jquery implements uploaded images and image size verification, image preview effect code
Uploaded image verification
function submit_upload_picture(){
var file = $('file_c').value;
if(!/.(gif|jpg |jpeg|png|gif|jpg|png)$/.test(file)){
alert("The picture type must be one of .gif, jpeg, jpg, png")

$('display_div').setstyle('display', 'block');
$ ('upload_div').setstyle('display', 'none');
//Example 3
function viewimg(index) {
var name = 'uploadimg' index;
var imgup = $(name);
var imgpath = getpath(imgup);
var local = imgup.value;
var point = local.lastindexof(".");
//Determine the size of the uploaded file
var img = document.createelement("img");
img.src = local;
var filesize = img.filesize;
img.onload = function (){filesize=this.filesize;}
alert("The image file is too large! ");
return false;
//Determine whether it is an image format
var imgname = imgup.value.substring(imgup.value.lastindexof("."), imgup.value. length);
imgname = imgname.tolowercase();
if ((imgname != ".jpg") && (imgname != ".gif") && (imgname != ".jpeg") && ( imgname != ".png") && (imgname != ".bmp")) {
//Clear the value in file www.3ppt.com
} else {
//Display image
document.getelementbyid("sig_preview" index) .innerhtml = "

if (index >=3){
var cnt = index 1;
$("img" cnt).style. display = "";