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Computer failure? Teach you how to quickly solve computer problems

2024-07-30 19:40:24539browse

Is your computer malfunctioning and you are helpless? don’t worry! PHP editor Xigua brings you practical methods to quickly solve computer problems. This article will delve into the causes and resolution steps of common computer failures to help you quickly restore normal operation of your computer. Whether it's a hardware problem or a software glitch, we'll provide you with detailed guidance so you can easily resolve your computer problems without any technical expertise. Read on to learn how to deal with computer problems quickly and effectively and get your device back up and running!

Computer failure? Teach you how to quickly solve computer problems

1. Computer failure? Teach you how to quickly solve computer problems


Computers play an increasingly important role in our lives and work, but problems that come with them are endless. When a computer fails, we often feel at a loss. This article will introduce you to common computer faults and their solutions, hoping to help you solve computer faults quickly and efficiently.

Hardware Failure

When your computer encounters hardware problems, such as the computer cannot be turned on, the monitor cannot display, the keyboard or mouse is malfunctioning, etc., you must first conduct the necessary troubleshooting. Check whether all the computer cables are plugged in, whether the power supply is normal, and whether the hardware is damaged.

If the laptop fails, you can try to remove the battery and directly use the power adapter to provide power to eliminate problems caused by battery failure.

For the problem that the monitor cannot display, you can try to replug and unplug the monitor cable, or try to connect it to another computer to verify whether it is a problem with the monitor itself.

Software failure

Software failure is one of the most common problems in computer failure. When your computer experiences system crashes, blue screens, software unresponsiveness, etc., you can try to solve the problem by restarting the computer. After restarting, you can try to uninstall recently installed software or updates and install the latest drivers in a timely manner.

If the software problem still exists, you can try to use the repair tools that come with the system, such as system restore, system repair, etc. In addition, you can also try to start the computer in safe mode to further diagnose and solve the problem.

Network failure

For people who often need to use the Internet, network problems can cause great troubles in work and life. When the computer cannot connect to the network, you can check whether the router and modem are working properly, and confirm whether the computer's network settings are correct.

At the same time, you can also try to restart the router and modem, or reset the network settings to solve the problem. If the problem still cannot be solved, it is recommended to try connecting to other devices or contact the network service provider for help.


In short, when facing a computer failure, first stay calm, and then troubleshoot and solve the problem in an orderly manner. I hope the methods introduced in this article can help you quickly solve computer problems and keep your computer in good working order.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope these methods will be helpful to you and enable you to cope with computer failures with ease.

2. Computer failure? Teach you how to reset your computer correctly

Causes of computer failures

Various computer failures may be caused by software problems, virus infections, system crashes, etc. When a serious malfunction occurs, resetting your computer can be an effective way to solve the problem.

Things to note before resetting your computer

Be sure to back up important data before resetting your computer, as the reset process will erase all data. At the same time, you need to ensure that you have relevant drivers and installation files for reinstallation after reset.

How to reset your computer under Windows operating system

For Windows operating system, you can enter the "Recovery" page through the "Update & Security" option in "Settings" and select "Get Start" under "Start" to reset . You can also use Recovery Media to perform a reset with advanced options.

How to reset your computer under Mac OS

Under Mac OS, you can enter recovery mode by holding down the Command and R keys during startup, then select "Disk Utility" to erase the hard drive and reinstall the operating system after exiting .

Troubleshooting computer problems after reset

After the reset is completed, you need to reinstall related drivers, software and restore important data. At the same time, you also need to pay attention to whether the computer has stability problems after reset. If necessary, further troubleshooting and repair can be carried out.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope this article can help you reset your computer correctly and safely and solve computer malfunctions.

3. What usually happens when the computer’s power fails?

1. The optical drive itself is intact. Due to motherboard or data cable failure, some accessories have poor contact, resulting in the inability to read the disk. Solution: Use the replacement method to eliminate problems with the CPU, power supply and other accessories, and then use the replacement method to lock the fault in on the power supply. Because the added light drives the computer power supply to be insufficient, the disk cannot be read. You can replace the power supply or uninstall the optical drive and the fault disappears. Due to insufficient power of the power supply, it will also cause the computer to restart for no reason. It is also necessary to replace the power supply with a larger power. 2. The computer cannot work normally or performs unstable. Turn on the main power supply of the computer and observe that the "power" and "hdd" indicators of the computer are slightly bright. When the "power" button is pressed, the computer starts to self-check the optical drive and hard disk. After the inspection, it actually stopped working. Even if I pressed the restart button on the computer, there was no response, but sometimes it could start normally, but the performance was unstable.

