If you receive a new message, there will be a new message prompt in the browser's title bar
If the windows of your current chat interface are closed, there will be a flashing icon with a message prompt in the lower right corner
All the source codes have been posted here, if you really need the source code (but I hope you can create a project yourself to copy the source code, this is what I want to see), then you can contact me through the following methods Email: hoojo_@126.com Blog: http: //blog.csdn.net/IBM_hoojo http://hoojo.cnblogs.com/ http://hoojo.blogjava.net Note: I will not promise to give you the code in the first time , but I will send you the source code in my free time
Development environment System: Windows JavaEE Server: Tomcat 5.0.28 /Tomcat 6 WebBrowser: IE6, Firefox3.5, Chrome is already compatible with browsers JavaSDK: JDK 1.6 Openfire 3.7.1 IDE: eclipse 3.2, MyEclipse 6.5
Develop dependent libraries
serializer.jar xalan.jar jhb-1.0.jar
jhb-1.0.jar This is JabberHTTPBind, I put the compiled class into a jar package
$.WebIM method is the main function, which can override the basic configuration in local.chat and complete the creation of the chat window. The $.WebIM.newWebIM method creates a new window, but the recipient of the message is a new user.
remote.jsjac. chat.login(document.userForm); The method is for the user to log in to the Openfire server The parameters are as follows: httpbase: window.contextPath "/JHB/", //Request the background http-bind server url domain: window["serverDomin"], //"", // Current valid domain name username: "", // Login username pass: "", // Password timerval: 2000, // Set request timeout resource: "WebIM", // Link resource identification register: true // Whether to register
remote.jsjac.chat.logout(); Yes Exit and disconnect from openfire
2. Local chat application core code local.chat-2.0.js
/*** * jquery local chat * @version v2.0 * @createDate -- 2012-5-28 * @author hoojo * @email hoojo_@126.com * @blog http://hoojo.cnblogs.com & http://blog.csdn.net/IBM_hoojo * @requires jQuery v1.2.3 or later, send.message.editor-1.0.js * Copyright (c) 2012 M. hoo **/ ;(function ($) { if (/1.(0|1|2).(0|1|2)/.test($.fn.jquery) || /^1.1/.test($.fn.jquery)) { alert('WebIM requires jQuery v1.2.3 or later! You are using v' $.fn.jquery); return; } var faceTimed, count = 0; var _opts = defaultOptions = { version: 2.0, chat: "#chat", chatEl: function () { var $chat = _opts.chat; if ((typeof _opts.chat) == "string") { $chat = $(_opts.chat); } else if ((typeof _opts.chat) == "object") { if (!$chat.get(0)) { $chat = $($chat); } } return $chat; }, sendMessageIFrame: function (receiverId) { return $("iframe[name='sendMessage" receiverId "']").get(0).contentWindow; }, receiveMessageDoc: function (receiverId) { receiverId = receiverId || ""; var docs = []; $.each($("iframe[name^='receiveMessage" receiverId "']"), function () { docs.push($(this.contentWindow.document)); }); return docs; //return $($("iframe[name^='receiveMessage" receiverId "']").get(0).contentWindow.document); }, sender: "", // 发送者 receiver: "", // 接收者 setTitle: function (chatEl) { var receiver = this.getReceiver(chatEl); chatEl.find(".title").html("和" receiver "聊天对话中"); }, getReceiver: function (chatEl) { var receiver = chatEl.attr("receiver"); if (~receiver.indexOf("@")) { receiver = receiver.split("@")[0]; } return receiver; }, // 接收消息iframe样式 receiveStyle: [ '', '', '', '' ].join(""), writeReceiveStyle: function (receiverId) { this.receiveMessageDoc(receiverId)[0].get(0).write(this.receiveStyle); }, datetimeFormat: function (v) { if (~~v < 10) { return "0" v; } return v; }, getDatetime: function () { // 设置当前发送日前 var date = new Date(); var datetime = date.getFullYear() "-" date.getMonth() "-" date.getDate(); datetime = " " _opts.datetimeFormat(date.getHours()) ":" _opts.datetimeFormat(date.getMinutes()) ":" _opts.datetimeFormat(date.getSeconds()); return datetime; }, /*** * Format template for sending messages * flag = true means the current user is yourself, otherwise it is the other party **/ receiveMessageTpl: function (userName, styleTpl, content, flag) { var userCls = flag ? "me" : "you"; if (styleTpl && flag) { content = [ "", content, "" ].join(""); } return [ '
