Heim >System-Tutorial >LINUX >Analyse des Android-Hotfix-Tinker-Quellcodes
Ein ganz großes Highlight von Tinker ist, dass es eine Reihe von Dex-Diff- und Patch-bezogenen Algorithmen selbst entwickelt hat. Der Hauptzweck dieses Artikels besteht darin, diesen Algorithmus zu analysieren. Es ist natürlich zu beachten, dass die Voraussetzung für die Analyse ein gewisses Verständnis des Formats der Dex-Datei ist, da es sonst zu Verwirrung kommen kann.
In diesem Artikel wird zunächst eine einfache Analyse des Dex-Dateiformats durchgeführt, einige einfache Experimente durchgeführt und schließlich die Teile des Dex-Diff- und Patch-Algorithmus eingegeben.
Lassen Sie uns zunächst kurz die Dex-Datei verstehen. Beim Dekompilieren weiß jeder, dass die APK eine oder mehrere *.dex-Dateien enthält. Unter normalen Umständen verwenden wir auch Tools, um sie zu konvertieren in jar, und verwenden Sie dann einige Tools, um es zu dekompilieren und anzuzeigen.
Jeder sollte wissen, dass JAR-Dateien komprimierten Paketen von Klassendateien ähneln. Unter normalen Umständen können wir die Klassendateien direkt einzeln dekomprimieren und anzeigen. Was die Dex-Datei betrifft, können wir die internen Klassendateien nicht durch Dekomprimieren erhalten, was bedeutet, dass die Dex-Datei ihr eigenes spezifisches Format hat:
dex ordnet Java-Klassendateien neu an, zerlegt die Konstantenpools in allen JAVA-Klassendateien, eliminiert redundante Informationen und kombiniert sie erneut, um einen Konstantenpool zu bilden, wodurch dieselben Zeichenfolgen und Konstanten entstehen. Erscheint nur einmal im DEX Datei, wodurch die Dateigröße reduziert wird.
Schauen wir uns als Nächstes an, wie die interne Struktur der Dex-Datei aussieht.
Um die Zusammensetzung einer Datei zu analysieren, schreiben Sie am besten die einfachste Dex-Datei zur Analyse.
Zuerst schreiben wir eine Klasse Hello.java:
public class Hello{ public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println("hello dex!"); } }
Dann kompilieren:
javac -source 1.7 -target 1.7 Hello.java
Konvertieren Sie es abschließend per DX-Job in eine Dex-Datei:
dx --dex --output=Hello.dex Hello.class
Der dx-Pfad befindet sich unter Android-sdk/build-tools/version number/dx. Wenn der dx-Befehl nicht erkannt werden kann, denken Sie daran, den Pfad unter path anzugeben oder einen absoluten Pfad zu verwenden.
Auf diese Weise erhalten wir eine sehr einfache Dex-Datei.
Zeigen Sie zunächst ein grobes internes Strukturdiagramm der Dex-Datei:
Natürlich reicht es definitiv nicht aus, es nur anhand eines Bildes zu erklären, denn wir werden später die Diff- und Patch-Algorithmen untersuchen, bis hin zu: Jedes Wort einer Dex-Datei. Was stellt der Abschnitt dar?
Für eine binäre Datei ist es definitiv der beste Weg, sich nicht auf den Speicher zu verlassen. Glücklicherweise gibt es eine solche Software, die uns bei der Analyse helfen kann:
Öffnen Sie nach dem Herunterladen und Installieren unsere Dex-Datei und Sie werden zur Installation der Parsing-Vorlage der Dex-Datei geführt.
Das endgültige Rendering ist wie folgt:
Der obere Teil stellt den Inhalt der Dex-Datei dar (im Hexadezimalformat angezeigt), und der untere Teil zeigt jeden Bereich der Dex-Datei. Sie können auf den unteren Teil klicken, um den entsprechenden Inhaltsbereich und Inhalt anzuzeigen.
Natürlich ist es auch hier sehr empfehlenswert, einige spezielle Artikel zu lesen, um Ihr Verständnis von Dex-Dateien zu vertiefen:
In diesem Artikel wird nur eine einfache Formatanalyse der Dex-Datei durchgeführt.
Lassen Sie uns zunächst eine grobe Analyse von dex_header durchführen. Der Header enthält die folgenden Felder:
Zuerst erraten wir die Rolle des Headers. Wir können sehen, dass er einige verifizierungsbezogene Felder und die ungefähre Verteilung der Blöcke in der gesamten Dex-Datei enthält (off ist der Offset).
Der Vorteil davon besteht darin, dass die virtuelle Maschine beim Lesen der Dex-Datei nur den Header-Teil lesen muss, um die ungefähre Blockverteilung der Dex-Datei zu kennen, und prüfen kann, ob das Dateiformat korrekt ist manipuliert wurden usw. .