4. Where are cars most likely to break down?

As we enter the early winter, it is easy for people to catch colds and get sick. Cars are like people. If they are not well taken care of in winter, many internal and external parts may have problems. Have you ever encountered the following types of faults that are prone to occur in winter vehicles?

1. Slow response of car windows

In winter, car windows may respond slowly, freeze, or not rise or fall, etc.

The rise and fall of the window glass is driven by the window regulator. If the car is slow when using the window when the engine is not working, it is most likely caused by low battery voltage. Only the engine is required After working for a period of time, charge the battery to ensure sufficient voltage, and the problem will no longer exist.

2. The brakes are not sensitive

As the temperature becomes lower and the brake fluid becomes thicker, it will have a certain impact on the braking system, resulting in reduced braking flexibility of the vehicle.

The weather is cold, foggy and frosty, and the road surface is slippery. The coefficient of friction on the ground becomes smaller, and vehicle control becomes more and more difficult, resulting in ineffective braking.

When encountering such a situation, you need to check the brake fluid to keep it within the normal range. You should also check the tires simultaneously. If the tire pressure and tread are too shallow, you need to replace them with new tires in time.

3. It is difficult to start the car

When the temperature drops, the car often has difficulty starting.

It is recommended that car owners preheat the engine before starting the car, and also preheat the battery to increase the power, starting current and ignition voltage.

4. The headlights are foggy

The water vapor in the headlights greatly affects the use of car lights.

Is the sealing bad? Or is the lampshade damaged? First, check whether the fog can disappear when the vehicle headlights are turned on. If it can disappear, it may only be caused by the temperature difference. If it doesn't disappear, you need to check the headlight seal and bulb installation.

If the situation is serious and self-examination fails, you need to contact the 4S store for repair or replacement.

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5. This kind of glitch occurs when playing League of Legends on your computer?

Restarting solves 95% of computer problems.

6. Causes and Solutions of Computer Failures

Hardware Failures

The reasons for computer problems may be caused by hardware failures. Hardware failures include power issues, memory corruption, hard drive failure, etc. When these problems occur in your computer, you can try to solve the problem by reconnecting the power cord and replacing the memory module or hard disk.

Software Issues

Another common reason is software issues. This may be due to operating system glitches, application conflicts, or virus infection. Solutions to software issues include performing system updates, installing anti-virus software, and uninstalling conflicting applications.

Excessive heat

When the computer is running at high load for a long time, it can easily lead to poor heat dissipation, which can lead to performance degradation or even crash. To solve this problem, you can clean the radiator, increase the fan speed, or optimize the space inside the case.

Improper operation

Sometimes computer problems are caused by improper operation, such as frequent power outages, weak hardware connections, etc. Ways to avoid such problems include using a stable power source and paying attention to how you plug and unplug hardware.


There are various reasons for computer problems, which may be caused by hardware failure, software problems, excessive heat or improper operation. The key to solving these problems lies in correct diagnosis and taking appropriate measures.

Thank you for reading this article, I hope this article can help you better identify and solve computer failure problems.



1. 检查硬盘健康状况

硬盘是电脑最重要的存储设备之一,一旦出现故障,不仅会影响电脑的运行速度,还可能导致数据丢失。我们可以使用硬盘检测工具来检查硬盘的健康状况,常见的工具有HD Tune、CrystalDiskInfo等。这些工具可以帮助我们了解硬盘的S.M.A.R.T.状态、读写速度、坏扇区等关键信息,及时发现硬盘存在的问题。

2. 检查内存是否出现故障


3. 检查CPU温度是否过高

CPU是电脑的核心处理器,如果CPU温度过高,会导致电脑性能下降甚至自动关机。我们可以使用CPU温度监测工具来检查CPU的温度,常见的工具有HWMonitor、Core Temp等。这些工具可以实时监测CPU的温度,如果发现温度过高,可能是因为散热系统故障或者CPU本身存在问题。

