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Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips

2016-05-16 16:39:461298browse

Translator's note: This is my first time translating a foreign language, so the language is inevitably a bit obscure, but I try to express the author's original intention without excessive polishing. Criticisms and corrections are welcome. In addition, this article is long and contains a lot of information, which may be difficult to digest. You are welcome to leave a message to discuss the details. This article mainly focuses on the Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips optimization of V8, and some content does not apply to all JS engines. Finally, please indicate the source when reprinting: )

========================Translation dividing line====================== =======

Many JavaScript engines, such as Google's V8 engine (used by Chrome and Node), are specifically designed for large JavaScript applications that require fast execution. If you are a developer and are concerned about memory usage and page Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips, you should understand how the JavaScript engine in the user's browser works. Whether it's V8, SpiderMonkey (Firefox), Carakan (Opera), Chakra (IE) or other engines, doing this can help you get more Optimize your app well. This doesn’t mean you should optimize for a specific browser or engine, don’t do that. However, you should ask yourself a few questions: In my code, can I make the code more efficient? What optimizations have been done by mainstream JavaScript engines

What can’t the engine optimize? Can the garbage collector (GC) recover what I expect?


Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript TipsA fast website is like a fast sports car, requiring specially customized parts. Image source: .

There are some common pitfalls when writing high-Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips code, and in this article we’ll show you some proven, better ways to write it. So, how does JavaScript work in V8?

If you don’t have a deep understanding of the JS engine, there is no problem in developing a large-scale web application, just like a person who knows how to drive has only seen the hood but not the engine inside the car hood. Since Chrome is my browser of choice, let’s talk about its JavaScript engine. V8 is composed of the following core parts:

A basic compiler that parses JavaScript code and generates native machine code before the code is executed, rather than executing bytecode or simply interpreting it. These codes are not highly optimized to begin with.

V8 builds objects into the

Object Model
    . In JavaScript objects are represented as associative arrays, but in V8 objects are treated as hidden classes, an internal type system for optimizing queries.
  • The Runtime Analyzer
  • monitors the running system and identifies "hot" functions (e.g. code that takes a long time to run).
  • Optimizing compiler
  • Recompiles and optimizes code that is identified as "hot" by the runtime analyzer, and performs optimizations such as "inlining" (such as replacing the function call with the body of the callee) Location).
  • V8 supports de-optimization
  • , which means that if the optimizing compiler finds that its assumptions about code optimization are too optimistic, it will discard the optimized code.
  • V8 has a garbage collector
  • , and understanding how it works is just as important as optimizing JavaScript.
  • Garbage Collection
  • Garbage collection is
  • a form of memory management
. It is actually the concept of a collector that tries to reclaim the memory occupied by objects that are no longer used. In a garbage-collected language like JavaScript, objects that are still referenced in the application are not cleared.

Manual elimination of object references is not necessary in most cases. By simply placing variables where they are needed (ideally, as locally scoped as possible, i.e. inside the function they are used in rather than outside the function), everything will work just fine.

Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips

Garbage collector attempts to reclaim memory. Image source: Valtteri Mäki.

In JavaScript, it is impossible to force garbage collection. You shouldn't do this because the garbage collection process is controlled by the runtime, which knows when the best time to clean up is.

The misunderstanding of “eliminating citations”

There are many discussions on JavaScript memory recycling on the Internet about the delete keyword. Although it can be used to delete attributes (keys) in objects (maps), some developers believe that it can be used to force " Eliminate references". It is recommended to avoid using delete if possible, in the following example delete o.x 的弊大于利,因为它改变了o的隐藏类,并使它成为一个"慢对象"。

var o = { x: 1 }; 
delete o.x; // true 
o.x; // undefined

You'll easily find quote removal in popular JS libraries - it's language purposeful. What needs to be noted here is to avoid modifying the structure of "hot" objects at runtime. The JavaScript engine can detect such "hot" objects and try to optimize them. If the object's structure does not change significantly during its life cycle, it will be easier for the engine to optimize the object, and the delete operation will actually trigger such large structural changes, which is not conducive to engine optimization.

