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moodle config-dist.php -> config.php 一切都在这里,需的加点注释

2016-06-13 12:29:091897browse

moodle config-dist.php -> config.php 一切都在这里,需要的加点注释


<?php /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                                                       //// Moodle configuration file                                             ////                                                                       //// This file should be renamed "config.php" in the top-level directory   ////                                                                       ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                                                       //// NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT                                                   ////                                                                       //// Moodle - Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment         ////          http://moodle.org                                            ////                                                                       //// Copyright (C) 1999 onwards  Martin Dougiamas  http://moodle.com       ////                                                                       //// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  //// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  //// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or     //// (at your option) any later version.                                   ////                                                                       //// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       //// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        //// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the         //// GNU General Public License for more details:                          ////                                                                       ////          http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html                         ////                                                                       /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////unset($CFG);  // Ignore this lineglobal $CFG;  // This is necessary here for PHPUnit execution$CFG = new stdClass();//=========================================================================// 1. DATABASE SETUP//=========================================================================// First, you need to configure the database where all Moodle data       //// will be stored.  This database must already have been created         //// and a username/password created to access it.                         //$CFG->dbtype    = 'pgsql';      // 'pgsql', 'mariadb', 'mysqli', 'mssql', 'sqlsrv' or 'oci'$CFG->dblibrary = 'native';     // 'native' only at the moment$CFG->dbhost    = 'localhost';  // eg 'localhost' or 'db.isp.com' or IP$CFG->dbname    = 'moodle';     // database name, eg moodle$CFG->dbuser    = 'username';   // your database username$CFG->dbpass    = 'password';   // your database password$CFG->prefix    = 'mdl_';       // prefix to use for all table names$CFG->dboptions = array(    'dbpersist' => false,       // should persistent database connections be                                //  used? set to 'false' for the most stable                                //  setting, 'true' can improve performance                                //  sometimes    'dbsocket'  => false,       // should connection via UNIX socket be used?                                //  if you set it to 'true' or custom path                                //  here set dbhost to 'localhost',                                //  (please note mysql is always using socket                                //  if dbhost is 'localhost' - if you need                                //  local port connection use '')    'dbport'    => '',          // the TCP port number to use when connecting                                //  to the server. keep empty string for the                                //  default port);//=========================================================================// 2. WEB SITE LOCATION//=========================================================================// Now you need to tell Moodle where it is located. Specify the full// web address to where moodle has been installed.  If your web site// is accessible via multiple URLs then choose the most natural one// that your students would use.  Do not include a trailing slash//// If you need both intranet and Internet access please read// http://docs.moodle.org/en/masquerading$CFG->wwwroot   = 'http://example.com/moodle';//=========================================================================// 3. DATA FILES LOCATION//=========================================================================// Now you need a place where Moodle can save uploaded files.  This// directory should be readable AND WRITEABLE by the web server user// (usually 'nobody' or 'apache'), but it should not be accessible// directly via the web.//// - On hosting systems you might need to make sure that your "group" has//   no permissions at all, but that "others" have full permissions.