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Event binding is divided into two types: one is traditional event binding (inline model, script model), and the other is modern event binding (DOM2-level model). Modern event binding provides more powerful and convenient functions over traditional binding.
1 Problems with traditional event binding
The inline model in traditional event binding will not be discussed and is rarely used. Let's take a look at the script model first. The script model assigns a function to an event handling function. Traditional binding such as:
window.onload=function(){ var box=document.getElementById('box'); box.onclick = function(){ alert('Lee'); }; };
Problem 1: An event handling function triggers two events
If a page has two or more js, and the first js is developed by the first programmer, the second js is developed by the second programmer. The first window.onload is overwritten, such as
window.onload=function(){ alert('Lee'); }; window.onload=function(){ alert('Mr.lee'); }
The result just printed Mr.lee
In fact, there are ways to solve this problem. Take a look at the following two forms.
alert(window.onload);//一开始没有注册window.onload,那么就是null window.onload=function(){ alert('Lee'); }; alert(window.onload);//如果已经有window.onload,打印的是函数function window.onload=function(){ alert('Mr.lee'); }
alert(typeof window.onload);//一开始没有window.onolad,旧版火狐显示undefined,新版显示object, window.onload=function(){ alert('Lee'); }; alert(typeof window.onload);//如果已经有window.onload,所有浏览器都会显示function window.onload=function(){ alert('Mr.lee'); }
So there is a solution.
window.onload=function(){ alert('Lee'); }; if(typeof window.onload=='function'){ var saved=null;//保存上一个事件对象 saved=window.onload; } //saved 就是window.onload,saved()相当于window.onload(),但是window.onload()不能执行的 //所以saved()相当于window.onload=function(){} window.onload=function(){ if(saved){ saved();//执行上一个事件 window.onload=function(){} } alert('Mr.lee'); //执行本事件 }
Question 2: Event Switcher
Switch a div with the ID of box, let the background red and blue inside switch directly, and pop up the box once before switching, such as:
window.onload=function(){ var box=document.getElementById('box'); box.className="red"; box.onclick=function(){ alert('Lee'); //只执行了一次 blue.call(this);//通过匿名函数执行某一函数,那么里面的this就是代表的window,所以可以通过call传递 }; } function blue(){ this.className="blue"; this.onclick=red; } function red(){ this.className="red"; this.onclick=blue; }
Although the above code implements the switching function, the pop-up box is only executed once.
//添加事件函数 //obj相当于window //type相当于onload //fn相当于function(){} function addEvent(obj,type,fn){ //用于保存上一个事件 var saved=null; if(typeof obj['on'+type]=='function'){ saved=obj['on'+type];//保存上一个事件 } obj['on'+type]=function(){ if(saved){ saved(); } fn.call(this); } } addEvent(window,'load',function(){ var box=document.getElementById("box"); //addEvent(box,'click',function(){ //目的达到,每次都执行了,没有被覆盖 // alert('ss'); //}); addEvent(box,'click',blue); }); function red(){ this.className="red"; addEvent(box,'click',blue); } function blue(){ this.className="blue"; addEvent(box,'click',red); } //当不停的切换的时候,浏览器突然卡死,并且报错:too much recursion,太多的递归 //因为积累了太多的保存的事件 //解决方案,就是用完的事件,就立刻移除掉
According to the above code, an error occurred in the comment. The solution is as follows:
//添加事件函数 //obj相当于window //type相当于onload //fn相当于function(){} function addEvent(obj,type,fn){ //用于保存上一个事件 var saved=null; if(typeof obj['on'+type]=='function'){ saved=obj['on'+type];//保存上一个事件 } obj['on'+type]=function(){ if(saved){ saved(); } fn.call(this); } } //当不停的切换的时候,浏览器突然卡死,并且报错:too much recursion,太多的递归 //因为积累了太多的保存的事件 //解决方案,就是用完的事件,就立刻移除掉 //移除事件函数 function removeEvent(obj,type){ if(obj['on'+type]){ obj['on'+type]=null; } } addEvent(window,'load',function(){ var box=document.getElementById("box"); //addEvent(box,'click',function(){ //目的达到,每次都执行了,没有被覆盖 // alert('ss'); //}); addEvent(box,'click',blue); }); function red(){ this.className="red"; removeEvent(this,'click'); addEvent(box,'click',blue); } function blue(){ this.className="blue"; removeEvent(this,'click'); addEvent(box,'click',red); }
Two W3C event handling functions
addEventListener() and removeEventListener()
There are two W3C event handling functions, addEventListener() and removeEventListener().