Bei den übrigen handelt es sich fast ausschließlich um Größe und Off, die paarweise erscheinen, wobei die meisten davon die Anzahl und den Offset spezifischer Datenstrukturen darstellen, die in jedem Block enthalten sind. Beispiel: string_ids_off ist 112, was bedeutet, dass der string_ids-Bereich bei Offset 112 beginnt; string_ids_size ist 14, was bedeutet, dass die Anzahl der string_id_items 14 beträgt. Der Rest ist ähnlich, daher werde ich ihn nicht vorstellen.
In Kombination mit 010Editor können Sie die in jedem Bereich enthaltene Datenstruktur und die entsprechenden Werte sehen. Nehmen Sie sich einfach die Zeit und lesen Sie sie.
Neben dem Header ist ein weiterer wichtiger Teil dex_map_list. Schauen Sie sich zunächst das Bild an:
Das erste ist die Nummer der Map_item_list, gefolgt von der Beschreibung jeder Map_item_list.
Was nützt map_item_list?
Sie können sehen, dass jedes „map_list_item“ einen Aufzählungstyp, ein nicht verwendetes 2-Byte-Mitglied, eine Größe, die die Nummer des aktuellen Typs angibt, und einen Offset enthält, der den Offset des aktuellen Typs angibt.
Nehmen Sie dieses Beispiel:
Der Rest kann der Reihe nach abgeleitet werden~~
In diesem Fall ist ersichtlich, dass durch map_list eine vollständige Dex-Datei in feste Bereiche (in diesem Beispiel 13) unterteilt werden kann und der Beginn jedes Bereichs sowie die Anzahl der dem Bereich entsprechenden Datenformate bekannt sind.
Finden Sie den Anfang jedes Bereichs über „map_list“. Jeder Bereich entspricht einer bestimmten Datenstruktur. Zeigen Sie ihn einfach über den 010-Editor an.
现在我们了解了dex的基本格式,接下来我们考虑下如何做dex diff 和 patch。
我们想要生成一个patch文件,该文件和old dex 通过patch算法还能生成new dex。
header实际上是可以根据后面的数据确定其内容的,并且是定长112的;各个区域后面说;map list实际上可以做到定位到各个区域开始位置;
我们最终patch + old dex -> new dex;针对上述的3个部分,
old dex该区域的字符串有: Hello、World、zhy
new dex该区域的字符串有: Android、World、zhy
“del Hello , add Android”(实际情况需要转化为二进制)。
想想应用中可以直接读取出old dex,即知道:
那么,可以非常容易的计算出new dex中包含:
这里看代码实际上也是有技巧的,tinker的代码实际上蛮多的,往往你可以会陷在一堆的代码中。我们可以这么考虑,比如diff算法,输入参数为old dex 、new dex,输出为patch file。
@Test public void testDiff() throws IOException { File oldFile = new File("Hello.dex"); File newFile = new File("Hello-World.dex"); File patchFile = new File("patch.dex"); DexPatchGenerator dexPatchGenerator = new DexPatchGenerator(oldFile, newFile); dexPatchGenerator.executeAndSaveTo(patchFile); }
所以查看代码时要有针对性,比如看diff算法,就找到diff算法的入口,不要在gradle plugin中去纠结。
public DexPatchGenerator(File oldDexFile, File newDexFile) throws IOException { this(new Dex(oldDexFile), new Dex(newDexFile)); }
public Dex(File file) throws IOException { // 删除了一堆代码 InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); loadFrom(in, (int) file.length()); } private void loadFrom(InputStream in, int initSize) throws IOException { byte[] rawData = FileUtils.readStream(in, initSize); this.data = ByteBuffer.wrap(rawData); this.data.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); this.tableOfContents.readFrom(this); }
#TableOfContents public void readFrom(Dex dex) throws IOException { readHeader(dex.openSection(header)); // special case, since mapList.byteCount is available only after // computeSizesFromOffsets() was invoked, so here we can't use // dex.openSection(mapList) to get dex section. Or // an {@code java.nio.BufferUnderflowException} will be thrown. readMap(dex.openSection(mapList.off)); computeSizesFromOffsets(); }
在其内部执行了readHeader和readMap,上文我们大致分析了header和map list相关,实际上就是将这两个区域转化为一定的数据结构,读取然后存储到内存中。
private void readHeader(Dex.Section headerIn) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { byte[] magic = headerIn.readByteArray(8); int apiTarget = DexFormat.magicToApi(magic); if (apiTarget != DexFormat.API_NO_EXTENDED_OPCODES) { throw new DexException("Unexpected magic: " + Arrays.toString(magic)); } checksum = headerIn.readInt(); signature = headerIn.readByteArray(20); fileSize = headerIn.readInt(); int headerSize = headerIn.readInt(); if (headerSize != SizeOf.HEADER_ITEM) { throw new DexException("Unexpected header: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(headerSize)); } int endianTag = headerIn.readInt(); if (endianTag != DexFormat.ENDIAN_TAG) { throw new DexException("Unexpected endian tag: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(endianTag)); } linkSize = headerIn.readInt(); linkOff = headerIn.readInt(); mapList.off = headerIn.readInt(); if (mapList.off == 0) { throw new DexException("Cannot merge dex files that do not contain a map"); } stringIds.size = headerIn.readInt(); stringIds.off = headerIn.readInt(); typeIds.size = headerIn.readInt(); typeIds.off = headerIn.readInt(); protoIds.size = headerIn.readInt(); protoIds.off = headerIn.readInt(); fieldIds.size = headerIn.readInt(); fieldIds.off = headerIn.readInt(); methodIds.size = headerIn.readInt(); methodIds.off = headerIn.readInt(); classDefs.size = headerIn.readInt(); classDefs.off = headerIn.readInt(); dataSize = headerIn.readInt(); dataOff = headerIn.readInt(); }
如果你现在打开着010 Editor,或者看一眼最前面的图,实际上就是将header中所有的字段定义出来,读取响应的字节并赋值。
private void readMap(Dex.Section in) throws IOException { int mapSize = in.readInt(); Section previous = null; for (int i = 0; i < mapSize; i++) { short type = in.readShort(); in.readShort(); // unused Section section = getSection(type); int size = in.readInt(); int offset = in.readInt(); section.size = size; section.off = offset; previous = section; } header.off = 0; Arrays.sort(sections); // Skip header section, since its offset must be zero. for (int i = 1; i < sections.length; ++i) { if (sections[i].off == Section.UNDEF_OFFSET) { sections[i].off = sections[i - 1].off; } } }
这里注意,在读取header的时候,实际上已经读取除了map list区域的offset,并存储在mapList.off中。所以map list中实际上是从这个位置开始的。首先读取的就是map_list_item的个数,接下来读取的就是每个map_list_item对应的实际数据。
到这里就完成了dex file 到 Dex对象的初始化。
public DexPatchGenerator(File oldDexFile, InputStream newDexStream) throws IOException { this(new Dex(oldDexFile), new Dex(newDexStream)); }
public DexPatchGenerator(Dex oldDex, Dex newDex) { this.oldDex = oldDex; this.newDex = newDex; SparseIndexMap oldToNewIndexMap = new SparseIndexMap(); SparseIndexMap oldToPatchedIndexMap = new SparseIndexMap(); SparseIndexMap newToPatchedIndexMap = new SparseIndexMap(); SparseIndexMap selfIndexMapForSkip = new SparseIndexMap(); additionalRemovingClassPatternSet = new HashSet<>(); this.stringDataSectionDiffAlg = new StringDataSectionDiffAlgorithm( oldDex, newDex, oldToNewIndexMap, oldToPatchedIndexMap, newToPatchedIndexMap, selfIndexMapForSkip ); this.typeIdSectionDiffAlg = ... this.protoIdSectionDiffAlg = ... this.fieldIdSectionDiffAlg = ... this.methodIdSectionDiffAlg = ... this.classDefSectionDiffAlg = ... this.typeListSectionDiffAlg = ... this.annotationSetRefListSectionDiffAlg = ... this.annotationSetSectionDiffAlg = ... this.classDataSectionDiffAlg = ... this.codeSectionDiffAlg = ... this.debugInfoSectionDiffAlg = ... this.annotationSectionDiffAlg = ... this.encodedArraySectionDiffAlg = ... this.annotationsDirectorySectionDiffAlg = ... }
public void executeAndSaveTo(File file) throws IOException { OutputStream os = null; try { os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); executeAndSaveTo(os); } finally { if (os != null) { try { os.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignored. } } } }
public void executeAndSaveTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException { int patchedheaderSize = SizeOf.HEADER_ITEM; int patchedStringIdsSize = newDex.getTableOfContents().stringIds.size * SizeOf.STRING_ID_ITEM; int patchedTypeIdsSize = newDex.getTableOfContents().typeIds.size * SizeOf.TYPE_ID_ITEM; int patchedProtoIdsSize = newDex.getTableOfContents().protoIds.size * SizeOf.PROTO_ID_ITEM; int patchedFieldIdsSize = newDex.getTableOfContents().fieldIds.size * SizeOf.MEMBER_ID_ITEM; int patchedMethodIdsSize = newDex.getTableOfContents().methodIds.size * SizeOf.MEMBER_ID_ITEM; int patchedClassDefsSize = newDex.getTableOfContents().classDefs.size * SizeOf.CLASS_DEF_ITEM; int patchedIdSectionSize = patchedStringIdsSize + patchedTypeIdsSize + patchedProtoIdsSize + patchedFieldIdsSize + patchedMethodIdsSize + patchedClassDefsSize; this.patchedHeaderOffset = 0; this.patchedStringIdsOffset = patchedHeaderOffset + patchedheaderSize; this.stringDataSectionDiffAlg.execute(); this.patchedStringDataItemsOffset = patchedheaderSize + patchedIdSectionSize; this.stringDataSectionDiffAlg.simulatePatchOperation(this.patchedStringDataItemsOffset); // 省略了其余14个算法的一堆代码 this.patchedDexSize = this.patchedMapListOffset + patchedMapListSize; writeResultToStream(out); }
