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JdbcTemplate 来封装数据库jdbc操作细节

2016-06-07 15:35:521229browse

29 } 提供了JdbcTemplate 来封装数据库jdbc操作细节: 包括: 数据库连接[打开/关闭] , 异常转义 , SQL执行 , 查询结果的转换 使用模板方式封装 jdbc数据库操作-固定流程的动作,提供丰富callback回调接口功能,方便用户自定义加工细节,更好模块化jdbc操

29 }  

提供了JdbcTemplate 来封装数据库jdbc操作细节: 
包括: 数据库连接[打开/关闭] ,异常转义 ,SQL执行 ,查询结果的转换 

使用模板方式封装 jdbc数据库操作-固定流程的动作,提供丰富callback回调接口功能,方便用户自定义加工细节,更好模块化jdbc操作,简化传统的JDBC操作的复杂和繁琐过程。 

1) 使用JdbcTemplate 更新(insert /update /delete)

1 int k = jdbcTemplate.update("UPDATE tblname SET prop1=?,prop2=?..."newObject[]{...});

1 jdbcTemplate.update("INSERT INTO tblname VALUES(?,?,..)"new Object[]{...},

2      new int[]{Types.VARCHAR,Types.NUMERIC});

01 jdbcTemplate.update("INSERT INTO tblname VALUES(?,?,..)",                    

02         newPreparedStatementSetter(){                         

03                public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throwsSQLException{     

04                     ps.setLong(1, user.getId(1));

05                     ps.setString(2, user.getName(2));  

06                     ps.setDate(3new java.sql.Date(newDate().getTime()); 

07                     ps.setTimestamp(4new Timestamp(new Date().getTime());

08                }                    

09         }

10 );

2) 使用JdbcTemplate 查询 (select)

1 final User user = newUser();

2 jdbcTemplate.query("SELECT id,name,.. FROM tblname WHERE id=1",

3        newRowCallbackHandler(){

4               public void processRow(ResultSet rs) throwsSQLException{

5                     user.setId(rs.getLong(1));

6                     user.setName(rs.getString(2));

7               }

8       }

9 );

01 List uGroup = jdbcTemplate.query("SELECT id,name,.. FROM tblname WHERE igroup=1",

02      newRowMapper(){

03             public Object mapRow(ResultSet rs,int no) throwsSQLException{

04                      User user = newUser();

05                      user.setId(rs.getLong(1));

06                      user.setName(rs.getString(2));

07                      returnuser ;

08             }

09      }

10 };

3)使用JdbcTemplate 便捷方法

1 List uNames = jdbcTemplate.queryForList("SELECT name FROM tblname WHERE id>?",

2     new Integer []{5}, String.class);

1 List<map> uMapList = (List<map>) jdbcTemplate.queryForList( </map></map>"SELECT id, name FROM tblname WHERE id>?",

2              newInteger []{5});

3 for(Map<string> uMap :uMapList){</string>

4       Integer id = uMap.get("id");

5       String name = uMap.get("name");

6 };

1 String user = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("SELECT name FROM tblname WHERE id=?",

2      new Integer []{5}, String.class );

1 intuNum = jdbcTemplate.queryForInt("SELECT count(*) FROM tblname WHERE id>?",

2     new Integer []{5});

4)使用jdbc 操作类

a)扩展 MappingSqlQuery类

01 class JdbcQueryObject extends MappingSqlQuery { // extends SqlQuery

02       public JdbcQueryObject (DataSource ds,String sql){

03             this.setDataSource( ds );

04             this.setSql( sql );

05             this.declareParameter(newSqlparameter("propName",

06                 Types.VARCHAR);// propName 提示作用

07         this.compile();

08       }

09       public Object mapRow(ResultSet rs,int p) throws SQLException{

10                  // ...

11      }

12 }

13 JdbcQueryObject queryObj = new JdbcQueryObject( ds,

14       "SELECT .. FROM tblName WHERE param=?");

15 List list = queryObj.execute(new Object[]{...});

b)使用 SqlFunction 类 查询单条结果

1 SqlFunction queryFun = newSqlFunction( ds,

2       "select count(*) from tblName where ..." ,new int[]{Types.CHAR,...} );

3 queryFun.compile();

4 queryFun.run(new Object[]{p1,p2,..});

c)使用 SqlUpdate 类 更新

1 SqlUpdate updateFunc = new SqlUpdate(ds ,"INSERT tblName ...");

2 updateFunc.declareParameter( new SqlParameter("prop",Types.CHAR) );

3 updateFunc.compile();

4 updateFunc.update(new String[]{s1,s1});

5)支持jdbc 事务


这里谈一下 基于数据库单一资源的编程式事务:



01 PlatformTransactionManager tm = 

02 newDataSourceTransactionManager(

03             jdbcTemplate.getDataSource() );

04 TransactionStatus status = null;

05 try{

06     //null 默认事务属性配置DefaultTransactionDefinition

07     status = tm.getTransaction(null);          

08   for(finalString wd: words){         

09    try {

10      jdbcTemplate.update( insertWordSql,

11           new PreparedStatementSetter(){


13     public voidsetValues(PreparedStatement pstate)

14                      throws SQLException {

15                 pstate.setString(1, wd) ;

16         pstate.setTimestamp(2,

17         new Timestamp( newDate().getTime() ));                            

18     }                  

19         }

20      );                


22    catch (DataAccessException e) {

23        e.printStackTrace();

24        //tm.rollback(status);

25     }

26     // end for

27 finally {

28      tm.commit(status);

29 }  
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