//// - On Windows systems you might specify something like 'c:\moodledata'$CFG->dataroot  = '/home/example/moodledata';//=========================================================================// 4. DATA FILES PERMISSIONS//=========================================================================// The following parameter sets the permissions of new directories// created by Moodle within the data directory.  The format is in// octal format (as used by the Unix utility chmod, for example).// The default is usually OK, but you may want to change it to 0750// if you are concerned about world-access to the files (you will need// to make sure the web server process (eg Apache) can access the files.// NOTE: the prefixed 0 is important, and don't use quotes.$CFG->directorypermissions = 02777;//=========================================================================// 5. DIRECTORY LOCATION  (most people can just ignore this setting)//=========================================================================// A very few webhosts use /admin as a special URL for you to access a// control panel or something.  Unfortunately this conflicts with the// standard location for the Moodle admin pages.  You can work around this// by renaming the admin directory in your installation, and putting that// new name here.  eg "moodleadmin".  This should fix all admin links in Moodle.// After any change you need to visit your new admin directory// and purge all caches.$CFG->admin = 'admin';//=========================================================================// 6. OTHER MISCELLANEOUS SETTINGS (ignore these for new installations)//=========================================================================//// These are additional tweaks for which no GUI exists in Moodle yet.//// Starting in PHP 5.3 administrators should specify default timezone// in PHP.ini, you can also specify it here if needed.// See details at: http://php.net/manual/en/function.date-default-timezone-set.php// List of time zones at: http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php//     date_default_timezone_set('Australia/Perth');//// Change the key pair lifetime for Moodle Networking// The default is 28 days. You would only want to change this if the key// was not getting regenerated for any reason. You would probably want// make it much longer. Note that you'll need to delete and manually update// any existing key.//      $CFG->mnetkeylifetime = 28;//// Not recommended: Set the following to true to allow the use// off non-Moodle standard characters in usernames.//      $CFG->extendedusernamechars = true;//// Allow user passwords to be included in backup files. Very dangerous// setting as far as it publishes password hashes that can be unencrypted// if the backup file is publicy available. Use it only if you can guarantee// that all your backup files remain only privacy available and are never// shared out from your site/institution!//      $CFG->includeuserpasswordsinbackup = true;//// Completely disable user creation when restoring a course, bypassing any// permissions granted via roles and capabilities. Enabling this setting// results in the restore process stopping when a user attempts to restore a// course requiring users to be created.//     $CFG->disableusercreationonrestore = true;//// Keep the temporary directories used by backup and restore without being// deleted at the end of the process. Use it if you want to debug / view// all the information stored there after the process has ended. Note that// those directories may be deleted (after some ttl) both by cron and / or// by new backup / restore invocations.//     $CFG->keeptempdirectoriesonbackup = true;//// Modify the restore process in order to force the "user checks" to assume// that the backup originated from a different site, so detection of matching// users is performed with different (more "relaxed") rules. Note that this is// only useful if the backup file has been created using Moodle forcedifferentsitecheckingusersonrestore = true;//// Force the backup system to continue to create backups in the legacy zip// format instead of the new tgz format. Does not affect restore, which// auto-detects the underlying file format.//    $CFG->usezipbackups = true;//// Prevent stats processing and hide the GUI//      $CFG->disablestatsprocessing = true;//// Setting this to true will enable admins to edit any post at any time//      $CFG->admineditalways = true;//// These variables define DEFAULT block variables for new courses// If this one is set it overrides all others and is the only one used.//      $CFG->defaultblocks_override = 'participants,activity_modules,search_forums,course_list:news_items,calendar_upcoming,recent_activity';//// These variables define the specific settings for defined course formats.// They override any settings defined in the formats own config file.