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Final Fantasy 14: Complete Guide To Playing Reaper

Susan Sarandon
Susan SarandonOriginal
2024-12-25 13:09:14530browse

Dawntrail, the fifth expansion of Final Fantasy 14's story, is finally here and offers many things for fans to see, do, and ultimately cry over. Among those things are new actions, gear, and more for existing classes, including our beloved Reaper.

Final Fantasy 14: Complete Guide To Playing Reaper

Taking on the role of Reaper is surprisingly easy to do. Still, if you're new to the Melee DPS action, some of the Job's rotations, abilities, and positioning can take some getting used to, especially in some of Dawntrail's late-game offerings. However, don't let that deter you from choosing this Job, as it offers a unique and fun experience overall.

Updated December 17, 2024, by Seth Parmer: Patch 7.11 is here, and it's been a hot minute since we last touched this guide, meaning some substantial changes have been made to the Reaper Job in Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail. As such, you can find a much more optimal Opener for the Job, as well as its current best gear that you should be gunning for if you want to get the most out of your Reaper!

How To Level The Reaper Job Up Quickly

Final Fantasy 14: Complete Guide To Playing Reaper

Despite the Job becoming available to Endwalker owners at level 70, the Reaper's true potential doesn't start showing until you obtain level 100 with it, which can take a bit of time and effort to Achieve. In general, if you want to reach level 100 fast, you must be prepared to grind. A lot.

Below is a list of activities you should seek out to get your Reaper up to level 90 the quickest way possible, which will then be a similarly grueling time making your way through the last ten levels.


Final Fantasy 14: Complete Guide To Playing Reaper

A common occurrence in Final Fantasy 14 whenever a new Jobs launches is "FATE trains," where a group of players in the same zone moves from one FATE to another to grind out EXP gains, allowing them to gain a decent amount rather quickly.

These groups primarily consist of random players and will likely be happy to have you join the grind as the more players in the FATE train, the faster you will complete the FATE, making for much faster experience accumulation over time.

Duty Roulette

Final Fantasy 14: Complete Guide To Playing Reaper

One of the most popular methods of farming experience is via the Duty Roulette, which has a daily bonus for completing each of the duties in the roulette, which should be your top priority for significant experience gains each day.

However, note that since this is a DPS class, queue times are typically long and can take an extremely long time to find a Dungeon. But, the good news is that you can participate in the FATE trains mentioned above while waiting in your queue.

Nutsy Clan Hunt

Final Fantasy 14: Complete Guide To Playing Reaper

Participating in the daily Nutsy Clan Hunts is an excellent way to earn large amounts of EXP and can be done on your own as well, which is always lovely. Head to The Crystarium and go to the Clan Hunt Board to take on these hunts. Your targets will always be in regions found within the Shadowbringers expansion.

Skirmishes/Critical Engagements

Final Fantasy 14: Complete Guide To Playing Reaper

Skirmishes and Critical Engagements are encounters found within the Bozjan Southern Front in the Shadowbringers expansion. Skirmishes are very similar to FATEs as they will have you take on groups of enemies, defend targets, gather materials, etc.

What makes Skirmishes a bit different from FATEs, however, is they have a chance at spawning Critical Engagements after completion, which is another excellent way to earn experience.

Critical Engagements must be registered from the Bozja Finder and get spawned in after completing Skirmishes (mentioned above) or defeating specific Magitek mobs in the area. Critical Engagements also allow 24 or 48 players into particular instances, which means it will pick players at random if more than the limit is queued up to participate.

What makes Skirmishes and Critical Engagements worth your time, though? Well, these encounters will automatically scale your class up to level 90 and bring your gear up to snuff along with it, allowing you to earn a bit more experience than your current level if you can complete them with a group of others.

Trust System

Final Fantasy 14: Complete Guide To Playing Reaper

Another system implemented into Final Fantasy 14 via the Shadowbringers expansion is the Trust System, which allows you to challenge dungeons with several of your NPC friends you've met throughout your journey.

However, this method will be a bit monotonous, and you will be grinding out the same dungeons repeatedly. If you don't mind the grind, however, it takes roughly 3-4 dungeons to level up once, which could be much worse, we suppose.

Reaper Skillset Outline

Final Fantasy 14: Complete Guide To Playing Reaper

The Reaper has a pretty solid initial set of skills available from the get-go as it starts at level 70 and has a wide range of powerful combos and incredible abilities you can pull off as a result.

Although, for newcomers, this Job's Soul Gauge may seem daunting at first, but it is pretty manageable once you get the hang of it.

