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Bulma CSS: A Modern CSS Framework for Responsive Design

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Bulma CSS: A Modern CSS Framework for Responsive Design


在 Web 開發中,CSS 框架已成為高效創建響應靈敏且具有視覺吸引力的網站的重要工具。它們提供了一系列預先定義的樣式和元件,使開發人員能夠更專注於功能而不是從頭開始設計。在這些框架中,Bulma CSS 因其現代設計原則、簡單性和易用性而脫穎而出,成為流行的選擇。本文將探討 Bulma CSS、如何開始、其主要功能以及為什麼它可能是您下一個專案的正確框架。


Bulma 由 Jeremy Thomas 於 2016 年創建,旨在簡化建立響應式 Web 應用程式的過程。該框架因其現代設計理念和輕量級特性而迅速流行起來。多年來,Bulma 在充滿活力的開源社群的貢獻下不斷發展,不斷改進和擴展其功能。它的成長性和適應性使其成為尋求簡單高效 CSS 框架的開發人員的首選。


布瑪受到青睞有幾個原因。首先,它的簡單性和直觀的語法使得初學者和經驗豐富的開發人員都可以使用它。與其他一些框架不同,Bulma 是使用 Flexbox 構建的,這使得它具有高度響應能力並適應不同的螢幕尺寸。此外,其模組化設計允許開發人員僅包含他們需要的組件,從而確保最佳性能。 Bulma 對現代 Web 標準和簡約設計的關注也使其與更傳統的框架區分開來。


Bulma 入門非常簡單,並且有多種方法可以將其整合到您的專案中。以下是三種常見的方法:使用 CDN、透過 NPM 安裝、下載原始檔。


使用 CDN 是在專案中開始使用 Bulma 的最快方法。只需在

中包含指向 Bulma 樣式表的連結即可。 HTML 檔案的部分:



對於使用 Node.js 並希望透過 package.json 管理依賴項的專案來說,使用 NPM 是理想的選擇。以下是如何使用 NPM 安裝和設定 Bulma:

  1. 透過 NPM 安裝 Bulma:


  1. 將 Bulma 匯入到您的專案中:

您可以將 Bulma 匯入您的 CSS 或 JavaScript 檔案。以下是如何將其匯入 CSS/SCSS 檔案的範例:

  1. 設定您的 HTML 檔案:

確保您的 HTML 檔案連結到已編譯的 CSS 檔案(如果您使用的是 Webpack 等建置工具):




如果您希望下載 Bulma 原始檔並將其直接包含在您的專案中,請按照以下步驟操作:

  1. 下載布瑪:

存取 Bulma GitHub 儲存庫並下載最新版本的 ZIP 檔案。將其解壓縮到您的專案目錄。

  1. 在 HTML 中連結到 Bulma:

連結到位於提取的檔案中的 Bulma CSS 檔案。這通常可以在 css 目錄中找到。



Bulma CSS 的核心概念

了解 Bulma 的核心概念將幫助您充分發揮其潛力:

  • 網格系統:Bulma 的網格系統基於 Flexbox,允許輕鬆靈活的佈局。您可以使用最少的程式碼建立複雜的佈局。

  • 修飾符和響應能力:Bulma 使用修飾符輕鬆調整元素的外觀。這包括顏色、尺寸和其他屬性的類別。

  • 行動優先設計:Bulma 本質上是行動優先,確保您的網站預設在較小的螢幕上看起來很棒。

探索 Bulma 組件

Bulma 提供了廣泛的元件來增強您的網頁設計:

  • Buttons and Forms: Create attractive buttons and forms with predefined styles and sizes.
  • Navigation Bars: Implement responsive navigation bars with ease.
  • Cards and Panels: Use cards and panels to display content in a structured manner.
  • Media Objects: Arrange media elements like images and videos alongside text seamlessly.

Layout Techniques with Bulma

Bulma provides powerful layout techniques to structure your content:

  • Creating Columns and Containers: Organize content using columns and containers for a clean layout.
  • Using Tiles for Layout: Tiles allow you to create complex grid layouts effortlessly.
  • Responsive Design Practices: Utilize Bulma's responsive utilities to adapt your design to different screen sizes.

Styling and Customization

One of Bulma's strengths is its flexibility in styling and customization:

  • Theming with Bulma: Customize Bulma's appearance by modifying variables and creating your own themes.
  • Customizing Colors and Variables: Easily change colors and other variables to match your brand's identity.
  • Extending Bulma with Sass: Take advantage of Sass to extend Bulma's capabilities and create a unique design.

Comparison with Other CSS Frameworks

Bulma's unique features make it stand out from other CSS frameworks:

  • Bulma vs. Bootstrap: While Bootstrap is widely used, Bulma offers a more modern approach with its Flexbox-based grid system.
  • Bulma vs. Foundation: Foundation is known for its robust features, but Bulma's simplicity and ease of use make it a great choice for many projects.
  • Bulma vs. Tailwind CSS: Tailwind CSS focuses on utility-first design, while Bulma provides ready-to-use components and a cleaner syntax.

Pros and Cons of Using Bulma

Understanding the pros and cons of Bulma can help you decide if it's the right framework for your project:

  • Strengths of Bulma: Easy to learn, highly responsive, and modular design.
  • Potential Drawbacks and Limitations: Limited JavaScript components compared to some other frameworks.

Real-World Use Cases of Bulma

Bulma has been used in various real-world projects, from personal blogs to corporate websites. Many developers praise its simplicity and effectiveness in creating responsive designs. Case studies and testimonials highlight how Bulma has helped teams deliver projects on time and with impressive results.

Tips and Best Practices

To get the most out of Bulma, consider these tips and best practices:

  • Writing Clean Bulma Code: Follow naming conventions and keep your HTML structure organized for better readability and maintenance.
  • Performance Optimization Techniques: Minimize the use of unused components and CSS to improve performance.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Like any framework, Bulma may present challenges. Here are some common issues and solutions:

  • Common Problems and Solutions: Address common layout and styling issues with simple tweaks.
  • Resources for Help and Support: Utilize online forums, documentation, and the Bulma community for additional assistance.

Future of Bulma CSS

Bulma continues to evolve, with plans

for new features and improvements. The community's active involvement ensures that Bulma remains a relevant and powerful tool for developers.


Bulma CSS is a fantastic choice for developers looking to create modern, responsive web designs with minimal effort. Its intuitive design, modular structure, and active community make it an excellent framework for both beginners and experienced developers. Whether you're building a small project or a large-scale application, Bulma provides the tools you need to succeed.


  1. What is the difference between Bulma and Bootstrap?

    • Bulma uses Flexbox for its grid system, offering a more modern approach compared to Bootstrap's float-based grid.
  2. Can Bulma be used with other JavaScript frameworks?

    • Yes, Bulma can be easily integrated with popular JavaScript frameworks like React, Vue, and Angular.
  3. How do I customize Bulma for my project?

    • You can customize Bulma by modifying Sass variables and using custom themes to adjust the look and feel of your project.
  4. Is Bulma suitable for large-scale projects?

    • Yes, Bulma is suitable for large-scale projects due to its modular design and easy customization, allowing developers to tailor it to their specific needs.
  5. Where can I find additional resources and tutorials for Bulma?

    • You can find additional resources on the official Bulma documentation, as well as community forums, GitHub repositories, and online tutorials.

This article provides an overview of Bulma CSS, its core features, and how to get started with it using different methods. By understanding Bulma's capabilities and exploring its components, you can effectively incorporate it into your web development projects.

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