The difference between visibility and display in JAVASCRIPT style_javascript skills
- WBOYOriginal
- 2016-05-16 18:36:051693browse
When visibility is set to "hidden", although the element is hidden, it still occupies its original position.
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< ;div onclick="toggleVisibility(this)" style="position:relative">The first line of text will trigger the "hidden" and "visible" attributes. Pay attention to the changes in the second line.
Because visibility will retain the position of the element, so although the first line is invisible, the position is still there, and the content of the second line will not move up or down.
Explanation: Note that when an element is hidden, it can no longer receive other events, so in the first piece of code, when it is set to "hidden" , it can no longer receive response events, so it cannot be displayed by clicking the first text with the mouse.
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On the other hand, the display attribute is a little different. The visibility attribute hides the element but maintains its floating position, while display actually sets the floating characteristics of the element.
When display is set to block, all elements in the container will be treated as a single block, just like the
element, which will be placed on the page at that point. (You can actually set the display:block of
so that it works like a .
Setting the display to inline will make it behave like the element is inline --- even if it is a normal Block elements such as
will also be combined into an output stream like
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onblue text Click to see the effect.
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Finally, display is set to: none. At this time, the element actually changes from is removed from the page, the elements below it will be automatically filled in. (At this time, the element with display: none; is equivalent to disappearing, while visibility: hidden; only means hidden, but the position is still there.)
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display attribute Debugging examples for block, inline, none values and using visibility: hidden;:
"Too difficult":
At the same time, for the difference between display:inline; and float:left;, you can refer to this article:
(display refers to the display state, inline means inline, characteristics It is close to the previous inline element. Usually the default inline elements are span, a, em, strong, etc. Float means floating, and float: left is a floating form for block-level elements, which are different forms. Two states)
float &inline title>
< ;body>
span is an inline/inline element, and assigning a width to it has no effect.
span is an inline/inline element, assign a width of 100px float:right; you can see that it has a width.
This li is defined as inline/inline, and setting the width has no effect
This li is defined as inline/inline float:left, setting the width has an effect