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自定义Hive权限控制(3) 扩展Hive以实现自定义权限控制

2016-06-07 16:31:101032browse

简介 前两篇文章已经将需要的数据进行了准备,比如用户权限配置信息等。本节主要介绍我们的使用场景,因为使用场景的问题,我们只针对select进行相应的 权限控制 ,insert,delete,drop等动作从数据库层面上进行了限定,非本部门的人员是只拥有查询权限的。


HiveTable.java是针对hive的table建立的对象类。MakeMD5.Java 是针对MD5密码加密使用的工具类。UserAuthDataMode.java 是用于获取用户权限的方法类,本类实现了按照需要的格式获取数据库中的信息。

package com.anyoneking.www;?import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;?public class HiveTable {	private int id ;	private String tableName ;	private int dbid ;	private String dbName ;	private List partitionList = new ArrayList();	public int getId() {		return id;	}	public void setId(int id) {		this.id = id;	}	public String getTableName() {		return tableName;	}	public void setTableName(String tableName) {		this.tableName = tableName;	}	public int getDbid() {		return dbid;	}	public void setDbid(int dbid) {		this.dbid = dbid;	}	public String getDbName() {		return dbName;	}	public void setDbName(String dbName) {		this.dbName = dbName;	}	public List getPartitionList() {		return partitionList;	}	public void setPartitionList(List partitionList) {		this.partitionList = partitionList;	}?	public String getFullName(){		return this.dbName+"."+this.tableName;	}}