There are also misunderstandings about how null works. Setting an object reference to null does not make the object "null", it just sets its reference to null. Using o.x= null is better than using delete, but it may not be necessary.

var o = { x: 1 }; 
o = null;
o; // null
o.x // TypeError

If this reference is the last reference to the current object, then the object will be garbage collected. If this reference is not the last reference to the current object, the object is accessible and will not be garbage collected.

Another thing to note is that global variables are not cleaned by the garbage collector during the life cycle of the page. No matter how long the page is open, variables in the global object scope will always exist when JavaScript is running.

var myGlobalNamespace = {};

Global objects are only cleaned up when you refresh the page, navigate to another page, close the tab, or exit the browser. Variables in function scope will be cleared when they go out of scope, that is, when exiting the function, there are no more references, and such variables will be cleared.

Rules of thumb

In order for the garbage collector to collect as many objects as possible as early as possible, do not hold objects that are no longer used. Here are a few things to remember:

  • As mentioned earlier, using variables in the appropriate scope is a better alternative to manually dereferencing. That is, if a variable is only used in a function scope, do not declare it in the global scope. This means cleaner and hassle-free code.
  • Make sure to unbind event listeners that are no longer needed, especially those bound to DOM objects that are about to be destroyed.
  • If the data used is cached locally, be sure to clear the cache or use an aging mechanism to avoid storing large amounts of unreused data.


Next, let’s talk about functions. As we have said, garbage collection works by reclaiming memory blocks (objects) that are no longer accessible. To illustrate this better, here are some examples.

function foo() {
 var bar = new LargeObject();

When foo returns, the object pointed to by bar will be automatically recycled by the garbage collector because it no longer has any existing references.


function foo() {
 var bar = new LargeObject();
 return bar;

// somewhere else
var b = foo();

Now we have a reference pointing to the bar object, so that the life cycle of the bar object lasts from the call of foo until the caller specifies another variable b (or b goes out of scope).


When you see a function that returns an inner function, that inner function will gain out-of-scope access, even after the outer function executes. This is a basic closure — an expression that can set a variable in a specific context. For example:

function sum (x) {
 function sumIt(y) {
  return x + y;
 return sumIt;

// Usage
var sumA = sum(4);
var sumB = sumA(3);
console.log(sumB); // Returns 7

The function object (sumIt) generated in the sum calling context cannot be recycled. It is referenced by the global variable (sumA) and can be called through sumA(n).

Let’s take a look at another example. Can we access the variable largeStr here?

var a = function () {
 var largeStr = new Array(1000000).join('x');
 return function () {
  return largeStr;

Yes, we can access largeStr via a(), so it is not recycled. What about the one below?

var a = function () {
 var smallStr = 'x';
 var largeStr = new Array(1000000).join('x');
 return function (n) {
  return smallStr;

We can no longer access largeStr, it is already a garbage collection candidate. [Translator’s Note: Because largeStr no longer has external references]


最糟的内存泄漏地方之一是在循环中,或者在setTimeout()/ setInterval()中,但这是相当常见的。思考下面的例子:

var myObj = {
 callMeMaybe: function () {
  var myRef = this;
  var val = setTimeout(function () { 
   console.log('Time is running out!'); 
  }, 1000);

如果我们运行myObj.callMeMaybe();来启动定时器,可以看到控制台每秒打印出“Time is running out!”。如果接着运行myObj = null,定时器依旧处于激活状态。为了能够持续执行,闭包将myObj传递给setTimeout,这样myObj是无法被回收的。相反,它引用到myObj的因为它捕获了myRef。这跟我们为了保持引用将闭包传给其他的函数是一样的。




Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips

做的过多还不如什么都不做. 图片来源: Tim Sheerman-Chase.


