1 Add a click submit event in the subclass
//Login button click event
loginFun: function() {
var f = Ext.getCmp("loginForm");
//Form verification
if (f.form .isValid) {
waitTitle: "Please wait",
waitMsg: 'Logging in...',
url: 'http://www. cnblogs.com/Service/SystemService/SystemService.ashx?Method=UserLogin',
method: 'POST',
success: function(form, action) {
window.location = 'Main.htm'
failure: function(form, action) {
if (action.result == undefined) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Prompt', "System error... Please Contact the administrator");
else {
Ext.Msg.alert('prompt', action.result.rspText) ;
2 Bind the event to the login button in the initialization
init: function() {
Ext.getCmp("loginBtn").on('click', this.loginFun);
this.loadMask = new Ext.LoadMask(this.LoginWin.body, { msg: "The page is loading..." });
3. About ext .extend Definition: function extend(function sb, function sp,Object overrides)
Simple explanation: the first parameter--subclass
The second parameter--parent class
The third parameter - overriding object
In the example, the subclass is XQH.ExtJs.Frame.app
Provide a public interface. )
For a more detailed introduction, please see (redirected) http://wangyu.javaeye.com/blog/210849
4.url: 'http://www.jb51.net/Service/SystemService/ SystemService.ashx?Method=UserLogin'
public void UserLogin()
StringBuilder jsonData = new StringBuilder();
bool success = false;
string rspText = string.Empty;
if (Request["LoginName"] != null && Request["LoginPsd"] != null)
string loginName = Request["LoginName"].Trim();
string loginPsd = Request["LoginPsd"].Trim();
XUser userEnity = userAccess.GetUserByName(loginName);
if (userEnity != null)
if (userEnity.LoginPsd == loginPsd)
success = true;
Session["UserEnity"] = userEnity;
success = false;
rspText = "Wrong account or password";
success = false;
rspText = "The account does not exist, please contact the administrator";
JsonConvert json = new JsonConvert ();
jsonData = json.ToRequest(success, rspText, userEnity);
Note: The returned data must be success in Json format. rspText is the returned tag and is called in js through action.result.success
Let’s stop here today and implement the background interface framework next time.