>/etc/rc.localecho "ulimit-HSn65536">>/root/.bash_profileulimit-HSn655362, changes the limit of the maximum number of TCP connections by the network kernel. /etc/sysctl.conf 1. On the Linux platform,"/> >/etc/rc.localecho "ulimit-HSn65536">>/root/.bash_profileulimit-HSn655362, changes the limit of the maximum number of TCP connections by the network kernel. /etc/sysctl.conf 1. On the Linux platform,">

Home  >  Article  >  System Tutorial  >  How to adjust the maximum number of socket connection limits for web servers and cache servers under high concurrency

How to adjust the maximum number of socket connection limits for web servers and cache servers under high concurrency

2024-07-18 18:44:23343browse

高并发下 web 服务器和 cache 服务器 socket 最大连接数限制调整方法

Web server and cache server, under high concurrency, the limit of the maximum number of socket connections is adjusted:

1. Change the limit on the maximum number of files that a user process can open.

Effective immediately: ulimit-nxxx

Effective permanently:

echo "ulimit-HSn65536">>/etc/rc.local

echo "ulimit-HSn65536">>/root/.bash_profile


2. Change the network kernel limit on the maximum number of tcp connections.



On the Linux platform, whether you are writing a client program or a server program, when processing wide concurrent TCP connections, the highest number of concurrencies will be subject to the system's limit on the number of files that a user can open at the same time in a single process (this is because The system creates a socket handle for each TCP connection, and each socket handle is also a file handle). For example: a redis program that only starts one process can only open 1024 files (default 1024) (1024 tcp connections = 1024 socket connection handles = 1024 file handles),

You can use the ulimit command to check the limit on the number of files the system allows the current user process to open:



This means that each process of the current user is allowed to open up to 1024 files at the same time. Among these 1024 files, the standard input, standard output, standard error, server eavesdropping socket, and inter-process communication unix domain that must be opened by each process must be removed. socket and other files, so the number of files left that can be used for client socket connection is only about 1024-10=1014. That is to say, by default, Linux-based communication programs allow up to 1014 concurrent TCP connections at the same time.

For communication handlers that want to support a higher number of concurrent TCP connections, you must change the number of files that Linux has open at the same time for the current user's process:

Soft limit (softlimit): refers to Linux further limiting the number of files that users can open at the same time within the range that the current system can bear;

Hard limit: The maximum number of files that can be opened simultaneously by the system is estimated based on the system hardware resources (mainly system video memory).

Generally the soft limit is greater than or equal to the hard limit

The easiest way to change the limit on the maximum number of files opened by a single process is to use the ulimit command:


In the above command, specify the maximum number of files that a single process is allowed to open. If the system echoes something like "Operationnotpermitted", it means that the above limit change failed. In fact, it is because the value specified at hand exceeds the Linux system's soft limit or hard limit on the number of files opened by the user. Therefore, it is necessary to change the soft and hard limits of the Linux system on the number of open files for users.

The first step is to change the /etc/security/limits.conf file and add the following lines to the file:



speng specifies the limit on the number of open files for that user to be changed. The '*' sign can be used to indicate changing the limit for all users;

soft or hard specifies whether to change the soft limit or the hard limit; 10240 specifies the new limit value you want to change, that is, the maximum number of open files (please note that the soft limit value must be greater than or equal to the hard limit). Save the file after making changes.

The second step is to change the /etc/pam.d/login file and add the following lines to the file:

sessionrequired/lib/security/pam_limits.so This tells Linux that after the user completes the system login, the pam_limits.so module should be called to set the system’s maximum limit on the number of various resources that the user can use (including the maximum number of resources that the user can open) file number limit), and the pam_limits.so module will read the configuration from the /etc/security/limits.conf file to set this limit value. Save this file after making changes.

The third step is to check the Linux system-level limit on the maximum number of open files, use the following command:



This shows that this Linux system can allow up to 12158 files to be opened at the same time (that is, including the total number of files opened by all users), which is a Linux system-level hard limit. All user-level limits on the number of open files should not exceed this value. Generally, this system-level hard limit is the best maximum limit on the number of files opened at the same time based on the system hardware resources when the Linux system is started. If there is no special need, this limit should not be changed unless you want to limit the number of files opened at the user level. Set a value that exceeds this limit.

The way to change this hard limit is to change the /etc/rc.local script and add the following line to the script:

linux tcp连接数限制_限制连接数的固件_限制连接数量


This is to force Linux to set the system-level hard limit on the number of open files to 22158 after the startup is completed. Save this file after the change.

After completing the above steps, restart the system. Under normal circumstances, you can set the maximum number of files that the Linux system allows a single process of a specified user to open at the same time to a specified value. If after restarting, you use the ulimit-n command to check that the limit on the number of files that a user can open is always higher than the maximum value set in the above steps, this may be because the ulimit-n command in the user login script /etc/profile has already disabled the number of files that the user can open at the same time. The number of files is limited. Because when you use ulimit-n to change the system's limit on the maximum number of files that a user can open at the same time, the newly changed value can only be greater than or equal to the value previously set by ulimit-n. Therefore, it is impossible to use this command to reduce this limit value. .

So, if the above problem exists, you can only open the /etc/profile script file and search in the file to see if ulimit-n is used to limit the maximum number of files that the user can open at the same time. If found, delete this line command, or change the value set to an appropriate value, save the file, and then the user can exit and log in to the system again. Through the above steps, the system limit on the number of open files is lifted for the communication processing program that supports high-concurrency TCP connection processing.

2. Modify the network kernel’s restrictions on TCP connections

When writing a client communication handler on Linux that supports high-concurrency TCP connections, you sometimes find that although the system has lifted the limit on the number of files users can open at the same time, there will still be problems when the number of concurrent TCP connections drops to a certain number. It also fails to successfully establish a new TCP connection. There are many reasons for these occurrences.












限制连接数量_限制连接数的固件_linux tcp连接数限制












然而linux tcp連線數限制,過多的執行緒又會因係統對執行緒的調度而造成巨大開支。為此,在高TCP並發的情況下使用同步I/O是不可取的,這時可以考慮使用非阻塞式同步I/O或非同步I/O.非阻塞式同步I/O的技術包括使用select (),poll(),epoll等機制。非同步I/O的技術就是使用AIO.

從I/O風波分派機制來看,使用select()是不合適的,由於它所支援的並發聯接數有限(一般在1024個以內)。假如考慮性能,poll()也是不合適的linux tcp連接數限制,雖然它可以支持的較高的TCP並發數,並且因為其採用"協程"機制,當並發數較高時,其運行效率相當低,並可能存在I/O風波分派不均,造成部份TCP連結上的I/O出現"飢餓"現象。而假如使用epoll或AIO,則沒有上述問題(初期Linux核心的AIO技術實作是透過在內核中為每位I/O懇求創建一個線程來實現的,這些實現機制在高並發TCP聯接的情況下使用似乎也有嚴重的效能問題。





限制连接数量_限制连接数的固件_linux tcp连接数限制


















限制连接数量_linux tcp连接数限制_限制连接数的固件


















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