Module 1: Fundamentals of Programming & Aptitude
Basic Questions:
- What are variables, and why are they important in programming?
- Explain the difference between while and for loops.
- What is a subarray? Provide an example.
- Define time complexity and explain Big-O notation.
- What is a constant, and how does it differ from a variable?
- Explain the difference between pass-by-value and pass-by-reference with examples.
- How do you calculate the time complexity of a loop?
Scenario-Based Questions:
- How would you optimize a nested loop if you encounter performance issues?
- Describe a situation where you would choose recursion over iteration.
- Given a sorted array, how would you efficiently find if a number exists in it?
- If you need to process a large array with millions of elements, how would you minimize memory usage?
- Given a number, determine if it's a prime number without using a library function.
- You need to design an algorithm to find the second-largest element in an array. How would you approach this?
Coding Challenges:
- Write a program to find the maximum sum of a subarray using the Kadane’s algorithm.
- Given two numbers, write a function to swap their values without using a third variable.
- Implement a function to calculate the factorial of a number using both recursion and iteration.
- Write a program to check if a given string is a palindrome.
- Implement a function to rotate an array to the right by k positions.
- Write a function to find the missing number in a given array of integers from 1 to n.
Module 2: Elementary Data Structures & Algorithms
** Basic Questions:**
- What is the difference between an Array and an ArrayList?
- Explain how a StringBuilder improves performance over regular string
- What are the advantages of using a switch statement over if-else?
- What is the difference between an Array and a Linked List?
- Explain the concept of sorting. Name a few common sorting algorithms.
- What are the advantages of using a StringBuffer over String in Java?
** Scenario-Based Questions:**
- Given a list of names, how would you sort them alphabetically using
your own algorithm?
- If you have a large text file, how would you efficiently count the occurrences of each word?
- Discuss how to handle memory when dealing with dynamically growing ArrayLists.
- How would you remove duplicate elements from an unsorted array?
- Given two sorted arrays, write a function to merge them into a single sorted array.
- If you are given a sorted array rotated at an unknown pivot, how would you find an element efficiently?
Coding Challenges:
- Write a program to reverse a string without using in-built functions.
- Implement bubble sort to sort an array of integers.
- Given a paragraph, write a function to find the most frequently occurring word.
- Implement a function to check if two strings are anagrams of each other.
- Write a program to find the first non-repeating character in a string.
- Develop a function to implement insertion sort on an array of integers.
Module 3: Intro to HTML & CSS
Basic Questions:
- What is the difference between block-level and inline elements in HTML?
- Explain the Box Model in CSS.
- What is the purpose of using Bootstrap in web development?
- What are semantic HTML elements, and why are they important?
- How does the position property work in CSS? Explain static, relative, absolute, and fixed.
- What is the difference between id and class in HTML/CSS?
Scenario-Based Questions:
- How would you design a responsive layout for a webpage?
- Given a form with several inputs, how would you style it for usability and accessibility?
- Discuss how you would debug a CSS rule that is not applying as expected.
- How would you create a responsive navigation bar using HTML and CSS?
- Describe a method to vertically and horizontally center a div within a parent element.
- You need to style a table so that alternate rows have different colors. How would you do this in CSS?
Coding Challenges:
- Create a simple webpage with a navigation bar, content section, and footer using HTML and CSS.
- Build a form with input validation using HTML attributes and CSS styles.
- Design a responsive grid layout using Flexbox or CSS Grid.
- Create a webpage with a contact form that uses proper HTML5 validation.
- Design a simple blog page with a header, content section, and footer using HTML and CSS.
- Build a responsive grid layout with three columns that stack vertically on small screens.
Module 4: Basic Javascript
Basic Questions:
- What are the differences between var, let, and const in JavaScript?
- Explain how JavaScript handles asynchronous operations.
- What is the Document Object Model (DOM)?
- What are JavaScript data types? Provide examples of each.
- Explain the concept of event bubbling and how to prevent it.
- What is the difference between undefined and null in JavaScript?
Scenario-Based Questions:
- How would you handle a situation where a button click triggers multiple events?
- Discuss how you would fetch data from an API and display it on a webpage.
- Explain how you would manage errors in asynchronous code.
- How would you implement a function to validate a password that meets specific criteria (length, special characters, etc.)?
- Discuss how you would handle a scenario where an API call fails.
- How would you create a dropdown menu that opens and closes on click using JavaScript?
Coding Challenges:
- Write a program to count the number of vowels in a given string.
- Implement a function to flatten a nested array of integers.
- Build a simple to-do list application with add and delete functionality.
- Write a function to remove all duplicates from an array of integers.
- Create a simple stopwatch application using JavaScript.