public void execute() { this.patchOperationList.clear(); // 1. 拿到oldDex和newDex的itemList this.adjustedOldIndexedItemsWithOrigOrder = collectSectionItems(this.oldDex, true); this.oldItemCount = this.adjustedOldIndexedItemsWithOrigOrder.length; AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Integer, T>[] adjustedOldIndexedItems = new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry[this.oldItemCount]; System.arraycopy(this.adjustedOldIndexedItemsWithOrigOrder, 0, adjustedOldIndexedItems, 0, this.oldItemCount); Arrays.sort(adjustedOldIndexedItems, this.comparatorForItemDiff); AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Integer, T>[] adjustedNewIndexedItems = collectSectionItems(this.newDex, false); this.newItemCount = adjustedNewIndexedItems.length; Arrays.sort(adjustedNewIndexedItems, this.comparatorForItemDiff); int oldCursor = 0; int newCursor = 0; // 2.遍历,对比,收集patch操作 while (oldCursor < this.oldItemCount || newCursor < this.newItemCount) { if (oldCursor >= this.oldItemCount) { // rest item are all newItem. while (newCursor < this.newItemCount) { // 对剩下的newItem做ADD操作 } } else if (newCursor >= newItemCount) { // rest item are all oldItem. while (oldCursor < oldItemCount) { // 对剩下的oldItem做DEL操作 } } else { AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Integer, T> oldIndexedItem = adjustedOldIndexedItems[oldCursor]; AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Integer, T> newIndexedItem = adjustedNewIndexedItems[newCursor]; int cmpRes = oldIndexedItem.getValue().compareTo(newIndexedItem.getValue()); if (cmpRes < 0) { int deletedIndex = oldIndexedItem.getKey(); int deletedOffset = getItemOffsetOrIndex(deletedIndex, oldIndexedItem.getValue()); this.patchOperationList.add(new PatchOperation<T>(PatchOperation.OP_DEL, deletedIndex)); markDeletedIndexOrOffset(this.oldToPatchedIndexMap, deletedIndex, deletedOffset); ++oldCursor; } else if (cmpRes > 0) { this.patchOperationList.add(new PatchOperation<>(PatchOperation.OP_ADD, newIndexedItem.getKey(), newIndexedItem.getValue())); ++newCursor; } else { int oldIndex = oldIndexedItem.getKey(); int newIndex = newIndexedItem.getKey(); int oldOffset = getItemOffsetOrIndex(oldIndexedItem.getKey(), oldIndexedItem.getValue()); int newOffset = getItemOffsetOrIndex(newIndexedItem.getKey(), newIndexedItem.getValue()); if (oldIndex != newIndex) { this.oldIndexToNewIndexMap.put(oldIndex, newIndex); } if (oldOffset != newOffset) { this.oldOffsetToNewOffsetMap.put(oldOffset, newOffset); } ++oldCursor; ++newCursor; } } } // 未完 }
public void execute() { // 接上... // 根据index排序,如果index一样,则先DEL后ADD Collections.sort(this.patchOperationList, comparatorForPatchOperationOpt); Iterator<PatchOperation<T>> patchOperationIt = this.patchOperationList.iterator(); PatchOperation<T> prevPatchOperation = null; while (patchOperationIt.hasNext()) { PatchOperation<T> patchOperation = patchOperationIt.next(); if (prevPatchOperation != null && prevPatchOperation.op == PatchOperation.OP_DEL && patchOperation.op == PatchOperation.OP_ADD ) { if (prevPatchOperation.index == patchOperation.index) { prevPatchOperation.op = PatchOperation.OP_REPLACE; prevPatchOperation.newItem = patchOperation.newItem; patchOperationIt.remove(); prevPatchOperation = null; } else { prevPatchOperation = patchOperation; } } else { prevPatchOperation = patchOperation; } } // Finally we record some information for the final calculations. patchOperationIt = this.patchOperationList.iterator(); while (patchOperationIt.hasNext()) { PatchOperation<T> patchOperation = patchOperationIt.next(); switch (patchOperation.op) { case PatchOperation.OP_DEL: { indexToDelOperationMap.put(patchOperation.index, patchOperation); break; } case PatchOperation.OP_ADD: { indexToAddOperationMap.put(patchOperation.index, patchOperation); break; } case PatchOperation.OP_REPLACE: { indexToReplaceOperationMap.put(patchOperation.index, patchOperation); break; } } } }
this.stringDataSectionDiffAlg .simulatePatchOperation(this.patchedStringDataItemsOffset);