//W3C comes with two add events and deletion events
1. Coverage problem, solved
window.addEventListener('load',function(){ alert('Lee'); },false); window.addEventListener('load',function(){ alert('Mr.Lee'); },false); window.addEventListener('load',function(){ alert('Mrs.Lee'); },false);
2. The problem of blocking the same function is solved
window.addEventListener('load',init,false); window.addEventListener('load',init,false); window.addEventListener('load',init,false); function init(){ alert('Lee'); }
3. Is it possible to pass this and solve it
Example 1:
window.addEventListener('load',function(){ var box=document.getElementById('box'); box.addEventListener('click',function(){ alert(this); },false); },false);
Example 2:
window.addEventListener('load',function(){ var box=document.getElementById('box'); box.addEventListener('click',blue,false); },false); function red(){ this.className="red"; this.removeEventListener('click',red,false); this.addEventListener('click',blue,false); } function blue(){ this.className="blue"; this.removeEventListener('click',blue,false); this.addEventListener('click',red,false); }
4. Add an additional method. Will it be overwritten or can only be executed once? Solve
window.addEventListener('load',function(){ var box=document.getElementById('box'); box.addEventListener('click',function(){ alert('Lee'); },false); box.addEventListener('click',blue,false); },false);
To sum up: W3C has solved these problems perfectly and is very easy to use. However, IE8 and previous browsers do not support it. Instead, they use their own events. Of course, IE9 has fully supported this of W3C. Two event handling functions.
W3C can set bubbling and capturing methods.
Browsers that support the W3C standard use the addEventListener(event,fn,useCapture) method when adding events. The third parameter useCapture in the base is a Boolean value, which is used to set whether the event is executed during event capture or when the event occurs. Executed when soaking. Browsers that are not compatible with W3C (IE) use the attachEvent() method. This method has no relevant settings. However, IE's event model is executed by default when the event bubbles up, that is, when useCapture is equal to false, so put it in It is safer to set useCapture to false when handling events, and it also achieves browser compatibility.
Event capture phase: The event starts from the top level label and searches downward until the event target (target) is captured.
Event bubbling stage: The event starts from the event target (target) and bubbles up to the top-level label of the page.
The spread of events can be stopped:
In W3c, use the stopPropagation() method
Set cancelBubble = true under IE;
3. IE event handling function
attachEvent() and detachEvent()
IE implements two methods similar to those in DOM: attachEvent() and detachEvent(). Both methods accept the same parameters: event name and function.
When using these two sets of functions, let’s first talk about the differences: 1. IE does not support capturing, only bubbling; 2. IE adding events cannot block duplicate functions; 3. this in IE points to window instead of a DOM object. 4. In traditional events, IE cannot accept event objects, but using attchEvent can, but there are some differences.
1. The coverage problem is solved, but there are differences. The result is Mrs.Lee, Mr.Lee, and finally Lee
window.attachEvent('onload',function(){ alert('Lee'); }); window.attachEvent('onload',function(){ alert('Mr.Lee'); }); window.attachEvent('onload',function(){ alert('Mrs.Lee'); });
2. The problem of blocking the same function has not been solved.
window.attachEvent('onload',init); window.attachEvent('onload',init); function init(){ alert('Lee'); }
3. Can this be passed? No, this refers to window. Need to use call method.
window.attachEvent('onload',function(){ var box=document.getElementById('box'); box.attachEvent('onclick',function(){ //alert(this===box); alert(this===window); //true }); });
The next way is to pass window.event.srcElement. The code is as follows:
window.attachEvent('onload',function(){ var box=document.getElementById('box'); box.attachEvent('onclick',blue); }); function red(){ var that=window.event.srcElement; that.className="red"; that.detachEvent('onclick',red); that.attachEvent('onclick',blue); } function blue(){ var that=window.event.srcElement; that.className="blue"; that.detachEvent('onclick',blue); that.attachEvent('onclick',red); }
4. Add an additional method. Will it be overwritten or can only be executed once? Solve it.
In traditional binding, IE cannot accept event objects through parameter passing like W3C, but it can be done using attachEvent().