//      $CFG->defaultblocks_site = 'site_main_menu,course_list:course_summary,calendar_month';//      $CFG->defaultblocks_social = 'participants,search_forums,calendar_month,calendar_upcoming,social_activities,recent_activity,course_list';//      $CFG->defaultblocks_topics = 'participants,activity_modules,search_forums,course_list:news_items,calendar_upcoming,recent_activity';//      $CFG->defaultblocks_weeks = 'participants,activity_modules,search_forums,course_list:news_items,calendar_upcoming,recent_activity';//// These blocks are used when no other default setting is found.//      $CFG->defaultblocks = 'participants,activity_modules,search_forums,course_list:news_items,calendar_upcoming,recent_activity';//// You can specify a different class to be created for the $PAGE global, and to// compute which blocks appear on each page. However, I cannot think of any good// reason why you would need to change that. It just felt wrong to hard-code the// the class name. You are strongly advised not to use these to settings unless// you are absolutely sure you know what you are doing.//      $CFG->moodlepageclass = 'moodle_page';//      $CFG->moodlepageclassfile = "$CFG->dirroot/local/myplugin/mypageclass.php";//      $CFG->blockmanagerclass = 'block_manager';//      $CFG->blockmanagerclassfile = "$CFG->dirroot/local/myplugin/myblockamanagerclass.php";//// Seconds for files to remain in caches. Decrease this if you are worried// about students being served outdated versions of uploaded files.//     $CFG->filelifetime = 60*60*6;//// Some web servers can offload the file serving from PHP process,// comment out one the following options to enable it in Moodle://     $CFG->xsendfile = 'X-Sendfile';           // Apache [email protected] https://tn123.org/mod_xsendfile/}//     $CFG->xsendfile = 'X-LIGHTTPD-send-file'; // Lighttpd [email protected] http://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/lighttpd/wiki/X-LIGHTTPD-send-file}//     $CFG->xsendfile = 'X-Accel-Redirect';     // Nginx [email protected] http://wiki.nginx.org/XSendfile}// If your X-Sendfile implementation (usually Nginx) uses directory aliases specify them// in the following array setting://     $CFG->xsendfilealiases = array(//         '/dataroot/' => $CFG->dataroot,//         '/cachedir/' => '/var/www/moodle/cache',    // for custom $CFG->cachedir locations//         '/localcachedir/' => '/var/local/cache',    // for custom $CFG->localcachedir locations//         '/tempdir/'  => '/var/www/moodle/temp',     // for custom $CFG->tempdir locations//         '/filedir'   => '/var/www/moodle/filedir',  // for custom $CFG->filedir locations//     );//// YUI caching may be sometimes improved by slasharguments://     $CFG->yuislasharguments = 1;// Some servers may need a special rewrite rule to work around internal path length limitations:// RewriteRule (^.*/theme/yui_combo\.php)(/.*) $1?file=$2////// Following settings may be used to select session driver, uncomment only one of the handlers.//   Database session handler (not compatible with MyISAM)://      $CFG->session_handler_class = '\core\session\database';//      $CFG->session_database_acquire_lock_timeout = 120;////   File session handler (file system locking required)://      $CFG->session_handler_class = '\core\session\file';//      $CFG->session_file_save_path = $CFG->dataroot.'/sessions';////   Memcached session handler (requires memcached server and extension)://      $CFG->session_handler_class = '\core\session\memcached';//      $CFG->session_memcached_save_path = '';//      $CFG->session_memcached_prefix = 'memc.sess.key.';//      $CFG->session_memcached_acquire_lock_timeout = 120;//      $CFG->session_memcached_lock_expire = 7200;       // Ignored if PECL memcached is below version 2.2.0////   Memcache session handler (requires memcached server and memcache extension)://      $CFG->session_handler_class = '\core\session\memcache';//      $CFG->session_memcache_save_path = '';//      $CFG->session_memcache_acquire_lock_timeout = 120;//      ** NOTE: Memcache extension has less features than memcached and may be//         less reliable. Use memcached where possible or if you encounter//         session problems. **//// Please be aware that when selecting either Memcached or Memcache for sessions that it is advised to use a dedicated// memcache server. The memcache and memcached extensions do not provide isolated environments for individual uses.// Using the same server for other purposes (MUC for example) can lead to sessions being prematurely removed should// the other uses of the server purge the cache.//// Following setting allows you to alter how frequently is timemodified updated in sessions table.//      $CFG->session_update_timemodified_frequency = 20; // In seconds.//// If this setting is set to true, then Moodle will track the IP of the// current user to make sure it hasn't changed during a session.  This// will prevent the possibility of sessions being hijacked via XSS, but it// may break things for users coming using proxies that change all the time,// like AOL.//      $CFG->tracksessionip = true;//// The following lines are for handling email bounces.//      $CFG->handlebounces = true;//      $CFG->minbounces = 10;//      $CFG->bounceratio = .20;// The next lines are needed both for bounce handling and any other email to module processing.// mailprefix must be EXACTLY four characters.