The comment part is the left and right adjustment of the advertisement, which can be set by yourself Copy the code The code is as follows: < ;html xmlns=""> Closeable floating window in the webpage Close Click here to close ads! ! ! <br>var bodyfrm = ( document.compatMode.toLowerCase()=="css1compat" ) ? document.documentElement : document.body; <br>var adst = document.getElementById("ShowAD" ).style; <br> = ( bodyfrm.clientHeight -530-22 ) "px"; <br>//adst.left = ( bodyfrm.clientWidth -155) "px"; <br>function moveR( ) <br>{ <br> = ( bodyfrm.scrollTop bodyfrm.clientHeight - 530-22) "px"; <br>//adst.left = ( bodyfrm.scrollLeft bodyfrm.clientWidth - 155 ) "px" ; <br>} <br>setInterval("moveR();", 80); <br>function closead() <br>{ <br>adst.display='none'; <br>} <br>< ;/script> <br><div id="Content" style="height:1200px;"></div> <br></body> <br></html> <br> </div>