window.attachEvent('onload',function(){ var box=document.getElementById('box'); box.onclick=function(evt){ //传统方法IE无法通过参数获取evt alert(evt);//undefined } box.attachEvent('onclick',function(evt){ alert(evt);//object alert(evt.type);//click alert(evt.srcElement.tagName);//DIV alert(window.event.srcElement.tagName);//DIV }); });
Cross-browser compatibility
Cross-browser events
function addEvent(obj,type,fn){ if(obj.addEventListener){ obj.addEventListener(type,fn,false); }else if(obj.attachEvent){ obj.attachEvent('on'+type,fn); } }
Cross browser removal event
function removeEvent(obj,type,fn){ if(obj.removeEventListener){ obj.removeEventListener(type,fn,false); }else if(obj.detachEvent){ obj.detachEvent('on'+type,fn); } }
Get target object across browsers
function getTarget(evt){ if(evt.target){ return evt.target; }else if(window.event.srcElement){ return window.event.srcElement; } }
addEvent(window,'load',function(){ var box=document.getElementById('box'); addEvent(box,'click',blue); }); function red(evt){ var that=getTarget(evt); that.className="red"; removeEvent(that,'click',red); addEvent(that,'click',blue); } function blue(evt){ var that=getTarget(evt); that.className="blue"; removeEvent(that,'click',blue); addEvent(that,'click',red); }
addEvent(window,'load',function(){ var box=document.getElementById('box'); addEvent(box,'mouseover',function(evt){ alert(evt.relatedTarget); //得到移入box最近的那个DOM对象 }); addEvent(box,'mouseout',function(evt){ alert(evt.relatedTarget); //从box移出最近的那个DOM对象 }); });
addEvent(window,'load',function(){ var box=document.getElementById('box'); addEvent(box,'mouseover',function(){ alert(window.event.fromElement.tagName); //得到移入box最近的那个DOM对象 }); addEvent(box,'mouseout',function(){ alert(window.event.toElement.tagName); //从box移出最近的那个DOM对象 }); });
function getTarget(evt){ var e=evt || window.event; if(e.srcElment){ //IE if(e.type=='mouseover'){ return e.fromElement.tagName; }else if(e.type="mouseout"){ return e.toElement.tagName; } }else if(e.relatedTarget){ //w3c return e.relatedTarget; } }
link.onclick=function(){ alert('Lee'); return false; }
PS:虽然return false;可以实现这个功能,但是有漏洞。
第一:必须写到最后,这样导致中奖的代码执行后,有可能执行不到return false;
第二:return false 写到最前那么之后的自定义操作就失效了。
link.onclick=function(evt){ evt.preventDefault;//w3c,阻止默认行为 alert('Lee'); } link.onclick=function(evt){ window.event.returnValue=false;//IE,阻止默认行为 alert('Lee'); }
function preDef(evt){ var e=evt || window.event; if(e.preventDefault){ e.preventDefault(); }else{ e.returnValue=false; } }
function preDef(evt){ var e=evt || window.event; if(e.preventDefault){ e.preventDefault(); }else{ e.returnValue=false; } } addEvent(window,"load",function(){ var body=document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; addEvent(body,'contextmenu',function(evt){ preDef(evt); }) });
addEvent(window,'beforeonload',function(){ preDef(evt); });
addEvent(document,'mousewheel',function(evt){ //非火狐 alert(getWD(evt)); }); addEvent(document,'DOMMouseScroll',function(evt){ //火狐 alert(getWD(evt)); }); function getWD(evt){ var e=evt|| window.event; if(e.wheelDelta){ return e.wheelDelta; }else if(e.detail){ //火狐 return -evt.detail*30; } }