// Uncomment and customise this block for Postfix//      $CFG->mailprefix = 'mdl+'; // + is the separator for Exim and Postfix.//      $CFG->mailprefix = 'mdl-'; // - is the separator for qmail//      $CFG->maildomain = 'youremaildomain.com';//// Enable when setting up advanced reverse proxy load balancing configurations,// it may be also necessary to enable this when using port forwarding.//      $CFG->reverseproxy = true;//// Enable when using external SSL appliance for performance reasons.// Please note that site may be accessible via http: or https:, but not both!//      $CFG->sslproxy = true;//// This setting will cause the userdate() function not to fix %d in// date strings, and just let them show with a zero prefix.//      $CFG->nofixday = true;//// This setting will make some graphs (eg user logs) use lines instead of bars//      $CFG->preferlinegraphs = true;//// Enabling this will allow custom scripts to replace existing moodle scripts.// For example: if $CFG->customscripts/course/view.php exists then// it will be used instead of $CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php// At present this will only work for files that include config.php and are called// as part of the url (index.php is implied).// Some examples are://      http://my.moodle.site/course/view.php//      http://my.moodle.site/index.php//      http://my.moodle.site/admin            (index.php implied)// Custom scripts should not include config.php// Warning: Replacing standard moodle scripts may pose security risks and/or may not// be compatible with upgrades. Use this option only if you are aware of the risks// involved.// Specify the full directory path to the custom scripts//      $CFG->customscripts = '/home/example/customscripts';//// Performance profiling////   If you set Debug to "Yes" in the Configuration->Variables page some//   performance profiling data will show up on your footer (in default theme).//   With these settings you get more granular control over the capture//   and printout of the data////   Capture performance profiling data//   define('MDL_PERF'  , true);////   Capture additional data from DB//   define('MDL_PERFDB'  , true);////   Print to log (for passive profiling of production servers)//   define('MDL_PERFTOLOG'  , true);////   Print to footer (works with the default theme)//   define('MDL_PERFTOFOOT', true);////   Enable earlier profiling that causes more code to be covered//   on every request (db connections, config load, other inits...).//   Requires extra configuration to be defined in config.php like://   profilingincluded, profilingexcluded, profilingautofrec,//   profilingallowme, profilingallowall, profilinglifetime//       $CFG->earlyprofilingenabled = true;//// Force displayed usernames//   A little hack to anonymise user names for all students.  If you set these//   then all non-teachers will always see these for every person.//       $CFG->forcefirstname = 'Bruce';//       $CFG->forcelastname  = 'Simpson';//// The following setting will turn on username logging into Apache log. For full details regarding setting// up of this function please refer to the install section of the document.//     $CFG->apacheloguser = 0; // Turn this feature off. Default value.//     $CFG->apacheloguser = 1; // Log user id.//     $CFG->apacheloguser = 2; // Log full name in cleaned format. ie, Darth Vader will be displayed as darth_vader.//     $CFG->apacheloguser = 3; // Log username.// To get the values logged in Apache's log, add to your httpd.conf// the following statements. In the General part put://     LogFormat "%h %l %{MOODLEUSER}n %t \"%r\" %s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" moodleformat// And in the part specific to your Moodle install / virtualhost://     CustomLog "/your/path/to/log" moodleformat// CAUTION: Use of this option will expose usernames in the Apache log,// If you are going to publish your log, or the output of your web stats analyzer// this will weaken the security of your website.//// Email database connection errors to someone.  If Moodle cannot connect to the// database, then email this address with a notice.////     $CFG->emailconnectionerrorsto = '[email protected]';//// Set the priority of themes from highest to lowest. This is useful (for// example) in sites where the user theme should override all other theme// settings for accessibility reasons. You can also disable types of themes// (other than site)  by removing them from the array. The default setting is://      $CFG->themeorder = array('course', 'category', 'session', 'user', 'site');// NOTE: course, category, session, user themes still require the// respective settings to be enabled//// It is possible to add extra themes directory stored outside of $CFG->dirroot.// This local directory does not have to be accessible from internet.////     $CFG->themedir = '/location/of/extra/themes';//// It is possible to specify different cache and temp directories, use local fast filesystem// for normal web servers. Server clusters MUST use shared filesystem for cachedir!// Localcachedir is intended for server clusters, it does not have to be shared by cluster nodes.