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2016-06-07 16:32:541260browse

在基于HBase数据库的开发中,对应Java语言来说,可以直接使用HBase的原生API来操作HBase表数据,当然你要是不嫌麻烦可以使用Thrift客户端Java API,这里有我曾经使用过的 HBase Thrift客户端Java API实践,可以参考。对于具有其他编程语言背景的开发人员,为

在基于HBase数据库的开发中,对应Java语言来说,可以直接使用HBase的原生API来操作HBase表数据,当然你要是不嫌麻烦可以使用Thrift客户端Java API,这里有我曾经使用过的 HBase Thrift客户端Java API实践,可以参考。对于具有其他编程语言背景的开发人员,为了获取HBase带来的好处,那么就可以选择使用HBase Thrift客户端对应编程语言的API,来实现与HBase的交互。
然后,执行如下命令,生成C#编程语言的HBase Thrift客户端API:

[hadoop@master hbase]$ thrift --gen csharp Hbase.thrift
[hadoop@master hbase]$ ls

这里,我们基于C#语言,使用HBase 的Thrift 客户端API访问HBase表。事实上,如果使用Java来实现对HBase表的操作,最好是使用HBase的原生API,无论从性能还是便利性方面,都会提供更好的体验。使用Thrift API访问,实际也是在HBase API之上进行了一层封装,可能初次使用Thrift API感觉很别扭,有时候还要参考Thrift服务端的实现代码。

    1. 下载Thrift软件包,解压缩后,拷贝thrift-0.9.0/lib/java/src下面的代码到工作区(开发工具中)
    2. 将上面生成的gen-csharp目录中代码拷贝到工作区
    3. 保证HBase集群正常运行,接着启动HBase的Thrift服务,执行如下命令:
bin/hbase thrift -b master -p 9090 start

上面,HBase的Thrift服务端口为9090,下面通过Thrift API访问的时候,需要用到,而不是HBase的服务端口(默认60000)。
首先,我们通过HBase Shell创建一个表:

create 'test_info', 'info'

这里,我们实际上是对HBase Thrift客户端Java API实践中的Java代码进行了翻译,改写成C#语言的相关操作。我们在客户端,进行了一层抽象,更加便于传递各种参数,抽象类为AbstractHBaseThriftService,对应的命名空间为HbaseThrift.HBase.Thrift,该类实现代码如下所示:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Thrift.Transport;
using Thrift.Protocol;
namespace HbaseThrift.HBase.Thrift
    public abstract class AbstractHBaseThriftService
        protected static readonly string CHARSET = "UTF-8";
	    private string host = "localhost";
	    private int port = 9090;
	    private readonly TTransport transport;
	    protected readonly Hbase.Client client;
        public AbstractHBaseThriftService() : this("localhost", 9090)
        public AbstractHBaseThriftService(string host, int port)
            this.host = host;
            this.port = port;
            transport = new TSocket(host, port);
            TProtocol protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport, true, true);
            client = new Hbase.Client(protocol);
        public void Open() {
            if (transport != null)
        public void Close()
            if (transport != null)
        public abstract List GetTables();
	    public abstract void Update(string table, string rowKey, bool writeToWal,
			string fieldName, string fieldValue, Dictionary attributes);
        public abstract void Update(string table, string rowKey, bool writeToWal,
			Dictionary fieldNameValues, Dictionary attributes);
	    public abstract void DeleteCell(string table, string rowKey, bool writeToWal,
			    string column, Dictionary attributes);
	    public abstract void DeleteCells(string table, string rowKey, bool writeToWal,
			    List columns, Dictionary attributes);
	     public abstract void DeleteRow(string table, string rowKey,
		            Dictionary attributes);
	    public abstract int ScannerOpen(string table, string startRow, List columns,
	            Dictionary attributes);
	    public abstract int ScannerOpen(string table, string startRow, string stopRow, List columns,
	            Dictionary attributes);
	    public abstract int ScannerOpenWithPrefix(string table, string startAndPrefix,
                List columns, Dictionary attributes);
	    public abstract int ScannerOpenTs(string table, string startRow,
	            List columns, long timestamp, Dictionary attributes);
	    public abstract int ScannerOpenTs(string table, string startRow, string stopRow,
	            List columns, long timestamp, Dictionary attributes);
	    public abstract List ScannerGetList(int id, int nbRows);
	    public abstract List ScannerGet(int id);
	    public abstract List GetRow(string table, string row,
		            Dictionary attributes);
	    public abstract List GetRows(string table,
                 List rows, Dictionary attributes);
	    public abstract List GetRowsWithColumns(string table,
                 List rows, List columns, Dictionary attributes);
	    public abstract void ScannerClose(int id);
	     * Iterate result rows(just for test purpose)
	     * @param result
	    public abstract void IterateResults(TRowResult result);