public void simulatePatchOperation(int baseOffset) { int oldIndex = 0; int patchedIndex = 0; int patchedOffset = baseOffset; while (oldIndex < this.oldItemCount || patchedIndex < this.newItemCount) { if (this.indexToAddOperationMap.containsKey(patchedIndex)) { //省略了一些代码 T newItem = patchOperation.newItem; int itemSize = getItemSize(newItem); ++patchedIndex; patchedOffset += itemSize; } else if (this.indexToReplaceOperationMap.containsKey(patchedIndex)) { //省略了一些代码 T newItem = patchOperation.newItem; int itemSize = getItemSize(newItem); ++patchedIndex; patchedOffset += itemSize; } else if (this.indexToDelOperationMap.containsKey(oldIndex)) { ++oldIndex; } else if (this.indexToReplaceOperationMap.containsKey(oldIndex)) { ++oldIndex; } else if (oldIndex < this.oldItemCount) { ++oldIndex; ++patchedIndex; patchedOffset += itemSize; } } this.patchedSectionSize = SizeOf.roundToTimesOfFour(patchedOffset - baseOffset); }
其实很好理解,这个patchedSectionSize其实对应newDex的这个区域的size。所以,包含需要ADD的Item,会被替代的Item,以及OLD ITEMS中没有被删除和替代的Item。这三者相加即为newDex的itemList。
private void writeResultToStream(OutputStream os) throws IOException { DexDataBuffer buffer = new DexDataBuffer(); buffer.write(DexPatchFile.MAGIC); // DEXDIFF buffer.writeShort(DexPatchFile.CURRENT_VERSION); /0x0002 buffer.writeInt(this.patchedDexSize); // we will return here to write firstChunkOffset later. int posOfFirstChunkOffsetField = buffer.position(); buffer.writeInt(0); buffer.writeInt(this.patchedStringIdsOffset); buffer.writeInt(this.patchedTypeIdsOffset); buffer.writeInt(this.patchedProtoIdsOffset); buffer.writeInt(this.patchedFieldIdsOffset); buffer.writeInt(this.patchedMethodIdsOffset); buffer.writeInt(this.patchedClassDefsOffset); buffer.writeInt(this.patchedMapListOffset); buffer.writeInt(this.patchedTypeListsOffset); buffer.writeInt(this.patchedAnnotationSetRefListItemsOffset); buffer.writeInt(this.patchedAnnotationSetItemsOffset); buffer.writeInt(this.patchedClassDataItemsOffset); buffer.writeInt(this.patchedCodeItemsOffset); buffer.writeInt(this.patchedStringDataItemsOffset); buffer.writeInt(this.patchedDebugInfoItemsOffset); buffer.writeInt(this.patchedAnnotationItemsOffset); buffer.writeInt(this.patchedEncodedArrayItemsOffset); buffer.writeInt(this.patchedAnnotationsDirectoryItemsOffset); buffer.write(this.oldDex.computeSignature(false)); int firstChunkOffset = buffer.position(); buffer.position(posOfFirstChunkOffsetField); buffer.writeInt(firstChunkOffset); buffer.position(firstChunkOffset); writePatchOperations(buffer, this.stringDataSectionDiffAlg.getPatchOperationList()); // 省略其他14个writePatch... byte[] bufferData = buffer.array(); os.write(bufferData); os.flush(); }
private <T extends Comparable<T>> void writePatchOperations( DexDataBuffer buffer, List<PatchOperation<T>> patchOperationList ) { List<Integer> delOpIndexList = new ArrayList<>(patchOperationList.size()); List<Integer> addOpIndexList = new ArrayList<>(patchOperationList.size()); List<Integer> replaceOpIndexList = new ArrayList<>(patchOperationList.size()); List<T> newItemList = new ArrayList<>(patchOperationList.size()); for (PatchOperation<T> patchOperation : patchOperationList) { switch (patchOperation.op) { case PatchOperation.OP_DEL: { delOpIndexList.add(patchOperation.index); break; } case PatchOperation.OP_ADD: { addOpIndexList.add(patchOperation.index); newItemList.add(patchOperation.newItem); break; } case PatchOperation.OP_REPLACE: { replaceOpIndexList.add(patchOperation.index); newItemList.add(patchOperation.newItem); break; } } } buffer.writeUleb128(delOpIndexList.size()); int lastIndex = 0; for (Integer index : delOpIndexList) { buffer.writeSleb128(index - lastIndex); lastIndex = index; } buffer.writeUleb128(addOpIndexList.size()); lastIndex = 0; for (Integer index : addOpIndexList) { buffer.writeSleb128(index - lastIndex); lastIndex = index; } buffer.writeUleb128(replaceOpIndexList.size()); lastIndex = 0; for (Integer index : replaceOpIndexList) { buffer.writeSleb128(index - lastIndex); lastIndex = index; } for (T newItem : newItemList) { if (newItem instanceof StringData) { buffer.writeStringData((StringData) newItem); } // else 其他类型,write其他类型Data } }
这里index都做了(这里做了个index – lastIndex操作)
oldItems - del - replace + addItems + replaceItems
与diff一样,肯定有那么一个类或者方法,接受old dex File 和 patch File,最后生成new Dex。不要陷在一堆安全校验,apk解压的代码中。
@Test public void testPatch() throws IOException { File oldFile = new File("Hello.dex"); File patchFile = new File("patch.dex"); File newFile = new File("new.dex"); DexPatchApplier dexPatchGenerator = new DexPatchApplier(oldFile, patchFile); dexPatchGenerator.executeAndSaveTo(newFile); }