', _opts.getDatetime(), ' ', userName, ':
', '
', content, '
' ].join(""); }, // 工具类按钮触发事件返回html模板 sendMessageStyle: { cssStyle: { bold: "font-weight: bold;", underline: "text-decoration: underline;", italic: "font-style: oblique;" }, setStyle: function (style, val) { if (val) { _opts.sendMessageStyle[style] = val; } else { var styleVal = _opts.sendMessageStyle[style]; if (styleVal === undefined || !styleVal) { _opts.sendMessageStyle[style] = true; } else { _opts.sendMessageStyle[style] = false; } } }, getStyleTpl: function () { var tpl = ""; $.each(_opts.sendMessageStyle, function (style, item) { //alert(style "#" item "#" (typeof item)); if (item === true) { tpl = _opts.sendMessageStyle.cssStyle[style]; } else if ((typeof item) === "string") { //alert(style "-------------" sendMessageStyle[style]); tpl = style ":" item ";"; } }); return tpl; } }, // Write messages to the receive message iframe area writeReceiveMessage: function (receiverId, userName, content, flag) { if (content) { // Style of sending messages var styleTpl = _opts.sendMessageStyle.getStyleTpl(); var receiveMessageDoc = _opts.receiveMessageDoc(receiverId); $.each(receiveMessageDoc, function () { var $body = this.find("body" ); //Write the sent data to the receive message area $body.append(_opts.receiveMessageTpl(userName, styleTpl, content, flag)); //Scroll the scroll bar to the bottom this.scrollTop(this.height()); }); } }, // Send message sendHandler: function ($chatMain) { var doc = $chatMain.find("iframe[name^='sendMessage']").get(0).contentWindow.document; var content = doc.body.innerHTML; content = $.trim(content ); content = content.replace(new RegExp(" ", "gm"), ""); // Get the content to be sent if (content) { var sender = $chatMain.attr("sender"); var receiverId = $chatMain.attr("id"); //Write message in the receiving area _opts.writeReceiveMessage(receiverId, sender, content, true); //############ XXX var receiver = $chatMain.find("#to").val(); // var receiver = $chatMain.attr("receiver"); // Determine whether it is a mobile session, if so, send plain text, otherwise send html code var flag = _opts.isMobileClient(receiver); if (flag) { var text = $(doc.body).text(); text = $.trim(text); if (text) { // Send messages remotely remote.jsjac.chat.sendMessage(text, receiver); } } else { // Non-mobile communication can send html code var styleTpl = _opts.sendMessageStyle.getStyleTpl (); content = [ "", content, "" ].join(""); remote.jsjac. chat.sendMessage(content, receiver); } // Clear the sending area $(doc).find("body").html(""); } } , faceImagePath: "images/emotions/", faceElTpl: function (i) { return [ "" ] .join(""); }, // Create expression html elements createFaceElement: function ($chat) { var faces = []; for (var i = 1 ; i < 100; i ) { faces.push(this.faceElTpl(i)); if (i % 11 == 0) { faces.push(" } } $chat.find("#face").html(faces.join("")); this.faceHandler($chat); }, // Insert emoticon faceHandler: function ($chat) { $chat.find("#face img").click(function () { $chat.find( "#face").hide(150); var imgEL = ""; var $chatMain = $(this).parents(".chat-main"); var win = $chatMain.find("iframe[name^='sendMessage']").get(0).contentWindow; var