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Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them Do

Jennifer Aniston
Jennifer AnistonOriginal
2025-01-14 11:38:43656browse

Most of Destiny 2's weapons can be enhanced by Masterworking them. When a weapon is Masterworked, it gains additional properties such as bonus stats or new perks. Legendary weapons also receive a 10 increase to a random stat that's rolled when the weapon is obtained.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them Do

Exotics work a bit differently. Rather than obtain a random stat bump, these weapons gain massive stat increases or new perks. Masterworking an Exotic requires the discovery of an Exotic Catalyst, an item that can drop from certain activities. Most Exotics, but not all, have a Catalyst that Guardians can earn. This guide will cover everything from what Catalysts are to what every single Exotic Catalyst does in Destiny 2.

Updated January 13, 2025, by Charles Burgar: So many Exotics have been added to Destiny 2 over the years that this guide was starting to buckle under its own weight. To help you find all Catalyst effects as quickly as possible, we've overhauled the formatting of this guide to consolidate all of our Catalyst information into easy-to-digest tables, separated by weapon ammo type. We've also added Catalyst information for Revenant's latest weapons: Alethonym and Slayer's Fang.

What Are Exotic Catalysts?

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them Do

Exotic Catalysts are a unique item found in a variety of activities. When you receive a Catalyst for a particular Exotic weapon, you can apply that Catalyst to an Exotic weapon from its perk menu. If a weapon does not have a Catalyst slot in its perk menu, it doesn't have one and, therefore, cannot be Masterworked.

These Catalysts will Masterwork a weapon once their Catalyst objective is complete. While the objective varies from Exotic to Exotic, they generally ask for 500 combatant kills while using that weapon.

Once a Catalyst objective is complete, inspect the weapon one more time and apply the Masterwork by hovering over the Catalyst icon. That Exotic weapon is now Masterworked, gaining additional stats or even a new perk.

Exotic Catalyst Drop Locations

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them Do

Virtually every matchmade activity in Destiny 2 has an Exotic Catalyst in its drop table. While the Beyond Light expansion did sunset many of these activities, there are still quite a few ways to earn Catalysts.

Every Exotic weapon in Destiny 2 that has a Catalyst can be farmed from a certain activity. The MIDA Multi-Tool Catalyst, for example, only drops in the Competitive Crucible playlist. Some Exotic Catalysts can drop from a variety of activities, one example being the Trinity Ghoul Catalyst which drops from strikes, Crucible, or Gambit matches

If you're looking for a specific Exotic Catalyst, they are all listed in the nested tables below. Once again, if an Exotic weapon does not have a Catalyst slot in its perk screen, it cannot be Masterworked.

Primary Exotic Catalysts

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them Do


Drop Source

Catalyst Effect

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoAce of Spades

Strikes and Nightfalls

Get 500 kills

New perk (Funeral Pyre): Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoFirefly deals more damage while Memento Mori is active.


Banshee-44 Quest

Get 500 kills

New perk (One for All): Hitting three separate targets in a short period grants a 35% damage buff for 10 seconds.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoBad Juju

Strikes, Crucible, Gambit

Get 500 kills

New perk (Unending Curse): Extends the duration of Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoString of Curses by one second.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoCentrifuse

Banshee-44 Quest

Get 700 kills

New perk (Static Buildup): While Amplified, this weapon gradually gains overcharge.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoCerberus 1

PvE Combatants

Get 500 kills

New perk (Focused Fire): After a final blow, hold the reload button to swap to a tighter, Close-ranged spread that deals increased damage.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoCrimson

PvE Combatants

Get 500 kills

20 Range

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoCryosthesia 77K

Banshee-44 Quest

Get 700 kills

New perk (Cold Efficiency): Shattering a frozen target refills this weapon's magazine from reserves.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoDead Man's Tale

Presage (Expert)

Reforge at the Enclave

New perk (Dark-Forged Trigger): Increased hipfire rate of fire and removes hipfire accuracy penalties.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoFighting Lion

PvE Combatants

500 kills; complete 100 bounties

New perk (Chimera): 30 reload speed; after this weapon fires, equipped Kinetic and Power weapons gain a brief period of increased handling and accuracy.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoFinal Warning

Strikes, Crucible, Gambit

Get 700 kills

New perk (String Theory): Hits against marked targets deal increased damage and have a chance to refund ammo to the magazine.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoGraviton Lance

Stikes and Nightfalls

Get 500 kills and 100 Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoCosmology kills

New perk (Hidden Hand): 20 range; better target acquisition (grants 15 aim assist).