// The directories must not be accessible via web.////     $CFG->tempdir = '/var/www/moodle/temp';        // Directory MUST BE SHARED by all clsuter nodes.//     $CFG->cachedir = '/var/www/moodle/cache';      // Directory MUST BE SHARED by all cluster nodes, locking required.//     $CFG->localcachedir = '/var/local/cache';      // Intended for local node caching.//// Some filesystems such as NFS may not support file locking operations.// Locking resolves race conditions and is strongly recommended for production servers.//     $CFG->preventfilelocking = false;//// Site default language can be set via standard administration interface. If you// want to have initial error messages for eventual database connection problems// localized too, you have to set your language code here.////     $CFG->lang = 'yourlangcode'; // for example 'cs'//// When Moodle is about to perform an intensive operation it raises PHP's memory// limit. The following setting should be used on large sites to set the raised// memory limit to something higher.// The value for the settings should be a valid PHP memory value. e.g. 512M, 1G////     $CFG->extramemorylimit = '1024M';//// Moodle 2.4 introduced a new cache API.// The cache API stores a configuration file within the Moodle data directory and// uses that rather than the database in order to function in a stand-alone manner.// Using altcacheconfigpath you can change the location where this config file is// looked for.// It can either be a directory in which to store the file, or the full path to the// file if you want to take full control. Either way it must be writable by the// webserver.////     $CFG->altcacheconfigpath = '/var/www/shared/moodle.cache.config.php//// The CSS files the Moodle produces can be extremely large and complex, especially// if you are using a custom theme that builds upon several other themes.// In Moodle 2.3 a CSS optimiser was added as an experimental feature for advanced// users. The CSS optimiser organises the CSS in order to reduce the overall number// of rules and styles being sent to the client. It does this by collating the// CSS before it is cached removing excess styles and rules and stripping out any// extraneous content such as comments and empty rules.// The following settings are used to enable and control the optimisation.//// Enable the CSS optimiser. This will only optimise the CSS if themedesignermode// is not enabled. This can be set through the UI however it is noted here as well// because the other CSS optimiser settings can not be set through the UI.////      $CFG->enablecssoptimiser = true;//// If set the CSS optimiser will add stats about the optimisation to the top of// the optimised CSS file. You can then inspect the CSS to see the affect the CSS// optimiser is having.////      $CFG->cssoptimiserstats = true;//// If set the CSS that is optimised will still retain a minimalistic formatting// so that anyone wanting to can still clearly read it.////      $CFG->cssoptimiserpretty = true;//// Use the following flag to completely disable the Available update notifications// feature and hide it from the server administration UI.////      $CFG->disableupdatenotifications = true;//// Use the following flag to completely disable the installation of plugins// (new plugins, available updates and missing dependencies) and related// features (such as cancelling the plugin installation or upgrade) via the// server administration web interface.////      $CFG->disableupdateautodeploy = true;//// Use the following flag to disable modifications to scheduled tasks// whilst still showing the state of tasks.////      $CFG->preventscheduledtaskchanges = true;//// As of version 2.4 Moodle serves icons as SVG images if the users browser appears// to support SVG.// For those wanting to control the serving of SVG images the following setting can// be defined in your config.php.// If it is not defined then the default (browser detection) will occur.//// To ensure they are always used when available://      $CFG->svgicons = true;//// To ensure they are never used even when available://      $CFG->svgicons = false;//// Some administration options allow setting the path to executable files. This can// potentially cause a security risk. Set this option to true to disable editing// those config settings via the web. They will need to be set explicitly in the// config.php file//      $CFG->preventexecpath = true;//// Use the following flag to set userid for noreply user. If not set then moodle will// create dummy user and use -ve value as user id.//      $CFG->noreplyuserid = -10;//// As of version 2.6 Moodle supports admin to set support user. If not set, all mails// will be sent to supportemail.//      $CFG->supportuserid = -20;//// Moodle 2.7 introduces a locking api for critical tasks (e.g. cron).// The default locking system to use is DB locking for Postgres, and file locking for// MySQL, Oracle and SQLServer. If $CFG->preventfilelocking is set, then the default// will always be DB locking. It can be manually set to one of the lock// factory classes listed below, or one of your own custom classes implementing the// \core\lock\lock_factory interface.