Opening Moves

Before launching into your basic combo strings, you should always perform one of two attacks depending on which combo you plan on using. This way, you will get the most out of the Reaper's special attacks.

  • Single Attack Opener: Shadow of Death (Grants Death's Design effect)
    • Death's Design effect: 10% Damage Buff (30 seconds, stackable up to 60 seconds)
    • 10 Points to Soul Gauge when defeating enemies under the effect of Death's Design
  • AoE Attack Opener: Whorl of Death (Grants Death's Design effect)
    • Death's Design effect: 10% Damage BUFF (30 seconds, stackable up to 60 seconds)
    • 10 Points to Soul Gauge when defeating enemies under the effect of Death's Design

Basic Rotations

As with most Jobs in Final Fantasy 14, you will have two basic combo strings you will be executing religiously throughout your time with it. One combo is for use on single targets, while the other is an area of effect (AoE), allowing you to attack multiple targets simultaneously.

  • Single-Target Rotation: Slice > Waxing Slice > Infernal Slice
    • 10 Points to Soul Gauge with each attack.
      • Use Blood Stalk when Soul Gauge reaches 50 Points to activate Soul Reaver.
  • AoE Rotation: Spinning Scythe > Nightmare Scythe
    • 10 Points to Soul Gauge with each attack.
      • Use Grim Swathe when Soul Gauge reaches 50 Points to activate Soul Reaver.

Soul Reaver Attacks

When under the Soul Reaver effects, as detailed above, you will have to opportunity to perform a few attacks. To take full advantage of the Job, you must carry out one of these three attacks while Souls Reaver is activated, or they will become unavailable to use until you reactivate the effect again.

Additionally, using these skills will buff another Soul Reaver attack, allowing you to deal a bit more damage in the following rotation. Furthermore, each ability will gain more potency when performing them from their respective orientations.

  • Gibbet (Flank)
    • Enhances Gallows for the next rotation.
  • Gallows (Rear)
    • Enhances Gibbet for the next rotation.
  • Guillotine (AoE)
    • Enhances Guillotine for the next rotation.

Other Important Attacks

With the basic attack rotations down, there are still a few more attacks you should be made aware of and implement into your combo strings as you see fit.

These skills will allow you to evade grave danger, Close in on your target, or even unlock your Soul Reaver attacks instantly. Be sure to sprinkle these into your combos as soon as they're available, as they are essential to getting the most out of the Reaper's toolkit.

  • Soul Slice (Single Target) or Soul Slice (AoE)
    • Both share a cooldown timer of 30 Seconds when either gets used
    • 50 Points to Soul Gauge when either gets used, allowing you to use Soul Reaver attacks immediately after.
  • Hell's Ingress (teleports you 15 yalms forward) or Hell's Egress (teleports you 15 yalms backward)
    • Great for gaining ground on a target or evading a potentially fatal attack.
    • Both immediately ready the Harpe skill, which is great for dealing damage at range.

Using the outline above is the best way to get the most out of the Reaper, especially for beginners. Never underestimate the Soul Gauge and the Soul Reaver attacks it enables.

Like the opening attacks, they are crucial to the class and let you deal the most damage possible. Once you get the rhythm and rotation of the class down, you will learn it's a relatively fast-paced Job and rewards you for being aggressive.

Reaper Off-GCD Actions

Final Fantasy 14: Complete Guide To Playing Reaper

Before we head into the Opener for the Reaper, let's cover the Job's Off-GCD (Global Cooldown) Actions, which you will be using frequently to deal damage.

As a DPS Job, you must familiarize yourself with the Reaper's Off-GCD Actions as they will be the primary source of your damage and what you will be weaving throughout your Opener. The table below showcases every Off-GCD Action for the Reaper, and we strongly urge you to check it out before moving on to the next section!