doc = win.document; sendMessageEditor.insertAtCursor(imgEL, doc, win); }); // Emoticon hiding $chat.find("#face, #face img") .mouseover(function () { window.clearTimeout(faceTimed); }).mouseout(function () { window.clearTimeout(faceTimed); faceTimed = window.setTimeout(function ( ) { $chat.find("#face").hide(150); }, 700); }); }, /*** * Send message toolbar button event method ** / toolBarHandler: function () { var $chat = $(this).parents(".chat-main"); var targetCls = $(this).attr("class"); if (targetCls == "face") { $chat.find("#face").show(150); window.clearTimeout(faceTimed); faceTimed = window.setTimeout (function () { $chat.find("#face").hide(150); }, 1000); } else if (this.tagName == "DIV") { _opts.sendMessageStyle.setStyle(targetCls); } else if (this.tagName == "SELECT") { _opts.sendMessageStyle.setStyle($(this).attr("name"), $ (this).val()); if ($(this).attr("name") == "color") { $(this).css("background-color", $( this).val()); } } // Set the style css of sendMessage iframe _opts.writeSendStyle(); }, // Set the style of sendMessage iframe style css writeSendStyle: function () { var styleTpl = _opts.sendMessageStyle.getStyleTpl(); var styleEL = [''].join(""); $("body").find("iframe[name^='sendMessage']").each(function () { var $head = $(this.contentWindow.document).find("head"); if ($head.find("style").size() > 1) { $head. find("style:gt(0)").remove(); } if (styleTpl) { $head.append(styleEL); } }); }, isMobileClient: function (receiver) { var moblieClients = ["iphone", "ipad", "ipod", "wp7", "android", "blackberry", "Spark", " warning", "symbian"]; var flag = false; for (var i in moblieClients) { if (~receiver.indexOf(moblieClients[i])) { return true; } } return false; }, // 聊天界面html元素 chatLayoutTemplate: function (userJID, sender, receiver, product, flag) { var display = ""; if (flag) { display = "style='display: none;'"; } return [ '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', product.name, '
', '
团购价:', product.price, '元
', '
市场价:', product.marketPrice, '元
', '
快递公司:', product.deliverOrgs, '
', '
仓库:', product.wareHouses, '
', product.skuAttrs, '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '', '
', '
' ].join(""); }, initWebIM: function (userJID, receiver) { var product = { name: "Little Play Bear", pic: "http://avatar.csdn.net/9/7/A/2_ibm_hoojo.jpg", price: "198.00", marketPrice: "899.90", deliverOrgs: "EMS ", wareHouses: "Library A", skuAttrs: "" }; var chatEl = $(_opts.chatLayoutTemplate(userJID, _opts.sender, receiver, product)); $("body").append(chatEl); // Drag $("#" userJID).easydrag(); // Initialize sendMessageEditor related information sendMessageEditor.iframe = this.sendMessageIFrame(userJID); sendMessageEditor.init(userJID); _opts.setTitle(chatEl); _opts.writeReceiveStyle(userJID); _opts.writeSendStyle(); _opts.createFaceElement(chatEl); // View more details chatEl.find(".more").click(function () { var $ul = $(this).parents(" ul"); $ul.find(".more").toggle(); $ul.find(".info").toggle(); $ul.find(". pic").toggle(); }); // Shrink details chatEl.find(".split").toggle(function () { $(".product-info ").hide(); $(this).parents(".radius").css("border-right-width", "0"); }, function () { $(".product-info").show(); $(this).parents(".radius").css("border-right-width", "8px"); }) ; // Tool class binding event settings.toolBarHandler chatEl.find(".tool-bar td").children().click(this.toolBarHandler); chatEl.find("# send").click(function () { var $chatMain = $(this).parents(".chat-main"); _opts.sendHandler($chatMain); }); chatEl.find("#close").click(function () { var $chatMain = $(this).parents(".chat-main"); $chatMain.hide(500) ; }); // First cancel the event binding. When multiple messages are sent at once, multiple