  • 需要一个本地的数据源包含数字ID
  • 绘制包含这些数据的表格
  • 添加事件处理程序,当用户点击的任何单元格时切换单元格的css class




var moduleA = function () {

 return {

  data: dataArrayObject,

  init: function () {

  addTable: function () {

   for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
    $tr = $('<tr></tr>');
    for (var j = 0; j < this.data.length; j++) {
     $tr.append('<td>' + this.data[j]['id'] + '</td>');

  addEvents: function () {
   $('table td').on('click', function () {






var moduleD = function () {

 return {

  data: dataArray,

  init: function () {
  addTable: function () {
   var td, tr;
   var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
   var frag2 = document.createDocumentFragment();

   for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
    tr = document.createElement('tr');
    for (var j = 0; j < this.data.length; j++) {
     td = document.createElement('td');

  addEvents: function () {
   $('table').on('click', 'td', function () {




moduleG = function () {};

moduleG.prototype.data = dataArray;
moduleG.prototype.init = function () {
moduleG.prototype.addTable = function () {
 var template = _.template($('#template').text());
 var html = template({'data' : this.data});
moduleG.prototype.addEvents = function () {
 $('table').on('click', 'td', function () {

var modG = new moduleG();






  • 特定模式可以使V8摆脱优化的困境,比如说try-catch。欲了解更多有关哪些函数能或不能进行优化,你可以在V8的脚本工具d8中使用–trace-opt file.js命令。
  • 如果你关心速度,尽量使你的函数职责单一,即确保变量(包括属性,数组,函数参数)只使用相同隐藏类包含的对象。举个例子,别这么干:
    function add(x, y) { 
     return x+y;
    add(1, 2); 
    add(my_custom_object, undefined);
  • 不要加载未初始化或已删除的元素。如果这么做也不会出现什么错误,但是这样会使速度变慢。
  • 不要使函数体过大,这样会使得优化更加困难。

更多内容可以去看Daniel Clifford在Google I/O的分享 Breaking the JavaScript Speed Limit with V8Optimizing For V8 — A Series也非常值得一读。


  • 如果你想存储一串数字,或者一些相同类型的对象,使用一个数组。
  • 如果你语义上需要的是一堆的对象的属性(不同类型的),使用一个对象和属性。这在内存方面非常高效,速度也相当快。
  • 整数索引的元素,无论存储在一个数组或对象中,都要比遍历对象的属性快得多
  • 对象的属性比较复杂:它们可以被setter们创建,具有不同的枚举性和可写性。数组中则不具有如此的定制性,而只存在有和无这两种状态。在引擎层面,这允许更多存储结构方面的优化。特别是当数组中存在数字时,例如当你需要容器时,不用定义具有x,y,z属性的类,而只用数组就可以了。



  • 使用一个构造函数来创建对象。这将确保它创建的所有对象具有相同的隐藏类,并有助于避免更改这些类。作为一个额外的好处,它也略快于Object.create()
  • 你的应用中,对于使用不同类型的对象和其复杂度(在合理的范围内:长原型链往往是有害的,呈现只有一个极少数属性的对象比大对象会快一点)是有没限制的。对于“hot”对象,尽量保持短原型链,并且少属性。




function clone(original) {
 this.foo = original.foo;
 this.bar = original.bar;
var copy = new clone(original);




Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips



 // Prototypal pattern
 Klass1 = function () {}
 Klass1.prototype.foo = function () {
 Klass1.prototype.bar = function () {

 // Module pattern
 Klass2 = function () {
  var foo = function () {
  bar = function () {

  return {
   foo: foo,
   bar: bar

 // Module pattern with cached functions
 var FooFunction = function () {
 var BarFunction = function () {

 Klass3 = function () {
  return {
   foo: FooFunction,
   bar: BarFunction

 // Iteration tests

 // Prototypal
 var i = 1000,
  objs = [];
 while (i--) {
  var o = new Klass1()
  objs.push(new Klass1());

 // Module pattern
 var i = 1000,
  objs = [];
 while (i--) {
  var o = Klass2()

 // Module pattern with cached functions
 var i = 1000,
  objs = [];
 while (i--) {
  var o = Klass3()
// See the test for full details





// Here V8 can see that you want a 4-element array containing numbers:
var a = [1, 2, 3, 4];

// Don't do this:
a = []; // Here V8 knows nothing about the array
for(var i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {


将混合类型(比如数字、字符串、undefined、true/false)的数据存在数组中绝不是一个好想法。例如var arr = [1, “1”, undefined, true, “true”]








Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips


Nitro (Safari)对预分配的数组更有利。而在其他引擎(V8,SpiderMonkey)中,预先分配并不是高效的。


// Empty array
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
 arr[i] = i;

// Pre-allocated array
var arr = new Array(1000000);
for (var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
 arr[i] = i;



Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips

图片来源: Per Olof Forsberg.


