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Detailed explanation of jQuery selector_jquery

2016-05-16 16:30:371415browse

Selectors are the most basic thing in jQuery. The selectors listed in this article basically include all jQuery selectors. Maybe you can deepen your understanding of jQuery selectors through this article. Their usage is very simple. What I hope more is that it can improve the efficiency of writing jQuery code for individuals. This article introduces all jQuery selectors with screenshots, code and a simple summary, and also lists some areas that need attention and distinction.

1. Basic selector

1. id selector (specify id element)

Set the background color of the element with id="one" to black. (id selector returns a single element)

$(document).ready(function () {<br>        $('#one').css('background', '#000');<br>    });

2. class selector (traverse css class elements)

Set the background color of the element with class="cube" to black

$(document).ready(function () {<br>        $('.cube').css('background', '#000');<br>    });

3. element selector (traverse html elements)

Set the text size of the p element to 12px

$(document).ready(function () {<br>        $('p').css('font-size', '12px');<br>    });<br>

4. * Selector (traverse all elements)

$(document).ready(function () {<br>        // 遍历form下的所有元素,将字体颜色设置为红色<br>        $('form *').css('color', '#FF0000');<br>    });

5. Column Selector

$(document).ready(function () {
    // 将p元素和div元素的margin设为0
    $('p, div').css('margin', '0');

2. Level Selector

1. parent > child (direct child element)

$(document).ready(function () {
    // 选取div下的第一代span元素,将字体颜色设为红色
    $('div > span').css('color', '#FF0000');

In the following code, only the first span will change color. The second span does not belong to the first generation of child elements of the div, and the color remains unchanged.


2. prev next (next sibling element, equivalent to next() method)

$(document).ready(function () {
  // 选取class为item的下一个div兄弟元素
  $('.item + div').css('color', '#FF0000');
  // 等价代码  
//$('.item').next('div').css('color', '#FF0000');});

In the code below, only 123 and 789 will change color

<p class="item"></p><br><div>123</div><br><div>456</div><br><span class="item"></span><br><div>789</div>

3. prev ~ siblings (all sibling elements of the prev element, equivalent to the nextAll() method)

$(document).ready(function () {<br>    // 选取class为inside之后的所有div兄弟元素<br>    $('.inside ~ div').css('color', '#FF0000');<br>    // 等价代码<br>    //$('.inside').nextAll('div').css('color', '#FF0000');});

With the following code, G2 and G4 will change color

<div class="inside">G1</div><br><div>G2</div><br><span>G3</span><br><div>G4</div>

3. Filter selector

1. Basic filter selector

——1.1 :first and :last (take the first element or the last element)

$(document).ready(function () {<br>            $('span:first').css('color', '#FF0000');<br>            $('span:last').css('color', '#FF0000');<br>        });

With the following code, G1 (first element) and G3 (last element) will change color


——1.2:not (take non-element)

$(document).ready(function () {<br>            $('div:not(.wrap)').css('color', '#FF0000');<br>        });

The following code, G1 will change color

<div>G1</div><br><div class="wrap">G2</div>

However, please note the following code:

<br>    G1    <div class="wrap">G2</div>

When the div where G1 is located and the div where G2 is located have a parent-child relationship, both G1 and G2 will change color.

——1.3 :even and :odd (take even index or odd index element, index starts from 0, even means even number, odd means odd number)

$(document).ready(function () {<br>            $('tr:even').css('background', '#EEE'); // 偶数行颜色<br>            $('tr:odd').css('background', '#DADADA'); // 奇数行颜色<br>        });

The color of rows A and C is #EEE (the index of the first row is 0), the color of rows B and D is #DADADA

Detailed explanation of jQuery selector_jquery


——1.4 :eq(x) (take the element at the specified index)

Detailed explanation of jQuery selector_jquery

$(document).ready(function () {<br>            $('tr:eq(2)').css('background', '#FF0000');<br>        });

Change the background color of the third line. In the above code, the background of C will change color.

