After searching for a long time, I found some examples. Most of them don't know how to use them because I am a beginner. .
I studied the source code and finally achieved basic downloading. Solved a small BUG that the table cannot be downloaded repeatedly, and a BUG that occurred when using grid initialization
The steps are recorded below. Maybe it will be useful next time
1. Downloading requires js code, I have already uploaded it
2. Add a reference to your html file, the path problem is yours Note, the following is my path
3. In the Ext of the JS code you want to use. Add
Ext.Loader.setConfig ({ enabled: true });
Ext.Loader.setPath('Ext.ux.exporter', '../export/exporter');
'Ext.ux .exporter.Exporter'
Set the namespace. . Pay attention to the path
4. Use it in the code and add
xtype: 'exporterbutton',
// store: store
component: Ext.getCmp('gird_a')
These are two ways to initialize excel. One is to initialize with store, using the fields and data of the store. Because the fields names in my store are in English and the exported column names are in English, I did not use this method, but Initialize directly with grid.
The following is what I modified based on other people’s code
1. In line 40 of exporter.js, it was changed to
var columns = Ext.Array.filter(grid.columnManager.columns,
The original code had grid.columns in the first parameter. Later I found that the columns of the dynamically generated grid were placed in columnManager.columns after reconfigure, so I changed it like this
2. In workbook.js In line 77.78, add two sentences
this.styles =[];
The above 2 lines of code perform some initialization, otherwise every time excel is generated, it will cause a format error because the previous data is not cleared
After the above simple modifications, a grid can be exported at will, and table export of customized fields is supported, that is, the columns displayed in the export table
The rendering is here: