Home >Backend Development >Python Tutorial >Using Google Cloud Functions for Three-Tier Data Processing with Google Composer and Automated Deployments via GitHub Actions

Using Google Cloud Functions for Three-Tier Data Processing with Google Composer and Automated Deployments via GitHub Actions

Mary-Kate Olsen
Mary-Kate OlsenOriginal
2024-10-26 05:42:30944browse

Table of Contents

  1. About
  2. Tools Used
  3. Solution Architecture Diagram
  4. Deployment Process
    • Prerequisites
    • Secrets for GitHub Actions
    • To create a new secret:
    • Setting Up the DevOps Service Account
  5. GitHub Actions Pipeline: Steps
    • enable-services
    • deploy-buckets
    • deploy-cloud-function
    • deploy-composer-service-account
    • deploy-bigquery-dataset-bigquery-tables
    • deploy-composer-environment
    • deploy-composer-http-connection
    • deploy-dags
  6. GitHub Actions Workflow Explanation
  7. Resources Created After Deployment
  8. Conclusion
  9. References


This post explores the use of Google Cloud Functions for processing data in a three-tier architecture. The solution is orchestrated with Google Composer and features automated deployments using GitHub Actions. We will walk through the tools used, deployment process, and pipeline steps, providing a clear guide for building an end-to-end cloud-based data pipeline.

Tools Used

  1. Google Cloud Platform (GCP): The primary cloud environment.
  2. Cloud Storage: For storing input and processed data across different layers (Bronze, Silver, Gold).
  3. Cloud Functions: Serverless functions responsible for data processing in each tier.
  4. Google Composer: An orchestration tool based on Apache Airflow, used to schedule and manage workflows.
  5. GitHub Actions: Automation tool for deploying and managing the pipeline infrastructure.

Solution Architecture Diagram

Using Google Cloud Functions for Three-Tier Data Processing with Google Composer and Automated Deployments via GitHub Actions

Deployment Process


Before setting up the project, ensure you have the following:

  1. GCP Account: A Google Cloud account with billing enabled.
  2. Service Account for DevOps: A service account with the required permissions to deploy resources in GCP.
  3. Secrets in GitHub: Store the GCP service account credentials, project ID, and bucket name as secrets in GitHub for secure access.

Secrets for GitHub Actions

To securely access your GCP project and resources, set the following secrets in GitHub Actions:

  • BUCKET_DATALAKE: Your Cloud Storage bucket for the data lake.
  • GCP_DEVOPS_SA_KEY: The service account key in JSON format.
  • PROJECT_ID: Your GCP project ID.
  • REGION_PROJECT_ID: The region where your GCP project is deployed.

To create a new secret:

1. In project repository, menu **Settings** 
2. **Security**, 
3. **Secrets and variables**,click in access **Action**
4. **New repository secret**, type a **name** and **value** for secret.

Using Google Cloud Functions for Three-Tier Data Processing with Google Composer and Automated Deployments via GitHub Actions

For more details , access :

Setting Up the DevOps Service Account

Create a service account in GCP with permissions for Cloud Functions, Composer, BigQuery, and Cloud Storage. Grant the necessary roles such as:

  • Cloud Functions Admin
  • Composer User
  • BigQuery Data Editor
  • Storage Object Admin

GitHub Actions Pipeline: Steps

The pipeline automates the entire deployment process, ensuring all components are set up correctly. Here's a breakdown of the key jobs from the GitHub Actions file, each responsible for a different aspect of the deployment.


