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2016-06-13 11:40:091398browse



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function ImageCreateFromBMP( $filename )
if ( ! $f1 = fopen ( $filename , "rb" )) return FALSE ;

$FILE = unpack ( "vfile_type/Vfile_size/Vreserved/Vbitmap_offset" , fread ( $f1 , 14 ));
if ( $FILE [ 'file_type' ] != 19778 ) return FALSE ;

$BMP = unpack ( 'Vheader_size/Vwidth/Vheight/vplanes/vbits_per_pixel' . '/Vcompression/Vsize_bitmap/Vhoriz_resolution' .
'/Vvert_resolution/Vcolors_used/Vcolors_important' , fread ( $f1 , 40 ));
$BMP [ 'colors' ] = pow ( 2 , $BMP [ 'bits_per_pixel' ]);
if ( $BMP [ 'size_bitmap' ] == 0 ) $BMP [ 'size_bitmap' ] = $FILE [ 'file_size' ] - $FILE [ 'bitmap_offset' ];
$BMP [ 'bytes_per_pixel' ] = $BMP [ 'bits_per_pixel' ] / 8 ;
$BMP [ 'bytes_per_pixel2' ] = ceil ( $BMP [ 'bytes_per_pixel' ]);
$BMP [ 'decal' ] = ( $BMP [ 'width' ] * $BMP [ 'bytes_per_pixel' ] / 4 );
$BMP [ 'decal' ] -= floor ( $BMP [ 'width' ] * $BMP [ 'bytes_per_pixel' ] / 4 );
$BMP [ 'decal' ] = 4 - ( 4 * $BMP [ 'decal' ]);
if ( $BMP [ 'decal' ] == 4 ) $BMP [ 'decal' ] = 0 ;

$PALETTE = array ();
if ( $BMP [ 'colors' ] {
$PALETTE = unpack ( 'V' . $BMP [ 'colors' ] , fread ( $f1 , $BMP [ 'colors' ] * 4 ));

$IMG = fread ( $f1 , $BMP [ 'size_bitmap' ]);
$VIDE = chr ( 0 );
$res = imagecreatetruecolor( $BMP [ 'width' ] , $BMP [ 'height' ]);
$P = 0 ;
$Y = $BMP [ 'height' ] - 1 ;
while ( $Y >= 0 )
$X = 0 ;
while ( $X {
if ( $BMP [ 'bits_per_pixel' ] == 24 )
$COLOR = unpack ( "V" , substr ( $IMG , $P , 3 ) . $VIDE );
elseif ( $BMP [ 'bits_per_pixel' ] == 16 )
$COLOR = unpack ( "n" , substr ( $IMG , $P , 2 ));
$COLOR [ 1 ] = $PALETTE [ $COLOR [ 1 ] + 1 ];
elseif ( $BMP [ 'bits_per_pixel' ] == 8 )
$COLOR = unpack ( "n" , $VIDE . substr ( $IMG , $P , 1 ));
$COLOR [ 1 ] = $PALETTE [ $COLOR [ 1 ] + 1 ];
elseif ( $BMP [ 'bits_per_pixel' ] == 4 )
$COLOR = unpack ( "n" , $VIDE . substr ( $IMG , floor ( $P ) , 1 ));
if (( $P * 2 ) % 2 == 0 ) $COLOR [ 1 ] = ( $COLOR [ 1 ] >> 4 ) ; else $COLOR [ 1 ] = ( $COLOR [ 1 ] & 0x0F );
$COLOR [ 1 ] = $PALETTE [ $COLOR [ 1 ] + 1 ];
elseif ( $BMP [ 'bits_per_pixel' ] == 1 )
$COLOR = unpack ( "n" , $VIDE . substr ( $IMG , floor ( $P ) , 1 ));
if (( $P * 8 ) % 8 == 0 ) $COLOR [ 1 ] = $COLOR [ 1 ] >> 7 ;
elseif (( $P * 8 ) % 8 == 1 ) $COLOR [ 1 ] = ( $COLOR [ 1 ] & 0x40 ) >> 6 ;
elseif (( $P * 8 ) % 8 == 2 ) $COLOR [ 1 ] = ( $COLOR [ 1 ] & 0x20 ) >> 5 ;
elseif (( $P * 8 ) % 8 == 3 ) $COLOR [ 1 ] = ( $COLOR [ 1 ] & 0x10 ) >> 4 ;
elseif (( $P * 8 ) % 8 == 4 ) $COLOR [ 1 ] = ( $COLOR [ 1 ] & 0x8 ) >> 3 ;
elseif (( $P * 8 ) % 8 == 5 ) $COLOR [ 1 ] = ( $COLOR [ 1 ] & 0x4 ) >> 2 ;
elseif (( $P * 8 ) % 8 == 6 ) $COLOR [ 1 ] = ( $COLOR [ 1 ] & 0x2 ) >> 1 ;
elseif (( $P * 8 ) % 8 == 7 ) $COLOR [ 1 ] = ( $COLOR [ 1 ] & 0x1 );
$COLOR [ 1 ] = $PALETTE [ $COLOR [ 1 ] + 1 ];
return FALSE ;
imagesetpixel( $res , $X , $Y , $COLOR [ 1 ]);
$X ++ ;
$P += $BMP [ 'bytes_per_pixel' ];
$Y -- ;
$P += $BMP [ 'decal' ];

fclose ( $f1 );
return $res ;

// 烈火網 bkjia.COM 欢迎复制,拒绝恶意采集 liehuo.net

function ImageToJPG($srcFile,$dstFile,$towidth,$toheight)
$data = @GetImageSize($srcFile);
switch ($data['2'])

case 1:

$im = imagecreatefromgif($srcFile);
case 2:

$im = imagecreatefromjpeg($srcFile);
case 3:
$im = imagecreatefrompng($srcFile);


case 6:

$im = ImageCreateFromBMP( $srcFile );


// $dstX=$srcW=@ImageSX($im);

// $dstY=$srcH=@ImageSY($im);







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