Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >Summary of some Node.js development tools, development kits, frameworks, etc. I use_node.js
Development Tools
1. WebStorm, no doubt it is the one, cross-platform, powerful code prompts, supports Nodejs debugging, and also supports vi editing mode, which I like very much.
2. Use Sublime Text for some small projects.
3.Browserify: Apply your nodejs module to the browser
4.nvm: nodejs version management tool. You may use multiple nodejs versions (such as v0.11.x that supports generator nodejs and stable v0.10.x version). You can use it to switch easily
Testing & Automation
1.mocha: A simple, flexible and interesting JavaScript testing framework (similar to should, supretest)
2.gruntjs: by far the most popular build tool in the node world
3.gulp.js: something that claims to replace gruntjs
4.node-inspector: nodejs code debugging is magical, combined with the browser Chrome-Debug, lightweight and convenient
5.node-dev: The code has been changed, are you still pressing Ctrl C? Try this tool quickly, use fs.watch() to monitor the project directory, and automatically restart the project after code changes
6.pm2: Rookie to replace node-forever
Third Party Development Kit
1.Edge.js: Let .NET and nodejs run in the same process and call each other (an artifact)
2.Express, an excellent web development framework
3.moment, a powerful date processing library
4. cheerio, the implementation of jQuery core selector, can run on the server side, similar to jsdom, but much lighter than jsdom
5.async, asynchronous processing
6.shortid, url-friendly unique id
7.log4js, logging, a robust system is inseparable from logging
8.colors, which facilitates outputting text of different colors in the console (tinycolor, a more lightweight console color setting)
9.xmlrpc, which facilitates XML remote procedure calls. For example, it may be used when writing metaweblog
10.commander: Essential for writing command line applications, simplifying various command parsing operations
11.koa: The successor of Express
12.chokidar: A complete file and folder monitoring package, which solves many imperfections of fs.watch and can monitor subdirectories, which is very convenient
13.axon: upper-layer implementation of messages and common socket patterns, simplifying socket development, the work of TJ master
14.cron: Task planning package using crontab syntax
15.open: Use local applications to open files or urls
16.term-list: cli auxiliary selection operation
17.deepmerge: deep merging of js objects
18.loadsh, underscore: js common tool library, object merging, sorting algorithm, map, reduce, etc.
19.iconv-lite: A coding conversion library implemented in pure JS, which is often used in scenarios such as developing crawlers.
20.request: Easier to send http request
21.needle: lightweight http client module, integrated with iconv-lite, similar to request
22.superagent: similar to request, and its usage style is similar to jQuery.
23.mobile-agent: Determine whether the access is from a mobile browser or a PC, which is very useful for web development.
24.is-type-of:js auxiliary library, determine the type of object
Web Frameworks & Tools