////      $CFG->lock_factory = "auto";//// The list of available lock factories is://// "\\core\\lock\\file_lock_factory" - File locking//      Uses lock files stored by default in the dataroot. Whether this//      works on clusters depends on the file system used for the dataroot.//// "\\core\\lock\\db_record_lock_factory" - DB locking based on table rows.//// "\\core\\lock\\postgres_lock_factory" - DB locking based on postgres advisory locks.//// Settings used by the lock factories//// Location for lock files used by the File locking factory. This must exist// on a shared file system that supports locking.//      $CFG->lock_file_root = $CFG->dataroot . '/lock';//// Moodle 2.9 allows administrators to customise the list of supported file types.// To add a new filetype or override the definition of an existing one, set the// customfiletypes variable like this://// $CFG->customfiletypes = array(//     (object)array(//         'extension' => 'frog',//         'icon' => 'archive',//         'type' => 'application/frog',//         'customdescription' => 'Amphibian-related file archive'//     )// );//// The extension, icon, and type fields are required. The icon field can refer to// any icon inside the pix/f folder. You can also set the customdescription field// (shown above) and (for advanced use) the groups, string, and defaulticon fields.//// Upgrade key//// If the upgrade key is defined here, then the value must be provided every time// the site is being upgraded though the web interface, regardless of whether the// administrator is logged in or not. This prevents anonymous access to the upgrade// screens where the real authentication and authorization mechanisms can not be// relied on.//// It is strongly recommended to use a value different from your real account// password.////      $CFG->upgradekey = 'put_some_password-like_value_here';////=========================================================================// 7. SETTINGS FOR DEVELOPMENT SERVERS - not intended for production use!!!//=========================================================================//// Force a debugging mode regardless the settings in the site administration// @error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); // NOT FOR PRODUCTION SERVERS!// @ini_set('display_errors', '1');    // NOT FOR PRODUCTION SERVERS!// $CFG->debug = (E_ALL | E_STRICT);   // === DEBUG_DEVELOPER - NOT FOR PRODUCTION SERVERS!// $CFG->debugdisplay = 1;             // NOT FOR PRODUCTION SERVERS!//// You can specify a comma separated list of user ids that that always see// debug messages, this overrides the debug flag in $CFG->debug and $CFG->debugdisplay// for these users only.// $CFG->debugusers = '2';//// Prevent theme caching// $CFG->themedesignermode = true; // NOT FOR PRODUCTION SERVERS!//// Prevent JS caching// $CFG->cachejs = false; // NOT FOR PRODUCTION SERVERS!//// Restrict which YUI logging statements are shown in the browser console.// For details see the upstream documentation://   http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/api/classes/config.html#property_logInclude//   http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/api/classes/config.html#property_logExclude// $CFG->yuiloginclude = array(//     'moodle-core-dock-loader' => true,//     'moodle-course-categoryexpander' => true,// );// $CFG->yuilogexclude = array(//     'moodle-core-dock' => true,//     'moodle-core-notification' => true,// );//// Set the minimum log level for YUI logging statements.// For details see the upstream documentation://   http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/api/classes/config.html#property_logLevel// $CFG->yuiloglevel = 'debug';//// Prevent core_string_manager application caching// $CFG->langstringcache = false; // NOT FOR PRODUCTION SERVERS!//// When working with production data on test servers, no emails or other messages// should ever be send to real users// $CFG->noemailever = true;    // NOT FOR PRODUCTION SERVERS!//// Divert all outgoing emails to this address to test and debug emailing features// $CFG->divertallemailsto = '[email protected]'; // NOT FOR PRODUCTION SERVERS!//// Uncomment if you want to allow empty comments when modifying install.xml files.// $CFG->xmldbdisablecommentchecking = true;    // NOT FOR PRODUCTION SERVERS!//// Since 2.0 sql queries are not shown during upgrade by default.// Please note that this setting may produce very long upgrade page on large sites.// $CFG->upgradeshowsql = true; // NOT FOR PRODUCTION SERVERS!//// Add SQL queries to the output of cron, just before their execution// $CFG->showcronsql = true;//// Force developer level debug and add debug info to the output of cron// $CFG->showcrondebugging = true;////=========================================================================// 8. FORCED SETTINGS//=========================================================================// It is possible to specify normal admin settings here, the point is that// they can not be changed through the standard admin settings pages any more.//// Core settings are specified directly via assignment to $CFG variable.