Many times, when we pass Chinese parameters directly in the URL, the Chinese we read are garbled. So how should we convert these parameters?
Let’s introduce the method below
1. We create a new UrlEncode.js and copy the following code into it
//JS version of Server.UrlEncode encoding function
String.prototype.UrlEncodeGB2312 = function () {
var str = this;
str = str.replace(/./g, function (sHex) {
window.EnCodeStr = "";
window.sHex = sHex;
window.execScript('window.EnCodeStr=Hex (Asc(window.sHex))', "vbscript");
return window.EnCodeStr.replace(/../g, "%{blogcontent}amp;");
return str;
String.prototype.UrlEncode = function () {
var s = escape(this);
var sa = s.split("%");
var retV = "", retE = "";
if (sa[0] != "") {
retV = sa[0];
for (var i = 1; i if (sa[i].substring(0, 1) == "u") {
retV = Hex2Utf8(Str2Hex(sa[i].substring(1, 5)));
if (sa[i].length > 4)
retV = sa[i].substring(5);
else retV = "%" sa[ i];
return retV;
function Str2Hex(s) {
var c = "";
var n;
var ss = "0123456789ABCDEF" ;
var digS = "";
for (var i = 0; i c = s.charAt(i);
n = ss.indexOf (c);
digS = Dec2Dig(eval(n));
return digS;
function Dec2Dig(n1) {
var s = "";
var n2 = 0;
for (var i = 0; i n2 = Math.pow(2, 3 – i);
if (n1 >= n2) {
s = '1';
n1 = n1 – n2;
s = '0';
return s;
function Dig2Dec(s) {
var retV = 0;
if (s.length == 4) {
for (var i = 0; i retV = eval(s.charAt(i)) * Math.pow(2, 3 – i);
return retV;
return -1;
function Hex2Utf8(s) {
var retS = "";
var tempS = "";
var ss = "";
if (s.length == 16) {
tempS = "1110" s.substring(0, 4);
tempS = "10" s.substring(4, 10);
tempS = "10" s.substring(10, 16) ;
var sss = "0123456789ABCDEF";
for (var i = 0; i retS = "%";
ss = tempS.substring(i * 8 , (eval(i) 1) * 8);
retS = sss.charAt(Dig2Dec(ss.substring(0, 4)));
retS = sss.charAt(Dig2Dec(ss.substring(4) , 8)));
return retS;
return "";
2. The usage method is of course ours ( (String.UrlEncode()) can convert the string into utf-8 encoded url parameters ((String.UrlEncodeGB2312()) can convert the string into gb2312 encoded parameters, very good, O(∩ _∩)O haha~
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