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PHP Unicode编码相互转换的例子

2016-06-08 17:20:091255browse

Unicode编码我们用到的不多因为Unicode编码在源码中都是字符了,但有时会用到Unicode编码了,下面我们一起来看一篇PHP Unicode编码相互转换的例子,希望例子能够对各位有帮助。

* $str 原始中文字符串
* $encoding 原始字符串的编码,默认utf-8
* $prefix 编码后的前缀,默认"&#"
* $postfix 编码后的后缀,默认";"
function unicode_encode($str, $encoding = &#39;utf-8&#39;, $prefix = &#39;&#&#39;, $postfix = &#39;;&#39;) {
    $str = iconv("UTF-8", "gb2312", $str);
    $cind = 0;
    $arr_cont = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++) {
        if (strlen(substr($str, $cind, 1)) > 0) {
            if (ord(substr($str, $cind, 1)) < 0xA1) { //如果为英文则取1个字节 
                array_push($arr_cont, substr($str, $cind, 1));
            } else {
                array_push($arr_cont, substr($str, $cind, 2));
    foreach ($arr_cont as &$row) {
        $row = iconv("gb2312", "UTF-8", $row);
    foreach ($arr_cont as $key => $value) {
        $unicodestr.= $prefix . base_convert(bin2hex(iconv(&#39;utf-8&#39;, &#39;UCS-4&#39;, $value)), 16, 10) .$postfix;
    return $unicodestr;
* $str Unicode编码后的字符串
* $decoding 原始字符串的编码,默认utf-8
* $prefix 编码字符串的前缀,默认"&#"
* $postfix 编码字符串的后缀,默认";"
function unicode_decode($unistr, $encoding = &#39;utf-8&#39;, $prefix = &#39;&#&#39;, $postfix = &#39;;&#39;) {
    $arruni = explode($prefix, $unistr);
    $unistr = &#39;&#39;;
    for ($i = 1, $len = count($arruni); $i < $len; $i++) {
        if (strlen($postfix) > 0) {
            $arruni[$i] = substr($arruni[$i], 0, strlen($arruni[$i]) - strlen($postfix));
        $temp = intval($arruni[$i]);
        $unistr .= ($temp < 256) ? chr(0) . chr($temp) : chr($temp / 256) . chr($temp % 256);
    return iconv(&#39;UCS-2&#39;, $encoding, $unistr);
$str = "PHP二次开发:www.php2.cc";
$unistr = unicode_encode($str);
$unistr2 = unicode_decode($unistr);
echo $unistr . &#39;<br />&#39;;
echo $unistr2 . &#39;<br />&#39;;
$unistr = unicode_encode($str,&#39;GBK&#39;,&#39;\\u&#39;);
$unistr2 = unicode_decode($unistr,&#39;GBK&#39;,&#39;\\u&#39;);
echo $unistr . &#39;<br />&#39;;
echo $unistr2 . &#39;<br />&#39;;

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