// Example://   $CFG->somecoresetting = 'value';//// Plugin settings have to be put into a special array.// Example://   $CFG->forced_plugin_settings = array('pluginname'  => array('settingname' => 'value', 'secondsetting' => 'othervalue'),//                                        'otherplugin' => array('mysetting' => 'myvalue', 'thesetting' => 'thevalue'));// Module default settings with advanced/locked checkboxes can be set too. To do this, add// an extra config with '_adv' or '_locked' as a suffix and set the value to true or false.// Example://   $CFG->forced_plugin_settings = array('pluginname'  => array('settingname' => 'value', 'settingname_locked' => true, 'settingname_adv' => true));////=========================================================================// 9. PHPUNIT SUPPORT//=========================================================================// $CFG->phpunit_prefix = 'phpu_';// $CFG->phpunit_dataroot = '/home/example/phpu_moodledata';// $CFG->phpunit_directorypermissions = 02777; // optional//////=========================================================================// 10. SECRET PASSWORD SALT//=========================================================================// A site-wide password salt is no longer used in new installations.// If upgrading from 2.6 or older, keep all existing salts in config.php file.//// $CFG->passwordsaltmain = '[email protected]&*1';//// You may also have some alternative salts to allow migration from previously// used salts.//// $CFG->passwordsaltalt1 = '';// $CFG->passwordsaltalt2 = '';// $CFG->passwordsaltalt3 = '';// ....// $CFG->passwordsaltalt19 = '';// $CFG->passwordsaltalt20 = '';//////=========================================================================// 11. BEHAT SUPPORT//=========================================================================// Behat test site needs a unique www root, data directory and database prefix://// $CFG->behat_wwwroot = '';// $CFG->behat_prefix = 'bht_';// $CFG->behat_dataroot = '/home/example/bht_moodledata';//// You can override default Moodle configuration for Behat and add your own// params; here you can add more profiles, use different Mink drivers than Selenium...// These params would be merged with the default Moodle behat.yml, giving priority// to the ones specified here. The array format is YAML, following the Behat// params hierarchy. More info: http://docs.behat.org/guides/7.config.html// Example://   $CFG->behat_config = array(//       'default' => array(//           'formatter' => array(//               'name' => 'pretty',//               'parameters' => array(//                   'decorated' => true,//                   'verbose' => false//               )//           )//       ),//       'Mac-Firefox' => array(//           'extensions' => array(//               'Behat\MinkExtension\Extension' => array(//                   'selenium2' => array(//                       'browser' => 'firefox',//                       'capabilities' => array(//                           'platform' => 'OS X 10.6',//                           'version' => 20//                       )//                   )//               )//           )//       ),//       'Mac-Safari' => array(//           'extensions' => array(//               'Behat\MinkExtension\Extension' => array(//                   'selenium2' => array(//                       'browser' => 'safari',//                       'capabilities' => array(//                           'platform' => 'OS X 10.8',//                           'version' => 6//                       )//                   )//               )//           )//       )//   );//// You can force the browser session (not user's sessions) to restart after N seconds. This could// be useful if you are using a cloud-based service with time restrictions in the browser side.// Setting this value the browser session that Behat is using will be restarted. Set the time in// seconds. Is not recommended to use this setting if you don't explicitly need it.// Example://   $CFG->behat_restart_browser_after = 7200;     // Restarts the browser session after 2 hours//// All this page's extra Moodle settings are compared against a white list of allowed settings// (the basic and behat_* ones) to avoid problems with production environments. This setting can be// used to expand the default white list with an array of extra settings.// Example://   $CFG->behat_extraallowedsettings = array('somecoresetting', ...);//// You should explicitly allow the usage of the deprecated behat steps, otherwise an exception will// be thrown when using them. The setting is disabled by default.// Example://   $CFG->behat_usedeprecated = true;//// Including feature files from directories outside the dirroot is possible if required. The setting// requires that the running user has executable permissions on all parent directories in the paths.// Example://   $CFG->behat_additionalfeatures = array('/home/developer/code/wipfeatures');//// You can make behat save several dumps when a scenario fails. The dumps currently saved are:// * a dump of the DOM in it's state at the time of failure; and// * a screenshot (JavaScript is required for the screenshot functionality, so not all browsers support this option)// Example://   $CFG->behat_faildump_path = '/my/path/to/save/failure/dumps';//// You can specify db, selenium wd_host etc. for behat parallel run by setting following variable.