Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >Detailed explanation of the source code of JS mini game Speed Run_javascript skills
The example in this article describes the speed running source code of JS mini-game and is shared with everyone for your reference. The details are as follows:
After the game is running, it is as shown below:
The Javascript part of the code is as follows:
/** 极速快跑 * Author: fdipzone * Date: 2012-07-15 * Ver: 1.0 */ var gameimg = ['images/start.png', 'images/start_over.png', 'images/go.png', 'images/go_over.png', 'images/running.gif', 'images/run_start1.gif', 'images/run_start2.gif', 'images/run_start3.gif']; var speed_obj = new SpeedClass(); window.onload = function(){ var callback = function(){ speed_obj.init(); } img_preload(gameimg, callback); } // Speed Class function SpeedClass(){ this.levelset = [8,5,8,12]; // 难度参数 this.playerlist = null; // 选手列表 this.player = 0; // 选中的选手 this.level = 2; // 难度 this.lock = 0; // 锁定 this.isstart = 0; // 是否开始 this.isover = 0; // 是否结束 } // init SpeedClass.prototype.init = function(){ this.reset(); this.create_player(); this.create_event(); } // reset SpeedClass.prototype.reset = function(){ this.player = 0; this.level = $('level').value; // level this.playerlist = $_tag('li', 'playerlist'); for(var i=0; i<this.playerlist.length; i++){ this.playerlist[i].className = ''; } disp('start_btn', 'show', 'start_btn'); disp('go_btn', 'hide', 'go_btn'); this.lock = 0; // unlock this.isstart = 0; // unstart this.isover = 0; // unover } // create player SpeedClass.prototype.create_player = function(){ var runway = []; var playerlist = []; for(var i=1; i<=8; i++){ runway[i] = '<li><div id="player' + (9-i) + '" class="run_status1"></div></li>'; playerlist[i] = '<li>' + i + '</li>'; } $('runway').innerHTML = runway.join(''); $('playerlist').innerHTML = playerlist.join(''); runway = null; playerlist = null; } // create event SpeedClass.prototype.create_event = function(){ var self = this; this.playerlist = $_tag('li', 'playerlist'); for(var i=0; i<this.playerlist.length; i++){ this.playerlist[i].onmouseover = function(){ if(this.className!='on'){ this.className = 'over'; } } this.playerlist[i].onmouseout = function(){ if(this.className!='on'){ this.className = ''; } } this.playerlist[i].onclick = function(o,c){ return function(){ if(self.lock==0){ o.playerlist[c].className = 'on'; if(o.player!=0 && o.player!=c+1){ // 不等於0且不等於自己 o.playerlist[o.player-1].className = ''; } o.player = c + 1; } } }(self, i); } $('start_btn').onmouseover = function(){ this.className = 'start_over_btn'; } $('start_btn').onmouseout = function(){ this.className = 'start_btn'; } $('start_btn').onclick = function(){ if(self.player==0){ return alert('请选择要支持的选手'); }else{ self.lock = 1; // locked disp('start_btn','hide'); disp('go_btn','show'); for(var i=1; i<=8; i++){ self.start(i); } } } $('go_btn').onmouseover = function(){ this.className = 'go_over_btn'; } $('go_btn').onmouseout = function(){ this.className = 'go_btn'; } $('go_btn').onclick = function(){ self.go(); } } // start game SpeedClass.prototype.start = function(c){ var o = $('player' + c); var step = 1; var self = this; var exert = 0; o.style.marginLeft = '62px'; // init var et = setInterval(function(){ if(step<4){ // step 1-3 is ready o.className = 'run_status' + step; }else{ // run if(o.className!='running'){ o.className = 'running'; } // start can go if(self.isstart==0){ self.isstart = 1; } // 已有一名选手到达终点 if(self.isover==1){ clearInterval(et); }else{ if(self.player!=c){ // 其他选手 exert = Math.floor(Math.random()* self.levelset[self.level])+3; // 根据level调整 } o.style.marginLeft = parseInt(o.style.marginLeft) + Math.floor(Math.random()*8)+4 + exert + 'px'; // 到达终点 if(parseInt(o.style.marginLeft)>=745){ clearInterval(et); self.isover = 1; self.gameover(o.id); } } } step ++; }, 350) } // go SpeedClass.prototype.go = function(){ if(this.isstart==1 && this.isover==0){ var o = $('player' + this.player); var exert = Math.floor(Math.random()*3)+2; // 2-5 o.style.marginLeft = parseInt(o.style.marginLeft) + exert + 'px'; } return false; } // gameover SpeedClass.prototype.gameover = function(id){ id = id.replace('player',''); var self = this; var msg = ''; if(id==this.player){ msg = "恭喜你,你支持的选手获得胜利\n\n"; }else{ msg = "很遗憾,你支持的选手没有获得胜利,获胜的是" + id + "号选 \n"; } if(confirm(msg + '是否重新开始?')==true){ setTimeout(function(){ self.init(); },1000); }else{ return false; } } /** common function */ // get document.getElementBy(id) function $(id){ this.id = id; return document.getElementById(id); } // get document.getElementsByTagName function $_tag(name, id){ if(typeof(id)!='undefined'){ return $(id).getElementsByTagName(name); }else{ return document.getElementsByTagName(name); } } /* div show and hide * @param id dom id * @param handle show or hide * @param classname */ function disp(id, handle, classname){ if(handle=='show'){ $(id).style.display = 'block'; }else{ $(id).style.display = 'none'; } if(typeof(classname)!='undefined'){ $(id).className = classname; } } /* img preload * @param img 要加载的图片数组 * @param callback 图片加载成功后回调方法 */ function img_preload(img, callback){ var onload_img = 0; var tmp_img = []; for(var i=0,imgnum=img.length; i<imgnum; i++){ tmp_img[i] = new Image(); tmp_img[i].src = img[i]; if(tmp_img[i].complete){ onload_img ++; }else{ tmp_img[i].onload = function(){ onload_img ++; } } } var et = setInterval( function(){ if(onload_img==img.length){ // 定时器,判断图片完全加载后调用callback clearInterval(et); callback(); } },200); }
Click here for the complete example codeDownload from this site.
I believe that what is described in this article has certain reference value for everyone’s JavaScript game design.