Post the code directly. You can create an html file locally and run it directly: Copy the code The code is as follows: Map <br><script> <br>function init() { <br>var center = new soso.maps.LatLng(31.15953,121.516035); <br>var map = new soso.maps. Map( <br>document.getElementById("container"), <br>{ <br>center: center,//Display the center position of the map<br>zoom: 15//Display the zoom level of the map<br>} <br>); <br><br>//Coordinates of the first mark on the map<br>var position1 = new soso.maps.LatLng(31.15751,121.514061); <br><br>var marker = new soso.maps .Marker({ <br>position: position1, <br>map: map <br>}); <br><br>//Coordinates of the second mark on the map<br>var position2 = new soso.maps.LatLng (31.160705,121.524017); <br><br>var marker = new soso.maps.Marker({ <br>position: position2, <br>map: map <br>}); <br><br>} <br>function loadScript() { <br>var script = document.createElement("script"); <br>script.type = "text/javascript"; <br>script.src = "http://map.soso .com/api/v2/main.js?callback=init"; <br>document.body.appendChild(script); <br>} <br>window.onload = loadScript; <br>