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Personal website message page (front-end jQuery writing, back-end PHP reading and writing MySQL)_javascript skills

2016-05-16 15:02:352462browse

First of all, go to the message page of your personal website and you can see the effect: Message Board

To save trouble, the front-end is written using jQuery, and the back-end uses PHP to simply read and write the MySQL database.

Database design and implementation ideas

The database has created a table: comments, with the structure as shown below:

All comments (including article comment replies and message boards) are written in the same table, and different comment areas are distinguished by the field belong

In the same comment area, if parent is 0, it represents a comment. When parent is a certain value, it represents a reply to which comment. The idea is not complicated.

Note that we are not talking about CSS here. You can customize it according to your own needs. Let’s start packaging now:

Setting function

We set the functions according to our own needs. First of all, my website does not implement message reminder and instant messaging functions, so comment replies will not prompt the webmaster or users, but will only have an effect on the message area, so we only need Simply implement the following functions:

1. Display the comment list

2. Ability to submit comments

3. Reply


We encapsulate the comment function into a class, and we can create different comment areas through instantiation, so it is not difficult to think of,

The parameters we need to pass in when instantiating may include: the id of the comment area, the php address for obtaining comments, and the php address for submitting comments.

So we can guess that the code to instantiate the comment area may be:

var oCmt = new Comment({
 parent: $('#box'),      //你想要将这个评论放到页面哪个元素中
 id: 0,
 getCmtUrl: './php/getcomment.php',
 setCmtUrl: './php/comment.php'

Of course, I define a static method on the Comment class

 parent: $('#box'),
 id: 0,
 getCmtUrl: './php/getcomment.php',
 setCmtUrl: './php/comment.php'

Mostly the same, just the initialization is different


function Comment(options){
 this.belong = options.id;
 this.getCmtUrl = options.getCmtUrl;
 this.setCmtUrl = options.setCmtUrl;
 this.lists = [];
 this.keys = {};
 this.offset = 5;

var fn = Comment.prototype;

Comment.allocate = function(options){
 var oCmt = new Comment(options);
 if (oCmt.belong == undefined || !oCmt.getCmtUrl || !oCmt.setCmtUrl) {
  return null;
 return oCmt;

We will slowly explain the variables and methods inside

. If you do not define an allocate method, you can write it as:

function Comment(options){
 this.belong = options.id;
 this.getCmtUrl = options.getCmtUrl;
 this.setCmtUrl = options.setCmtUrl;
 this.lists = [];
 this.keys = {};
 this.offset = 5;
 if (this.belong == undefined || !this.getCmtUrl || !this.setCmtUrl) {
  return null;

var fn = Comment.prototype;

Let’s not talk about variables. Like me, I always write the function function first, and then need to add attribute variables and then add them later. We only need to see that the constructor is finally executed:


As can be seen from the name, it is an initialization function.

init function

fn.init = function (options) {

fn is Comment.prototype, which is only mentioned once and will not be mentioned again.

Initialization means there are 4 tasks to be done. As you can see from the code comments, we will explain them one by one now

initNode function

It can be seen from the name that the main initialization node or cache dom

fn.initNode = function(options){
 //init wrapper box
 if (!!options.parent) {
  this.parent = options.parent[0].nodeType == 1 ? options.parent : $('#' + options.parent);
 if (!this.parent) {
  this.parent = $('div');
 //init content
 this.body = (function(){
  var strHTML = '<div class="m-comment">' +
       '<div class="cmt-form">' +
        '<textarea class="cmt-text" placeholder="欢迎建议,提问题,共同学习!"></textarea>' +
        '<button class="u-button u-login-btn">提交评论</button>' +
       '</div>' +
       '<div class="cmt-content">' +
        '<div class="u-loading1"></div>' +
        '<div class="no-cmt">暂时没有评论</div>' +
        '<ul class="cmt-list"></ul>' +
        '<div class="f-clear">' +
         '<div class="pager-box"></div>' +
        '</div>' +
       '</div>' +
  return $(strHTML);
 //init other node
 this.text = this.body.find('.cmt-text').eq(0);
 this.cmtBtn = this.body.find('.u-button').eq(0);
 this.noCmt = this.body.find('.no-cmt').eq(0);
 this.cmtList = this.body.find('.cmt-list').eq(0);
 this.loading = this.body.find('.u-loading1').eq(0);
 this.pagerBox = this.body.find('.pager-box').eq(0);

We can see from the code:

this.parent: Saves the container node
this.body: Saves the html of the comment area
this.text: Saves the textarea element of the comment
this.cmtBtn: Saves the submit button
this.noCmt: Saves the text reminder when there are no comments
this.cmtList: The container that holds the list
this.loading: Saves the loading GIF image when loading the list
this.pagerBox: The pager container when paging is required

There are no difficulties in js, they are all jQuery methods

Put content into container


There’s nothing to say about this, it’s very simple. At this time, our comment component should be displayed on the page, but the comment list is not loaded now, and comments cannot be made. Let’s first talk about loading the comment list

getList function

The first is to initialize the list, clear it, display the loading gif image, hide the reminder words without comments, and initiate an ajax request when ready.