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoHard Light

Strikes and Nightfalls

Get 1,000 kills

25 stability.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoHawkmoon

Strikes, Crucible, Gambit

Get 700 kills

New perk (Hunter's Trance): 1 magazine size; gain increased handling, reload speed, and weapon range based on the number of stacks of Paracausal Charge.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoHierarchy of Needs

Spire of the Watcher (Master)

Get 700 kills

New perk (Panoptic Tessellation): Deploying a Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoGuidance Ring or striking a target with a seeking projectile improves draw time and reload speed for a moderate duration.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoThe Huckleberry

Strikes, Crucible, Gambit

Get 500 kills

New perk (Kinetic Tremors): Sustained damage to a target emits a shockwave that damages all nearby targets.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoThe Jade Rabbit


Get 500 kills

30 stability.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoLe Monarque

Strikes, Crucible, Gambit

Get 700 kills

New perk (Unrelenting): 18 reload speed and 27 stability; rapidly defeating targets triggers health regeneration. Guardians and powerful combatants count as more than one kill.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoLumina

Strikes, Crucible, Gambit

Heal 250 Guardians with Noble Rounds

New perk (Resonant Virtue): Gain two Remnants per final blow instead of one.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoMalfeasance

Strikes, Crucible, Gambit

Get 700 kills

New perk (Vorpal Weapon): 20 range; deal 20% increased damage against bosses and vehicles. Guardians in Super take 50% more damage.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoThe Manticore

Banshee-44 Quest

Get 500 kills

New perk (Flying Monster): Final blows with this weapon while airborne grant damage resistance.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoMonte Carlo

Strikes, Crucible, Gambit

Get 700 kills

New perk (Stochastic Vengeance): At x5 Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoMarkov Chain , hold reload to charge your bayonet. Landing a bayonet melee hit grants melee energy.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoMIDA Multi-Tool

Competitive PvP

Land 250 precision kills in PvP

New perk (No Distractions): Aiming this weapon for a short period reduces flinch.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoNecrochasm

Crota's End

Acquire 35 Oversoul Essence

New perk (One For Thrall): Hitting three separate targets increases damage, range, handling, and aim assist for a moderate duration.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoNo Time to Explain

Exo Stranger Quest

Get 700 kills

New perk (Blast from the Side): Projectiles from the time portal shoot more frequently.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoOsteo Striga

Get Osteo Striga to Level 10

Reforge at the Enclave

New perk (Osteo Striga Catalyst): Poison final blows return ammo to the magazine.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoOutbreak Perfected

Zero Hour (Expert)

Reforge at the Enclave

New perk (Disease Vector): Increases nanite damage. Enemies that die with nanites attached to them generate additional nanites.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoPolaris Lance

Strikes, Crucible, Gambit

Get 500 kills and 50 Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoThe Perfect Fifth kills

New perk (Dragonfly): Precision kills create an elemental damage explosion.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoQuicksilver Storm

Post-Lightfall Quest

Get 700 kills

New perk (Nano-Entanglement): This weapon's damage type becomes Strand. Final blows with grenades from this weapon create Tangles.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoRat King

Strikes and Nightfalls

Get 1,000 kills while you or anyone in your fireteam is using Rat King

New perk (Infestation): Improved aim assist and RECOIL direction. Refreshes health on Vermin invisibility trigger. 20 aim assist, RECOIL, and 80 bounce intensity

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoRed Death Reformed

Banshee-44 Quest

Get 700 kills

New perk (Helping Hand): Final blows charge the weapon. Once charged, your next kill creates a healing burst at your location and leaves a remnant behind that provides restoration to allies.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoRevision Zero