identical events will be bound at the same time $(".have-msg, .no- msg, .chat-main").unbind("click"); $(".have-msg").bind("click", function () { $(this).hide() ; $(".no-msg").show(); $(".chat-main:hidden").show(150); }); $(" .no-msg").click(function () { $(".chat-main:hidden").each(function (i, item) { var top = i * 10 50; var left = i * 20 50; $(this).show(500).css({top: top, left: left}); }); }); $(".chat-main").click(function () { $(".chat-main").css("z-index", 9999); $(this).css( {"z-index": 10000}); }); $(this.sendMessageIFrame(userJID).document).keyup(function (event) { var e = event || window. event; var keyCode = e.which || e.keyCode; if (keyCode == 13) { var $chatMain = $("#" $(this).find("body" ).attr("jid")); _opts.sendHandler($chatMain); } }); }, // Create a new chat window newWebIM: function (settings) { var chatUser = remote.userAddress(settings.receiver); var userJID = "u" hex_md5(chatUser); _opts.initWebIM(userJID, chatUser); $ ("#" userJID).find(remote.receiver).val(chatUser); $("#" userJID).show(220); }, // Executed when sending a message remotely Function messageHandler: function (user, content) { var userName = user.split("@")[0]; var tempUser = user; if (~tempUser.indexOf(" /")) { tempUser = tempUser.substr(0, tempUser.indexOf("/")); } var userJID = "u" hex_md5(tempUser); // First time Initial webIM if (!$("#" userJID).get(0)) { //Initial IM panel; _opts.initWebIM(userJID, user); } // Set the name of the message recipient $("#" userJID).find(remote.receiver).val(user); if ($("#" userJID).get(0)) { // Message prompt if ($("div[id='" userJID "']:hidden").get(0)) { var haveMessage = $(".have-msg" ); haveMessage.show(); $(".no-msg").hide(); } _opts.messageTip("There is a new message in the flash chat, please check it! "); // Write a message to the chat receiving information area remote.jsjac.chat.writeMessage(userJID, userName, content); } }, // Message prompt messageTip: function () { if (count % 2 == 0) { window.focus(); document.title = "You have a new message, please check it!"; } else { document.title = ""; } if (count > 4) { document.title = ""; count = 0; } else { window.setTimeout(_opts.messageTip, 1000); count ; } } }; // Initialize remote chat program related methods var initRemoteIM = function (settings) { //Initialize remote message remote.jsjac.chat.init(); //Set the client to write information method remote.jsjac. chat.writeReceiveMessage = settings.writeReceiveMessage; // Register event $(window).bind({ unload: remote.jsjac.chat.unloadHandler, error: remote.jsjac.chat. errorHandler, beforeunload: remote.jsjac.chat.logout }); } $.extend({ WebIM: function (opts) { opts = opts || {}; // Override the default configuration defaultOptions = $.extend(defaultOptions, defaultOptions, opts); var settings = $.extend({}, defaultOptions, opts); initRemoteIM( settings); settings.newWebIM(settings); $.WebIM.settings = settings; } }); $.WebIM.settings = $.WebIM.settings || _opts; $.WebIM.initWebIM = _opts.initWebIM; $.WebIM.newWebIM = _opts.newWebIM; $.WebIM.messageHandler = _opts.messageHandler; })(jQuery);
The method here is basically an application on the chat window, mainly the operation of js and HTML elements of the local chat program. Such as fonts, font sizes, colors, expressions, message sending, etc., do not involve the core code of sending chat messages, and there are methods of sending remote messages. remote.jsjac.chat.sendMessage(text, receiver); This is a method for sending remote messages. Parameter 1 is the message content and parameter 2 is the receiver of the message. If you have seen this articlehttp://www.cnblogs.com/hoojo/archive/2012/06/18/2553886.html It is a simple WebIM local chat interface.