  • 建立到Thrift服务的连接:Open()
  • 获取到HBase中的所有表名:GetTables()
  • 更新HBase表记录:Update()
  • 删除HBase表中一行的记录的数据(cell):DeleteCell()和DeleCells()
  • 删除HBase表中一行记录:deleteRow()
  • 打开一个Scanner,返回id:ScannerOpen()、ScannerOpenWithPrefix()和ScannerOpenTs();然后用返回的id迭代记录:ScannerGetList()和ScannerGet()
  • 获取一行记录结果:GetRow()、GetRows()和GetRowsWithColumns()
  • 关闭一个Scanner:ScannerClose()
  • 迭代结果,用于调试:IterateResults()


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace HbaseThrift.HBase.Thrift
    class HBaseThriftClient : AbstractHBaseThriftService
        public HBaseThriftClient() : this("localhost", 9090)
        public HBaseThriftClient(string host, int port) : base(host, port)
        public override List GetTables()
            List tables = client.getTableNames();
            List list = new List();
            foreach(byte[] table in tables)
            return list;
        public override void Update(string table, string rowKey, bool writeToWal, string fieldName, string fieldValue, Dictionary attributes)
            byte[] tableName = Encode(table);
            byte[] row = Encode(rowKey);
            Dictionary encodedAttributes = EncodeAttributes(attributes);
            List mutations = new List();
            Mutation mutation = new Mutation();
            mutation.IsDelete = false;
            mutation.WriteToWAL = writeToWal;
            mutation.Column = Encode(fieldName);
            mutation.Value = Encode(fieldValue);
            client.mutateRow(tableName, row, mutations, encodedAttributes);
        public override void Update(string table, string rowKey, bool writeToWal, Dictionary fieldNameValues, Dictionary attributes)
            byte[] tableName = Encode(table);
            byte[] row = Encode(rowKey);
            Dictionary encodedAttributes = EncodeAttributes(attributes);
            List mutations = new List();
            foreach (KeyValuePair pair in fieldNameValues)
                Mutation mutation = new Mutation();
                mutation.IsDelete = false;
                mutation.WriteToWAL = writeToWal;
                mutation.Column = Encode(pair.Key);
                mutation.Value = Encode(pair.Value);
            client.mutateRow(tableName, row, mutations, encodedAttributes);
        public override void DeleteCell(string table, string rowKey, bool writeToWal, string column, Dictionary attributes)
            byte[] tableName = Encode(table);
            byte[] row = Encode(rowKey);
            Dictionary encodedAttributes = EncodeAttributes(attributes);
            List mutations = new List();
            Mutation mutation = new Mutation();
            mutation.IsDelete = true;
            mutation.WriteToWAL = writeToWal;
            mutation.Column = Encode(column);
            client.mutateRow(tableName, row, mutations, encodedAttributes);
        public override void DeleteCells(string table, string rowKey, bool writeToWal, List columns, Dictionary attributes)
            byte[] tableName = Encode(table);
            byte[] row = Encode(rowKey);
            Dictionary encodedAttributes = EncodeAttributes(attributes);
            List mutations = new List();
            foreach (string column in columns)
                Mutation mutation = new Mutation();
                mutation.IsDelete = true;
                mutation.WriteToWAL = writeToWal;
                mutation.Column = Encode(column);
            client.mutateRow(tableName, row, mutations, encodedAttributes);
        public override void DeleteRow(string table, string rowKey, Dictionary attributes)
            byte[] tableName = Encode(table);
            byte[] row = Encode(rowKey);
            Dictionary encodedAttributes = EncodeAttributes(attributes);
            client.deleteAllRow(tableName, row, encodedAttributes);
        public override int ScannerOpen(string table, string startRow, List columns, Dictionary attributes)
            byte[] tableName = Encode(table);
            byte[] start = Encode(startRow);
            List encodedColumns = EncodeStringList(columns);
            Dictionary encodedAttributes = EncodeAttributes(attributes);
            return client.scannerOpen(tableName, start, encodedColumns, encodedAttributes);
        public override int ScannerOpen(string table, string startRow, string stopRow, List columns, Dictionary attributes)
            byte[] tableName = Encode(table);
            byte[] start = Encode(startRow);
            byte[] stop = Encode(stopRow);
            List encodedColumns = EncodeStringList(columns);
            Dictionary encodedAttributes = EncodeAttributes(attributes);
            return client.scannerOpenWithStop(tableName, start, stop, encodedColumns, encodedAttributes);
        public override int ScannerOpenWithPrefix(string table, string startAndPrefix, List columns, Dictionary attributes)
            byte[] tableName = Encode(table);
            byte[] prefix = Encode(startAndPrefix);
            List encodedColumns = EncodeStringList(columns);
            Dictionary encodedAttributes = EncodeAttributes(attributes);