    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2

    # Step to Authenticate with GCP
    - name: Authorize GCP
      uses: 'google-github-actions/auth@v2'
        credentials_json:  ${{ secrets.GCP_DEVOPS_SA_KEY }}

    # Step to Configure  Cloud SDK
    - name: Set up Cloud SDK
      uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v2
        version: '>= 363.0.0'
        project_id: ${{ secrets.PROJECT_ID }}

    # Step to Configure Docker to use the gcloud command-line tool as a credential helper
    - name: Configure Docker
      run: |-
        gcloud auth configure-docker

    - name: Set up python 3.8
      uses: actions/setup-python@v2
        python-version: 3.8.16

    # Step to Create GCP Bucket 
    - name: Enable gcp service api's
      run: |-
        gcloud services enable ${{ env.GCP_SERVICE_API_0 }}
        gcloud services enable ${{ env.GCP_SERVICE_API_1 }}
        gcloud services enable ${{ env.GCP_SERVICE_API_2 }}
        gcloud services enable ${{ env.GCP_SERVICE_API_3 }}
        gcloud services enable ${{ env.GCP_SERVICE_API_4 }}


    needs: [enable-services]
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
    timeout-minutes: 10

    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: Authorize GCP
      uses: 'google-github-actions/auth@v2'
        credentials_json:  ${{ secrets.GCP_DEVOPS_SA_KEY }}

    # Step to Authenticate with GCP
    - name: Set up Cloud SDK
      uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v2
        version: '>= 363.0.0'
        project_id: ${{ secrets.PROJECT_ID }}

    # Step to Configure Docker to use the gcloud command-line tool as a credential helper
    - name: Configure Docker
      run: |-
        gcloud auth configure-docker

    # Step to Create GCP Bucket 
    - name: Create Google Cloud Storage - datalake
      run: |-
        if ! gsutil ls -p ${{ secrets.PROJECT_ID }} gs://${{ secrets.BUCKET_DATALAKE }} &> /dev/null; \
          then \
            gcloud storage buckets create gs://${{ secrets.BUCKET_DATALAKE }} --default-storage-class=nearline --location=${{ env.REGION }}
            echo "Cloud Storage : gs://${{ secrets.BUCKET_DATALAKE }}  already exists" ! 

    # Step to Upload the file to GCP Bucket - transient files
    - name: Upload transient files to Google Cloud Storage
      run: |-
        TARGET=${{ env.INPUT_FOLDER }}
        BUCKET_PATH=${{ secrets.BUCKET_DATALAKE }}/${{ env.INPUT_FOLDER }}    
        gsutil cp -r $TARGET gs://${BUCKET_PATH}


    needs: [enable-services, deploy-buckets]
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2

    # Step to Authenticate with GCP
    - name: Authorize GCP
      uses: 'google-github-actions/auth@v2'
        credentials_json:  ${{ secrets.GCP_DEVOPS_SA_KEY }}

    # Step to Configure  Cloud SDK
    - name: Set up Cloud SDK
      uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v2
        version: '>= 363.0.0'
        project_id: ${{ secrets.PROJECT_ID }}

    # Step to Configure Docker to use the gcloud command-line tool as a credential helper
    - name: Configure Docker
      run: |-
        gcloud auth configure-docker

    - name: Set up python 3.10
      uses: actions/setup-python@v2
        python-version: 3.10.12
    - name: Create cloud function - ${{ env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_1_NAME }}
      run: |-
        cd ${{ env.FUNCTION_SCRIPTS }}/${{ env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_1_NAME }}
        gcloud functions deploy ${{ env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_1_NAME }} \
        --gen2 \
        --cpu=${{ env.FUNCTION_CPU  }} \
        --memory=${{ env.FUNCTION_MEMORY  }} \
        --runtime ${{ env.PYTHON_FUNCTION_RUNTIME }} \
        --trigger-http \
        --region ${{ env.REGION }} \
        --entry-point ${{ env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_1_NAME }}

    - name: Create cloud function - ${{ env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_2_NAME }}
      run: |-
        cd ${{ env.FUNCTION_SCRIPTS }}/${{ env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_2_NAME }}
        gcloud functions deploy ${{ env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_2_NAME }} \
        --gen2 \
        --cpu=${{ env.FUNCTION_CPU  }} \
        --memory=${{ env.FUNCTION_MEMORY  }} \
        --runtime ${{ env.PYTHON_FUNCTION_RUNTIME }} \
        --trigger-http \
        --region ${{ env.REGION }} \
        --entry-point ${{ env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_2_NAME }}