——1.5 :gt(x) and :lt(x) (take elements greater than x index or less than x index)

$(document).ready(function () {<br>            $('ul li:gt(2)').css('color', '#FF0000');<br>            $('ul li:lt(2)').css('color', '#0000FF');<br>        });

L4 and L5 will be red, L1 and L2 will be blue, L3 is the default color

Detailed explanation of jQuery selector_jquery

  • L1

  • L2

  • L3

  • L4

  • L5

——1.6:header (take H1~H6 title elements)

$(document).ready(function () {<br>            $(':header').css('background', '#EFEFEF');<br>        });<br>

With the following code, the background color of H1~H6 will change

Detailed explanation of jQuery selector_jquery


2. Content filter selector

——2.1:contains(text) (get the element containing text)

$(document).ready(<span style="color: blue">function </span>() {
      <span style="color: #006400">// dd元素中包含"jQuery"文本的会变色
      </span>$(<span style="color: maroon">'dd:contains("jQuery")'</span>).css(<span style="color: maroon">'color'</span>, <span style="color: maroon">'#FF0000'</span>);

In the following code, the first dd will change color

Detailed explanation of jQuery selector_jquery


jQuery, .NET, CLR





——2.2 :empty (take elements that do not contain child elements or have empty text)

$(document).ready(function () {<br>            $('dd:empty').html('没有内容');<br>});<br>

Detailed explanation of jQuery selector_jquery

The third dd above will display the text "No content"

——2.3:has(selector) (take the element matched by the selector)

$(document).ready(function () {<br>            // 为包含span元素的div添加边框<br>            $('div:has(span)').css('border', '1px solid #000');<br>        });

Even if span is not a direct child element of div, it will take effect

Detailed explanation of jQuery selector_jquery

<br>    <h2>
<br>        A        <span>B</span><br>    </h2>

——2.4 :parent(取包含子元素或文本的元素)

$(document).ready(function () {<br>            $('ol li:parent').css('border', '1px solid #000');<br>        });


Detailed explanation of jQuery selector_jquery

<br>    <li>
<br>    <li>A</li>
<br>    <li>
<br>    <li>D</li>

3. 可见性过滤选择器

——3.1 :hidden(取不可见的元素)

jQuery至1.3.2之后的:hidden选择器仅匹配display:none或的元素,而不匹配visibility: hidden或opacity:0的元素。这也意味着hidden只匹配那些“隐藏的”并且不占空间的元素,像visibility:hidden或 opactity:0的元素占据了空间,会被排除在外。



Detailed explanation of jQuery selector_jquery

http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ><br><br>    <title></title><br>    <style type="text/css"><br />        div<br />        {<br />            margin: 10px;<br />            width: 200px;<br />            height: 40px;<br />            border: 1px solid #FF0000;<br />            display:block;<br />        }<br />        .hid-1<br />        {<br />            display: none;<br />        }<br />        .hid-2<br />        {<br />            visibility: hidden;<br />        }<br />    </style><br>    <script type="text/javascript"></script><br>    <script type="text/javascript"><br />        $(document).ready(function() {<br />            $('div:hidden').show(500);<br />            alert($('input:hidden').val());<br />        });<br />    </script><br><br><br>    <div class="hid-1">display: none</div><br>    <div class="hid-2">visibility: hidden</div><br>    <input type="hidden" value="hello"><br><br>

——3.2 :visible(取可见的元素)


Detailed explanation of jQuery selector_jquery

<script type="text/javascript"><br />    $(document).ready(function() {        $('div:visible').css('background', '#EEADBB');    });</script><br><div class="hid-1">display: none</div><br><div class="hid-2">visibility: hidden</div><br><input type="hidden" value="hello"><br><div>
<br>    jQuery选择器大全</div>

4. 属性过滤选择器

——4.1 [attribute](取拥有attribute属性的元素)


Detailed explanation of jQuery selector_jquery

<script type="text/javascript"><br />        $(document).ready(function() {            $('a[title]').css('text-decoration', 'none');       });    </script>       <br>    

——4.2 [attribute = value]和[attribute != value](取attribute属性值等于value或不等于value的元素)


Detailed explanation of jQuery selector_jquery

<script type="text/javascript"><br />       $(document).ready(function() {<br />           $('a[class=item]').css('color', '#FF99CC');<br />           $('a[class!=item]').css('color', '#FF6600');<br />       });</script>

——4.3 [attribute ^= value], [attribute $= value]和[attribute *= value](attribute属性值以value开始,以value结束,或包含value值)

