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使用YUI+Ant 实现JS CSS压缩_php实例

2016-06-07 17:16:24884browse

今天研究了一下YUI yahoo开源框架,感觉很猛啊。





yuicompressor-2.4.6.jar 下载地址 http://yuilibrary.com/downloads/#yuicompressor

YUIAnt.jar 下载地址 http://www.ubik-ingenierie.com/miscellanous/YUIAnt/


#css work dir 
commonCss.dir = css 
#js work dir 
commonJs.dir = js 
#build temp dir  
output.temp.dir = build 
#output files in the directory 
output.dir = ${output.temp.dir}_output 
#environment needs lib 
liblib = lib 
<&#63;xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"&#63;> 
<project name="Compress CSS-JS" default="compress" basedir="."> 
  <property file="bulid.properties" /> 
  <path id="yuiClasspath"> 
    <fileset dir="${lib}"> 
      <include name="*.*" /> 
  <!-- #######################Init the environment of the tool ##########################--> 
  <target name="init"> 
    <echo message="begin to init the init" /> 
    <echo message="delete all reference files." /> 
    <delete dir="${output.dir}" /> 
    <echo message="delete end" /> 
    <echo message="make the reference files." /> 
    <mkdir dir="${output.dir}" /> 
    <mkdir dir="${output.temp.dir}" /> 
    <echo message="make end." /> 
  <!-- #######################Combine the css files       ##########################--> 
  <target name="combinecss" depends="init" description="Combine common css files"> 
    <echo message="begin to combine the css files to one file." /> 
    <concat destfile="${output.temp.dir}/combined_css.css" encoding="UTF-8" append="false"> 
      <fileset dir="${commonCss.dir}"> 
        <include name="*.css" /> 
    <echo message="combine end." /> 
  <!-- #######################Combine the js files       ##########################--> 
  <target name="combinejs"> 
    <echo message="begin to combine the js files to one file." /> 
    <concat destfile="${output.temp.dir}/all_source.js" encoding="utf-8" append="false"> 
      <fileset dir="${commonJs.dir}"> 
        <include name="*.js" /> 
    <echo message="combine end." /> 
  <!-- #######################Compress the js and css files ##########################--> 
  <target name="compress" depends="combinecss,combinejs" description="Compress"> 
    <echo message="begin to compress the css file." /> 
    <taskdef name="yuicompress" classname="com.yahoo.platform.yui.compressor.YUICompressTask"> 
        <path refid="yuiClasspath" /> 
    <!-- first method compress the css files --> 
    <yuicompress linebreak="10000000" warn="false" munge="yes" preserveallsemicolons="true" outputfolder="${output.dir}"> 
      <fileset dir="${output.temp.dir}"> 
        <include name="*.css" /> 
    <echo message ="compress the css end." /> 
    <!-- second method compress the js files--> 
    <echo message ="begin to compress the js file." /> 
    <apply executable="java" parallel="false" failonerror="true"> 
      <fileset dir="${output.temp.dir}" includes="all_source.js" /> 
      <arg line="-jar" /> 
      <arg path="${lib}/yuicompressor-2.4.6.jar" /> 
      <arg line="--charset utf-8" /> 
      <arg line="-o ${output.dir}/combined_js.js" /> 
      <srcfile /> 
    <echo message ="compress the js end." /> 
    <delete dir="${output.temp.dir}" /> 
@echo off 
echo ################################################ 
echo ##########Tool Compress the js and css########## 
echo ################################################ 
echo Please make sure your css and js in the css'directory and js'directory. 
echo If sure,please enter any button to continue the tool. 
call ant -buildfile compress.xml compress>build.log 
echo compress end  


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