3. Remote chat JavaScript core code, which is associated with the jsjac library. remote.jsjac.chat-2.0.js
/** * IM chat jsjac remote message * @author: hoojo * @email: hoojo_@126.com * @blog http://hoojo.cnblogs.com & http://blog.csdn.net/IBM_hoojo * @createDate: 2012-5-24 * @version 2.0 * @requires jQuery v1.2.3 or later * Copyright (c) 2012 M. hoo **/ var remote = { debug: "info, error", chat: "body", receiver: "#to", // 接受者jquery expression console: { errorEL: function () { if ($(remote.chat).get(0)) { return $(remote.chat).find("#error"); } else { return $("body").find("#error"); } }, infoEL: function () { if ($(remote.chat).get(0)) { return $(remote.chat).find("#info"); } else { return $("body").find("#info"); } }, // debug info info: function (html) { if (~remote.debug.indexOf("info")) { remote.console.infoEL().append(html); remote.console.infoEL().get(0).lastChild.scrollIntoView(); } }, // debug error error: function (html) { if (~remote.debug.indexOf("error")) { remote.console.errorEL().append(html); } }, // clear info/debug console clear: function (s) { if ("debug" == s) { remote.console.errorEL().html(""); } else { remote.console.infoEL().html(""); } } }, userAddress: function (user) { if (user) { if (!~user.indexOf("@")) { user = "@" remote.jsjac.domain;// "/" remote.jsjac.resource; } else if (~user.indexOf("/")) { user = user.substr(0, user.indexOf("/")); } } return user; }, jsjac: { httpbase: window.contextPath "/JHB/", //请求后台http-bind服务器url domain: window["serverDomin"], //"", // 当前有效域名 username: "", pass: "", timerval: 2000, // 设置请求超时 resource: "WebIM", // 链接资源标识 register: true // 是否注册 } }; remote.jsjac.chat = { writeReceiveMessage: function () { }, setState: function () { var onlineStatus = new Object(); onlineStatus["available"] = "在线"; onlineStatus["chat"] = "欢迎聊天"; onlineStatus["away"] = "离开"; onlineStatus["xa"] = "不可用"; onlineStatus["dnd"] = "请勿打扰"; onlineStatus["invisible"] = "隐身"; onlineStatus["unavailable"] = "离线"; remote.jsjac.chat.state = onlineStatus; return onlineStatus; }, state: null, init: function () { // Debugger plugin if (typeof (Debugger) == "function") { remote.dbger = new Debugger(2, remote.jsjac.resource); remote.dbger.start(); } else { // if you're using firebug or safari, use this for debugging // oDbg = new JSJaCConsoleLogger(2); // comment in above and remove comments below if you don't need debugging remote.dbger = function () { }; remote.dbger.log = function () { }; } try { // try to resume a session if (JSJaCCookie.read("btype").getValue() == "binding") { remote.connection = new JSJaCHttpBindingConnection({ "oDbg": remote.dbger}); rdbgerjac.chat.setupEvent(remote.connection); if (remote.connection.resume()) { remote.console.clear("debug"); } } } catch (e) { remote.console.errorEL().html(e.name ":" e.message); } // reading cookie failed - never mind remote.jsjac.chat.setState(); }, login: function (loginForm) { remote.console.clear("debug"); // reset try { // 链接参数 var connectionConfig = remote.jsjac; // Debugger console if (typeof (oDbg) != "undefined") { connectionConfig.oDbg = oDbg; } var connection = new JSJaCHttpBindingConnection(connectionConfig); remote.connection = connection; // 安装(注册)Connection事件模型 remote.jsjac.chat.setupEvent(connection); // setup args for connect method if (loginForm) { //connectionConfig = new Object(); //connectionConfig.domain = loginForm.domain.value; connectionConfig.username = loginForm.userName.value; connectionConfig.pass = loginForm.password.value; connectionConfig.register = loginForm.register.checked; } // 连接服务器 connection.connect(connectionConfig); //remote.jsjac.chat.changeStatus("available", "online", 1, "chat"); } catch (e) { remote.console.errorEL().html(e.toString()); } finally { return false; } }, // 改变用户状态 changeStatus: function (type, status, priority, show) { type = type || "unavailable"; status = status || "online"; priority = priority || "1"; show = show || "chat"; var presence = new JSJaCPresence(); presence.setType(type); // unavailable invisible if (remote.connection) { //remote.connection.send(presence); } //presence = new JSJaCPresence(); presence.setStatus(status); // online presence.setPriority(priority); // 1 presence.setShow(show); // chat if (remote.connection) { remote.connection.send(presence); } }, // 为Connection注册事件 setupEvent: function (con) { var remoteChat = remote.jsjac.chat; con.registerHandler('message', remoteChat.handleMessage); con.registerHandler('presence', remoteChat.handlePresence); con.registerHandler('iq', remoteChat.handleIQ); con.registerHandler('onconnect', remoteChat.handleConnected); con.registerHandler('onerror', remoteChat.handleError); con.registerHandler('status_changed', remoteChat.handleStatusChanged); con.registerHandler('ondisconnect', remoteChat.handleDisconnected); con.registerIQGet('query', NS_VERSION, remoteChat.handleIqVersion); con.registerIQGet('query', NS_TIME, remoteChat.handleIqTime); }, // 发送远程消息 sendMessage: function (msg, to) { try { if (msg == "") { return false; } var user = ""; if (to) { if (!~to.indexOf("@")) { user += "@" + remote.jsjac.domain; to += "/" + remote.jsjac.resource; } else if (~to.indexOf("/")) { user = to.substr(0, to.indexOf("/")); } } else { // 向chat接收信息区域写消息 if (remote.jsjac.chat.writeReceiveMessage) { var html = "你没有指定发送者的名称"; alert(html); //remote.jsjac.chat.writeReceiveMessage(receiverId, "server", html, false); } return false; } var userJID = "u" + hex_md5(user); $("#" + userJID).find(remote.receiver).val(to); // 构建jsjac的message对象 var message = new JSJaCMessage(); message.setTo(new JSJaCJID(to)); message.setType("chat"); // 单独聊天,默认为广播模式 message.setBody(msg); // 发送消息 remote.connection.send(message); return false; } catch (e) { var html = "
Error: " + e.message + "
"; remote.console.info(html); return false; } }, // 退出、断开链接 logout: function () { var presence = new JSJaCPresence(); presence.setType("unavailable"); if (remote.connection) { remote.connection.send(presence); remote.connection.disconnect(); } }, errorHandler: function (event) { var e = event || window.event; remote.console.errorEL().html(e); if (remote.connection && remote.connection.connected()) { remote.connection.disconnect(); } return false; }, unloadHandler: function () { var con = remote.connection; if (typeof con != "undefined" && con && con.connected()) { // save backend type if (con._hold) { // must be binding (new JSJaCCookie("btype", "binding")).write(); } if (con.suspend) { con.suspend(); } } }, writeMessage: function (userJID, userName, content) { // 向chat接收信息区域写消息 if (remote.jsjac.chat.writeReceiveMessage && !!content) { remote.jsjac.chat.writeReceiveMessage(userJID, userName, content, false); } }, // 重新连接服务器 reconnection: function () { remote.jsjac.register = false; if (remote.connection.connected()) { remote.connection.disconnect(); } remote.jsjac.chat.login(); }, /* ########################### Handler Event ############################# */ handleIQ: function (aIQ) { var html = "
IN (raw): " + aIQ.xml().htmlEnc() + "
"; remote.console.info(html); remote.connection.send(aIQ.errorReply(ERR_FEATURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)); }, handleMessage: function (aJSJaCPacket) { var user = aJSJaCPacket.getFromJID().toString(); //var userName = user.split("@")[0]; //var userJID = "u" + hex_md5(user); var content = aJSJaCPacket.getBody(); var html = ""; html += "
消息来自 " + user + ": "; html += content.htmlEnc() + "
"; remote.console.info(html); $.WebIM.messageHandler(user, content); }, handlePresence: function (aJSJaCPacket) { var user = aJSJaCPacket.getFromJID(); var userName = user.toString().split("@")[0]; var html = "
"; if (!aJSJaCPacket.getType() && !aJSJaCPacket.getShow()) { html += "" + userName + " 上线了."; } else { html += "" + userName + " 设置 presence 为: "; if (aJSJaCPacket.getType()) { html += aJSJaCPacket.getType() + "."; } else { html += aJSJaCPacket.getShow() + "."; } if (aJSJaCPacket.getStatus()) { html += " (" + aJSJaCPacket.getStatus().htmlEnc() + ")"; } } html += "
"; remote.console.info(html); // Write a message to the chat receiving information area remote.jsjac.chat.writeMessage("", userName, html); } , handleError: function (event) { var e = event || window.event; var html = "An error occured: " ("Code: " e.getAttribute("code") "nType: " e.getAttribute("type") "nCondition: " e.firstChild.nodeName).htmlEnc(); remote.error(html) ; var content = ""; switch (e.getAttribute("code")) { case "401": content = "Login verification failed! "; break; // When duplicate registration is found, it means that the user has already registered, then log in directly case "409": //content = "Registration failed!
