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2016-06-13 12:05:31754browse

前几天有朋友希望得到 ThinkPHP 全部函数和类定义的文档。手工整理出来也的确很费事。
为此,用 php 的反射功能写了一个程序。

if(isset($_GET['fn'])) new appdoc($_GET['fn']);<br />else {<br />	$path = 'ThinkPHP';<br />	//$path = 'phpcms';<br />	//$path = 'wordpress';<br /><br />	new appdoc(realpath($path));<br />}<br /><br />class appdoc {<br />  private $data = array();<br />  private $next = array();<br />  function __construct($path='') {<br />	if(is_array($path) || is_file($path)) return $this->analysis($path);<br /><br />	$res = glob($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*', GLOB_NOSORT);<br />	$next = array();<br />	for($i=0; $i<count($res); $i++) {<br />		$fn = $res[$i];<br />		if(is_dir($fn)) {<br />			$res = array_merge($res, glob($fn . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*', GLOB_NOSORT));<br />			continue;<br />		}<br />		if(! in_array(pathinfo($fn, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), array('php', 'inc'))) continue;<br />		$s = $this->save($this->load($fn));<br />		if($s) $this->next[$s] = $fn;<br />	}<br />	$this->checknext();<br /><br />	$s = join(PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL, $this->data);<br />	if(mb_check_encoding($s, 'utf-8')) $s = iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', $s);<br />	header("Content-type: text/plain;charset=gbk");<br />	echo $s, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;<br />	echo '文件列表' . PHP_EOL;<br />	echo join(PHP_EOL, $res);<br />	if($this->next) {<br />		echo PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '残余的' . PHP_EOL;<br />		print_r($this->next);<br />	}<br />  }<br />  private function load($fn) {<br />	$u = is_array($fn) ? http_build_query(array('fn' => array_values($fn))) : "fn=$fn";<br />	$url = "http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?$u";<br />	$curl = curl_init();<br />	curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);<br />	curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);<br />	return curl_exec($curl);<br />  }<br />  private function checknext() {<br />	foreach($this->next as $s=>$fn) {<br />		switch(1) {<br />			case is_numeric($s): break;<br />			case preg_match("/Class '(\w+)' not found/", $s, $m) :<br />				$m = preg_quote($m[1]);<br />				foreach(preg_grep("/class $m/i", $this->data) as $r) {;<br />					if(preg_match('/@@\s+(\S+)/', $r, $m)) {<br />						array_unshift($this->next, $m[1]);<br />						break;<br />					}<br />				}<br />				break;<br />		}<br />	}<br />	$u = http_build_query(array('fn' => array_values($this->next)));<br /><br />	$s = $this->save($this->load($this->next));<br />	$this->next = array();<br /><br />	if(empty($s)) unset($this->next[$s]);<br />	else $this->next[] = $s;<br />  }<br />  private function save($s) {<br />	if(empty($s) || preg_match('/~runtime.php/i', $s)) return '';<br />	if(preg_match('#<b>Fatal error</b>#', $s)) return $s;<br />	$t = array();<br />	$ar = preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", $s);<br />	foreach($ar as $i=>$v) {<br />		$t[] = $v;<br />		if($v == '}') {<br />			$t = join(PHP_EOL, $t);<br />			if(! in_array($t, $this->data))	$this->data[] = $t;<br />			$t = array();<br />		}<br />	}<br />	return '';<br />  }<br />  private function import($fn) {<br />	ob_start();<br />	if(is_array($fn)) foreach($fn as $f) include_once($f);<br />	else include_once($fn);<br />	ob_end_clean();<br />  }<br />  private function analysis($fn) {<br />	if(! is_array($fn) && preg_match('/~runtime.php$/i', $fn)) return;<br />	$last = get_defined_constants();<br />	$this->import($fn);<br />	if($t = array_diff($last, get_defined_constants())) {<br />		echo 'Constants' . join(PHP_EOL . "\t", $t) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;<br />	}<br />	foreach(get_defined_functions()['user'] as $name) {<br />		$func = new ReflectionFunction($name);<br />		Reflection::export($func);<br />	}<br />	foreach(get_declared_classes() as $name) {<br />		if(__CLASS__ == $name) continue;<br />		$class = new ReflectionClass($name);<br />		if($class->isUserDefined()) {<br />			Reflection::export($class);<br />		}<br />	}<br />	foreach(get_declared_interfaces() as $name) {<br />		$interfaces = new ReflectionClass($name);<br />		if($interfaces->isUserDefined()) {<br />			Reflection::export($interfaces);<br />		}<br />	}<br />  }<br />}<br />


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