4. 检查其他硬件设备




常见电脑故障有:  常见故障一:开机无显示  电脑开机无显示,首先要检查的就是是BIOS。主板的BIOS中储存着重要的硬件数据,同时BIOS也是主板中比较脆弱的部分,极易受到破坏,一旦受损就会导致系统无法运行,出现此类故障一般是因为主板BIOS被CIH病毒破坏造成(当然也不排除主板本身故障导致系统无法运行。)。一般BIOS被病毒破坏后硬盘里的数据将全部丢失,所以可以通过检测硬盘数据是否完好来判断BIOS是否被破坏,如果硬盘数据完好无损,那么还有三种原因会造成开机无显示的现象:  1. 因为主板扩展槽或扩展卡有问题,导致插上诸如声卡等扩展卡后主板没有响应而无显示。  2. 免跳线主板在CMOS里设置的CPU频率不对,也可能会引发不显示故障,对此,只要清除CMOS即可予以解决。清除CMOS的跳线一般在主板的锂电池附近,其默认位置一般为1、2短路,只要将其改跳为2、3短路几秒种即可解决问题,对于以前的老主板如若用户找不到该跳线,只要将电池取下,待开机显示进入 CMOS设置后再关机,将电池上上去亦达到CMOS放电之目的。  3. 主板无法识别内存、内存损坏或者内存不匹配也会导致开机无显示的故障。某些老的主板比较挑剔内存,一旦插上主板无法识别的内存,主板就无法启动,甚至某些主板不给你任何故障提示(鸣叫)。当然也有的时候为了扩充内存以提高系统性能,结果插上不同品牌、类型的内存同样会导致此类故障的出现,因此在检修时,应多加注意。  对于主板BIOS被破坏的故障,可以插上ISA显卡看有无显示(如有提示,可按提示步骤操作即可。),倘若没有开机画面,你可以自己做一张自动更新BIOS的软盘,重新刷新BIOS,但有的主板BIOS被破坏后,软驱根本就不工作,此时,可尝试用热插拔法加以解决(我曾经尝试过,只要BIOS相同,在同级别的主板中都可以成功烧录。)。但采用热插拔除需要相同的BIOS外还可能会导致主板部分元件损坏,所以可靠的方法是用写码器将BIOS更新文件写入BIOS里面(可找有此服务的电脑商解决比较安全)。  常见故障二:CMOS设置不能保存  此类故障一般是由于主板电池电压不足造成,对此予以更换即可,但有的主板电池更换后同样不能解决问题,此时有两种可能:  1. 主板电路问题,对此要找专业人员维修。  2. 主板CMOS跳线问题,有时候因为错误的将主板上的CMOS跳线设为清除选项,或者设置成外接电池,使得CMOS数据无法保存。  常见故障三:在Windows下安装主板驱动程序后出现死机或光驱读盘速度变慢的现象  在一些杂牌主板上有时会出现此类现象,将主板驱动程序装完后,重新启动计算机不能以正常模式进入Windows 98桌面,而且该驱动程序在Windows 98下不能被卸载。如果出现这种情况,建议找到最新的驱动重新安装,问题一般都能够解决,如果实在不行,就只能重新安装系统。  常见故障四:安装Windows或启动Windows时鼠标不可用  出现此类故障的软件原因一般是由于CMOS设置错误引起的。在CMOS设置的电源管理栏有一项modem use IRQ项目,他的选项分别为3、4、5......、NA,一般它的默认选项为3,将其设置为3以外的中断项即可。  常见故障五:电脑频繁死机,在进行CMOS设置时也会出现死机现象  在CMOS里发生死机现象,一般为主板或CPU有问题,如若按下法不能解决故障,那就只有更换主板或CPU了。  出现此类故障一般是由于主板Cache有问题或主板设计散热不良引起,在815EP主板上就曾发现因主板散热不够好而导致该故障的现象。在死机后触摸CPU周围主板元件,发现其温度非常烫手。在更换大功率风扇之后,死机故障得以解决。对于Cache有问题的故障,可以进入CMOS设置,将Cache禁止后即可顺利解决问题,当然,Cache禁止后速度肯定会受到有影响。  常见故障六:主板 COM口或并行口、IDE口失灵  出现此类故障一般是由于用户带电插拔相关硬件造成,此时用户可以用多功能卡代替,但在代替之前必须先禁止主板上自带的COM口与并行口(有的主板连IDE口都要禁止方能正常使用)。





DRIVE A : 设置为 None

DRIVE B : 设置为 None

按F10 保存,输入“Y”回车即可。

2、内存有问题 或者CPU频率被更改,更换内存、恢复BIOS默认值即可。



4、如果上述设置后无效,可能是 COMS 电池没有电了,打开主机,抠下纽扣式COMS电池,更换新电池即可。



找到 Load Fail-Safe Defaults ,按方向键选中后回车,提示是否确定,按Y,回车。 最后选择Save&exit step(保存设置),直接按F10也可以,按Y回车自动重起,设置生效。















































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