package com.anyoneking.www;?import java.sql.Connection;import java.sql.DriverManager;import java.sql.ResultSet;import java.sql.Statement;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.List;import java.util.Map;?import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf;import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Driver;/**?* 用户认证类,用于从数据库中提取相关的信息。?* @author songwei?*?*/public class UserAuthDataMode {	static final private Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Driver.class.getName());	private HiveConf conf ;	private boolean isSuperUser = false; 	private Map allTableMap =new HashMap();	//auth db name List	private List dbNameList = new ArrayList();	//auth table name List ex:{"dbName.tableName":HiveTable}	private Map tableMap = new HashMap();?	//auth table excludeColumnList ex:{"dbName.tableName":["phone"]}	private Map> excludeColumnList = new HashMap>();	//auth table includeColumnList ex:{"dbName.tableName":["ptdate","ptchannel"]}	private Map> includeColumnList = new HashMap>();?	private List ptchannelValueList = new ArrayList();?	private String userName;	private String password;	private Connection conn ;	private int userid ;	private int maxMapCount =16;	private int maxRedCount =16;?	private void createConn() throws Exception{		Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");		String dbURL = HiveConf.getVar(this.conf,HiveConf.ConfVars.KUXUN_HIVESERVER_URL);		String dbUserName = HiveConf.getVar(this.conf,HiveConf.ConfVars.KUXUN_HIVESERVER_USER);		String dbPassword = HiveConf.getVar(this.conf,HiveConf.ConfVars.KUXUN_HIVESERVER_PASSWORD);				this.conn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL,dbUserName, dbPassword);				//this.conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test","test", "tset");			}?	public UserAuthDataMode(String userName,String password,HiveConf conf) throws Exception{		this.userName = userName ;		this.password = password ;		this.conf = conf;		this.createConn();	}?	private ResultSet getResult(String sql) throws Exception{		Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();		ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);		return rs;	}?	private void checkUser() throws Exception{		MakeMD5 md5 = new MakeMD5();		String sql = "select username,password,id,is_superuser from auth_user where username='"+this.userName+"'"; 		LOG.debug(sql);		this.password = md5.makeMD5(this.password);		ResultSet rs= this.getResult(sql);		int size =0 ;		boolean flag = false ;		if(size != 0){			throw new Exception("username is error");		}		while(rs.next()){			size +=1 ;			this.userid = rs.getInt("id");			int superUser = rs.getInt("is_superuser");			if (superUser == 1){				this.isSuperUser = true ;				}else{				this.isSuperUser = false ;			}			String db_password = rs.getString("password");			if(db_password.equals(this.password)){				flag = true ;			}		}		if(size 0){				String[] pt = ptInfo.split(",");				ht.setPartitionList(Arrays.asList(pt));			}			this.allTableMap.put(tblid, ht);		}?		//处理有权限的db信息		String dbSql = " select t2.hivedb_id,(select name from hive_db where id = t2.hivedb_id) dbname"				+" from hive_user_auth t1 join hive_user_auth_dbGroups t2"				+" on (t1.id = t2.hiveuserauth_id)"				+"where t1.user_id ="+this.userid ;		ResultSet dbrs = this.getResult(dbSql);		while(dbrs.next()){			this.dbNameList.add(dbrs.getString("dbname"));		}?		//处理有权限的表信息		String tableSql = "select t2.hivetable_id "					+"from hive_user_auth t1 join hive_user_auth_tableGroups t2 "					+"on (t1.id = t2.hiveuserauth_id) "					+"where t1.user_id ="+this.userid ;		ResultSet tablers = this.getResult(tableSql);		while(tablers.next()){			int tableID = tablers.getInt("hivetable_id");			LOG.debug("-----"+tableID);			HiveTable ht = this.allTableMap.get(tableID);			LOG.debug("---table_name--"+ht.getTableName());			String tableFullName = ht.getFullName();			LOG.debug(tableFullName);			this.tableMap.put(tableFullName, ht);		}?		//处理不允许操作的列		String exSql = "select col.name,col.table_id,col.column "						+"from hive_user_auth t1 join hive_user_auth_exGroups t2 "						+"on (t1.id = t2.hiveuserauth_id) "						+"join hive_excludecolumn col "						+"on (t2.excludecolumn_id = col.id) "						+"where t1.user_id ="+this.userid ;		ResultSet exrs = this.getResult(exSql);		while(exrs.next()){			int tableID = exrs.getInt("table_id");			String column = exrs.getString("column");			HiveTable ht = this.allTableMap.get(tableID);			String tableFullName = ht.getFullName();			String[] columnList = column.split(",");			this.excludeColumnList.put(tableFullName, Arrays.asList(columnList));		}?		//处理必须包含的列		String inSql = "select col.name,col.table_id,col.column "			+"from hive_user_auth t1 join hive_user_auth_inGroups t2 "			+"on (t1.id = t2.hiveuserauth_id) "			+"join hive_includecolumn col "			+"on (t2.includecolumn_id = col.id) "			+"where t1.user_id ="+this.userid ;		ResultSet inrs = this.getResult(inSql);		while(inrs.next()){			int tableID = inrs.getInt("table_id");			String column = inrs.getString("column");			HiveTable ht = this.allTableMap.get(tableID);			String tableFullName = ht.getFullName();			String[] columnList = column.split(",");			this.includeColumnList.put(tableFullName, Arrays.asList(columnList));		}?		//处理ptchannel的value		String ptSql = "select val.name "		+"from hive_user_auth t1 join hive_user_auth_ptGroups t2 "		+"on (t1.id = t2.hiveuserauth_id) "		+"join hive_ptchannel_value val "		+"on (t2.hiveptchannelvalue_id = val.id) "		+"where t1.user_id ="+this.userid ;		ResultSet ptrs = this.getResult(ptSql);		while(ptrs.next()){			String val = ptrs.getString("name");			this.ptchannelValueList.add(val);		}			}?	public int getMaxMapCount() {		return maxMapCount;	}?	public void setMaxMapCount(int maxMapCount) {		this.maxMapCount = maxMapCount;	}?	public int getMaxRedCount() {		return maxRedCount;	}?	public void setMaxRedCount(int maxRedCount) {		this.maxRedCount = maxRedCount;	}?	public void run() throws Exception{		this.checkUser();		this.parseAuth();		this.checkData();		this.modifyConf();		this.clearData();	}?	public void clearData() throws Exception{		this.conn.close();	}?	private void modifyConf(){		this.conf.setInt("mapred.map.tasks",this.maxMapCount);		//this.conf.setInt("hive.exec.reducers.ma", this.maxRedCount);		HiveConf.setIntVar(this.conf,HiveConf.ConfVars.MAXREDUCERS,this.maxRedCount);	}?	private void checkData(){		LOG.debug(this.allTableMap.keySet().size());		LOG.debug(this.tableMap.keySet().size());		LOG.debug(this.dbNameList.size());		LOG.debug(this.excludeColumnList.size());		LOG.debug(this.includeColumnList.size());		LOG.debug(this.ptchannelValueList.size());	}????	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{		UserAuthDataMode ua = new UserAuthDataMode("swtest","swtest",null);		ua.run();	}?	public List getDbNameList() {		return dbNameList;	}?	public void setDbNameList(List dbNameList) {		this.dbNameList = dbNameList;	}?	public Map getTableMap() {		return tableMap;	}?	public void setTableMap(Map tableMap) {		this.tableMap = tableMap;	}?	public Map> getExcludeColumnList() {		return excludeColumnList;	}?	public void setExcludeColumnList(Map> excludeColumnList) {		this.excludeColumnList = excludeColumnList;	}?	public Map> getIncludeColumnList() {		return includeColumnList;	}?	public void setIncludeColumnList(Map> includeColumnList) {		this.includeColumnList = includeColumnList;	}?	public List getPtchannelValueList() {		return ptchannelValueList;	}?	public void setPtchannelValueList(List ptchannelValueList) {		this.ptchannelValueList = ptchannelValueList;	}?}


package com.anyoneking.www;?import java.math.BigInteger;import java.security.MessageDigest;?public class MakeMD5 {	public String makeMD5(String password) {		MessageDigest md;		try {			// 生成一个MD5加密计算摘要			md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); // 同样可以使用SHA1			// 计算md5函数			md.update(password.getBytes());			// digest()最后确定返回md5 hash值,返回值为8为字符串。因为md5 hash值是16位的hex值,实际上就是8位的字符			// BigInteger函数则将8位的字符串转换成16位hex值,用字符串来表示;得到字符串形式的hash值			String pwd = new BigInteger(1, md.digest()).toString(16); // 参数也可不只用16可改动,当然结果也不一样了			return pwd;		} catch (Exception e) {			e.printStackTrace();		}		return password;	}?	public static void main(String[] args) {		MakeMD5 md5 = new MakeMD5();		md5.makeMD5("swtest");	}}
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