在属性选择器中,^$符号和正则表达式的开始结束符号表示的含义是一致的,*模糊匹配,类似于sql中的like '%str%'。

Detailed explanation of jQuery selector_jquery

<script type="text/javascript"><br />    // 识别大小写,输入字符串时可以输入引号,[title^=jQuery]和[title^="jQuery"]是一样的<br />    $('a[title^=jQuery]').css('font-weight', 'bold');<br />    $('a[title$=jQuery]').css('font-size', '24px');<br />    $('a[title*=jQuery]').css('text-decoration', 'line-through');</script>

——4.4 [selector1][selector2](复合型属性过滤器,同时满足多个条件)


<script type="text/javascript"><br />        $(document).ready(function() {<br />            $('a[title^=jQuery][class=item]').hide();<br />        });<br />    </script>

5. 子元素过滤选择器

——5.1 :first-child和:last-child


需要大家注意的是,:fisrst和:last返回的都是单个元素,而:first-child和:last-child返回的都是集合元素。举个 例子:div:first返回的是整个DOM文档中第一个div元素,而div:first-child是返回所有div元素下的第一个元素合并后的集 合。


http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ><br><br>    <title></title><br>    <script type="text/javascript"></script><br>    <script type="text/javascript"><br />    $(document).ready(function() {<br />        var len1 = $('div:first-child').length;<br />        var len2 = $('div:last-child').length;<br />     });<br />    </script><br><br><br><div>
<br>    <div>
<br>        <div></div>
<br>    </div>

也许你觉得这个答案,是不是太简单了?len1 = 2, len2 = 2。但实际确并不是,它们俩都等于3。

http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ><br><br>    <title></title><br>    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.min.js"></script><br>    <script type="text/javascript"><br />    $(document).ready(function() {<br />        var len1 = $('div:first-child').length;<br />        var len2 = $('div:last-child').length;<br />        $('div:first-child').each(function() {<br />            alert($(this).html());<br />        });<br />     });<br />    </script><br><br><br><div>123<br>    <div>456<br>        <div></div>
<br>    </div>


Detailed explanation of jQuery selector_jquery

——5.2 :only-child


http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ><br><br>    <title></title><br>    <script type="text/javascript"></script><br>    <script type="text/javascript"><br />        $(document).ready(function() {<br />            $('div:only-child').css('border', '1px solid #FF0000').css('width','200px');<br />        });<br />    </script><br><br><br><div>123<br>    <div>456<br>        <div></div>
<br>    </div>


Detailed explanation of jQuery selector_jquery

——5.3 :nth-child

看到这个就想起英文单词里的,fourth, fifth, sixth……,nth表示第n个,:nth-child就表示第n个child元素。要注意的是,这儿的n不像eq(x)、gt(x)或lt(x)是从 0开始的,它是从1开始的,英文里好像也没有zeroth这样的序号词吧。


1) :nth-child(x),获取第x个子元素
2) :nth-child(even)和:nth-child(odd),从1开始,获取第偶数个元素或第奇数个元素
3) :nth-child(xn+y),x>=0,y>=0。例如x = 3, y = 0时就是3n,表示取第3n个元素(n>=0)。实际上xn+y是上面两种的通项式。(当x=0,y>=0时,等同于:hth- child(x);当x=2,y=0时,等同于nth-child(even);当x=2,y=1时,等同于:nth-child(odd))



Detailed explanation of jQuery selector_jquery

http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ><br><br>    <title></title><br>    <style type="text/css"><br />        <br />        td {<br />            width: 200px;<br />            height: 32px;<br />            line-height: 32px;<br />        }<br />        <br />    </style><br>    <script type="text/javascript"></script><br>    <script type="text/javascript"><br />        $(document).ready(function() {<br />            // 偶数行背景红色<br />            $('tr:nth-child(even)').css('background', '#FF0000');<br />            // 奇数行背景蓝色<br />            $('tr:nth-child(odd)').css('background', '#0000FF');<br />        });<br />    </script><br><br><br>    

1. NBA 2012季后赛
2. NBA 2011季后赛
3. NBA 2010季后赛
4. NBA 2009季后赛
5. NBA 2008季后赛
6. NBA 2007季后赛


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<script type="text/javascript"><br />    $(document).ready(function() {<br />        $('tr:nth-child(3n)').css('background', '#0000FF');<br />    });</script><br>

