Heim >php教程 >PHP开发 >Der Weg zum Zend Framework-Tutorial wird anhand der Funktion Zend_Controller_Router ausführlich erklärt

Der Weg zum Zend Framework-Tutorial wird anhand der Funktion Zend_Controller_Router ausführlich erklärt

2017-01-03 13:10:201285Durchsuche

Das Beispiel in diesem Artikel beschreibt die Verwendung der Routing-Funktion Zend_Controller_Router des Zend Framework-Tutorials. Teilen Sie es als Referenz mit allen. Die Details lauten wie folgt:

Das Routing von Zend Framework bietet zwei Hauptfunktionen: Routing und Erstellungsrouting.

Die Route-Klasse von Zend_Controller_Router und die Klassen im entsprechenden Route-Verzeichnis definieren gemeinsame Routing-Operationen.

Die Schnittstelle Zend_Controller_Router_Interface, die Klassen Zend_Controller_Router_Abstract und Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite vervollständigen die Funktionen des grundlegenden Routings, des Erstellens von Routen und des Löschens von Routen.

└── Router
├── Abstract.php
├── Exception.php
├── Interface.php
├── Rewrite.php
├ ── Route
    │   ├── Abstract.php
    │   ├── Chain.php
    │   ├── Hostname.php
    │   ├──. Interface.php
    │   ├── Module.php
│ ├ ─ ─ regex.php
│ └ ─ ─ 🎜> └ ─ Route.php

Zend_Controller_Router Route-Funktionsimplementierung

Zend_Controller _Interface

interface Zend_Controller_Router_Interface
   * Processes a request and sets its controller and action. If
   * no route was possible, an exception is thrown.
   * @param Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract
   * @throws Zend_Controller_Router_Exception
   * @return Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract|boolean
  public function route(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $dispatcher);
   * Generates a URL path that can be used in URL creation, redirection, etc.
   * May be passed user params to override ones from URI, Request or even defaults.
   * If passed parameter has a value of null, it&#39;s URL variable will be reset to
   * default.
   * If null is passed as a route name assemble will use the current Route or &#39;default&#39;
   * if current is not yet set.
   * Reset is used to signal that all parameters should be reset to it&#39;s defaults.
   * Ignoring all URL specified values. User specified params still get precedence.
   * Encode tells to url encode resulting path parts.
   * @param array $userParams Options passed by a user used to override parameters
   * @param mixed $name The name of a Route to use
   * @param bool $reset Whether to reset to the route defaults ignoring URL params
   * @param bool $encode Tells to encode URL parts on output
   * @throws Zend_Controller_Router_Exception
   * @return string Resulting URL path
  public function assemble($userParams, $name = null, $reset = false, $encode = true);
   * Retrieve Front Controller
   * @return Zend_Controller_Front
  public function getFrontController();
   * Set Front Controller
   * @param Zend_Controller_Front $controller
   * @return Zend_Controller_Router_Interface
  public function setFrontController(Zend_Controller_Front $controller);
   * Add or modify a parameter with which to instantiate any helper objects
   * @param string $name
   * @param mixed $param
   * @return Zend_Controller_Router_Interface
  public function setParam($name, $value);
   * Set an array of a parameters to pass to helper object constructors
   * @param array $params
   * @return Zend_Controller_Router_Interface
  public function setParams(array $params);
   * Retrieve a single parameter from the controller parameter stack
   * @param string $name
   * @return mixed
  public function getParam($name);
   * Retrieve the parameters to pass to helper object constructors
   * @return array
  public function getParams();
   * Clear the controller parameter stack
   * By default, clears all parameters. If a parameter name is given, clears
   * only that parameter; if an array of parameter names is provided, clears
   * each.
   * @param null|string|array single key or array of keys for params to clear
   * @return Zend_Controller_Router_Interface
  public function clearParams($name = null);


