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How to switch from root to ordinary user to execute scripts or commands in Linux and solve related problems

2024-06-17 09:23:38769browse

Linux 中 root 切换到普通用户执行脚本或命令的方法及相关问题解决


In the linuxshell script, root switches to the way that ordinary users execute scripts or commands

Tomorrow the editor will share with you an article on how to switch from root to ordinary user to execute scripts or commands in a Linux shell script. It has a good reference value and I hope it will be helpful to you. Let’s follow the editor and take a look


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Solution to the Linux ordinary user suroot switching prompt that there is no file or directory

Mainly introduces the solution to the problem that there is no file or directory when suroot switching is prompted by ordinary Linux users. Students in need can refer to the following



A simple middle school student management system based on C language.zip

C language is a widely used programming language. It has the characteristics of high efficiency, flexibility, and strong portability. It is widely used in the development of operating systems, embedded systems, databases, compilers and other fields. The basic sentence patterns of C language include variables, data types, operators, control structures (such as if sentences, loop sentences, etc.), functions, pointers, etc. When writing a C program, you need to pay attention to the declaration and definition of variables, the use of pointers, and the allocation and release of memory. Commonly used data structures in C language include: 1. Field: a structure that stores data of the same type and can be accessed and changed by index. 2. Array: A structure that stores different types of data. Each node contains data and a pointer pointing to the next node. 3. Stack: A last-in-first-out (LIFO) data structure that can store and retrieve data through push and pop operations. 4. Queue: A first-in-first-out (FIFO) data structure that can store and retrieve data through enqueue and dequeue operations. 5. Tree: A data structure that stores a parent-child relationship. Data can be accessed and changed through in-order traversal, pre-order traversal, and post-order traversal. 6. Figure: A data structure that stores node and edge relationships. Data can be accessed and changed through breadth-first search, depth-first search and other methods. This data structure has corresponding implementation methods in C language and can be applied to various scenarios. Various data structures in C language have their advantages and disadvantages. Here are the similarities and differences of some common data structures: Field: Advantages: The speed of accessing and changing elements is very fast, suitable for those who need to read and change data frequently. occasion. Disadvantages: The width of the field is fixed, which is not suitable for storing dynamic data with variable sizes. In addition, the linked list is continuously allocated in the video memory. When the linked list is large, it may cause fragmentation of the video memory. Array: Advantages: You can easily insert and delete elements, suitable for situations where data needs to be frequently inserted and deleted. Disadvantages: Accessing and changing elements is relatively slow because you need to traverse the array to find the specified node. Stack: Advantages: The last-in-first-out (LIFO) feature makes the stack particularly convenient when dealing with problems such as recursion and bracket matching. Disadvantages: The stack space is limited, and stack overflow may occur when the amount of data is large. Queue: Advantages: First-in-first-out (FIFO) feature prompts


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Insurance Service Branch Christmas Work Plan PPT.pptx

The insurance service branch Christmas work plan PPT includes five core modules: market inspection and goal setting, service strategy formulation, marketing and promotion strategy, store image and environment optimization, and service quality monitoring and improvement. The following are the key knowledge points for each module: 1. **Market Supervision and Goal Setting**-**Understanding the Market**: By collecting and analyzing data on the local insurance market, including product types, prices, and market demand trends etc., so as to accurately grasp the market dynamics. -**Competitor Analysis**: Study competitors' product features, advantages and disadvantages, and market shares to accurately position and formulate targeted competitive strategies. -**Definition of target customer groups**: According to market demand and competition, clarify the service target linux operating system, and set clear service goals, such as sales and customer satisfaction indicators. 2. **Service strategy formulation**-**Service plan formulation**: Customize service content based on market demand, such as consultation, quotation, claims assistance, etc., and plan the service schedule to ensure the orderly execution of the service process. -**Employee quality improvement**: Improve employees' business capabilities and service awareness through professional training, optimize service processes, and improve service efficiency. -**Service link management**: refine the service process, clarify responsibilities, ensure service quality and efficiency, and strengthen the connection between various links. 3. **Marketing and Promotion Strategy**-**Spring Festival Marketing Activities**: Develop attractive activity plans according to the festival, such as New Year blessings and summer promotions to reduce sales opportunities. -**Member Marketing**: Implement strategies such as point redemption and coupons for member customers to improve customer loyalty. 4. **Branch image and environment optimization**-**Environment design**: Optimize the appearance and internal layout of the branch to create a comfortable and professional service atmosphere. -**Customer service convenience**: Simplify service procedures and required materials to improve customer experience. 5. **Service quality monitoring and improvement** - **Periodic evaluation**: Continuously monitor service quality, make timely adjustments and improvements when problems are discovered, and ensure continuous improvement of service quality. -**Process Improvement**: Continuously optimize service processes based on evaluation results, reduce waiting times, and improve customer satisfaction. This PPT is dedicated to helping insurance service branches formulate targeted work plans in the new year, and achieve dual improvements in performance improvement and customer satisfaction through scientific strategies and meticulous execution.