    - name: Create cloud function - ${{ env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_3_NAME }}
      run: |-
        cd ${{ env.FUNCTION_SCRIPTS }}/${{ env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_3_NAME }}
        gcloud functions deploy ${{ env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_3_NAME }} \
        --gen2 \
        --cpu=${{ env.FUNCTION_CPU  }} \
        --memory=${{ env.FUNCTION_MEMORY  }} \
        --runtime ${{ env.PYTHON_FUNCTION_RUNTIME }} \
        --trigger-http \
        --region ${{ env.REGION }} \
        --entry-point ${{ env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_3_NAME }}


    needs: [enable-services, deploy-buckets, deploy-cloud-function ]
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
    timeout-minutes: 10

    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: Authorize GCP
      uses: 'google-github-actions/auth@v2'
        credentials_json:  ${{ secrets.GCP_DEVOPS_SA_KEY }}

    # Step to Authenticate with GCP
    - name: Set up Cloud SDK
      uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v2
        version: '>= 363.0.0'
        project_id: ${{ secrets.PROJECT_ID }}

    # Step to Configure Docker to use the gcloud command-line tool as a credential helper
    - name: Configure Docker
      run: |-
        gcloud auth configure-docker

    - name: Create service account
      run: |-

        if ! gcloud iam service-accounts list | grep -i ${{ env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}} &> /dev/null; \
          then \
            gcloud iam service-accounts create ${{ env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME }} \
            --display-name=${{ env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DESCRIPTION }}
    - name: Add permissions to service account
      run: |-
        gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}} \
          --member="serviceAccount:${{env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}}@${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \

        gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}} \
          --member="serviceAccount:${{env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}}@${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \

        gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}} \
          --member="serviceAccount:${{env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}}@${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \

        # Permissão para criar e gerenciar ambientes Composer
        gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}} \
          --member="serviceAccount:${{env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}}@${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \

        gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}} \
          --member="serviceAccount:${{env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}}@${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \

        # Permissão para criar e configurar instâncias e recursos na VPC
        gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}} \
          --member="serviceAccount:${{env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}}@${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \

        # Permissão para interagir com o Cloud Storage, necessário para buckets e logs
        gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}} \
          --member="serviceAccount:${{env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}}@${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \

        # Permissão para criar e gerenciar recursos no projeto, como buckets e instâncias
        gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}} \
          --member="serviceAccount:${{env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}}@${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \

        # Permissão para acessar e usar recursos necessários para o IAM
        gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}} \
          --member="serviceAccount:${{env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}}@${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \

        gcloud functions add-iam-policy-binding ${{env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_1_NAME}} \
          --region="${{env.REGION}}" \
          --member="serviceAccount:${{env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}}@${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \

        gcloud functions add-invoker-policy-binding ${{env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_1_NAME}} \
          --region="${{env.REGION}}" \

        gcloud functions add-iam-policy-binding ${{env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_2_NAME}} \
          --region="${{env.REGION}}" \
          --member="serviceAccount:${{env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}}@${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \

        gcloud functions add-invoker-policy-binding ${{env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_2_NAME}} \
          --region="${{env.REGION}}" \

        gcloud functions add-iam-policy-binding ${{env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_3_NAME}} \
          --region="${{env.REGION}}" \
          --member="serviceAccount:${{env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}}@${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \

        gcloud functions add-invoker-policy-binding ${{env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_3_NAME}} \
          --region="${{env.REGION}}" \

        SERVICE_NAME_1=$(gcloud functions describe ${{ env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_1_NAME }} --region=${{ env.REGION }} --format="value(serviceConfig.service)")
        gcloud run services add-iam-policy-binding $SERVICE_NAME_1 \
        --region="${{env.REGION}}" \
        --member="serviceAccount:${{env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}}@${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \

        SERVICE_NAME_2=$(gcloud functions describe ${{ env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_2_NAME }} --region=${{ env.REGION }} --format="value(serviceConfig.service)")
        gcloud run services add-iam-policy-binding $SERVICE_NAME_2 \
        --region="${{env.REGION}}" \
        --member="serviceAccount:${{env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}}@${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \

        SERVICE_NAME_3=$(gcloud functions describe ${{ env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_3_NAME }} --region=${{ env.REGION }} --format="value(serviceConfig.service)")
        gcloud run services add-iam-policy-binding $SERVICE_NAME_3 \
        --region="${{env.REGION}}" \
        --member="serviceAccount:${{env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}}@${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \

        gcloud functions add-invoker-policy-binding ${{env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_1_NAME}} \
        --region="${{env.REGION}}" \

        gcloud functions add-invoker-policy-binding ${{env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_2_NAME}} \
        --region="${{env.REGION}}" \

        gcloud functions add-invoker-policy-binding ${{env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_3_NAME}} \
        --region="${{env.REGION}}" \


    needs: [enable-services, deploy-buckets, deploy-cloud-function, deploy-composer-service-account ]
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
    timeout-minutes: 10

    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: Authorize GCP
      uses: 'google-github-actions/auth@v2'
        credentials_json:  ${{ secrets.GCP_DEVOPS_SA_KEY }}

    # Step to Authenticate with GCP
    - name: Set up Cloud SDK
      uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v2
        version: '>= 363.0.0'
        project_id: ${{ secrets.PROJECT_ID }}

    # Step to Configure Docker to use the gcloud command-line tool as a credential helper
    - name: Configure Docker
      run: |-
        gcloud auth configure-docker

    - name: Create Big Query Dataset
      run: |-  
        if ! bq ls --project_id ${{ secrets.PROJECT_ID}} -a | grep -w ${{ env.BIGQUERY_DATASET}} &> /dev/null; \

            bq --location=${{ env.REGION }} mk \
          --default_table_expiration 0 \
          --dataset ${{ env.BIGQUERY_DATASET }}

            echo "Big Query Dataset : ${{ env.BIGQUERY_DATASET }} already exists" ! 

    - name: Create Big Query table
      run: |-
        for table in $(bq ls --max_results 1000 "${{ secrets.PROJECT_ID}}:${{ env.BIGQUERY_DATASET}}" | tail -n +3 | awk '{print }'); do

            # Determine the table type and file extension
            if bq show --format=prettyjson $BIGQUERY_TABLE_CUSTOMER | jq -r '.type' | grep -q -E "TABLE"; then
              echo "Dataset ${{ env.BIGQUERY_DATASET}} already has table named : $table " !
              if [ "$table" == "${{ env.BIGQUERY_TABLE_CUSTOMER}}" ]; then
                echo "Dataset ${{ env.BIGQUERY_DATASET}} already has table named : $table " !
                echo "Ignoring $table"            
        echo " contador $c "
        if [ $c == 0 ]; then
          echo "Creating table named : $table for Dataset ${{ env.BIGQUERY_DATASET}} " !

          bq mk --table \



    needs: [enable-services, deploy-buckets, deploy-cloud-function, deploy-composer-service-account, deploy-bigquery-dataset-bigquery-tables ]
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
    timeout-minutes: 40

    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: Authorize GCP
      uses: 'google-github-actions/auth@v2'
        credentials_json:  ${{ secrets.GCP_DEVOPS_SA_KEY }}

    # Step to Authenticate with GCP
    - name: Set up Cloud SDK
      uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v2
        version: '>= 363.0.0'
        project_id: ${{ secrets.PROJECT_ID }}