The idea is to use php to get all the messages in the comment area and organize them on the front end. The ajax request is:

fn.resetList = function(){
 this.loading.css('display', 'block')
 this.noCmt.css('display', 'none');

fn.getList = function(){

 var self = this;

  url: self.getCmtUrl,
  type: 'get',
  dataType: 'json',
  data: { id: self.belong },
  success: function(data){
    return !1;
   self.loading.css('display', 'none');
   if(self.lists.length == 0){
    self.noCmt.css('display', 'block');
    var total = Math.ceil(self.lists.length / self.offset);

    self.pager = new Pager({
     index: 1,
     total: total,
     parent: self.pagerBox[0],
     onchange: self.doChangePage.bind(self),
      prev: '<',
      next: '>'

  error: function(){

Get form, and then send the id to it. The data obtained is expected to be a list array.

I won’t talk about the content of php, but the sql statement is posted below:

$id = $_GET['id'];
$query = "select * from comments where belong=$id order by time";
$str = '[';
foreach ($result as $key => $value) { 
 $id = $value['id']; 
 $username = $value['username'];
 $time = $value['time'];
 $content = $value['content'];
 $parent = $value['parent'];

 $str .= <<<end
   "id" : "{$id}",
   "parent" : "{$parent}",   
   "username" : "{$username.'",
   "time" : "{$time}",
   "content" : "{$content}",
   "response" : []

 $str = substr($str, 0, -1);
 $str .= ']';
 echo $str;

What is obtained is a json string. jQuery's ajax can convert it into json data. The obtained data is as follows:

If the loading is successful, then what we get is a bunch of data. We are now in the success callback function. The data needs to be sorted before it can be displayed, because now all comment replies belong to the same layer.

initList function

fn.initList = function (data) {

 this.lists = []; //保存评论列表
 this.keys = {}; //保存评论id和index对应表

 var index = 0;
 for(var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++){

  var t = data[i],
   id = t['id'];
  if(t['parent'] == 0){
   this.keys[id] = index++;
   var parentId = t['parent'],
    parentIndex = this.keys[parentId];





if(self.lists.length == 0){
 self.noCmt.css('display', 'block');
 var total = Math.ceil(self.lists.length / self.offset);

 self.pager = new Pager({
  index: 1,
  total: total,
  parent: self.pagerBox[0],
  onchange: self.doChangePage.bind(self),
   prev: '<',
   next: '>'





fn.doChangePage = function (obj) {


fn.showList = (function(){

 /* 生成一条评论字符串 */
 function oneLi(_obj){

  var str1 = '';
  for(var i = 0, len = _obj.response.length; i < len; i++){

   var t = _obj.response[i];
   t.content = t.content.replace(/\&lt\;/g, '<');
   t.content = t.content.replace(/\&gt\;/g, '>');
   str1 += '<li class="f-clear"><table><tbody><tr><td>' +
    '<span class="username">' + t.username + ':</span></td><td>' +
    '<span class="child-content">' + t.content + '</span></td></tr></tbody></table>' +
  var headImg = '';
  if(_obj.username == "kang"){
   headImg = 'kang_head.jpg';
   var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
   headImg = 'head' + index + '.jpg'
  _obj.content = _obj.content.replace(/\&lt\;/g, '<');
  _obj.content = _obj.content.replace(/\&gt\;/g, '>');
  var str2 = '<li class="f-clear">' +
   '<div class="head g-col-1">' +
   '<img src="./img/head/' + headImg + '" width="100%"/>' +
   '</div>' +
   '<div class="content g-col-19">' +
   '<div class="f-clear">' +
   '<span class="username f-float-left">' + _obj.username + '</span>' +
   '<span class="time f-float-left">' + _obj.time + '</span>' +
   '</div>' +
   '<span class="parent-content">' + _obj.content + '</span>' +

   '<ul class="child-comment">' + str1 + '</ul>' +
   '</div>' +
   '<div class="respone-box g-col-2 f-float-right">' +
   '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="f-show response" data-id="' + _obj.id + '">[回复]</a>' +
   '</div>' +

  return str2;


 return function (page) {

  var len = this.lists.length,
   end = len - (page - 1) * this.offset,
   start = end - this.offset < 0 &#63; 0 : end - this.offset,
   current = this.lists.slice(start, end);
  var cmtList = '';
  for(var i = current.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
   var t = current[i],
    index = this.keys[t['id']];
   current[i]['index'] = index;
   cmtList += oneLi(t);



