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php 完整图片按比例生成缩略图代码

2016-06-08 17:28:121001browse

require ('resize_img.php');
//how to use the class:
//makes a simple thumbnail of an image of 100x100 and saves the image then outputs it.
$imgresize = new resize_img();

$imgresize->sizelimit_x = 100;
$imgresize->sizelimit_y = 100;
$imgresize->keep_proportions = true;
$imgresize->output = 'PNG';

if( $imgresize->resize_image( 'C:/xampp/htdocs/wannabe/image_bin/public/treeshadows_001.gif' ) === false )
  echo 'ERROR!';
  $imgresize->save_resizedimage( 'C:/xampp/htdocs/wannabe/image_bin/public/thumbnails/', 'treeshadows_001' );



// resize_img.php文件

 * by Daniel M. Story

class resize_img
  var $image_path = '';
  //holds the image path
  var $sizelimit_x = 250;
  //the limit of the image width
  var $sizelimit_y = 250;
  //the limit of the image height
  var $image_resource = '';
  //holds the image resource
  var $keep_proportions = true;
  //if true it keeps教程 the image proportions when resized
  var $resized_resource = '';
  //holds the resized image resource
  var $hasGD = false;
  var $output = 'SAME';
  //can be JPG, GIF, PNG, or SAME (same will save as old type)
  function resize_img()
    if( function_exists('gd_info') ){ $this->hasGD = true; } 
  function resize_image( $image_path )
    if( $this->hasGD === false ){ return false; }
    //no GD installed on the server!
    list($img_width, $img_height, $img_type, $img_attr) = @getimagesize( $image_path );
    //this is going to get the image width, height, and format
    if( ( $img_width != 0 ) || ( $img_width != 0 ) )
    //make sure it was loaded correctly
      switch( $img_type )
        case 1:
          $this->image_resource = @imagecreatefromgif( $image_path );
          if( $this->output == 'SAME' ){ $this->output = 'GIF'; }
        case 2:
          $this->image_resource = @imagecreatefromjpeg( $image_path );
          if( $this->output == 'SAME' ){ $this->output = 'JPG'; }
        case 3:
          $this->image_resource = @imagecreatefrompng( $image_path );
          if( $this->output == 'SAME' ){ $this->output = 'PNG'; }
      if( $this->image_resource === '' ){ return false; }
      //it wasn't able to load the image
    else{ return false; }
    //something happened!
    if( $this->keep_proportions === true )
      if( ($img_width-$this->sizelimit_x) > ($img_height-$this->sizelimit_y) )
      //if the width of the img is greater than the size limit we scale by width
        $scalex = ( $this->sizelimit_x / $img_width );
        $scaley = $scalex;
      //if the height of the img is greater than the size limit we scale by height
        $scalex = ( $this->sizelimit_y / $img_height );
        $scaley = $scalex;

      $scalex = ( $this->sizelimit_x / $img_width );
      $scaley = ( $this->sizelimit_y / $img_height );
      //just make the image fit the image size limit
      if( $scalex > 1 ){ $scalex = 1; }
      if( $scaley > 1 ){ $scaley = 1; }
      //don't make it so it streches the image
    $new_width = $img_width * $scalex;
    $new_height = $img_height * $scaley;
    $this->resized_resource = @imagecreatetruecolor( $new_width, $new_height );
    //creates an image resource, with the width and height of the size limits (or new resized proportion )
    if( function_exists( 'imageantialias' )){ @imageantialias( $this->resized_resource, true ); }
    //helps in the quality of the image being resized
    @imagecopyresampled( $this->resized_resource, $this->image_resource, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $img_width, $img_height );
    //resize the iamge onto the resized resource
    @imagedestroy( $this->image_resource );
    //destory old image resource
    return true;
  function save_resizedimage( $path, $name )
    switch( strtoupper($this->output) )
      case 'GIF':
        @imagegif( $this->resized_resource, $path . $name . '.gif' );
      case 'JPG':
        @imagejpeg( $this->resized_resource, $path . $name . '.jpg' );
      case 'PNG':
        @imagepng( $this->resized_resource, $path . $name . '.png' );
  function output_resizedimage()
    $the_time = time();
    header('Last-Modified: ' . date( 'D, d M Y H:i:s', $the_time ) . ' GMT');
    header('Cache-Control: public');
    switch( strtoupper($this->output) )
      case 'GIF':
        header('Content-type: image/gif');
        @imagegif( $this->resized_resource );
      case 'JPG':
        header('Content-type: image/jpg');
        @imagejpeg( $this->resized_resource );
      case 'PNG':
        header('Content-type: image/png');
        @imagepng( $this->resized_resource );
  function destroy_resizedimage()
    @imagedestroy( $this->resized_resource );
    @imagedestroy( $this->image_resource );



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