Introduction to various methods and implementation codes for web printing_javascript skills

- 2016-05-16 17:44:051367browse
The printing methods of wed that I know are:
1. JQuery plug-in Jqprint implementation
2. JQery printing plug-in PrintArea to implement web page printing
3. CSS control web page printing style
JQuery plug-in Jqprint implementation:
First import the js file:
jquery.jqprint.js download
html code:
This is displayed when printing
This is hidden when printing.
javascript code:
$(document) .ready(function(){
The plug-in also provides some configurable parameters,
debug:false,//If it is true, the iframe viewing effect can be displayed (the default height and width of the iframe are very small, you can increase them in the source code ), the default is false
importCSS:true, //true means importing the css of the original page, the default is true. (If it is true, it will first look for $("link[media=print]"), if not, it will look for the css file in $("link"))
printContainer:true,//Indicates if the original selection The object must be included in printing (note: setting to false may break your CSS rules).
operaSupport:true//Indicates that if the plug-in must also support the opera browser, in this case, it provides the creation of a temporary printing tab. The default is true
and I only use importCSS: the links in the original page will be imported into the iframe. The first time it media searches=print, if not, the normal css file will be imported.
importCSS example:
importCSS://CSS style file