public DexPatchApplier(File oldDexIn, File patchFileIn) throws IOException { this(new Dex(oldDexIn), new DexPatchFile(patchFileIn)); }
public DexPatchFile(File file) throws IOException { this.buffer = new DexDataBuffer(ByteBuffer.wrap(FileUtils.readFile(file))); init(); }
首先将patch file读取为byte[],然后调用init
private void init() { byte[] magic = this.buffer.readByteArray(MAGIC.length); if (CompareUtils.uArrCompare(magic, MAGIC) != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("bad dex patch file magic: " + Arrays.toString(magic)); } this.version = this.buffer.readShort(); if (CompareUtils.uCompare(this.version, CURRENT_VERSION) != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("bad dex patch file version: " + this.version + ", expected: " + CURRENT_VERSION); } this.patchedDexSize = this.buffer.readInt(); this.firstChunkOffset = this.buffer.readInt(); this.patchedStringIdSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt(); this.patchedTypeIdSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt(); this.patchedProtoIdSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt(); this.patchedFieldIdSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt(); this.patchedMethodIdSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt(); this.patchedClassDefSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt(); this.patchedMapListSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt(); this.patchedTypeListSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt(); this.patchedAnnotationSetRefListSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt(); this.patchedAnnotationSetSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt(); this.patchedClassDataSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt(); this.patchedCodeSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt(); this.patchedStringDataSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt(); this.patchedDebugInfoSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt(); this.patchedAnnotationSectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt(); this.patchedEncodedArraySectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt(); this.patchedAnnotationsDirectorySectionOffset = this.buffer.readInt(); this.oldDexSignature = this.buffer.readByteArray(SizeOf.SIGNATURE); this.buffer.position(firstChunkOffset); }
还记得我们写patch的操作么,先写了MAGIC和Version用于校验该文件是一个patch file;接下来为patchedDexSize和各种offset进行赋值;最后定位到数据区(firstChunkOffset),还记得写的时候,该字段在第四个位置。
public DexPatchApplier(File oldDexIn, File patchFileIn) throws IOException { this(new Dex(oldDexIn), new DexPatchFile(patchFileIn)); } public DexPatchApplier( Dex oldDexIn, DexPatchFile patchFileIn) { this.oldDex = oldDexIn; this.patchFile = patchFileIn; this.patchedDex = new Dex(patchFileIn.getPatchedDexSize()); this.oldToPatchedIndexMap = new SparseIndexMap(); }
public void executeAndSaveTo(File file) throws IOException { OutputStream os = null; try { os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); executeAndSaveTo(os); } finally { if (os != null) { try { os.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignored. } } } }
public void executeAndSaveTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException { TableOfContents patchedToc = this.patchedDex.getTableOfContents(); patchedToc.header.off = 0; patchedToc.header.size = 1; patchedToc.mapList.size = 1; patchedToc.stringIds.off = this.patchFile.getPatchedStringIdSectionOffset(); patchedToc.typeIds.off = this.patchFile.getPatchedTypeIdSectionOffset(); patchedToc.typeLists.off = this.patchFile.getPatchedTypeListSectionOffset(); patchedToc.protoIds.off = this.patchFile.getPatchedProtoIdSectionOffset(); patchedToc.fieldIds.off = this.patchFile.getPatchedFieldIdSectionOffset(); patchedToc.methodIds.off = this.patchFile.getPatchedMethodIdSectionOffset(); patchedToc.classDefs.off = this.patchFile.getPatchedClassDefSectionOffset(); patchedToc.mapList.off = this.patchFile.getPatchedMapListSectionOffset(); patchedToc.stringDatas.off = this.patchFile.getPatchedStringDataSectionOffset(); patchedToc.annotations.off = this.patchFile.getPatchedAnnotationSectionOffset(); patchedToc.annotationSets.off = this.patchFile.getPatchedAnnotationSetSectionOffset(); patchedToc.annotationSetRefLists.off = this.patchFile.getPatchedAnnotationSetRefListSectionOffset(); patchedToc.annotationsDirectories.off = this.patchFile.getPatchedAnnotationsDirectorySectionOffset(); patchedToc.encodedArrays.off = this.patchFile.getPatchedEncodedArraySectionOffset(); patchedToc.debugInfos.off = this.patchFile.getPatchedDebugInfoSectionOffset(); patchedToc.codes.off = this.patchFile.getPatchedCodeSectionOffset(); patchedToc.classDatas.off = this.patchFile.getPatchedClassDataSectionOffset(); patchedToc.fileSize = this.patchFile.getPatchedDexSize(); Arrays.sort(patchedToc.sections); patchedToc.computeSizesFromOffsets(); // 未完待续... }