/** Zend_Controller_Router_Interface */
require_once &#39;Zend/Controller/Router/Interface.php&#39;;
abstract class Zend_Controller_Router_Abstract implements Zend_Controller_Router_Interface
   * URI delimiter
  const URI_DELIMITER = &#39;/&#39;;
   * Front controller instance
   * @var Zend_Controller_Front
  protected $_frontController;
   * Array of invocation parameters to use when instantiating action
   * controllers
   * @var array
  protected $_invokeParams = array();
   * Constructor
   * @param array $params
   * @return void
  public function __construct(array $params = array())
   * Add or modify a parameter to use when instantiating an action controller
   * @param string $name
   * @param mixed $value
   * @return Zend_Controller_Router
  public function setParam($name, $value)
    $name = (string) $name;
    $this->_invokeParams[$name] = $value;
    return $this;
   * Set parameters to pass to action controller constructors
   * @param array $params
   * @return Zend_Controller_Router
  public function setParams(array $params)
    $this->_invokeParams = array_merge($this->_invokeParams, $params);
    return $this;
   * Retrieve a single parameter from the controller parameter stack
   * @param string $name
   * @return mixed
  public function getParam($name)
    if(isset($this->_invokeParams[$name])) {
      return $this->_invokeParams[$name];
    return null;
   * Retrieve action controller instantiation parameters
   * @return array
  public function getParams()
    return $this->_invokeParams;
   * Clear the controller parameter stack
   * By default, clears all parameters. If a parameter name is given, clears
   * only that parameter; if an array of parameter names is provided, clears
   * each.
   * @param null|string|array single key or array of keys for params to clear
   * @return Zend_Controller_Router
  public function clearParams($name = null)
    if (null === $name) {
      $this->_invokeParams = array();
    } elseif (is_string($name) && isset($this->_invokeParams[$name])) {
    } elseif (is_array($name)) {
      foreach ($name as $key) {
        if (is_string($key) && isset($this->_invokeParams[$key])) {
    return $this;
   * Retrieve Front Controller
   * @return Zend_Controller_Front
  public function getFrontController()
    // Used cache version if found
    if (null !== $this->_frontController) {
      return $this->_frontController;
    require_once &#39;Zend/Controller/Front.php&#39;;
    $this->_frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
    return $this->_frontController;
   * Set Front Controller
   * @param Zend_Controller_Front $controller
   * @return Zend_Controller_Router_Interface
  public function setFrontController(Zend_Controller_Front $controller)
    $this->_frontController = $controller;
    return $this;


