Yesterday, when I used JS to calculate the front-end floating point numbers, I found:
0.05 1.08=1.1300000000000001
I checked online that this kind of bug does exist, and there is no good method except controlling the number of digits (I hope experts can Suggest
other ideas).
So I wrote a JS method to control the number of decimal places to solve the urgent need of development
//Decimal number control, can be rounded
function Fractional(n) {
//The number of decimal places to retain
var bit = 2;
//After adding the decimal point To extend 1 digit
//Convert number to string
n = n.toString();
//Get the decimal point position
var point = n.indexOf('. ');
//The length of n is greater than the length of reserved digits
if (n.length > point bit) {
//Whether the reserved decimal digit is greater than 4, greater than 4 carry
if (parseInt(n.substring(point bit, point bit 1)) > 4) {
return n.substring(0, point) "." (parseInt(n.substring(point 1, point bit)) 1);
else {
return n.substring(0, point) n.substring(point, point bit);
return n;
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