// Example://   $CFG->behat_parallel_run = array (//       array (//           'dbtype' => 'mysqli',//           'dblibrary' => 'native',//           'dbhost' => 'localhost',//           'dbname' => 'moodletest',//           'dbuser' => 'moodle',//           'dbpass' => 'moodle',//           'behat_prefix' => 'mdl_',//           'wd_host' => '',//           'behat_wwwroot' => '',//           'behat_dataroot' => '/home/example/bht_moodledata'//       ),//   );//// To change name of behat parallel run site, define BEHAT_PARALLEL_SITE_NAME and parallel run sites will be suffixed// with this value// Example://   define('BEHAT_PARALLEL_SITE_NAME', 'behatparallelsite');//// Command line output for parallel behat install is limited to 80 chars, if you are installing more then 4 sites and// want to expand output to more then 80 chars, then define BEHAT_MAX_CMD_LINE_OUTPUT// Example://   define('BEHAT_MAX_CMD_LINE_OUTPUT', 120);//// Behat feature files will be distributed randomly between the processes by default. If you have timing file or want// to create timing file then define BEHAT_FEATURE_TIMING_FILE with path to timing file. It will be updated for each// run with latest time taken to execute feature.// Example://   define('BEHAT_FEATURE_TIMING_FILE', '/PATH_TO_TIMING_FILE/timing.json');//// If you don't have timing file and want some stable distribution of features, then you can use step counts to// distribute the features. You can generate step file by executing php admin/tool/behat/cli/util.php --updatesteps// this will update step file which is defined by BEHAT_FEATURE_STEP_FILE.// Example://   define('BEHAT_FEATURE_STEP_FILE', '/PATH_TO_FEATURE_STEP_COUNT_FILE/stepcount.json');//// Feature distribution for each process is displayed as histogram. you can disable it by setting// BEHAT_DISABLE_HISTOGRAM// Example://   define('BEHAT_DISABLE_HISTOGRAM', true);////=========================================================================// 12. DEVELOPER DATA GENERATOR//=========================================================================//// The developer data generator tool is intended to be used only in development or testing sites and// it's usage in production environments is not recommended; if it is used to create JMeter test plans// is even less recommended as JMeter needs to log in as site course users. JMeter needs to know the// users passwords but would be dangerous to have a default password as everybody would know it, which would// be specially dangerouse if somebody uses this tool in a production site, so in order to prevent unintended// uses of the tool and undesired accesses as well, is compulsory to set a password for the users// generated by this tool, but only in case you want to generate a JMeter test. The value should be a string.// Example://   $CFG->tool_generator_users_password = 'examplepassword';////=========================================================================// 13. SYSTEM PATHS (You need to set following, depending on your system)//=========================================================================// Ghostscript path.// On most Linux installs, this can be left as '/usr/bin/gs'.// On Windows it will be something like 'c:\gs\bin\gswin32c.exe' (make sure// there are no spaces in the path - if necessary copy the files 'gswin32c.exe'// and 'gsdll32.dll' to a new folder without a space in the path)//      $CFG->pathtogs = '/usr/bin/gs';//// Clam AV path.// Probably something like /usr/bin/clamscan or /usr/bin/clamdscan. You need// this in order for clam AV to run.//      $CFG->pathtoclam = '';//// Path to du.// Probably something like /usr/bin/du. If you enter this, pages that display// directory contents will run much faster for directories with a lot of files.//      $CFG->pathtodu = '';//// Path to aspell.// To use spell-checking within the editor, you MUST have aspell 0.50 or later// installed on your server, and you must specify the correct path to access the// aspell binary. On Unix/Linux systems, this path is usually /usr/bin/aspell,// but it might be something else.//      $CFG->aspellpath = '';//// Path to dot.// Probably something like /usr/bin/dot. To be able to generate graphics from// DOT files, you must have installed the dot executable and point to it here.// Note that, for now, this only used by the profiling features// (Development->Profiling) built into Moodle.//      $CFG->pathtodot = '';//=========================================================================// ALL DONE!  To continue installation, visit your main page with a browser//=========================================================================require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/setup.php'); // Do not edit// There is no php closing tag in this file,// it is intentional because it prevents trailing whitespace problems!

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