生成后就 this.cmtList.html(cmtList);这样就显示列表了,效果图看最开始。


initEvent 函数

fn.initEvent = function () {
 this.cmtBtn.on('click', this.addCmt.bind(this, this.cmtBtn, this.text, 0));
 this.cmtList.on('click', this.doClickResponse.bind(this));



addCmt 函数

fn.addCmt = function (_btn, _text, _parent) {
 if(_btn.attr('data-disabled') == 'true') {
  return !1;
 var value = _text.val().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
 value = value.replace(/[\r\n]/g,'<br >');
  return !1;
 var self = this,
  email, username;

 username = $.cookie('user');
 if (!username) {
  username = '游客';
 email = $.cookie('email');
 if (!email) {
  email = 'default@163.com';

 var now = new Date();

  type: 'get',
  dataType: 'json',
  url: this.setCmtUrl,
  data: {
   belong: self.belong,
   parent: _parent,
   email: email,
   username: username,
   content: value
  success: function(_data){
   _btn.attr('data-disabled', '');
   if (!_data) {
    return !1;
   if (_data['result'] == 1) {
    var id = _data['id'],
     time = now.getFullYear() + '-' + (now.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + now.getDate() + ' ' +
      now.getHours() + ':' + now.getMinutes() + ':' + now.getSeconds();

    if (_parent == 0) {

     var index = self.lists.length;

     if (!self.pager) {
      self.noCmt.css('display', 'none');
      var total = Math.ceil(self.lists.length / self.offset);

      self.pager = new Pager({
       index: 1,
       total: total,
       parent: self.pagerBox[0],
       onchange: self.doChangePage.bind(self),
        prev: '<',
        next: '>'

     self.keys[id] = index;
      "id": id,
      "username": username,
      "time": time,
      "content": value,
      "response": []

     }else {
     var index = self.keys[_parent],
      page = self.pager.__index;
      "id": id,
      "username": username,
      "time": time,
      "content": value

   } else {
  error: function () {
   _btn.attr('data-disabled', '');

参数有3个:_btn, _text, _parent 之所以要有这三个参数是因为评论或者回复这样才能使用同一个函数,从而不用分开写。

点击后就是常见的防止多次提交,检查一下cookie中有没有username、email等用户信息,没有就使用游客身份,然后处理一下内容,去去掉空白啊, 换成 0c6dc11e160d3b678d68754cc175188a 等等,检验过后发起ajax请求。



$parent = $_GET['parent'];
$belong = $_GET['belong'];
$content = htmlentities($_GET['content']);
$username = $_GET['username'];
$email = $_GET['email'];

$query = "insert into comments (parent,belong,content,time,username,email) value ($parent,$belong,'$content',NOW(),'$username','$email')";

doClickResponse 函数

fn.doClickResponse = function(_event){

 var target = $(_event.target);

 var id = target.attr('data-id');

 if (target.hasClass('response') && target.attr('data-disabled') != 'true') {
  var oDiv = document.createElement('div');
  oDiv.className = 'cmt-form';
  oDiv.innerHTML = '<textarea class="cmt-text" placeholder="欢迎建议,提问题,共同学习!"></textarea>' +
   '<button class="u-button resBtn" data-id="' + id + '">提交评论</button>' +
   '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="cancel">[取消回复]</a>';
  oDiv = null;
  target.attr('data-disabled', 'true');
 } else if (target.hasClass('cancel')) {

  var ppNode = target.parent().parent(),
   oRes = ppNode.find('.response').eq(0);
  oRes.attr('data-disabled', '');
 } else if (target.hasClass('resBtn')) {
  var oText = target.parent().find('.cmt-text').eq(0),
   parent = target.attr('data-id');
  this.addCmt(target, oText, parent);

  return !1;




var oDiv = document.createElement('div');
oDiv.className = 'cmt-form';
oDiv.innerHTML = '<textarea class="cmt-text" placeholder="欢迎建议,提问题,共同学习!"></textarea>' +
     '<button class="u-button resBtn" data-id="' + id + '">提交评论</button>' +
     '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="cancel">[取消回复]</a>';
oDiv = null;
target.attr('data-disabled', 'true'); //阻止重复生成html


var ppNode = target.parent().parent(),
 oRes = ppNode.find('.response').eq(0);
oRes.attr('data-disabled', ''); //让回复按钮重新可以点击


var oText = target.parent().find('.cmt-text').eq(0),
 parent = target.attr('data-id');
this.addCmt(target, oText, parent);

注意: parent刚才生成html时我把它存在了提交按钮的data-id上了。


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