jQ’s ui has it, and YUI’s widget has it too. Moreover, the packaging is solid and the compatibility and versatility are very good. So while the code is being improved, the amount of code will naturally not be reduced. Even if it is built on a basic library, the code is hundreds of lines. You may not need such a complete function when you actually use it. Let's just write something simple, enough for our own use. Furthermore, some friends have pointed out in the past that the things I post are just for entertainment and have little practicality. This time, I will treat it as a beginning and throw a brick. In the future, I will post something with some practicality from time to time.
var DatePicker = function () { var $ = function (i) {return document.getElementById(i)}, addEvent = function (o, e, f) {o.addEventListener ? o.addEventListener(e, f, false) : o.attachEvent('on' e, function(){f.call(o)})}, getPos = function (el) { for (var pos = {x:0, y:0}; el; el = el.offsetParent) { pos.x = el.offsetLeft; pos.y = el.offsetTop; } return pos; }
var init = function (n, config) { window[n] = this; Date.prototype._fd = function () {var d = new Date(this); d.setDate(1); return d.getDay()}; Date.prototype._fc = function () {var d1 = new Date(this), d2 = new Date(this); d1.setDate(1); d2.setDate(1); d2.setMonth(d2.getMonth() 1); return (d2-d1)/86400000;}; this.n = n; this.config = config; this.D = new Date; this.el = $(config.inputId); this.el.title = this.n 'DatePicker';
this.update(); this.bind(); } init.prototype = {
update : function (y, m) { var con = [], week = ['Su','Mo','Tu','We','Th','Fr','Sa'], D = this.D, _this = this; fn = function (a, b) {return '
' b '
'}, _html = '
'; y && D.setYear(D.getFullYear() y); m && D.setMonth(D.getMonth() m); var year = D.getFullYear(), month = D.getMonth() 1, date = D.getDate(); for (var i=0; i' week[i] ''); for (var i=0; i '); for (var i=0; i' (i 1) ''); var toend = con.length%7; if (toend != 0) for (var i=0; i<7-toend; i ) con.push('
'); _html = '
' fn("-1, null", "<<") fn("null, -1", "<") '
' year '/' month '/' date '
' fn("null, 1", ">") fn("1, null", ">>") '
'; for (var i=0; i' : i%7==0 ? '
' : '') con[i] (i == con.length-1 ? '
' : ''); !!this.box ? this.box.innerHTML = _html : this.createBox(_html); }, fillInput : function (y, m, d) { var s = this.config.seprator || '/'; this.el.value = y s m s d; this.box.style.display = 'none'; }, show : function () { var s = this.box.style, is = this.mask.style; s['left'] = is['left'] = getPos(this.el).x 'px'; s['top'] = is['top'] = getPos(this.el).y this.el.offsetHeight 'px'; s['display'] = is['display'] = 'block'; is['width'] = this.box.offsetWidth - 2 'px'; is['height'] = this.box.offsetHeight - 2 'px'; }, hide : function () { this.box.style.display = 'none'; this.mask.style.display = 'none'; }, bind : function () { var _this = this; addEvent(document, 'click', function (e) { e = e || window.event; var t = e.target || e.srcElement; if (t.title != _this.n 'DatePicker') {_this.hide()} else {_this.show()} }) }, createBox : function (html) { var box = this.box = document.createElement('div'), mask = this.mask = document.createElement('iframe'); box.className = this.config.className || 'datepicker'; mask.src = 'javascript:false'; mask.frameBorder = 0; box.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;display:none;z-index:9999'; mask.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;display:none;z-index:9998'; box.title = this.n 'DatePicker'; box.innerHTML = html; document.body.appendChild(box); document.body.appendChild(mask);
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