            return client.scannerOpenWithPrefix(tableName, prefix, encodedColumns, encodedAttributes);
        public override int ScannerOpenTs(string table, string startRow, List columns, long timestamp, Dictionary attributes)
            byte[] tableName = Encode(table);
            byte[] start = Encode(startRow);
            List encodedColumns = EncodeStringList(columns);
            Dictionary encodedAttributes = EncodeAttributes(attributes);
            return client.scannerOpenTs(tableName, start, encodedColumns, timestamp, encodedAttributes);
        public override int ScannerOpenTs(string table, string startRow, string stopRow, List columns, long timestamp, Dictionary attributes)
            byte[] tableName = Encode(table);
            byte[] start = Encode(startRow);
            byte[] stop = Encode(stopRow);
            List encodedColumns = EncodeStringList(columns);
            Dictionary encodedAttributes = EncodeAttributes(attributes);
            return client.scannerOpenWithStopTs(tableName, start, stop, encodedColumns, timestamp, encodedAttributes);
        public override List ScannerGetList(int id, int nbRows)
            return client.scannerGetList(id, nbRows);
        public override List ScannerGet(int id)
            return client.scannerGet(id);
        public override List GetRow(string table, string row, Dictionary attributes)
            byte[] tableName = Encode(table);
            byte[] startRow = Encode(row);
            Dictionary encodedAttributes = EncodeAttributes(attributes);
            return client.getRow(tableName, startRow, encodedAttributes);
        public override List GetRows(string table, List rows, Dictionary attributes)
            byte[] tableName = Encode(table);
            List encodedRows = EncodeStringList(rows);
            Dictionary encodedAttributes = EncodeAttributes(attributes);
            return client.getRows(tableName, encodedRows, encodedAttributes);
        public override List GetRowsWithColumns(string table, List rows, List columns, Dictionary attributes)
            byte[] tableName = Encode(table);
            List encodedRows = EncodeStringList(rows);
            List encodedColumns = EncodeStringList(columns);
            Dictionary encodedAttributes = EncodeAttributes(attributes);
            return client.getRowsWithColumns(tableName, encodedRows, encodedColumns, encodedAttributes);
        public override void ScannerClose(int id)
        public override void IterateResults(TRowResult result)
            foreach (KeyValuePair pair in result.Columns)
                Console.WriteLine("\tCol=" + Decode(pair.Key) + ", Value=" + Decode(pair.Value.Value));
        private String Decode(byte[] bs)
            return UTF8Encoding.Default.GetString(bs);
        private byte[] Encode(String str)
            return UTF8Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str);
        private Dictionary EncodeAttributes(Dictionary attributes)
            Dictionary encodedAttributes = new Dictionary();
            foreach (KeyValuePair pair in attributes)
                encodedAttributes.Add(Encode(pair.Key), Encode(pair.Value));
            return encodedAttributes;
        private List EncodeStringList(List strings) 
            List list = new List();
            if (strings != null)
                foreach (String str in strings)
            return list;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace HbaseThrift.HBase.Thrift
    class Test
        private readonly AbstractHBaseThriftService client;
        public Test(String host, int port)
            client = new HBaseThriftClient(host, port);
        public Test() : this("master", 9090)
        static String RandomlyBirthday()
            Random r = new Random();
            int year = 1900 + r.Next(100);
            int month = 1 + r.Next(12);
            int date = 1 + r.Next(30);
            return year + "-" + month.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "-" + date.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');
        static String RandomlyGender()
            Random r = new Random();
            int flag = r.Next(2);
            return flag == 0 ? "M" : "F";
        static String RandomlyUserType()
            Random r = new Random();
            int flag = 1 + r.Next(10);
            return flag.ToString();
        public void Close()
        public void CaseForUpdate() {
		    bool writeToWal = false;
            Dictionary attributes = new Dictionary(0);
		    string table = SetTable();
		    // put kv pairs
		    for (int i = 0; i 
  • http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/Hbase/ThriftApi
  • http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/hbase/trunk/hbase-server/src/main/resources/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/thrift/Hbase.thrift?view=markup
  • http://www.cnblogs.com/panfeng412/archive/2012/11/11/hbase-thrift-api-common-issues-summary.html
  • https://github.com/simplegeo/hadoop-hbase/blob/master/src/examples/thrift/DemoClient.java
  • http://thrift.apache.org/tutorial/java/
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