  • 测量:在您的应用程序中找到慢的地方(约45%)
  • 理解:找出实际的问题是什么(约45%)
  • 修复它! (约10%)




var totalTime,
 start = new Date,
 iterations = 1000;
while (iterations--) {
 // Code snippet goes here
// totalTime → the number of milliseconds taken 
// to execute the code snippet 1000 times
totalTime = new Date - start;


然而,这种基准测试做的事情过于简单了,特别是如果你想运行在多个浏览器和环境的基准。垃圾收集器本身对结果是有一定影响的。即使你使用window.Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips这样的解决方案,也必须考虑到这些缺陷。

不管你是否只运行基准部分的代码,编写一个测试套件或编码基准库,JavaScript基准其实比你想象的更多。如需更详细的指南基准,我强烈建议你阅读由Mathias Bynens和John-David Dalton提供的Javascript基准测试



Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips

Chrome Developer Tools Analysis Panel

The analysis process begins by obtaining a code Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips baseline, which is then reflected in the form of a timeline. This will tell us how long the code takes to run. The "Profiles" tab gives us a better view of what's going on in the application. The JavaScript CPU profile shows how much CPU time is being used by our code, the CSS selector profile shows how much time is spent processing selectors, and the heap snapshot shows how much memory is being used for our objects.

Using these tools, we can isolate, tune, and reanalyze to measure whether our functional or operational Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips optimizations are actually having an impact.

Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips2

The "Profile" tab displays code Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips information.

For a good introduction to Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips, read Zack Grossbart’s JavaScript Profiling With The Chrome Developer Tools.

Tip: Ideally, if you want to ensure that your analysis is not affected in any way by installed apps or extensions, launch Chrome with the --user-data-dir <empty_directory></empty_directory> flag. In most cases, this method of optimizing your tests should be sufficient, but will also require more of your time. This is where the V8 logo can help.

Avoid memory Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tipss - 3 snapshot techniques

Within Google, Chrome developer tools are heavily used by teams such as Gmail to help find and troubleshoot memory Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tipss.

Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips

Memory Statistics in Chrome Developer Tools

Memory statistics include private memory usage, JavaScript heap size, number of DOM nodes, storage cleanup, event listening counters, and things about to be recycled by the garbage collector that our team cares about. It is recommended to read Loreena Lee's "3 Snapshot" Technique . The gist of this technique is to log some behavior in your application, force a garbage collection, check that the number of DOM nodes has returned to the expected baseline, and then analyze three heap snapshots to determine if there are any memory Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tipss.

Memory management for single-page applications

Memory management is very important for single page applications (e.g. AngularJS, Backbone, Ember), they almost never refresh the page. This means that memory Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tipss can be quite obvious. Single-page applications on mobile terminals are fraught with pitfalls because the device has limited memory and long-running applications such as email clients or social networks. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

There are many ways to solve this problem. In Backbone, make sure to use dispose() to dispose of old views and references (currently available in Backbone(Edge)). This function was recently added and removes handlers added to the view's "event" object, as well as event listeners for the model or collection passed to the view's third argument (the callback context). dispose() is also called by the view's remove() and handles the main cleanup work when the element is removed. Other libraries such as Ember will clean up listeners when they detect that an element has been removed to avoid memory Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tipss.

Some wise advice from Derick Bailey:



Felix Geisendörfer的在Node中调试内存泄漏的教程也值得一读,尤其是当它形成了更广泛SPA堆栈的一部分。


当浏览器重新渲染文档中的元素时需要 重新计算它们的位置和几何形状,我们称之为回流。回流会阻塞用户在浏览器中的操作,因此理解提升回流时间是非常有帮助的。

Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips




function addDivs(element) {
 var div;
 for (var i = 0; i < 20; i ++) {
 div = document.createElement('div');
 div.innerHTML = 'Heya!';


function addDivs(element) {
 var div; 
 // Creates a new empty DocumentFragment.
 var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
 for (var i = 0; i < 20; i ++) {
 div = document.createElement('a');
 div.innerHTML = 'Heya!';

