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Summary of browser-compatible JS writing methods_javascript skills

2016-05-16 15:03:241106browse

1. Element search problem
1. document.all[name]
(1)Existing problem: Firefox does not support document.all[name]
(2) Solution: Use getElementsByName(name), getElementById(id), etc. instead.

2. Collection object problem
(1) Existing problem: You can use () to access many collection objects in IE, but you can only use [] in Firefox.
For example: document.forms("formName") can be used in IE to return the Form named "formName", but it does not work in Firefox.
(2) Solution: Use [], in the above example it can be changed to document.forms["formName"]

3. The ID of the HTML element is visible in JavaScript
(1) Existing problem: The ID in the HTML element in IE can be used directly as the subordinate object variable name of the document. Not possible in Firefox.
(2) Solution: Use getElementById("idName") instead of idName as an object variable.

4. eval(idName) gets the object
(1) Existing problem: In IE, you can use eval(idName) to obtain the HTML object with the ID idName, but not in Firefox.
(2) Solution: Use getElementById(idName) instead of eval(idName).

5. The variable name is the same as an HTML object ID
(1) Existing problem: In Firefox, because the object ID is not used as the name of the HTML object, you can use the same variable name as the HTML object ID, but not in IE.
(2) Solution: When declaring variables, always add var to avoid ambiguity, so that it can also run normally in IE. In addition, it is best not to take the same variable name as the HTML object id to reduce errors.

Note: 3, 4 and 5 all belong to the same category of questions.

6. Frame
(1) Existing problem: In IE, you can use window.top.frameId and window.top.frameName to get the Window represented by the Frame. In Firefox, you can only use window.top.frameName.
(2) Solution: Set the Id and Name of the Frame to be the same, and use window.top.frameName to access the Frame.

2. DOM operation
1. Set the text content of the element.
(1) Existing problem: IE uses innerText, while Firefox uses textContent to set the text content of elements.
(2) Solution: If the text content does not contain special characters such as "d21bf6265d53cdd4dcff18f6785f8fb4", you can use innerHTML. Otherwise, you can use:

   var child = elem.firstChild;
      if (child != null) elem.removeChild(child);

2. parentElement, parent.children
(1) Existing problem: IE can use parentElement to get the parent node, and parent.children to get all the child nodes of the node. Not supported by Firefox.
(2) Solution: Use parentNode and parent.childNodes.

3. Explanation of childNodes.
(1) Existing problem: The interpretation of childNodes is different in IE and Firefox. IE will not include blank text nodes, but Firefox will.
(2) Solution: Use childNodes to filter text nodes, as follows:

   var children = elem.childNodes;
     for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
      if (children[i].nodeType != 3) { // 过滤文本结点
       // ...

4. Explanation of document.getElementsByName.
(1) Existing problem: getElementsByName in IE will only check the d5fd7aea971a85678ba271703566ebfd and a1f02c36ba31691bcfe87b2722de723b elements, but under Firefox it will check all elements.
(2) Solution: Do not use getElementsByName to check elements other than d5fd7aea971a85678ba271703566ebfd and a1f02c36ba31691bcfe87b2722de723b. If you want to obtain a single element, try to use getElementById.

5. Explanation of document.getElementById.
(1) Existing problem: getElementById in IE not only checks the Id attribute, but also checks the Name attribute. When the Name attribute matches the parameter, the element will also be returned. In Firefox only the Id attribute is checked.
(2) Solution: Try to keep the Id and Name the same. Do not make the name attribute of one element the same as the id attribute of another element.

3. Events
1. Event.x and event.y issues
(1) Existing problem: In IE, the event object has x, y attributes, but not in Firefox.
(2) Solution: In Firefox, the equivalent of event.x is event.pageX. Can be used:
mX = event.x ? event.x : event.pageX;

2. window.event
(1) Existing problem: Using window.event cannot run on Firefox
Original code (can be run in IE):

   <input type="button" name="someButton" value="提交" onclick="javascript:gotoSubmit()"/>
      <script language="javascript">
        function gotoSubmit() {
          alert(window.event);  // use window.event
New code (works in IE and Firefox):

  <input type="button" name="someButton" value="提交" onclick="javascript:gotoSubmit(event)"/>
      <script language="javascript">
        function gotoSubmit(evt) {
          evt = evt &#63; evt : (window.event &#63; window.event : null);
          alert(evt);       // use evt

3. attachEvent和addEventListener
        if (document.attachEvent) document.attachEvent("click", clickHandler,false);
        else document.addEventListener("onclick",clickHandler);

1. const
  (1)现有问题:在IE中不能使用const关键字。如const constVar = 32;在IE中这是语法错误。

2. 多余的逗号
      var obj = { 'key' : 'aaa', }

1. 创建XMLHttpRequest

  if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
     req = new XMLHttpRequest();
   } else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
     req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");

2. 创建DOM

 function createXmlDom() {
     var oXmlDom;
     if (Window.ActiveXObject) { // IE
      oXmlDom = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XmlDom");
     } else { // Firefox
      oXmlDom = document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null);

3. 加载XML
          oXmlDom.async=false;      // 这在Firefox中是必须的
        var oParser = new DOMParser();
          var oXmlDom = oParser.parseFromString("66efc7746bfc38acf99d97c3d23ab9c7", "text/xml");
        if (isFirefox) { // 需要浏览器检测   

    Document.prototype.loadXML = function(sXml) {
      var oParser = new DOMParser();
      var oXmlDom = oParser.parseFromString(sXml, "text/xml");
      while (this.firstChild) this.removeChild(this.firstChild);
      for (var i = 0; i < oXmlDom.childNodes.length; i++) {
       var oNewNode = this.importNode(oXmlDom.childNodes[i], true);


4. XPath支持

  var lstNodes = oXmlDom.documentElement.selectNodes("employee/name");
    for (var i = 0; i < lstNodes.length; i++) {


  var oEvaluator = new XPathEvaluator();
     var oResult = oEvaluator.evaluate("employee/name", oXmlDom.documentElement, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null);
     var oElement = oResult.iterateNext();
     while (oElement) {
      oElement = oResult.iterateNext();


 if (isFirefox) { // 需要浏览器检测
      Element.prototype.selectNodes = function(sXPath) {
      var oEvaluator = new XPathEvaluator();
       var oResult = oEvaluator.evaluate(sXPath, this, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null);
       var aNodes = new Array();
       if (oResult != null) {
        var oElement = oResult.iterateNext();
        while (oElement) {
         oElement = oResult.iterateNext();
       return aNodes;


5. XSLT支持

    var sResult=oXmlDom.transformNode(oXslDom);


  var oProcessor = new XSLTProcessor();
    var oResultDom = oProcessor.transformToDocument(oXmlDom);    
    var oSerializer = new XMLSerializer();
    var sXml = oSerializer.serializeToString(oResultDom, "text/xml");


 if (isFirefox) { // 需要浏览器检测
     Node.prototype.transformNode = function(oXslDom) {
     var oProcessor = new XSLTProcessor();
      var oResultDom = oProcessor.transformToDocument(oXmlDom);
      var oSerializer = new XMLSerializer();
      var sXml = oSerializer.serializeToString(oResultDom, "text/xml");
      return sXml;



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