Genetic Apex is the first set of cards in Pokémon TCG Pocket, but each booster set has a collection of exclusive cards. Whether you want to open Charizard, Mewtwo or Pikachu packs will depend on which cards you’re missing or which decks you want to build, but some are certainly stronger than others. If you want to know which cards are available in each pack, and which packs have the best cards, then we have everything you need to know about TCG Pocket booster packs.
*Italicized cards also have a full-art version, which is available in the same booster as the base card.
Charizard booster pack list – TCG Pocket

Pokémon TCG Pocket / The Pokémon CompanyCharizard booster packs can contain 59 different types of cards, which include 5 EX cards, and 19 full-art cards, many of which are different versions of the same card.
The key EX card of this deck is Starmie EX, which takes just two turns to set up and has no retreat cost. Charizard EX with Moltres EX is also A-tier – as you can see in our meta deck tier list – but we rank it slightly lower as it can take a long time to set up, and uses a three-stage Pokémon as your main attacker.
Full-art and EX cards aside, there are a number of more common cards which can be quite helpful. The best is Sabrina, which is one of the best cards in TCG Pocket, thanks to the ability to switch your opponent’s active Pokémon. If you are running a Venusaur EX deck, you’ll also want a few Erika cards to heal. Meowth is the best basic Pokémon here with its ability to draw an extra card per turn.
If you’re looking for a specific card – perhaps you’re working towards the free Mew card – then here is everything available in the Charizard booster packs:
- Oddish / Gloom / Vileplume
- Bellsprout / Weepinbell / Victreebel
- Exeggcute / Exeggutor / Exeggutor EX
🎜>Tangela- Skiddo / Gogoat
- Charmander / Charmeleon / Charizard / Charizard EX
Vulpix / Nintetales- Magmar
- Flareon
- Moltres /
- Moltres EX
Poliwag / Poliwhirl / Poliwrath- Staryu / Starmie /
- Starmie EX
- Lapras
Ducklett / Swanna- Froakie / Frogadier / Greninja
- Abra / Kadabra /
- Alakazam
Mankey / Primape- Machop / Machoke / Machamp /
- Machamp EX
Hitmonchan- Kabuto / Kabutops
- Mawile
- Meltan / Melmetal
- Spearow / Fearow
- >
- Meowth / Persian
Kangaskhan- Tauros
- Dome Fossil
- Erika
- Blaine
- Sabrina
- Ful -art Pinsir
- Full-art Rapidash
- Full-art Slowpoke
Mewtwo booster pack list – TCG Pocket

Pokémon TCG Pocket / The Pokémon Company
Mewtwo booster packs can contain 60 different types of cards, which include 5 EX cards, and 18 full-art cards, many of which are different versions of the same card.
The star of this booster is obviously the Mewtwo EX, which is dominating TCG Pocket online PvP battles When paired with Gardevoir, this deck is an unstoppable combo. Overall, the Mewtwo booster has the best EX cards, with both Articuno EX and Venusaur EX working as the base for strong meta decks. Even Marowak EX can be very powerful if you're lucky enough.
Giovanni is the second-best trainer card behind Sabrina, as it can help you secure the knockout on your opponent. This booster also contains Pidgeot, which is one of the strongest non-EX cards as it allows you to switch out your opponent's active Pokémon with no energy, and while Pidgeot is on the bench. Weezing can also be strong with Arbok for poison control decks, and Dragonite is another strong non-EX deck option, if you don't mind the frustrations of running mixed energy.
The Mewtwo EX cards alone make Mewtwo the best booster packs to open, particularly if you need strong cards to build your deck around.
Here is every card available in Mewtwo booster packs:
Bulbasaur / Ivysaur / Venusaur / Venusaur EX
- Weedle / Kakuna / Beedrill
- Venonat / Venomoth
- Scyther
- Salandit / Salazzle
- Tentacool / Tentacruel
- Shellder / Cloyster
- Krabby / Kingler
- Vaporeon
- Articuno / Articuno EX
- Tynamo / Eelektrik / Eelektross
- Gastly / Haunter / Gengar / Gengar EX
- Mr. Mime
- Jynx
- Mewtwo / Mewtwo EX
- Ralts / Kirlia / Gardevoir
Cubone / Marowak / Marowak EX
- Hitmonlee
- Rhyhorn / Rhydon
- Zubat / Golbat
- Grimer / Muk
- Koffing / Weezing
- Dratini / Dragonair / Dragonite
- Pidgey / Pidgeotto / Pidgeot
- Lickitung
- Ditto
- Porygon
- Aerodactyl
- Old Amber
- Koga
- Giovanni
Pikachu booster pack list – TCG Pocket

Pokémon TCG Pocket / The Pokémon CompanyPikachu booster packs can contain 60 different types of cards, which include 5 EX cards, and 19 full-art cards, many of which are different versions of the same card.
The star of this booster is Pikachu EX, the other deck that’s dominating the meta right now. It can be paired with Zapdos EX, but it can also work all by itself. The other EX cards in this set are a little weak, but Blastoise EX can work if you get lucky enough with Misty.
Speaking of this gym leader, you’ll find her in this booster set, and she’s necessary for any Water-type decks. Every other card in the Pikachu booster is pretty situational, like Magneton can be strong, but only paired with Raichu and Lt. Surge.
Here are all the cards you can find in the Pikachu booster packs:
- Caterpie / Metapod / Butterfree
- Paras / Parasect
- Growlith / Arcanine / Arcanine EX
Squirtle / Wartortle / Blastoise / Blastoise EX
- Seal/Dewgong
- Horsea/Seadra
- Golden/Seaking
- Magikarp/Gyarados
- About / Omastar
Pikachu / Raichu / Pikachu EX
- Magnemite / Magneton
- Voltorb / Electrode
- Electabuzz
- Jolteon
- Zapdos / Zapdos EX
- Clefairy / Clefable
- Drowzee / Hypno
Diglett / Dugtrio
- Geodude / Graveler / Golem
- Onix
- Mienfoo / Mienshao
- Nidoran / Nidorina / Nidoqueen
- Nidoran / Nidorino / Nidoking
- Jigglypuff / Wigglytuff / Wigglytuff EX
- Chancey
- Snorlax
- Helix Fossil
- Misty
- Brock
- Lt. Surge
- Full art Eevee
Any booster pack – TCG Pocket

Pokémon TCG Pocket / The Pokémon Company
There are 44 cards that you can find in any pack, though it should be noted that the full-art versions of most cards are locked to certain packs. The exception to this is the crown rarity gold full- art versions of Mewtwo EX, Charizard EX, and Pikachu EX, which can surprisingly be found in any pack.
Painting - *Full-art version is Charizard only Rapidash *Full-art version of Rapidash is Charizard only
- Heatmother
- Sizzlipede / Centiscorch
- PSyduck / GolduckBruxish
- Snom / Frosmoth
- Blitzle / Zebstrika
- Helioptile / Heliolisk
- Pincurchin
- Slowpoke / Slowbro
*Full-art version of Slowpoke is Charizard only-
- Woobat / Swoobat
- Golett / Golurk
- Sandshrew / SandslashClobbopus / Grapploct
- Ekans / Arbok
- Pawniard / Bisharp
- Rattata / Raticate
- Farfetch'd
- Doduo / Dodrio
- Eevee
*Full art version is Pikachu only-
- Minccino/Cinccino
- Wooloo/Dubwool
*Crown rarity gold Charizard/Mewtwo/Pikachu EX cards can appear in any pack
- Read more: Pokémon TCG Pocket: Best Common Cards
The above is the detailed content of Pokémon TCG Pocket best booster pack: the cards you need from each. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!