可以参阅 Make the Web FasterJavaScript Memory OptimizationFinding Memory Leaks


为了帮助发现JavaScript内存泄漏,谷歌的开发人员((Marja Hölttä和Jochen Eisinger)开发了一种工具,它与Chrome开发人员工具结合使用,检索堆的快照并检测出是什么对象导致了内存泄漏。

Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips






"/Applications/Google Chrome/Google Chrome" --js-flags="--trace-opt --trace-deopt"

Windows用户可以这样运行 chrome.exe –js-flags=”–trace-opt –trace-deopt”


  • trace-opt - records the name of the optimized function and shows the code that was skipped because the optimizer didn't know how to optimize.
  • trace-deopt - Record the code that will be "de-optimized" at runtime.
  • trace-gc - records each garbage collection.

V8’s processing script uses * (asterisk) to identify optimized functions, and ~ (tilde) to indicate unoptimized functions.

If you are interested in learning more about V8's flags and how V8's internals work, it is highly recommended to read Vyacheslav Egorov's excellent post on V8 internals.


High-precision time (HRT) is a sub-millisecond high-precision time interface that is not affected by system time and user adjustments. It can be regarded as more advanced than new Date and Date.now() Precise measurement methods. This helps us a lot when writing benchmarks.

Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips

High Precision Time (HRT) provides current sub-millisecond time accuracy

Currently HRT is used in Chrome (stable version) through window.Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips.webkitNow(), but the prefix is ​​discarded in Chrome Canary, which allows it to be called through window.Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips.now(). Paul Irish wrote more about HRT on HTML5Rocks.

Now that we know the current precise time, is there an API that can accurately measure page Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips? Well, there is now a Navigation Timing API available. This API provides a simple way to obtain accurate and detailed time measurement records when a web page is loaded and presented to the user. You can use window.Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips.timing in the console to obtain time information:

Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips

Time information displayed in the console

We can get a lot of useful information from the above data, such as network delay as responseEnd – fetchStart, page loading time as loadEventEnd – responseEnd, and processing navigation and page loading time as loadEventEnd – navigationStart.

As you can see, the Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips.memory property can also display JavaScript memory data usage, such as total heap size.

For more details on the Navigation Timing API, read Sam Dutton's Measuring Page Load Speed ​​With Navigation Timing.


About:Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips in Chrome provides a Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips view of the browser, recording all threads, tab pages and processes of Chrome.

Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips


What this tool is really useful for is allowing you to capture Chrome’s running data so you can adjust JavaScript execution appropriately, or optimize resource loading.

Lilli Thompson has an article written for game developers about using about:Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips to analyze WebGL games. It is also suitable for JavaScript developers.

You can enter about:memory in Chrome's navigation bar, which is also very practical. You can get the memory usage of each tab page, which is very helpful for locating memory Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tipss.


We see that there are many hidden traps in the JavaScript world, and there is no silver bullet to improve Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips. Only by comprehensively applying some optimization solutions to the (real world) test environment can the maximum Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips gains be obtained. Even so, understanding how the engine interprets and optimizes code can help you tune your application.

Measure, understand, fix. Keep repeating this process.

Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tips

Image source: Sally Hunter

Remember to pay attention to optimization, but you can discard some small optimizations for convenience. For example, some developers choose .forEach and Object.keys instead of for and for..in loops, which are slower but more convenient to use. Make sure you have a clear head and know what optimizations are needed and what optimizations are not.

Also note that while JavaScript engines are getting faster, the next real bottleneck is the DOM. The reduction of Writing High-Performance JavaScript (Translation)_Javascript Tipss and redraws is also important, so don't touch the DOM until necessary. Another thing to pay attention to is the network. HTTP requests are precious, especially on mobile terminals, so HTTP caching should be used to reduce resource loading.

Remembering these points will ensure that you get most of the information in this article. I hope it will be helpful to you!

Original text: http://coding.smashingmagazine.com/2012/11/05/writing-fast-memory-efficient-javascript/

Author: Addy Osmani

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