Recast Time

Gauge Cost


Harpe 2.5s N/A A ranged attack that deals unaspected damage to your target with a potency of 300. Increases Soul Gauge by 10.
Hell's Ingress 20s N/A Dash 15 yalms forward, leaving a Hellsgate Portal behind you, granting the Threshold and Enhanced Harpe effects to yourself for 10s.
Hell's Egress 20s N/A Dash 15 yalms backward, leaving a Hellsgate Portal behind you, granting the Threshold and Enhanced Harpe effects to yourself for 10s.
Regress 1s N/A Teleport back to the Hellsgate Portal created via Hell's Ingress and Hell's Egress.
Arcane Crest 30s N/A Cast a Barrier around yourself with the Crest of Borrowed Time effect for 5s. This barrier will absorb all incoming damage equal to 10 percent of your Max HP.
Blood Stalk 1s 50 Soul Gauge Summon your Avatar and deal an attack to a single target with a potency of 340.
Grim Swathe 1s 50 Soul Gauge Summon your Avatar and deliver a cone-shaped AoE attack that deals damage to all enemies in the area with a potency of 140.
Unveiled Gibbet 1s 50 Soul Gauge Summon your Avatar and deliver an attack to a single target with a potency of 440.
Unveiled Gallows 1s 50 Soul Gauge Summon your Avatar and deliver an attackto a single target with a potency of 440.
Arcane Circle 120s N/A Casts a BUFF in a 30 yalm radius that boosts you and your Party Member's damage output by three percent for 20s.
Gluttony 60s 50 Soul Gauge Summon your Avatar and attack in a wide AoE, dealing unaspected damage to all enemies in the area with a potency of 520 to the first target and 25 percent less for all others.
Enshroud 15s 50 Shroud Gauge Grant your Avatar your flesh as a vessel, instantly gaining max stacks of Lemure Shroud for 30s.
Soulsow 2.5s N/A Grant yourself the Soulsow effect, changing the action to Harvest Moon.
Harvest Moon 2.5s N/A Attack in a wide AoE, dealing unaspected damage to all targets in the area with a potency of 800 to the first target and 50 percent less for all others.
Lemure's Slice 1s 2 Void Shroud Deliver an attack to a single target with a potency of 280.
Lemure's Scythe 1s 2 Void Shroud Attack with a cone AoE, delivering damage to all enemies in the area with a potency of 100.
Communio 2.5s 1 Lemure Shroud Deliver a large, ranged AoE attack with a potency of 1,100 to the first target and 60 percent less for all others.
Sacrificium 1s Execute a large AoE attack that has the potency of 530 for the first target, dealing 50 percent less to all other enemies in the area.

Best Reaper Openers For FFXIV Dawntrail

Final Fantasy 14: Complete Guide To Playing Reaper

The Opener is taking everything laid out in the "Skillset Outline" and "Off-GCD Actions" sections above and implementing it in a series of attacks to begin a boss encounter off with a bang, setting you up for success throughout the rest of the instance.

In the Reaper's case, the new 7.0 Opener aims to get Gluttony out as soon as possible, allowing you to manage its cooldown effortlessly and then follow up with some of its new and more devastating actions, making it a surprisingly robust and devastating rotation and opener!

Best Basic Opener

  • Pre-Pull: (Soulsow) > (Harpe)
    • Cast Harpe with two seconds remaining on the countdown
  • Shadow of Death (Grade 1 Gemdraught of Strength) > Soul Slice (Arcane Circle Gluttony) > Executioner's Gibbet > Executioner's Gallows > Soul Slice > Plentiful Harvest (Enshroud) > Void Reaping (Sacrificium) > Cross Reaping (Lemure's Slice) > Void Reaping > Cross Reaping (Lemure's Slice) > Communio > Perfectio (Unveiled Gibbet) > Gibbet > Shadow of Death > Slice

Advanced Opener

  • Pre-Pull: (Soulsow) > (Harpe)
    • Cast Harpe with two seconds remaining on the countdown
  • Slice > Waxing Slice > Infernal Slice > Slice > Waxing Slice > Infernal Slice (Enshroud) > Shadow of Death > Void Reaping > Shadow of Death (Grade 1 Gemdraught of Strength Arcane Circle) Cross Reaping (Lemure's Slice) > Void Reaping (Sacrificium) > Cross Reaping (Lemure's Slice) > Communio > Plentiful Harvest (Enshroud) > Void Reaping (Sacrificium) > Cross Reaping (Lemure's Slice) > Void Reaping > Cross Reaping (Lemure's Slice) > Communio > Perfectio > Slice > Waxing Slice > Infernal Slice > Soul Slice (Gluttony) > Executioner's Gibbet > Executioner's Gallows

Best Gear For Reaper In FFXIV Dawntrail

Final Fantasy 14: Complete Guide To Playing Reaper

Getting your Opener/Rotations down to a science is just half the battle when it comes to Final Fantasy 14's battle system, and the other half falls entirely on how you build your character in terms of their equipment and Melding Materia.

While you can get through most of the game's early or MSQ-focused sections with the bare minimum gear and Materia, you will need to invest heavily into beefing them up if you plan on doing post-MSQ content. Below is a look at a Level 100 build for a Reaper with iLevel 730 Gear (iLevel 735 Weapon) and the proper Materia pairing.




