Snake v2.4 <script><br> function $(id){return document.getElementById(id);}<br>/***************************************************** **********<br>* javascript Snake v2.4 <br /><br>* v2.4 corrects the color of the snake body to move as the snake moves forward<br>* *************************************************** ***********/<br> //Greedy snakes <br> var Snake = {<br> tbl: null,<br> /**<br> * body: snake body, array containing each section of the snake, <br> * data structure {x:x0, y:y0, color:color0}, <br> * x, y represents coordinates, color represents color <br> **/<br> body: [],<br> //Current moving direction, values 0,1,2 ,3, means up, right, down and left respectively. Press the keyboard direction keys to change it. <br> direction: 0,<br> : 250,<br> //Whether it has been paused<br> paused: true,<br> //Number of rows<br> rowCount: 30,<br> colCount: 30,<br> //Initialization<br> init: function(){<br> var colors = ['red','orange','yellow','green','blue','purple','#ccc'];<br> this.tbl = $("main");<br> var x = 0;<br> var y = 0;<br> var colorIndex = 0;<br> //Generate Initial movement direction<br> this .direction = Math.floor(Math.random()*4);<br> tbl.insertRow(-1);<br> for(var col=0;col<this.colCount;col ) {<BR> var td=tr.insertCell(-1);<BR> }<BR> }<BR> //产生20个松散节点<BR> for(var i=0; i<10; i ){<BR> x = Math.floor(Math.random()*this.colCount);<BR> y = Math.floor(Math.random()*this.rowCount);<BR> colorIndex = Math.floor(Math.random()*7);<BR> if(!this.isCellFilled(x,y)){<BR> this.tbl.rows[y].cells[x].style.backgroundColor = colors[colorIndex];<BR> }<BR> }<BR> //产生蛇头<BR> while(true){<BR> x = Math.floor(Math.random()*this.colCount);<BR> y = Math.floor(Math.random()*this.rowCount);<BR> if(!this.isCellFilled(x,y)){<BR> this.tbl.rows[y].cells[x].style.backgroundColor = "black";<BR> this.body.push({x:x,y:y,color:'black'});<BR> break;<BR> }<BR> }<BR> this.paused = true;<BR> //添加键盘事件<BR> document.onkeydown= function(e){<BR> if (!e)e=window.event;<BR> switch(e.keyCode | e.which | e.charCode){<BR> case 13: {<BR> if(Snake.paused){<BR> Snake.move();<BR> Snake.paused = false;<BR> }<BR> else{<BR> //如果没有暂停,则停止移动<BR> Snake.pause();<BR> Snake.paused = true;<BR> }<BR> break;<BR> }<BR> case 37:{//left<BR> break; <BR> Break; <BR>} <BR> case 38: {// up <BR> // Shinbar to play here <BR> if (event.ctrlkey) {<BR> Snake.speedup (-20) (-20) ;<BR> break;<BR> }<BR> if(Snake.direction==2){//Stop the snake from walking backwards<BR> break;<BR> }<BR> Snake.direction = 0;<BR> break;<BR> }<BR> case 39:{//right<BR> break;<BR> }<BR> Snake.direction = 1;<BR> break;<BR> if(event.ctrlKey){<BR> }<BR> Snake.direction = 2;<BR> break;<BR> }<BR> } <BR> }<BR> },<BR> //Move<BR> move: function(){<BR> this.timer = setInterval(function(){<BR> Snake. erase();<BR> Snake .moveneStep (); <BR> Snake.paint (); <BR>}, this.speed); <BR>}, <BR> // Move the body <BR> Moveonetep: Function () {<BR> if(this.checkNextStep()==-1){<BR> } <BR> If(this.checkNextStep()==1){<BR> var _point = this.getNextPos();<BR> var _x = _point.x;<BR> var _y = _point.y;<BR> var _color = this.getColor(_x,_y);<BR> this.body.unshift({x:_x,y:_y,color:_color});<BR> //Reproduced