Cut images in the background.
The principle of avatar interception: Use jcrop in the front desk to obtain the x-axis coordinate, y-axis coordinate, height of the slice, and width of the slice, and then pass these four values to the backend
. Amplification processing is required in the background: magnify the section N times, N=original image/avatar displayed at the front desk. That is, X = high.
Style: Both large and small pictures need to have a fixed height and width because they need to be enlarged in the background. That is:
Then use jcrop. Before using jcrop, we need to download jcrop:
After decompressing the downloaded compressed package, you can see three folders and an index.html file. Jcorp’s style files are placed under /css, and several simple examples (index.html) are placed under /demo. The link cited in is placed in this folder), and the most important script file in Jcorp is placed under /js. We only need to use three files: jquery.Jcrop.css, jquery.Jcrop.js, JQuery.js
//Crop image
function cutImage(){
$("#srcImg").Jcrop( {
aspectRatio : 1,
onChange : showCoords,
onSelect : showCoords,
minSize :[200,200]
//Simple event handler, respond to onChange, onSelect events, call
function showCoords(obj) {
$("#x").val(obj.x); $("#y").val(obj.y);
$("#h").val(obj. h);
if (parseInt(obj.w) > 0) {
//Calculate the zoom ratio of the preview area image by calculating the width (and height) of the display area and the width (and height) of the clipping The ratio is
var rx = $("#preview_box").width() / obj.w;
var ry = $("#preview_box").height() / obj.h;
//Control the style and display of the image through the proportion value
$("#previewImg").css( {
/ ", //The width of the preview image is the product of the calculated ratio value and the width of the original image
height : Math.round(rx * $("#srcImg").height()) "px", //The height of the preview image is Calculate the product of the proportion value and the height of the original image
marginLeft: "-" Math.round(rx * obj.x) "px",
marginTop: "-" Math.round(ry * obj.y) " px"
Be sure to pre-initialize $("").jcrop(); before using jcrop, otherwise it will have no effect. There is another way to call,
var api = $.Jcrop('#cropbox', {
onChange: showPreview,
onSelect: showPreview,
aspectRatio: 1
この方法は、Jcrop で生成されたオブジェクトをグローバル変数に代入することで、操作をより便利にします。
上記jsにより、背景にX軸座標、Y軸座標、高さH、幅Wの4つの値が渡され、これらを元に背景を拡大してカットするだけです。 4つの価値観
* 作物のアバター
public String CutImage(){
* パラメータを取得
* x,y,w,h,bigImage
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) ActionContext.getContext ().get(ServletActionContext.HTTP_REQUEST);
int x = Integer.valueOf(request.getParameter("x"));
int y = Integer.valueOf(request.getParameter("y") ));
int w = Integer.valueOf(request.getParameter("w"));
int h = Integer.valueOf(request.getParameter("h"));
String bigImage = request .getParameter( "bigImage");
String[] imageNameS = bigImage.split("/");
String imageName = imageNameS[imageNameS.length-1];
String imagePath = getSavePath() "\" imageName;
ImageCut imageCut = new ImageCut();
imageCut.cutImage(imagePath, x, y, w, h);
UserBean userBean = (UserBean) request.getSession( ).getAttribute("userBean");
UserCenterService centerService = new UserCenterService();
request.getSession().setAttribute("userBean", userBean);
return "updatePhoto";
public class ImageCut {
/* *
* 画像切り出し
* @param imagePath 元画像アドレス
* @param x 対象スライス座標 X 軸開始点
* @param y 対象スライス座標 Y 軸開始点
* @param w ターゲットスライス幅
* @param h ターゲットスライス高さ
public void CutImage(String imagePath, int x,int y,int w,int h){
try {
Image img;
ImageFilter CropFilter;
// ソース画像を読み取ります
BufferedImage bi = File(imagePath));
int srcWidth = bi.getWidth() // ソース画像の幅
int srcHeight = bi.getHeight; () ; // ソース画像の高さ
// 元の画像のサイズがスライス サイズより大きい場合は、切り取ります
if (srcWidth >= w && srcHeight >= h) {
画像 image = bi.getScaledInstance(srcWidth, srcHeight,Image.SCALE_DEFAULT);
int x1 = x*srcWidth/400;
int y1 = y*srcHeight/270;
int w1 = w*srcWidth/400;
int h1 = h*srcHeight/270;
CropFilter = new CropImageFilter(x1, y1, w1, h1);
img = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage (new FilteredImageSource(image.getSource(), CropFilter));
BufferedImage タグ = new BufferedImage(w1, h1,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
グラフィック g = tag.getGraphics();
g.drawImage (img, 0, 0 , null); // 縮小画像を描画
// ファイルとして出力
ImageIO.write(tag, "JPEG", new File( imagePath));
} catch (IOException e) {