Source document, pie chart data
The proportion of each indicator
Indicator 1
< /item>
Indicator two hundred and fifty-two
2< /description>
Indicator Three
Indicator Four
Indicator five
- /value>
Indicator 7
Indicator eight
Template Document
Copy code The code is as follows:
$$("#ctrlid#") , "AfterRender",
var cMenu = new $System.UI.ContextMenu($$("#ctrlid#").domid);
$$("#ctrlid#").addChildNode(cMenu.guid , true);
$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cMenuGUID = cMenu.guid;
var srcDoc = new $System.XML.XMLUtil.XDOC("root");
var tplDoc = $System.XML.XMLUtil.loadXMLFile("res\app\module\style\contextmenu.tpl.xml");
cMenu.render(srcDoc , tplDoc);
$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.showItemDetail = function(itemName , itemValue , itemPercent)
var cMenu = $$($$(leftFrameGUID).$$secret.codebehind.cMenuGUID);
$(cMenu.guid "_detail").innerHTML = $System.String.StringUtil.decodeURIComponent(detail);
//alert($(cMenu.guid "_detail").innerHTML); , window.event.y);
$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sectorOnMouseOver = function(domid , startAngle , offsetAngle , angle , radius)
//$(domid).path = "m0,0l0,0xe";
window.setTimeout("$('" domid "').path = 'm0,0ae0,0,1000,1000," startAngle "," offsetAngle "xe'" , 10 , "javascript");
$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sectorOnMouseOut = function(domid , startAngle , offsetAngle , angle , radius)
//$(domid).path = "m0,0l0,0xe";
window.setTimeout("$('" domid "').path = 'm0,0ae0,0,850,850," startAngle "," offsetAngle "xe'" , 10 , "javascript");
var pContainer = $$("#ctrlid#").getDomObject();
var w =;
var h =;
if(h < w){
h = h < (w * 5 / 6) ? h : Math.floor(w * 5 / 6);
h = Math.floor(w * 5 / 6);
var hv = Math.min(w , h);
var rad = Math.floor(2 * hv / 5);
var radius = 1000;
$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.radius = radius;
$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad = rad;
var itemNodeList = $$("#sdocguid#").getElementsByTagName("item");
$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sectorCount = itemNodeList.length;
var nameLengthArray = [];
var maxItemNameLength , cNameLength;
if($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sectorCount != 0){
for(iteri = 0 ; iteri < $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sectorCount; iteri ){
cNameLength = $System.String.StringUtil.getLengthInCn(itemNodeList.item(iteri).getElementsByTagName("name").item(0).text);
maxItemNameLength = nameLengthArray.sort
function(a , b){
if(a == b){
return 0;
if(a > b){
return 1;
return -1;
)[nameLengthArray.length - 1];
$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.maxItemNameLength = maxItemNameLength;
var bgLeft = Math.floor((w - 2 * rad - Math.ceil(rad / 9) - Math.ceil(rad / 10) - (maxItemNameLength / 10) * rad) / 2);
var bgTop = Math.floor(rad / 7);
var bgWidth = 2 * rad;
var bgHeight = 2 * rad;
$$("#ctrlid#").$$ = {bgLeft : bgLeft , bgTop : bgTop , bgWidth : bgWidth , bgHeight : bgHeight};
$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cStartAngle = 0;
$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.angleOffset = 0;
$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cSN = null;
$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cIndex = 1000;
var strStyle;
strStyle = "border:1px solid red;position:relative;left:0px;top:" Math.floor(( - h) / 2) "px;width:" w "px;height:" h "px;overflow:visible;";
var sn;
if($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cSN == null){
$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cSN = 0;
$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cSN ;
sn = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cSN;
var totalCount = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sectorCount;
//compute color.
var ar = $System.UI.ColorUtil.genColorArrayOnItemNum(totalCount , 1 , 0.7);
sColor = "rgb(" ar[sn].r " " ar[sn].g " " ar[sn].b ")";
var sn;
sn = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cSN;
var totalCount = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sectorCount;
//compute color.
var ar = $System.UI.ColorUtil.genColorArrayOnItemNum(totalCount , 0.5 , 1);
sColor = "rgb(" ar[sn].r " " ar[sn].g " " ar[sn].b ")";
var sn = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cSN;
var cldNodeList = $System.XML.XMLUtil.XElement.getElementChildsByTagName($$("#sdocguid#").documentElement , "item");
var totalCount = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sectorCount;
var totalValue = 0;
var valueArray = [];
var cValue;
//compute startangle and endangle. degree * (2^16)
for(var ai = 0 ; ai < totalCount ; ai ){
cValue = parseFloat($System.XML.XMLUtil.XElement.getFirstElementChildByTagName(cldNodeList[ai] , "value").firstChild.nodeValue);
totalValue = cValue;
var startAngle = 0;
var angleOffset = 0;
for(var ai = 0 ; ai < totalCount - 1 ; ai ){
if(sn != ai){
startAngle = (ai % 2 == 0) ? Math.floor(valueArray[ai] / totalValue * 360 * 65536) : Math.ceil(valueArray[ai] / totalValue * 360 * 65536);
angleOffset = ((ai % 2 == 0) ? Math.floor(valueArray[ai] / totalValue * 360 * 65536) : Math.ceil(valueArray[ai] / totalValue * 360 * 65536));
if(sn == (totalCount - 1)){
angleOffset = 360 * 65536 - startAngle;
$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cStartAngle = startAngle;
$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.angleOffset = angleOffset;
//construct the path attribute value.