nPlease change your username! "; remote.jsjac.chat.reconnection(); break; case "503": content = "Unable to connect to the IM server, please check the relevant configuration! "; break; case "500": var contents = "Server internal error! nnThe connection is disconnected! Reconnect"; remote.jsjac.chat.writeMessage ("", "System", contents); break; default: break; } if (content) { alert("WeIM: " content); } if (remote.connection.connected()) { remote.connection.disconnect(); } }, // Status change trigger event handleStatusChanged: function (status) { remote.console.info("
Current user status: " status "
"); remote.dbger.log("Current user status: " " status); if (status == "disconnecting") { var html = "You are offline! "; // Write a message to the chat receiving information area remote.jsjac.chat.writeMessage("", "System", html); } }, // Link establishment trigger event method handleConnected: function () { remote.console.clear("debug"); // reset remote.connection.send(new JSJaCPresence()); }, // Disconnected link trigger event method handleDisconnected: function () { }, handleIqVersion: function (iq) { remote.connection.send(iq .reply([ iq.buildNode("name", remote.jsjac.resource), iq.buildNode("version", JSJaC.Version), iq.buildNode("os", navigator .userAgent) ])); return true; }, handleIqTime: function (iq) { var now = new Date(); remote.connection.send (iq.reply([ iq.buildNode("display", now.toLocaleString()), iq.buildNode("utc", now.jabberDate()), iq.buildNode(" tz", now.toLocaleString().substring(now.toLocaleString().lastIndexOf(" ") 1)) ])); return true; } };
The code of this file is the core code for establishing communication between the jsjac library and openfire. There are already comments in the code, so I won’t go into details here. If you don’t understand anything, please leave me a message. 4 , message area, editor code send.message.editor-1.0.js
/** * IM chat Send Message iframe editor * @author: hoojo * @email: hoojo_@126.com * @blog: http://blog.csdn.net/IBM_hoojo * @createDate: 2012-5-24 * @version 1.0 **/ var agent = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var sendMessageEditor = { // Get the window object of the iframe getWin: function () { return /*!/firefox/.test(agent)*/false ? sendMessageEditor.iframe.contentWindow : window.frames[sendMessageEditor.iframe.name]; }, //Get the document object of iframe getDoc: function () { return !/firefox/.test(agent) ? sendMessageEditor.getWin().document : (sendMessageEditor.iframe.contentDocument || sendMessageEditor.getWin( ).document); }, init: function (userJID) { //Open the document object and write initialization content to it to be compatible with FireFox var doc = sendMessageEditor.getDoc() ; doc.open(); var html = [ '', '< /head>', '', ''].join(""); doc.write(html); //Open document object editing mode doc.designMode = "on"; doc.close(); }, getContent: function ( ) { var doc = sendMessageEditor.getDoc(); //Get the editor’s body object var body = doc.body || doc.documentElement; //Get the editor’s content var content = body.innerHTML; //Process the content, such as replacing some special characters, etc. //Some code //Return content return content; }, //Uniform execution command method execCmd: function (cmd, value, d){ var doc = d || sendMessageEditor.getDoc(); //doc To obtain the object, refer to the code above // Call the execCommand method to execute the command doc.execCommand(cmd, false, value === undefined ? null : value); }, getStyleState: function (cmd) { var doc = sendMessageEditor.getDoc(); //To obtain the doc object, refer to the opposite side above //Whether the cursor is in bold var state = doc.queryCommandState( cmd); if(state){ //Change button style } return state; }, insertAtCursor: function (text, d, w){ var doc = d || sendMessageEditor.getDoc(); var win = w || sendMessageEditor.getWin(); //To obtain the win object, refer to the above code if (/msie/ .test(agent)) { win.focus(); var r = doc.selection.createRange(); if (r) { r.collapse(true); r.pasteHTML(text); } } else if (/gecko/.test(agent) || /opera/.test(agent)) { win.focus(); sendMessageEditor.execCmd('InsertHTML', text, doc); } else if (/safari/.test(agent)) { sendMessageEditor.execCmd('InsertText', text, doc); } } };
至此, 这个应 이용 가능한 전체 부서, 如果你按来, 如果你按构式应该是可以完成这个聊天应用。如果你有什么问题或想法,欢迎你给我留言或评论!
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