTotal."\" title=\"尾页\">>>\n");

      print("[ path)."&style=".$this->style."&page=".($this->page + 1)."\" title=\"下一页\">下一页 ] 共 ".$this->pageTotal." 页  当前所在第 ".$this->page." 页");



     | Set picture ID
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / --

     function setPicID($id)
      $this->picID = $id;

     | Get picture dimension
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / --

     function getPicDim()

      $picSize = GetImageSize($this->picArray[$this->picID]);
      preg_match("!width=\"(.*)\" height=\"(.*)\"!", $picSize['3'], $tempSize);

      $this->picRealSizeWidth  = $tempSize['1'];
      $this->picRealSizeHeight = $tempSize['2'];

      $tempSize['1'] configTDWidth ? $this->temp['Width'] = $tempSize['1'] : $this->temp['Width'] = $this->configTDWidth;
      $tempSize['2'] configTDHeight ? $this->temp['Height'] = $tempSize['2'] : $this->temp['Height'] = $this->configTDHeight;

      $tWidth = $this->picRealSizeWidth / $this->configTDWidth;
      $tHeight = $this->picRealSizeHeight / $this->configTDHeight;

      if ($this->picRealSizeWidth > $this->configTDWidth OR $this->picRealSizeHeight > $this->configTDHeight)
       if ($tWidth > $tHeight)
        $this->temp['Width'] = $this->configTDWidth;
        $this->temp['Height'] = number_format($this->picRealSizeHeight / $tWidth);
       elseif ($tWidth    {
        $this->temp['Height'] = $this->configTDHeight;
        $this->temp['Width'] = number_format($this->picRealSizeWidth / $tHeight);
        $this->temp['Width'] = $this->configTDWidth;
        $this->temp['Height'] = $this->configTDHeight;
       $this->temp['Width'] = $this->picRealSizeWidth;
       $this->temp['Height'] = $this->picRealSizeHeight;
     | Show the title javascript
     | C / M : 2003-12-29 / 2003-12-30

     function ShowJS()
      <script><br/> /******************************************************************************<br/> NEATPIC Show Title<br/> Modified by: walkerlee<br/> Date: 2003-12-30<br/> Based upon: Crossday Studio and http://www.cnzzz.com<br/> *******************************************************************************/</script>






      function showPopupText(){
       var o=event.srcElement;
       if(o.alt!=null && o.alt!="") { o.pop=o.alt;o.alt="" }
        if(o.title!=null && o.title!=""){ o.pop=o.title;o.title="" }
        if(o.pop) { o.pop=o.pop.replace("\n","
    "); o.pop=o.pop.replace("\n","
    "); }
       if(o.pop!=sPop) {
        if(sPop==null || sPop=="") {
        } else {
         if(o.dyclass!=null) popStyle=o.dyclass
         else popStyle="cPopText";

      function showIt() {

       if(MouseX+12+popWidth>document.body.clientWidth) popLeftAdjust=-popWidth-24
        else popLeftAdjust=0;
       if(MouseY+12+popHeight>document.body.clientHeight) popTopAdjust=-popHeight-24
        else popTopAdjust=0;

      function fadeOut(){
       if(popLayer.filters.Alpha.opacity    popLayer.filters.Alpha.opacity+=showPopStep;


     | Show css
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / --

     function showCSS()

     | Show title
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / --

     function showTitle()



     | Show state
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / 2004-4-9

     function showState()

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    The content of this article is voluntarily contributed by netizens, and the copyright belongs to the original author. This site does not assume corresponding legal responsibility. If you find any content suspected of plagiarism or infringement, please contact admin@php.cn