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Computer blue screen code?

2024-08-06 18:58:301205browse


Computer blue screen code?


電腦藍色畫面發生後,會自動進入一個錯誤代碼的提示介面,其中的藍色畫面代碼(也稱為stop code,停止錯誤代碼)是標識錯誤類型的重要參考指標,不同的藍色畫面代碼對應不同的故障類型。以下是一些常見的藍色畫面程式碼及其意義:

1. 0x0000000A:表示存取記憶體時發生的錯誤。

2. 0x0000001E:表示由訪問某個空間所造成的錯誤。

3. 0x0000003B:表示發生的異常類型為系統服務異常,通常與驅動程式有關。

4. 0x0000007E:表示發生的異常類型為系統核心錯誤,通常與系統檔案有關。

5. 0x000000D1:表示發生的異常類型為驅動程式錯誤。

6. 0x000000F4:表示發生的異常類型為系統實體記憶體錯誤。



1. 0x0000001A1. 0x0000001A


2. 0×000000EA


3. 0x0000009F3. 0x0000009F


4. 0×000000FC





  常用的藍色畫面編號 代碼 含意

  0 0x00000000 作業完成。

  1 0x00000001 不正確的函數。

  2 0x00000002 系統找不到指定的檔案。

  3 0x00000003 系統找不到指定的路徑。

  4 0x00000004 系統無法開啟檔案。

  5 0x00000005 拒絕存取。

  6 0x00000006 無效的代碼。

  7 0x00000007 儲存體控制區塊已毀。

  8 0x00000008 儲存體空間不足,無法處理這個指令。

  9 0x00000009 儲存體控制區塊位址無效。

  10 0x0000000A 環境不正確。

  11 0x0000000B 嘗試載入一個格式錯誤的程式。

  12 0x0000000C 存取碼錯誤。

  13 0x0000000D 資料錯誤。

  14 0x0000000E 儲存體空間不夠,無法完成這項作業。

  15 0x0000000F 系統找不到指定的磁碟機。

  16 0x00000010 無法移除目錄。

  17 0x00000011 系統無法將檔案移到 其它的磁碟機。

  18 0x00000012 沒有任何檔案。

  19 0x00000013 儲存媒體為寫入保護狀態。

  20 0x00000014 系統找不到指定的裝置。

  21 0x00000015 裝置尚未就緒。

  22 0x00000016 裝置無法辨識指令。

  23 0x00000017 資料錯誤 (cyclic redundancy check)

  24 0x00000018 程式發出長度錯誤的指令。

  25 0x00000019 磁碟機在磁碟找不到 持定的磁區或磁軌。

  26 0x0000001A 指定的磁碟或磁碟無法存取。

  27 0x0000001B 磁碟機找不到要求的磁區。

  28 0x0000001C 印表機沒有紙張。

  29 0x0000001D 系統無法將資料寫入指定的磁碟機。

  30 0x0000001E 系統無法讀取指定的裝置。

  31 0x0000001F 連接到系統的某個裝置沒有作用。

  32 0x00000020 文件被另一個進程使用中不能訪問

  The process cannot access the file because it is being used by an process.存取。

  34 0x00000022 磁碟機的磁碟不正確。 請將 %2 (Volume Serial Number: %3) 插入磁碟機%1。

  36 0x00000024 開啟的分享檔案數量太多。

  38 0x00000026 到達檔案結尾。

  39 0x00000027 磁碟已滿。

  50 0x00000032 不支援這種網路要求。

  51 0x00000033 遠端電腦無法使用。

  52 0x00000034 網路名稱重複。

  53 0x00000035 網路路徑找不到。

  54 0x00000036 網路忙碌中。

  55 0x00000037 特殊的網路資源或裝置不可再使用

  The specified network resource or device is no longer available.

〟〴 mit has been reached.