这里实际上,就是读取patchFile中记录的值给patchedDex的TableOfContent中各种Section(大致对应map list中各个map_list_item)赋值。
public void executeAndSaveTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException { // 省略第一部分代码 // Secondly, run patch algorithms according to sections' dependencies. this.stringDataSectionPatchAlg = new StringDataSectionPatchAlgorithm( patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap ); this.typeIdSectionPatchAlg = new TypeIdSectionPatchAlgorithm( patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap ); this.protoIdSectionPatchAlg = new ProtoIdSectionPatchAlgorithm( patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap ); this.fieldIdSectionPatchAlg = new FieldIdSectionPatchAlgorithm( patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap ); this.methodIdSectionPatchAlg = new MethodIdSectionPatchAlgorithm( patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap ); this.classDefSectionPatchAlg = new ClassDefSectionPatchAlgorithm( patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap ); this.typeListSectionPatchAlg = new TypeListSectionPatchAlgorithm( patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap ); this.annotationSetRefListSectionPatchAlg = new AnnotationSetRefListSectionPatchAlgorithm( patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap ); this.annotationSetSectionPatchAlg = new AnnotationSetSectionPatchAlgorithm( patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap ); this.classDataSectionPatchAlg = new ClassDataSectionPatchAlgorithm( patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap ); this.codeSectionPatchAlg = new CodeSectionPatchAlgorithm( patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap ); this.debugInfoSectionPatchAlg = new DebugInfoItemSectionPatchAlgorithm( patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap ); this.annotationSectionPatchAlg = new AnnotationSectionPatchAlgorithm( patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap ); this.encodedArraySectionPatchAlg = new StaticValueSectionPatchAlgorithm( patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap ); this.annotationsDirectorySectionPatchAlg = new AnnotationsDirectorySectionPatchAlgorithm( patchFile, oldDex, patchedDex, oldToPatchedIndexMap ); this.stringDataSectionPatchAlg.execute(); this.typeIdSectionPatchAlg.execute(); this.typeListSectionPatchAlg.execute(); this.protoIdSectionPatchAlg.execute(); this.fieldIdSectionPatchAlg.execute(); this.methodIdSectionPatchAlg.execute(); this.annotationSectionPatchAlg.execute(); this.annotationSetSectionPatchAlg.execute(); this.annotationSetRefListSectionPatchAlg.execute(); this.annotationsDirectorySectionPatchAlg.execute(); this.debugInfoSectionPatchAlg.execute(); this.codeSectionPatchAlg.execute(); this.classDataSectionPatchAlg.execute(); this.encodedArraySectionPatchAlg.execute(); this.classDefSectionPatchAlg.execute(); //未完待续... }
public void execute() { final int deletedItemCount = patchFile.getBuffer().readUleb128(); final int[] deletedIndices = readDeltaIndiciesOrOffsets(deletedItemCount); final int addedItemCount = patchFile.getBuffer().readUleb128(); final int[] addedIndices = readDeltaIndiciesOrOffsets(addedItemCount); final int replacedItemCount = patchFile.getBuffer().readUleb128(); final int[] replacedIndices = readDeltaIndiciesOrOffsets(replacedItemCount); final TableOfContents.Section tocSec = getTocSection(this.oldDex); Dex.Section oldSection = null; int oldItemCount = 0; if (tocSec.exists()) { oldSection = this.oldDex.openSection(tocSec); oldItemCount = tocSec.size; } // Now rest data are added and replaced items arranged in the order of // added indices and replaced indices. doFullPatch( oldSection, oldItemCount, deletedIndices, addedIndices, replacedIndices ); }