- Implement a function to find the longest word in a given sentence.
Module 5: Advanced JavaScript
** Basic Questions:**
- What are closures in JavaScript? Provide an example.
- Explain the concept of prototypal inheritance.
- What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous code?
- What are Map and Set objects in JavaScript, and how are they different from plain objects and arrays?
- Explain the this keyword in JavaScript. How does it behave in different contexts?
- What is the difference between apply(), call(), and bind() methods?
Scenario-Based Questions:
- How would you handle a scenario where multiple APIs need to be called in sequence?
- Discuss how you would optimize a large JavaScript codebase for performance.
- Explain how you would use localStorage or sessionStorage to manage user data.
- How would you implement a function to throttle or debounce frequent API calls ina web application?
- You are tasked with designing a reusable dropdown component. How would you use ES6 features to implement it?
- Explain how you would handle data fetched from an API where one call depends on the result of another.
Coding Challenges:
- Write a function to deep clone a JavaScript object.
- Implement a promise-based function to simulate an API call.
- Build a simple weather app using data from a public API.
- Write a function that flattens a deeply nested array of integers.
- Implement a basic pub-sub (publish-subscribe) system in JavaScript.
- Create a function that implements a simple version of the Promise.all method.
Module 6: React & Redux
Basic Questions:
- What is the difference between state and props in React?
- Explain the Redux data flow.
- How do you handle forms in React?
- What is JSX, and how is it different from regular JavaScript?
- Explain the lifecycle methods of a React class component.
- How do you manage side effects in a React application?
Scenario-Based Questions:
- How would you optimize a React application with a slow rendering component?
- Discuss how you would implement authentication in a React-Redux app.
- How would you manage global state in a large React application?
- How would you optimize a React component that renders a large list of items?
- Discuss how you would handle user authentication in a React-Redux application.
- How would you refactor a component with excessive state and props into a more manageable structure?
Coding Challenges:
- Build a simple counter app with increment and decrement buttons using React.
- Implement a todo list with Redux for state management.
- Create a React app with routing for at least three pages.
- Create a React app to display a list of items fetched from an API.
- Implement a counter component with increment, decrement, and reset functionality using React and Redux.
- Build a simple movie search app that fetches results from an API based on user input.
Module 7: Backend Development in Node.js
Basic Questions:
- What are the differences between GET and POST requests?
- Explain middleware in Node.js.
3.What is MongoDB, and why is it commonly used in web development?
- What is the difference between blocking and non-blocking code in Node.js?
- Explain the concept of middleware in Express.js.
- What is a REST API? How is it different from SOAP?
Scenario-Based Questions:
- How would you handle errors in a REST API?
- Discuss how you would implement pagination for a database query.
- Explain how you would design a user authentication system with JWT.
- How would you secure a REST API to prevent unauthorized access?
- You need to handle file uploads in a Node.js application. How would you approach this?
- Explain how you would design an API to fetch paginated data from a database.
Coding Challenges:
- Build a REST API for managing a to-do list.
- Write a Node.js script to read and write data to a MongoDB collection.
- Implement a middleware to log request details for an Express server.
- Build an Express API with CRUD operations for managing a list of tasks.
- Implement a middleware to log all incoming requests with timestamps.
- Create an API endpoint that accepts a query parameter and returns filtered data from a MongoDB collection.
Module 8: Capstone Project
Basic Questions:
- What are the key considerations when building a full-stack application?
- Explain how you would deploy a web application.
- What are some common challenges in integrating frontend and backend?
- What challenges do you anticipate when integrating frontend and backend systems?
- How do you decide which database (SQL or NoSQL) to use for a project?
- What tools or frameworks would you use to deploy a full-stack application?
Scenario-Based Questions:
- How would you debug an issue where a front-end API call is returning an unexpected error?
- Discuss how you would implement real-time notifications in a full-stack app.
- Explain how you would scale your application to handle increased traffic.
- How would you debug a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) issue in your application?
- Discuss how you would handle real-time updates in a collaborative application.
- Explain how you would manage environment variables for different deployment stages (development, staging, production).
Coding Challenges:
- Build a full-stack e-commerce app with product listing, cart, and checkout functionality.
- Create a blog platform with user authentication, post creation, and commenting features.
- Develop a task management app with features like user roles, task assignment, and progress tracking.
- Create a blogging platform where users can create, edit, delete, and view posts. Include a backend for storing posts and a frontend for displaying them.
- Build a basic e-commerce site with user authentication, product listing, and a shopping cart.
- Develop a task management application with role-based access and real-time updates using WebSockets.
The above is the detailed content of JavaScript and React.js Common Interview Questions. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!
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