var sPath;
sPath = "m0,0ae0,0,850,850," startAngle "," angleOffset "xe";
var str;
str = Math.floor($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 8);
var sn;
sn = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cSN;
var totalCount = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sectorCount;
//compute color.
var ar = $System.UI.ColorUtil.genColorArrayOnItemNum(totalCount , 1 , 0.7);
sColor = "rgb(" ar[sn].r " " ar[sn].g " " ar[sn].b ")";
var skewangle;
skewangle = 90;
var strStyle;
strStyle = "border:0px solid red;position:absolute;left:" $$("#ctrlid#").$$ "px;top:" $$("#ctrlid#").$$ "px;width:" $$("#ctrlid#").$$ "px;height:" $$("#ctrlid#").$$ "px;";
var startAngle = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cStartAngle / 65536;
if(startAngle == 0){
strStyle = "z-index:" $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cIndex;
else if(startAngle < 90 && startAngle > 0){
strStyle = "z-index:" (--$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cIndex);
else if(startAngle >=90 && startAngle < 270){
$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cIndex = 2;
strStyle = "z-index:" $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cIndex;
strStyle = "z-index:" (--$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cIndex);
var domid = $System.genGUID();
var startAngle = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cStartAngle;
var offsetAngle = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.angleOffset;
var angleLine = ($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cStartAngle + $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.angleOffset / 2) / 65536;
var str;
str = "$$('#ctrlid#').$$secret.codebehind.sectorOnMouseOver('#titleid#' , " + startAngle + " , " + offsetAngle + " , " + angleLine + " , " + $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad + ")";
var angleLine = ($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cStartAngle + $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.angleOffset / 2) / 65536;
var str;
str = "$$('#ctrlid#').$$secret.codebehind.sectorOnMouseOut('#titleid#' , " + startAngle + " , " + offsetAngle + " , " + angleLine + " , " + $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad + ")";
var pContainer = $$("#ctrlid#").getDomObject();
var strStyle;
var h = - Math.floor($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 4) - Math.floor($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 8);
var l = $$("#ctrlid#").$$ + $$("#ctrlid#").$$ + Math.ceil($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 10);
var w = Math.ceil($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.maxItemNameLength / 8) * $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad + Math.ceil($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 12);
strStyle = "border:solid 0px #FF0000;position:absolute;left:" + l + "px;top:" + Math.floor($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 4) + "px;width:" + w + "px;height:" + h + "px;";
var pContainer = $$("#ctrlid#").getDomObject();
var h;
h = - Math.floor($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 4) - Math.floor($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 8);
var strStyle;
var hw = Math.floor($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 10);
strStyle = "margin:0px;position:relative;top:0px;left:0px;border:0px solid #FF0000;width:" hw "px;height:" hw "px;padding:0px;";
var strStyle;
var hw = Math.floor($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 10);
strStyle = "margin:0px;position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:" hw "px;height:" hw "px;";
if($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sampleI == null){
$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sampleI = 0;
var sColor;
var sn = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sampleI;
var totalCount = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sectorCount;
//compute color.
var ar = $System.UI.ColorUtil.genColorArrayOnItemNum(totalCount , 1 , 0.7);
//$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cColumnFillColor = ar[sn].r + "," +ar[sn].g + "," +ar[sn].b;
sColor = "rgb(" + ar[sn].r + " " + ar[sn].g + " " + ar[sn].b + ")";
var sColor;
var sn = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sampleI;
var totalCount = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sectorCount;
//compute color.
var ar = $System.UI.ColorUtil.genColorArrayOnItemNum(totalCount , 0.5 , 1);
//$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cColumnFillColor = ar[sn].r + "," +ar[sn].g + "," +ar[sn].b;
sColor = "rgb(" + ar[sn].r + " " + ar[sn].g + " " + ar[sn].b + ")";
var ww;
ww = Math.max(Math.floor($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 30) , 5);
var strStyle;
var hw = Math.floor($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 8);
strStyle = "margin:0px;padding:0px;height:" + hw + "px;line-height:1px;";
var fs = Math.ceil($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 15) > 9 ? Math.ceil($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 15) : 9;
strStyle = "padding:0px;margin:0px;height:1px;line-height:" + fs + "px;font-size:" + fs +"px;font-weight:bold;font-family: 'Microsoft YaHei',SimHei,Helvetica,STHeiti,Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;";
var w = $$("#ctrlid#").getDomStyle("pixelWidth");
var h = Math.floor($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 6);
var fs = h > 14 ? h : 14;
strStyle = "padding-top:" Math.floor(fs / 4) "px;font-size:" fs "px;text-align:center;border:solid 0px #FF0000;position:absolute;left:0px;top :0px;width:" w "px;height:" (fs Math.floor(fs / 4)) "px;line-height" (fs Math.floor(fs / 4)) "px;font-weight:bold ;font-family: 'Microsoft YaHei',SimHei,Helvetica,STHeiti,Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;";
< /expression>
Convert code
var ctrl1 = new $System.UI. Control("div005");
var srcdoc = $System.XML.XMLUtil.loadXMLFile("ria09\style\xmls\graph_src.xml");
var tpldoc = $System.XML.XMLUtil.loadXMLFile( "ria09\style\xmls\graph_3dpie_tpl.xml");
ctrl1.renderE(srcdoc, tpldoc);
Conversion result

Code download Statement:The content of this article is voluntarily contributed by netizens, and the copyright belongs to the original author. This site does not assume corresponding legal responsibility. If you find any content suspected of plagiarism or infringement, please contact