private void doFullPatch( Dex.Section oldSection, int oldItemCount, int[] deletedIndices, int[] addedIndices, int[] replacedIndices) { int deletedItemCount = deletedIndices.length; int addedItemCount = addedIndices.length; int replacedItemCount = replacedIndices.length; int newItemCount = oldItemCount + addedItemCount - deletedItemCount; int deletedItemCounter = 0; int addActionCursor = 0; int replaceActionCursor = 0; int oldIndex = 0; int patchedIndex = 0; while (oldIndex < oldItemCount || patchedIndex < newItemCount) { if (addActionCursor < addedItemCount && addedIndices[addActionCursor] == patchedIndex) { T addedItem = nextItem(patchFile.getBuffer()); int patchedOffset = writePatchedItem(addedItem); ++addActionCursor; ++patchedIndex; } else if (replaceActionCursor < replacedItemCount && replacedIndices[replaceActionCursor] == patchedIndex) { T replacedItem = nextItem(patchFile.getBuffer()); int patchedOffset = writePatchedItem(replacedItem); ++replaceActionCursor; ++patchedIndex; } else if (Arrays.binarySearch(deletedIndices, oldIndex) >= 0) { T skippedOldItem = nextItem(oldSection); // skip old item. ++oldIndex; ++deletedItemCounter; } else if (Arrays.binarySearch(replacedIndices, oldIndex) >= 0) { T skippedOldItem = nextItem(oldSection); // skip old item. ++oldIndex; } else if (oldIndex < oldItemCount) { T oldItem = adjustItem(this.oldToPatchedIndexMap, nextItem(oldSection)); int patchedOffset = writePatchedItem(oldItem); ++oldIndex; ++patchedIndex; } } }
所以看代码,首先计算出newItemCount=oldItemCount + addCount - delCount,然后开始遍历,遍历条件为0~oldItemCount或0~newItemCount。
public void executeAndSaveTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException { //1.省略了offset的各种赋值 //2.省略了各个部分的patch算法 // Thirdly, write header, mapList. Calculate and write patched dex's sign and checksum. Dex.Section headerOut = this.patchedDex.openSection(patchedToc.header.off); patchedToc.writeHeader(headerOut); Dex.Section mapListOut = this.patchedDex.openSection(patchedToc.mapList.off); patchedToc.writeMap(mapListOut); this.patchedDex.writeHashes(); // Finally, write patched dex to file. this.patchedDex.writeTo(out); }
定位到header区域,写header相关数据;定位到map list区域,编写map list相关数据。两者都完成的时候,需要编写header中比较特殊的两个字段:签名和checkSum,因为这两个字段是依赖map list的,所以必须在编写map list后。
public class World{ public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println("nani World"); } }
javac -source 1.7 -target 1.7 World.java dx --dex --output=World.dex World.class
使用010 Editor分别打开两个dex,我们主要关注string_id_item;
del 1 add 1 LWorld; del 2 add 8 World.java del 10 add 11 naniWorld
replace 1 LWorld del 2 add 8 World.java del 10 add 11 naniWorld
del ops: del 2 del 10 add ops: add 8 add 11 replace ops: replace 1
LWorld //replace 1 World.java //add 8 naniWorld //add 11
2 //del size 2 8 // index - lastIndex 2 // add size 8 3 // index - lastIndex 1 //replace size 1 LWorld World.java naniWorld
buffer.writeUleb128(delOpIndexList.size()); System.out.println("del size = " + delOpIndexList.size()); int lastIndex = 0; for (Integer index : delOpIndexList) { buffer.writeSleb128(index - lastIndex); System.out.println("del index = " + (index - lastIndex)); lastIndex = index; } buffer.writeUleb128(addOpIndexList.size()); System.out.println("add size = " + addOpIndexList.size()); lastIndex = 0; for (Integer index : addOpIndexList) { buffer.writeSleb128(index - lastIndex); System.out.println("add index = " + (index - lastIndex)); lastIndex = index; } buffer.writeUleb128(replaceOpIndexList.size()); System.out.println("replace size = " + addOpIndexList.size()); lastIndex = 0; for (Integer index : replaceOpIndexList) { buffer.writeSleb128(index - lastIndex); System.out.println("replace index = " + (index - lastIndex)); lastIndex = index; } for (T newItem : newItemList) { if (newItem instanceof StringData) { buffer.writeStringData((StringData) newItem); System.out.println("stringdata = " + ((StringData) newItem).value); } }
del size = 2 del index = 2 del index = 8 add size = 2 add index = 8 add index = 3 replace size = 2 replace index = 1 stringdata = LWorld; stringdata = World.java stringdata = nani World
与我们上述分析结果一致 ~~
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