    # Step to Configure Docker to use the gcloud command-line tool as a credential helper
    - name: Configure Docker
      run: |-
        gcloud auth configure-docker

    # Create composer environments
    - name: Create composer environments
      run: |-
        if ! gcloud composer environments list --project=${{ secrets.PROJECT_ID }} --locations=${{ env.REGION }} | grep -i ${{ env.COMPOSER_ENV_NAME }} &> /dev/null; then
            gcloud composer environments create ${{ env.COMPOSER_ENV_NAME }} \
                --project ${{ secrets.PROJECT_ID }} \
                --location ${{ env.REGION }} \
                --environment-size ${{ env.COMPOSER_ENV_SIZE }} \
                --image-version ${{ env.COMPOSER_IMAGE_VERSION }} \
                --service-account ${{ env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME }}@${{ secrets.PROJECT_ID }}.iam.gserviceaccount.com
            echo "Composer environment ${{ env.COMPOSER_ENV_NAME }} already exists!"

    # Create composer environments
    - name: Create composer variable PROJECT_ID 
      run: |-
        gcloud composer environments run ${{ env.COMPOSER_ENV_NAME }} \
        --location ${{ env.REGION}} variables \
        -- set PROJECT_ID ${{ secrets.PROJECT_ID }}

    - name: Create composer variable REGION
      run: |-  
        gcloud composer environments run ${{ env.COMPOSER_ENV_NAME }} \
          --location ${{ env.REGION }} variables \
          -- set REGION ${{ env.REGION }}

    - name: Create composer variable CLOUD_FUNCTION_1_NAME
      run: |-
        gcloud composer environments run ${{ env.COMPOSER_ENV_NAME }}\
          --location ${{ env.REGION }} variables \
          -- set CLOUD_FUNCTION_1_NAME ${{ env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_1_NAME }}

    - name: Create composer variable CLOUD_FUNCTION_2_NAME
      run: |-
        gcloud composer environments run ${{ env.COMPOSER_ENV_NAME }} \
        --location ${{ env.REGION }} variables \
        -- set CLOUD_FUNCTION_2_NAME ${{ env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_2_NAME }}

    - name: Create composer variable CLOUD_FUNCTION_3_NAME
      run: |-
        gcloud composer environments run ${{ env.COMPOSER_ENV_NAME }} \
        --location ${{ env.REGION }} variables \
        -- set CLOUD_FUNCTION_3_NAME ${{ env.CLOUD_FUNCTION_3_NAME }}

    - name: Create composer variable BUCKET_DATALAKE
      run: |-
        gcloud composer environments run ${{ env.COMPOSER_ENV_NAME }} \
        --location ${{ env.REGION}} variables \
        -- set BUCKET_NAME ${{ secrets.BUCKET_DATALAKE }}

    - name: Create composer variable TRANSIENT_FILE_PATH
      run: |-
        gcloud composer environments run ${{ env.COMPOSER_ENV_NAME }} \
        --location ${{ env.REGION }} variables \

    - name: Create composer variable BRONZE_PATH 
      run: |-
        gcloud composer environments run ${{ env.COMPOSER_ENV_NAME }} \
        --location ${{ env.REGION }} variables \
        -- set BRONZE_PATH ${{ env.BRONZE_PATH }}

    - name: Create composer variable SILVER_PATH
      run: |-
        gcloud composer environments run ${{ env.COMPOSER_ENV_NAME }} \
        --location ${{ env.REGION }} variables \
        -- set SILVER_PATH ${{ env.SILVER_PATH }}

    - name: Create composer variable REGION_PROJECT_ID
      run: |-
        gcloud composer environments run ${{ env.COMPOSER_ENV_NAME }} \
        --location ${{ env.REGION }} variables \
        -- set REGION_PROJECT_ID "${{ env.REGION }}-${{ secrets.PROJECT_ID }}"

    - name: Create composer variable BIGQUERY_DATASET
      run: |-
        gcloud composer environments run ${{ env.COMPOSER_ENV_NAME }} \
        --location ${{ env.REGION }} variables \
        -- set BIGQUERY_DATASET "${{ env.BIGQUERY_DATASET }}"

    - name: Create composer variable BIGQUERY_TABLE_CUSTOMER
      run: |-
        gcloud composer environments run ${{ env.COMPOSER_ENV_NAME }} \
        --location ${{ env.REGION }} variables \


    needs: [enable-services, deploy-buckets, deploy-cloud-function, deploy-composer-service-account, deploy-bigquery-dataset-bigquery-tables, deploy-composer-environment ]
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04

    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: Authorize GCP
      uses: 'google-github-actions/auth@v2'
        credentials_json:  ${{ secrets.GCP_DEVOPS_SA_KEY }}

    # Step to Authenticate with GCP
    - name: Set up Cloud SDK
      uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v2
        version: '>= 363.0.0'
        project_id: ${{ secrets.PROJECT_ID }}

    # Step to Configure Docker to use the gcloud command-line tool as a credential helper
    - name: Configure Docker
      run: |-
        gcloud auth configure-docker

    - name: Create composer http connection HTTP_CONNECTION
      run: |-
        HOST="https://${{ env.REGION }}-${{ secrets.PROJECT_ID }}.cloudfunctions.net"
        gcloud composer environments run ${{ env.COMPOSER_ENV_NAME }} \
        --location ${{ env.REGION }} connections \
        -- add ${{ env.HTTP_CONNECTION }} \
        --conn-type ${{ env.CONNECTION_TYPE  }} \
        --conn-host $HOST


    needs: [enable-services, deploy-buckets, deploy-cloud-function, deploy-composer-service-account, deploy-bigquery-dataset-bigquery-tables, deploy-composer-environment, deploy-composer-http-connection ]
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04

    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: Authorize GCP
      uses: 'google-github-actions/auth@v2'
        credentials_json:  ${{ secrets.GCP_DEVOPS_SA_KEY }}

    # Step to Authenticate with GCP
    - name: Set up Cloud SDK
      uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v2
        version: '>= 363.0.0'
        project_id: ${{ secrets.PROJECT_ID }}

    - name: Get Composer bucket name and Deploy DAG to Composer
      run: |-
        COMPOSER_BUCKET=$(gcloud composer environments describe ${{ env.COMPOSER_ENV_NAME }} \
        --location ${{ env.REGION }} \
        gsutil -m cp -r ./dags/* $COMPOSER_BUCKET/dags/

Resources Created After Deployment

After the deployment process is complete, the following resources will be available:

  1. Cloud Storage Buckets: Organized into Bronze, Silver, and Gold layers.
  2. Cloud Functions:: Responsible for processing data across the three layers.
  3. Service Account for Composer:: With appropriate permissions for invoking Cloud Functions.
  4. BigQuery Dataset and Tables: A DataFrame created for storing processed data.
  5. Google Composer Environment: Orchestrates the Cloud Functions with daily executions.
  6. Composer DAG: The DAG manages the workflow that invokes Cloud Functions and processes data.


This solution demonstrates how to leverage Google Cloud Functions, Composer, and BigQuery to create a robust three-tier data processing pipeline. The automation using GitHub Actions ensures a smooth, reproducible deployment process, making it easier to manage cloud-based data pipelines at scale.


  1. Google Cloud Platform Documentation: https://cloud.google.com/docs
  2. GitHub Actions Documentation:: https://docs.github.com/en/actions
  3. Google Composer Documentation:: https://cloud.google.com/composer/docs
  4. Cloud Functions Documentation: https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs
  5. GitHub Repo: https://github.com/jader-lima/gcp-cloud-functions-to-bigquery

The above is the detailed content of Using Google Cloud Functions for Three-Tier Data Processing with Google Composer and Automated Deployments via GitHub Actions. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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