  57 0x00000039 網絡配接卡發生問題。

  58 0x0000003A 指定的伺服器無法執行要求的作業。

  59 0x0000003B 網路發生意外錯誤。

  60 0x0000003C 遠端配接卡不相容。

  61 0x0000003D 列印機佇列已滿。

  62 0x0000003E 伺服器的空間無法儲存等待列印的檔案。

  63 0x0000003F 等候列印的檔案已刪除。

  64 0x00000040 指定的網路名稱無法使用。

  65 0x00000041 拒絕存取網路。

  66 0x00000042 網路資源類型錯誤。

  67 0x00000043 網路名稱找不到。

  68 0x00000044 超過區域電腦網路配接卡的名稱限制。

  69 0x00000045 超過網路 BIOS 作業階段的限制。

  70 0x00000046 遠端伺服器已經暫停或正在起始中。

  71 0x00000047 由於連線數目已達上限,此時無法再聯機到這台遠端電腦。

  72 0x00000048 指定的印表機或磁碟裝置已暫停作用。

  80 0x00000050 檔案已經存在。

  82 0x00000052 無法建立目錄或檔案。

  83 0x00000053 INT 2484 0x00000054 處理此要求的儲存體無法使用。

  85 0x00000055 近端裝置名稱已經在使用中。

  86 0x00000056 指定的網路密碼錯誤。

  87 0x00000057 參數錯誤。

  88 0x00000058 網路發生資料寫入錯誤。

  89 0x00000059 此時系統無法執行其它行程。

  100 0x00000064 無法建立其它的系統 semaphore







1、 0X0000000 操作完成

  0X0000001 不正確的函數

  0X0000001 不正確的函數

 〜 00系統找不到指定的路徑

  0X0000004 系統無法開啟檔案

  0X0000005 拒絕存取

  0X0000006 無效的程式碼

2、0X0000007 記憶體控制模組已損壞

2、0X0000007 記憶體控制模組已損壞

〕 X0000009 記憶體控制模組位址無效

  0X000000A 環境不正確


  0X000000C 存取碼錯誤

  0X0000000D 資料錯誤

3、 0X000000E 記憶體無法完成這項作業

  0X0000010 無法移除目錄

  0X0000011 系統無法將檔案移到其他的硬碟

  0X0000012 沒有任何檔案

  㜀道或磁片找不到指定00019 找不到指定磁碟區或磁片無法存取

4、 0X000001B 磁碟找不到要求的裝置

  0X000001C 印表機沒有紙

  0X000001D 系統無法將資料寫入指定的磁碟


  0X000001F A device connected to the system is not working

  0X0000021 Part of the file is locked and cannot be accessed now

  0X0000024 There are too many open shared files

5. 0X0000026 The end of the file has been reached

  0X0000027 Disk is full

1 00053 INT24 failed (what does it mean? Please give some guidance to the webmaster) 12)

  0X000006B The program has stopped because the substitute disk has not been inserted

  0X000006C The disk is in use or locked

  0X000006F The file name is too long

  0X0000070 Insufficient hard disk space

 0X000 007F The specified program cannot be found

   The system is shutting down

7, 0X000045C Unable to abort the system shutdown because no shutdown is in progress

  0X000046A Insufficient server storage space

  0X0000475 The system BIOS cannot change the system power state

  0X 000047E The specified program requires new Windows version

  0X000047F The specified program is not a Windows or MS-DOS program

  0X0000480 The specified program has already been started and cannot be started again

  0X0000481 The specified program is written for an older version of Windows

8, 0X0000482 Execute this application One of the library files required by the program is damaged

  0X0000483 No application is associated with the file specified for this operation

 0X0000484 The command sent to the application is invalid

 0X00005A2 The specified device name is invalid

 0X00005AA Insufficient system resources. Unable to complete the requested service

 0X00005AB Insufficient system resources, unable to complete the requested service

 0X00005AC Insufficient system resources, unable to complete the requested service

Extended information:

Computer blue screen, refers to the Microsoft Windows operating system that cannot be completed Screen image of white text on a blue background displayed when recovering from a system error.