6. 表单对象属性过滤选择器

——6.1 :enabled和:disabled(取可用或不可用元素)

:enabled和:diabled的匹配范围包括input, select, textarea。

Detailed explanation of jQuery selector_jquery

<script type="text/javascript"><br />        $(document).ready(function() {<br />            $(':enabled').css('border', '1px solid #FF0000');<br />            $(':disabled').css('border', '1px solid #0000FF');<br />        });<br />    </script><br>    <div>
<br>        <input type="text" value="可用的文本框"><br>    </div><br>    <div>
<br>        <input type="text" disabled value="不可用的文本框"><br>    </div><br>    <div>
<br>        <textarea disabled>不可用的文本域</textarea><br>    </div><br>    <div>
<br>        <select disabled><br>            <option>English</option>
<br>            <option>简体中文</option>
<br>        </select><br>    </div>

——6.2 :checked(取选中的单选框或复选框元素)


Detailed explanation of jQuery selector_jquery

<script type="text/javascript"><br />    $(document).ready(function() {<br />        $(':checked').css('background', '#FF0000').each(function() {<br />            alert($(this).val());<br />        });<br />    });</script><br><div>
<br>    <input type="checkbox" checked value="must">必须勾选</div><br><div>你现在工作的企业属于:<br>    <input type="radio" name="radio" checked value="外企">外企<br>    <input type="radio" name="radio" value="国企">国企<br>    <input type="radio" name="radio" value="民企">民企</div>

——6.3 :selected(取下拉列表被选中的元素)

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<script type="text/javascript"><br />    $(document).ready(function() {<br />        alert($(':selected').val());<br />    });</script><br><select><br>    <option value="外企">外企</option>
<br>    <option value="国企">国企</option>
<br>    <option value="私企">私企</option>


1. :input(取input,textarea,select,button元素)


2. :text(取单行文本框元素)和:password(取密码框元素)


Detailed explanation of jQuery selector_jquery

<script type="text/javascript"><br />   $(document).ready(function() {<br />        $(':text').css('border', '1px solid #FF0000');<br />        $(':password').css('border', '1px solid #0000FF');</script>
        // 等效代码<br>        //$('input[type=text]').css('border', '1px solid #FF0000');<br>        //$('input[type=password]').css('border', '1px solid #0000FF');<br>   });<br>





3. :radio(取单选框元素)


<script type="text/javascript"><br />    $(document).ready(function() {<br />        $(':radio').each(function() {<br />            alert($(this).val());<br />        });<br />        // 等效代码<br />        /*<br />        $('input[type=radio]').each(function() {<br />            alert($(this).val());<br />        });<br />        */<br />    });</script>你现在工作的企业属于:<br>    <input type="radio" name="radio" checked value="外企">外企<br>    <input type="radio" name="radio" value="国企">国企<br>    <input type="radio" name="radio" value="民企">民企

4. :checkbox(取复选框元素)


<script type="text/javascript"><br />    $(document).ready(function() {<br />        $(':checkbox').each(function() {<br />            alert($(this).val());<br />        });<br />        // 等效代码<br />        /*<br />        $('input[type=checkbox]').each(function() {<br />            alert($(this).val());<br />        });<br />        */<br />    });</script><br>    您的兴趣爱好:<br>    <input type="checkbox">游泳<br>    <input type="checkbox">看书<br>    <input type="checkbox" checked value="打篮球">打篮球<br>    <input type="checkbox" checked value="电脑游戏">电脑游戏


$(':checkbox:checked').each(function() {<br>    alert($(this).val());<br>});<br>$('input[type=checkbox][checked]').each(function() {<br>    alert($(this).val());<br>});<br>$(':checked').each(function() {<br>    alert($(this).val());<br>});

5. :submit(取提交按钮元素)


6. :reset(取重置按钮元素)


7. :button(取按钮元素)


8. :file(取上传域元素)


9. :hidden (retrieve invisible elements)

: The hidden selector is equivalent to the attribute selector $('input[type=hidden]')

The above is the entire content of jQuery selector, is it very comprehensive? If there is anything missing, please let me know and this article will continue to be updated.

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