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The best way to define a title_CSS/HTML

2016-05-16 12:10:542248browse

作者:阿宏 2005-4-15 20:45:18
原文:What is the Best Way to Mark up the Title of a Document?
说明:本文是 《Web Standards Solutions: The Markup and Style Handbook》一书中的一章。书号:ISBN:1590593812。我们会陆续翻译此书中有价值的章节。
原作者:Dan Cederholm

方法一: 有意义吗?
虽然在某些情况下会是一个方便的标签,但它并不能表达出标题的完整含义。采用这个方法的一个好处是,我们可以对它附加一个CSS规则,分配其一个heading class,使其文字象标题一样显示。

.heading {
font-size: 24px;
font-weight: bold;
color: blue;
ok,现在所有的标题都用heading class标记成了大号的粗体字体,并且为蓝色。太棒了!但是这样做对吗?如果有人用一个不支持CSS的浏览器来观看,会怎样呢?

















恩,多么好的标题定义。大多数的网页设计者对它都很熟悉。其实适当的使用它们, 就能为页面内容提供灵活的、可索引的、以及可样式化的结构。












Screen readers, PDAs, cell phones, and visual and non-visual browsers will all understand what to do when they encounter a title tag, handle it correctly, and treat it more seriously than ordinary text on the page. With the tag, browsers that don't support CSS won't treat it specially.

Annoying default styles

In the past, designers might have avoided using title tags entirely due to the ugly browser defaults. Alternatively, avoid using


due to the huge size of the default values, and instead use a higher numerical title tag to achieve a smaller size.

However, it is important to emphasize that we can easily change these title tags using CSS - for example, an < ;h1> does not have to be a huge standard that takes up more than half of the screen. Later on, I’ll demonstrate how simple it is to style title tags with CSS, hopefully helping to alleviate some of your overwhelming fears.

Search engine friendly

This is a huge benefit. Search engines love title tags. On the other hand, a tag or a plain bold paragraph tag means something less. Marking your titles appropriately from


requires only a little effort on your part, but makes your pages easier for search engines to crawl, so people can ultimately find them.

Search engine bots will give special attention to title tags – this is where you might put some keywords. Just like and <meta> are retrieved, they will search down the page along the title tag. If you don't use these tags, the keywords contained within them won't be considered valuable and will be ignored. </p> <p>So with just a little bit of effort, you can increase the likelihood that people will find your site based on the content of your page. Sounds good, doesn't it? </p> <p>About the order of headings<br>In the example, this particular heading is the most important on the page because it is the title of the document. Therefore, we use the most important title tag, <h1>. Following the W3C specification, some people think that skipping several heading levels is a bad practice. For example, imagine we are on the following page: </p> <p><h1>Article Title</h1> <br>Our next title (if it is not repeated with another <h1>) should be <h2>, then <h3>, etc. You probably shouldn't skip one level after <h1> and go straight to <h3>. I tend to agree with the above point of view, and maintain the continuity of levels along the text to construct a layout structure. This way, it's easier to add titles and styles to an already existing page, and you'll reduce errors caused by using extra numbers. </p> <p>As mentioned earlier, designers may use <h4> to label the most important title on a page, simply because its default font size is not as obnoxiously large as <h1>. But remember, structure first, design later. We can always use CSS to style headings to any text size we like. <br></p></div><div class="nphpQianMsg"><div class="clear"></div></div><div class="nphpQianSheng"><span>Statement:</span><div>The content of this article is voluntarily contributed by netizens, and the copyright belongs to the original author. This site does not assume corresponding legal responsibility. 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