Home >Java >javaTutorial >Essential Programming Symbols and Their German Equivalents
As a junior developer working with multiple programming languages, you might find yourself jumping between LANGUAGES! This can be exciting but also a bit confusing, especially when it comes to understanding the various symbols used in code.
For those who are bilingual in German and English, this post is here to help. Below, you'll find a comprehensive table that matches up the most important programming symbols with their German equivalents. This resource is particularly handy if you're working with German documentation or communicating with a German-speaking team.
German | English | Symbol | Usage in Programming |
Gleichheitszeichen | Equals sign | = | Assignment of values, comparison in JavaScript (==) |
Doppelgleichheitszeichen | Double equals | == | Comparison operator in JavaScript (non-strict) |
Dreifachgleichheitszeichen | Triple equals | === | Strict comparison in JavaScript/TypeScript |
Ungleichheitszeichen | Not equal sign | != | Non-strict inequality operator |
Striktes Ungleichheitszeichen | Strict not equal | !== | Strict inequality in JavaScript/TypeScript |
Größer als | Greater than | > | Greater than comparison operator |
Kleiner als | Less than | < | Less than comparison operator |
Größer gleich | Greater than or equal to | >= | Greater than or equal to comparison |
Kleiner gleich | Less than or equal to | <= | Less than or equal to comparison |
Pluszeichen | Plus sign | + | Addition, string concatenation |
Minuszeichen | Minus sign | - | Subtraction, negation |
Malzeichen | Asterisk/Multiplication sign | * | Multiplication |
Divisionszeichen | Slash | / | Division |
Modulozeichen | Modulus/Percent sign | % | Modulo operation (remainder) |
Und-Operator | Logical AND | && | Logical AND operator |
Nicht-Operator | Logical NOT | ! | Logical NOT operator |
Inkrement | Increment | ++ | Increments the value of a variable by 1 |
Dekrement | Decrement | -- | Decrements the value of a variable by 1 |
Pfeilfunktion | Arrow function | => | Defines an arrow function in JavaScript/TypeScript |
Punkt | Dot/Period | . | Access object methods/properties |
Doppelpunktenotation | Colon notation | :: | Method reference in Java, accessing props in React |
Doppelpunkte | Double colon | :: | Method reference in Java |
Fragezeichen-Punkt-Operator | Optional chaining | ?. | Safely access nested objects without errors if undefined |
Geschweifte Klammern | Curly braces | {} | Block definition, object literals, JSX elements in React |
Eckige Klammern | Square brackets | [] | Array declarations, accessing array elements |
Runde Klammern | Parentheses | () | Function calls, grouping |
Backticks | Backticks | ` | Template literals for strings in JavaScript |
Tilde | Tilde | ~ | Bitwise NOT |
Doppelte Backslash | Double backslash | \ | Escape sequences in strings |
Schrägstrich | Forward slash | / | Paths, division, regular expressions |
Doppelschrägstrich | Double slash | // | Single-line comments in JavaScript, Java, TypeScript |
Blockkommentar | Block comment | /* */ | Block comments in JavaScript, Java, TypeScript |
Dollarzeichen | Dollar sign | $ | Placeholder in template literals, referencing in jQuery |
Fragezeichen | Question mark | ? | Ternary operator, optional types in TypeScript |
Doppelpfeil | Double arrow | => | Arrow functions in JavaScript/TypeScript |
Doppelter Und | Double ampersand | && | Logical AND, short-circuit evaluation |
Verknüpfungspunkt | Dot/Chain operator | . | Chains properties or methods |
Instanceof Operator | Instanceof Operator | instanceof | Checks if an object is of a specific type |
코딩하는 동안 언어를 전환하는 것은 까다로울 수 있습니다. 때로는 기호의 기능을 알지만 다른 언어로 된 이름을 이해하지 못할 수도 있습니다. 이 표는 이러한 격차를 해소하는 데 도움이 되며 이중 언어 환경에서 더 쉽게 효과적으로 의사소통할 수 있도록 해줍니다. 독일어로 코드 주석을 읽거나 동료에게 영어로 무언가를 설명하는 경우 이 표를 사용하면 됩니다.
두 언어 모두에서 이러한 기호를 이해하면 코딩 능력이 향상될 뿐만 아니라 국제적인 팀과 프로젝트에 보다 효율적으로 적응하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
댓글 섹션에 더 많은 내용을 추가하고 이 페이지를 북마크에 추가하세요 :)
즐거운 코딩을 즐기시고 언어 장벽으로 인해 방해를 받지 마세요!
The above is the detailed content of Essential Programming Symbols and Their German Equivalents. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!