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WeChat-Applet-Tutorial, WXApp-Ansicht, Container-Scroll-Ansicht

2017-02-14 14:43:591773Durchsuche

In diesem Artikel werden hauptsächlich die relevanten Informationen zur Scroll-Ansicht des WXApp-Ansichtscontainers im WeChat-Applet-Tutorial vorgestellt

Verwandte Artikel:

  1. WeChat Mini-Programm-Tutorial wxapp View Container Swiper

  2. WeChat Mini-Programm-Tutorial Wxapp View Container Scroll-View

  3. WeChat-Applet-Tutorial, wxapp-Ansicht, Containeransicht


Scrollbarer Ansichtsbereich.

属性名 类型 默认值 说明
scroll-x Boolean false 允许横向滚动
scroll-y Boolean false 允许纵向滚动
upper-threshold Number 50 距顶部/左边多远时(单位px),触发 scrolltoupper 事件
lower-threshold Number 50 距底部/右边多远时(单位px),触发 scrolltolower 事件
scroll-top Number   设置竖向滚动条位置
scroll-left Number   设置横向滚动条位置
scroll-into-view String   值应为某子元素id,则滚动到该元素,元素顶部对齐滚动区域顶部
bindscrolltoupper EventHandle   滚动到顶部/左边,会触发 scrolltoupper 事件
bindscrolltolower EventHandle   滚动到底部/右边,会触发 scrolltolower 事件
bindscroll EventHandle   滚动时触发,event.detail = {scrollLeft, scrollTop, scrollHeight, scrollWidth, deltaX, deltaY}

Wenn Sie vertikales Scrollen verwenden, müssen Sie f22ed720d2ae070222ab6f087b345d61 eine feste Höhe zuweisen und die Höhe über WXSS festlegen.


<view class="section">
 <view class="section__title">vertical scroll</view>
 <scroll-view scroll-y="true" style="height: 200px;" bindscrolltoupper="upper" bindscrolltolower="lower" bindscroll="scroll" scroll-into-view="{{toView}}" scroll-top="{{scrollTop}}">
 <view id="green" class="scroll-view-item bc_green"></view>
 <view id="red" class="scroll-view-item bc_red"></view>
 <view id="yellow" class="scroll-view-item bc_yellow"></view>
 <view id="blue" class="scroll-view-item bc_blue"></view>

 <view class="btn-area">
 <button size="mini" bindtap="tap">click me to scroll into view </button>
 <button size="mini" bindtap="tapMove">click me to scroll</button>
<view class="section section_gap">
 <view class="section__title">horizontal scroll</view>
 <scroll-view class="scroll-view_H" scroll-x="true" style="width: 100%">
 <view id="green" class="scroll-view-item_H bc_green"></view>
 <view id="red" class="scroll-view-item_H bc_red"></view>
 <view id="yellow" class="scroll-view-item_H bc_yellow"></view>
 <view id="blue" class="scroll-view-item_H bc_blue"></view>

var order = [&#39;red&#39;, &#39;yellow&#39;, &#39;blue&#39;, &#39;green&#39;, &#39;red&#39;]
 data: {
 toView: &#39;red&#39;,
 scrollTop: 100
 upper: function(e) {
 lower: function(e) {
 scroll: function(e) {
 tap: function(e) {
 for (var i = 0; i < order.length; ++i) {
  if (order[i] === this.data.toView) {
   toView: order[i + 1]
 tapMove: function(e) {
  scrollTop: this.data.scrollTop + 10

微信小程序 教程之wxapp视图容器 scroll-view

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