How To Obtain


Dark Horse Champion's War Scythe
  • Quickarm Materia XII
  • Heavens' Eye Materia XII
  • DMG 146
  • STR 628
  • VIT 667
  • DH 275
  • CRT 393
Can drop during AAC Light-heavyweight M4 (Savage) or purchased from Hhihwi in Solution Nine (X:8.7, Y:13.7) for x8 AAC Illustrated: LHW Edition IV.


Augmented Quetzalli Helm of Maiming
  • Savage Might Materia XII
  • Heaven's Eye Materia XII
  • STR 371
  • VIT 391
  • DH 165
  • CRT 236
Upgraded by giving x1 Surgelight Twine and the corresponding Quetzalli Armor to Theone in Solution Nine (X:8.5, Y:13.6).


Dark Horse Champion's Coat of Maiming
  • Savage Might Materia XII
  • Savage Might Materia XII
  • STR 588
  • VIT 621
  • CRT 374
  • DET 262
Can drop during AAC Light-heavyweight M3 (Savage) or purchased from Hhihwi in Solution Nine (X:8.7, Y:13.7) for x6 AAC Illustrated: LHW Edition III.


Augmented Quetzalli Gauntlets of Maiming
  • Savage Might Materia XII
  • Heaven's Eye Materia XII
  • STR 371
  • VIT 391
  • CRT 236
  • DET 165
Upgraded by giving x1 Surgelight Twine and the corresponding Quetzalli Armor to Theone in Solution Nine (X:8.5, Y:13.6).


Augmented Quetzalli Brais of Maiming
  • Savage Might Materia XII
  • Heaven's Eye Materia XII
  • STR 588
  • VIT 621
  • DH 262
  • CRT 374
Upgraded by giving x1 Surgelight Twine and the corresponding Quetzalli Armor to Theone in Solution Nine (X:8.5, Y:13.6).


Dark Horse Champion's Greaves of Maiming
  • Savage Might Materia XII
  • Heavens' Eye Materia XII
  • STR 371
  • VIT 391
  • CRT 236
  • DET 165
Can drop during AAC Light-heavyweight M3 (Savage) or purchased from Hhihwi in Solution Nine (X:8.7, Y:13.7) for x4 AAC Illustrated: LHW Edition II.


Dark Horse Champion's Earrings of Slaying
  • Savage Aim Materia XII
  • Savage Aim Materia XII
  • STR 292
  • VIT 308
  • DH 186
  • DET 130
Can drop during AAC Light-heavyweight M1 (Savage) or purchased from Hhihwi in Solution Nine (X:8.7, Y:13.7) for x3 AAC Illustrated: LHW Edition I.


Augmented Quetzalli Necklace of Slaying
  • Savage Might Materia XII
  • Savage Might Materia XII
  • STR 292
  • VIT 308
  • DH 130
  • CRT 186
Upgraded by giving x1 Surgelight Glaze and the corresponding Quetzalli Accessory to Theone in Solution Nine (X:8.5, Y:13.6).


Dark Horse Champion's Bangle of Slaying
  • Savage Might Materia XII
  • Savage Might Materia XII
  • STR 292
  • VIT 308
  • DH 130
  • CRT 186
Can drop during AAC Light-heavyweight M1 (Savage) or purchased from Hhihwi in Solution Nine (X:8.7, Y:13.7) for x3 AAC Illustrated: LHW Edition I.

Left Ring

Augmented Quetzalli Ring of Slaying
  • Savage Aim Materia XII
  • Savage Aim Materia XII
  • STR 292
  • VIT 308
  • DH 186
  • DET 130
Upgraded by giving x1 Surgelight Glaze and the corresponding Quetzalli Accessory to Theone in Solution Nine (X:8.5, Y:13.6).

Right Ring

Dark Horse Champion's Ring of Slaying
  • Heavens' Eye Materia XII
  • Savage Aim Materia XII
  • STR 292
  • VIT 308
  • CRT 130
  • DET 186
Can drop during AAC Light-heavyweight M1 (Savage) or purchased from Hhihwi in Solution Nine (X:8.7, Y:13.7) for x3 AAC Illustrated: LHW Edition I.

In addition to the Opener/Rotations and equipment management, you can also squeeze a bit more damage out of the Reaper by using Grade 1 Gemdraught of Strength during your Opener and can consume the Moqueca food item before entering Raids, Trials, or Dungeons.

Final Fantasy 14: Complete Guide To Playing Reaper

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