There are two images with white text on a blue background in Windows, both of which are called blue screen of death: one is a glitch in the Windows 9x operating system, and the other is a kernel error in Windows NT. Since Windows 9x has withdrawn from the stage of history, it now generally refers to the latter.

7. Computer blue screen, code is 124?

If your computer is experiencing a blue screen error and the error code is 0x124, then this may be due to a hardware failure such as a damaged component such as the CPU, memory, or motherboard. Here are some steps that may help solve this problem:

1. Check the hardware connections: Open the case, re-plug and unplug all hardware, make sure they are plugged into the corresponding slots correctly and are not loose.

2. Clean the inside: Use a compressed air can and a soft brush to clean the dust and dirt inside the computer to ensure the normal operation of the device.

3. Test memory: Run a memory testing tool such as the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool or Memtest86+ to determine if there are memory errors.

4. Check CPU temperature: Install temperature monitoring software such as SpeedFan or HWMonitor to check if the CPU temperature is too high. If your CPU gets too hot, you may need a better heat sink or fan.

5. Update drivers: Update your computer’s motherboard and graphics card drivers to ensure they are compatible with the operating system and have the latest performance optimizations and fixes.

6. Replace the faulty component: If none of the above steps solve the problem, you may need to replace the faulty component, such as CPU, memory, or motherboard.

Please note that these steps require caution and are best performed by professionals or experienced computer users.

8. How to find the computer blue screen code?

When the computer has a blue screen, a string of codes will appear, also called BugCheck Code. If you want to find this code, you can follow these steps:

First, open the event viewer and find the details of the most recent blue screen event. In the details, you can find the hexadecimal value of the BugCheck Code.

Then, convert this value into a decimal value and search for relevant explanations and solutions on the Internet.

In addition, you can also view the computer’s historical blue screen records through Windows’ built-in reliability history to better locate and solve problems.

9. Computer blue screen code 0×00000073?

Blue screen code 0x00000073 Suddenly the computer blue screen 0x00000073 occurs during computer use, and you receive a "Stop" error message similar to the following:

STOP:0x00000073(0x00000001,0xc000017d,0x00000002,0xfc96fcc0)CONFIG _LIST_FAILED blue screen reasons: usually It is said that if this problem occurs, it is basically because the memory is too small or the virtual memory is too small. Of course, I think it may also be a problem with the memory module itself.

This "stop" error indicates that a link to one of the core Windows system hives (SAM hive, SECURITY hive, SOFTWARE hive, or DEFAULT hive) cannot be made in the Windows registry.

However, the occurrence of the 0x00000073 error message does not mean that this hive is corrupted or did not load successfully. Solution: We mainly get the Windows status code of the second parameter, in this case STOP:0x00000073(0x00000001,0xc000017d,0x00000002,0xfc96fcc0)

?0xc000017d: STATUS_NO_LOG_SPACE is one of the most common causes of this error.

This parameter indicates that Windows does not have enough free hard disk space on the system drive. Freeing up some disk space on the system drive may resolve this issue.

?STOP:0x00000073(0x00000001,0xC000009A,0x00000002,0xfc96fcc0):STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES is another common cause of this error.

This parameter means that there are not enough resources available to complete the API, which most likely means that Windows does not have enough memory (physical memory or paging file memory).

In rare cases this parameter indicates that the Windows kernel has run out of paged pool memory.

You can try setting a larger virtual memory space or changing the memory stick to solve the problem

10. How to solve the computer blue screen code 074?

Method 1: Turn off the power first, open the computer case, pull out the memory stick, use an eraser against the golden finger, rub it back and forth a few times, then replace it with a memory slot and plug it back in.

Method 2: Press F8 continuously while turning on the computer, enter Advanced, select Last Known Good Configuration, and confirm.

Treatment method three: It may be that the hard disk has bad sectors. When the computer reads the bad sectors, it gets stuck. The background is still running continuously, and the CPU usage reaches a high level immediately, and then a blue screen appears. Under normal circumstances, HDD is used for repair. If it cannot be repaired, the only option is to replace the hard drive.

The above is the detailed content of Computer blue screen code?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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