because of eating a food A food<BR> this.generateDood();<BR> return;<BR> }<BR> //window.status = this.toString();<BR> var point = this.getNextPos();<BR> //Keep the color of the first section<BR> var color = this.body[0].color;<BR> i Effect<BR> this.body.pop();<BR> this.body.unshift({x:point.x,y:point.y,color:color});<BR> //window.status = this .toString();<BR> },<BR> //Explore where to go next<BR> pause: function(){<BR> clearInterval(Snake.timer);<BR> this.paint();<BR> },<BR> getNextPos: function(){<BR> var x = this.body[0].x;<BR> var y = this.body[0].y;<BR> var color = this.body[0].color ;<BR> else if(this.direction==1 ){<BR> }<BR> > <BR> //Check will be moved to What is the next step? if (x<0 || i ;//When it touches your own body, the game ends<BR> }<BR> {<BR> this.eraseDot(this.body[i].x, this.body[i].y);<BR> ,<BR> //绘制蛇身<BR> paint: function(){<BR> for(var i=0; i<this.body.length; i ){<BR> this.paintDot(this.body[i].x, this.body[i].y,this.body[i].color);<BR> }<BR> },<BR> //擦除一节<BR> eraseDot: function(x,y){<BR> this.tbl.rows[y].cells[x].style.backgroundColor = "";<BR> },<BR> paintDot: function(x,y,color){<BR> this.tbl.rows[y].cells[x].style.backgroundColor = color;<BR> },<BR> //得到一个坐标上的颜色<BR> getColor: function(x,y){<BR> return this.tbl.rows[y].cells[x].style.backgroundColor;<BR> },<BR> //用于调试<BR> toString: function(){<BR> var str = "";<BR> for(var i=0; i<this.body.length; i ){<BR> str = "x:" this.body[i].x " y:" this.body[i].y " color:" this.body[i].color " - ";<BR> }<BR> return str;<BR> },<BR> //检查一个坐标点有没有被填充<BR> isCellFilled: function(x,y){<BR> if(this.tbl.rows[y].cells[x].style.backgroundColor == ""){<BR> return false;<BR> }<BR> return true;<BR> },<BR> //重新开始<BR> restart: function(){<BR> if(this.timer){<BR> clearInterval(this.timer);<BR> }<BR> for(var i=0; i<this.rowCount;i ){<BR> this.tbl.deleteRow(0);<BR> }<BR> this.body = [];<BR> this.init();<BR> this.speed = 250;<BR> },<BR> //加速<BR> speedUp: function(time){<BR> if(!this.paused){<BR> if(this.speed time<10||this.speed time>2000){<br> return;<br> }<br> this.speed =time;<br> this.pause();<br> this.move();<br> }<br> },<br> //产生食物。<br> generateDood: function(){<br> var colors = ['red','orange','yellow','green','blue','purple','#ccc'];<br> var x = Math.floor(Math.random()*this.colCount);<br> var y = Math.floor(Math.random()*this.rowCount);<br> var colorIndex = Math.floor(Math. 무작위()*7);<br> if(!this.isCellFilled(x,y)){<br> this.tbl.rows[y].cells[x].style.BackgroundColor = colors[colorIndex];<br> }<br> }<br> };<br></script>
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* 자바스크립트 스네이크 v2.4
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点左边按钮或按Ctrl ↑加速
点左边按钮或按Ctrl ↓减速
<script><br> $('btn').onclick = function(){<br> if(Snake.paused){<br> Snake.move();<br> Snake.paused = false;<br> }<br> else{<br> Snake.pause(); <br> Snake.paused = true;<br> }<br> };<br> $("reset").onclick = function(){<br> Snake.restart();<br> this.blur( );<br> };<br> $("upSpeed").onclick = function(){<br> Snake.speedUp(-20);<br> };<br> $("downSpeed").onclick = function(){<br> Snake.speedUp(20);<br> };<br></script>