Operation: Seraph's Shield

Reforge at the Enclave

New perk (pick one):

  1. Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoFeeding Frenzy
  2. Under Pressure
  3. Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoOutlaw
  4. Fourth Time's the Charm

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoRiskrunner

Pain and Gain quest

Get 500 kills and 50 Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoArc Conductor kills

30 range

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoSkyburner's Oath

Strikes, Crucible, Gambit

500 Cabal kills

20 reload speed

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoSturm

Nessus kills

Get 500 kills and 500 Drang kills

20 range, 40 handling

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoSunshot

Strikes, Crucible, Gambit

Get 500 kills and 100 Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoSun Blast kills

30 range, 20 stability

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoSUROS Regime


Get 300 kills

New perk (SUROS Ascendance): Increases chance for kills to regen health. 50 RECOIL and bounce intensity.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoSweet Business

Strikes, Crucible, Gambit

Get 250 multikills

New perk (Serious Business): When this weapon is fully spun up, the flinch from incoming damage is greatly reduced.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoSymmetry

Banshee-44 Quest

Get 700 kills

New perk (Electric Styx): Increases the maximum number of Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoDynamic Charge stacks to 20.

New perk (Eddy Current): Gain reload speed and handling after sprinting or while Amplified. The effect is improved while you're Amplified.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoThorn

Strikes, Crucible, Gambit

Get 500 kills

New perk (Refined Soul): Dealing a final blow or absorbing a Remnant grants additional increased range, as well as increased mobility and handling for a short time. 15 range, 5 stability

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoTicuu's Divination

Banshee-44 Quest

Get 700 kills

New perk (Causality Quiver): Perfectly drawn arrows that detonate Sacred Flames increase arrow damage, up to 100%. Striking targets unaffected by Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoSacred Flame instead refreshes Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoCausality Arrows' duration.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoTommy's Matchbook

Banshee-44 Quest

Get 700 kills

New perk (Heat of the Moment): While Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoIgnition Trigger is active, your health recovers much faster, and sustained fire Scorches your target.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoTouch of Malice

King's Fall

Get 700 kills

New perk ( Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoRapid Hit ): Rapid precision hits temporarily increase stability and reload speed.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoTraveler's Chosen

Strikes, Crucible, Gambit

Get 700 kills

New Perk (Osmosis): Using your grenade ability changes this weapon's damage type to match your subclass until you stow it. 2 magazine size.

New Perk (Surplus): Increases handling, reload speed, and stability for each fully charged ability.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoTrespasser

Banshee-44 Quest

Get 700 kills

New perk (Tunnel Vision): Reloading after defeating a target greatly increases target acquisition and aim down sight speed for a short duration.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoTrinity Ghoul

Strikes, Crucible, Gambit

Get 400 kills

New perk (Forked Lightning): Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoLightning Rod now triggers from any Arc damage final blow. -30 draw time.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoVerglas Curve

Banshee-44 Quest

Get 700 kills

New perk (Shiver Quiver): Freezing a target grants this weapon faster draw speed for a short duration.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoVex Mythoclast

Vault of Glass

Get 700 kills

New perk (Calculated Balance): While in full auto mode, final blows with this weapon grant 20% bonus damage, accuracy, and stability for a short duration.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoVigilance Wing


Get 250 kills

New perk (Ensemble): Improves handling and reload speed when allies are nearby.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoWicked Implement


Get 700 kills

New perk (Hadopelagic Tribute): Collecting Stasis Shards gradually overflows the magazine.

New perk (Headstone): Precision final blows generate a Stasis Crystal at the target's location.

Destiny 2: How To Earn Exotic Catalysts And What All Of Them DoWish-Keeper


Reforge at the Enclave

New perk (pick one):

  1. Enduring Snare Refit: Snarewaever traps last longer.
  2. Multi-Threaded Snare Refit: Snareweaver traps can suspend more targets.
  3. Vorpal Weapon: This weapon deals 20% more damage to bosses and Champions. Guardians in their Super take 50% more damage.
  4. Hatchling Refit: Precision final blows spawn a Threadling at the target's location.

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