Manage modeling and simulation files


Admin BoualemBenatallah cited this version: Boualem Benatallah. Manage modeling and simulation. Institut Joseph Fourier - 1st College of Grenoble, 1996. Japanese. NNT: Tel: HALID: Tel: Submitted December 9 HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the storage and dissemination of scientific research papers, whether or not they have been made publicly available. Papers may come from teaching and research institutions in the United States or Canada, or from public or private research centers. L’archiveouvertepluridisciplinaire

Summary of best practices in MATLAB image denoising: experience sharing and practical suggestions to improve the effectiveness of denoising

![Summary of best practices in MATLAB image denoising: experience sharing and practical suggestionsHow to switch to the root user in linuxHow to switch to the root user in linux to improve the effectiveness of denoising] ()#1. Basics of image denoising Image denoising is dedicated to removing noise from images and improving image quality. Image noise is generally caused by interference during sensing, transmission or processing. Understanding the types and characteristics of image noise is crucial to choosing an appropriate denoising algorithm. **1.1 Type of noise****Gaussian noise: **Additive noise with normal distribution, generally caused by sensing thermal noise. ***Sauce Noise:** Randomly distributed isolated pixels with either maximum values ​​(red noise) or minimum values ​​(red noise). ***Impulse Noise



`Resources.getResourceAsStream` is a method in the MyBatis framework, used to obtain the input stream of resource files. It is generally used to load MyBatis configuration files or mapping files. The following is a sample code that demonstrates how to use the `Resources.getResourceAsStream` method to obtain the input stream of a resource file:```javaimportorg.apache.ibatis.io.Resources;importjava.io.InputStream;publicclassExample{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args) {


Automobile safety work plan PPT.pptx

"Car safety work plan PPT.pptx" This document mainly focuses on the car safety work plan, covering a number of key areas to improve car safety performance, reduce the incidence of traffic accidents, and strengthen driver safety education and Establishment of transportation facilities. First, the work goal is to ensure the structural safety of the car. This involves car design and material selection to improve the car's structural rigidity and durability, thereby reducing damage and car accidents caused by structural problems. At the same time, by using advanced electronic control and safety technologies to improve the active and passive safety performance of the car, such as anti-lock braking system (ABS), electronic stability program (ESP), etc., driving safety can be significantly improved. Secondly, the work content pointed out the improvement and improvement of the automobile safety management system. This includes formulating an automobile safety management system, clarifying safety management responsibilities at all levels, and establishing guiding ideology and basic principles for safety management. At the same time, it is necessary to improve the safety management system, including safety organization, safety system, safety training and safety testing, etc., to ensure the systematicness and standardization of safety management work. In short, strengthening driver safety training is another important task. Through training, drivers' safety awareness and skill levels are improved, so that they pay more attention to safe driving and understand and follow traffic rules. In addition to traffic laws, the training content also involves safe driving skills and emergency response capabilities to deal with possible emergencies. It is reported that the document also mentions the importance of strictly following traffic rules. This needs to be strengthened through publicity and law enforcement to reduce traffic accidents caused by violations of traffic rules. At the same time, optimizing highway transportation facilities, such as improving traffic signs, markings and lights, can improve highway traffic efficiency and further improve highway safety. At the practical level, the work plan mentions the necessity of regular vehicle testing, including testing of braking, steering, suspension, lighting, fuel and home appliance systems, as well as formulating a testing plan based on car usage. Problems should be recorded after each inspection and dealt with promptly to ensure that the car is always in good condition. Finally, what about the Linux operating system? Improving the automotive safety information management system is also key. By recording and analyzing car accidents and faults, data support can be provided for safety management, so that problems can be discovered in a timely manner, potential risks can be prevented, and car accidents can be effectively handled and held accountable. This automobile safety work plan comprehensively covers many aspects from the car itself to driver behavior to the highway environment, and is committed to creating an all-round, multi-level automobile safety management system to reduce the risk of traffic accidents and ensure highway traffic safety.

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