/** Zend_Controller_Router_Abstract */
require_once &#39;Zend/Controller/Router/Abstract.php&#39;;
/** Zend_Controller_Router_Route */
require_once &#39;Zend/Controller/Router/Route.php&#39;;
class Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite extends Zend_Controller_Router_Abstract
   * Whether or not to use default routes
   * @var boolean
  protected $_useDefaultRoutes = true;
   * Array of routes to match against
   * @var array
  protected $_routes = array();
   * Currently matched route
   * @var Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Interface
  protected $_currentRoute = null;
   * Global parameters given to all routes
   * @var array
  protected $_globalParams = array();
   * Separator to use with chain names
   * @var string
  protected $_chainNameSeparator = &#39;-&#39;;
   * Determines if request parameters should be used as global parameters
   * inside this router.
   * @var boolean
  protected $_useCurrentParamsAsGlobal = false;
   * Add default routes which are used to mimic basic router behaviour
   * @return Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite
  public function addDefaultRoutes()
    if (!$this->hasRoute(&#39;default&#39;)) {
      $dispatcher = $this->getFrontController()->getDispatcher();
      $request = $this->getFrontController()->getRequest();
      require_once &#39;Zend/Controller/Router/Route/Module.php&#39;;
      $compat = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Module(array(), $dispatcher, $request);
      $this->_routes = array(&#39;default&#39; => $compat) + $this->_routes;
    return $this;
   * Add route to the route chain
   * If route contains method setRequest(), it is initialized with a request object
   * @param string                 $name    Name of the route
   * @param Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Interface $route   Instance of the route
   * @return Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite
  public function addRoute($name, Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Interface $route)
    if (method_exists($route, &#39;setRequest&#39;)) {
    $this->_routes[$name] = $route;
    return $this;
   * Add routes to the route chain
   * @param array $routes Array of routes with names as keys and routes as values
   * @return Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite
  public function addRoutes($routes) {
    foreach ($routes as $name => $route) {
      $this->addRoute($name, $route);
    return $this;
   * Create routes out of Zend_Config configuration
   * Example INI:
   * routes.archive.route = "archive/:year/*"
   * routes.archive.defaults.controller = archive
   * routes.archive.defaults.action = show
   * routes.archive.defaults.year = 2000
   * routes.archive.reqs.year = "\d+"
   * routes.news.type = "Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Static"
   * routes.news.route = "news"
   * routes.news.defaults.controller = "news"
   * routes.news.defaults.action = "list"
   * And finally after you have created a Zend_Config with above ini:
   * $router = new Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite();
   * $router->addConfig($config, &#39;routes&#39;);
   * @param Zend_Config $config Configuration object
   * @param string   $section Name of the config section containing route&#39;s definitions
   * @throws Zend_Controller_Router_Exception
   * @return Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite
  public function addConfig(Zend_Config $config, $section = null)
    if ($section !== null) {
      if ($config->{$section} === null) {
        require_once &#39;Zend/Controller/Router/Exception.php&#39;;
        throw new Zend_Controller_Router_Exception("No route configuration in section &#39;{$section}&#39;");
      $config = $config->{$section};
    foreach ($config as $name => $info) {
      $route = $this->_getRouteFromConfig($info);
      if ($route instanceof Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Chain) {
        if (!isset($info->chain)) {
          require_once &#39;Zend/Controller/Router/Exception.php&#39;;
          throw new Zend_Controller_Router_Exception("No chain defined");
        if ($info->chain instanceof Zend_Config) {
          $childRouteNames = $info->chain;
        } else {
          $childRouteNames = explode(&#39;,&#39;, $info->chain);
        foreach ($childRouteNames as $childRouteName) {
          $childRoute = $this->getRoute(trim($childRouteName));
        $this->addRoute($name, $route);
      } elseif (isset($info->chains) && $info->chains instanceof Zend_Config) {
        $this->_addChainRoutesFromConfig($name, $route, $info->chains);
      } else {
        $this->addRoute($name, $route);
    return $this;
   * Get a route frm a config instance
   * @param Zend_Config $info
   * @return Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Interface
  protected function _getRouteFromConfig(Zend_Config $info)
    $class = (isset($info->type)) ? $info->type : &#39;Zend_Controller_Router_Route&#39;;
    if (!class_exists($class)) {
      require_once &#39;Zend/Loader.php&#39;;
    $route = call_user_func(array($class, &#39;getInstance&#39;), $info);
    if (isset($info->abstract) && $info->abstract && method_exists($route, &#39;isAbstract&#39;)) {
    return $route;
   * Add chain routes from a config route
   * @param string                 $name
   * @param Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Interface $route
   * @param Zend_Config              $childRoutesInfo
   * @return void
  protected function _addChainRoutesFromConfig($name,
                         Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Interface $route,
                         Zend_Config $childRoutesInfo)
    foreach ($childRoutesInfo as $childRouteName => $childRouteInfo) {
      if (is_string($childRouteInfo)) {
        $childRouteName = $childRouteInfo;
        $childRoute   = $this->getRoute($childRouteName);
      } else {
        $childRoute = $this->_getRouteFromConfig($childRouteInfo);
      if ($route instanceof Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Chain) {
        $chainRoute = clone $route;
      } else {
        $chainRoute = $route->chain($childRoute);
      $chainName = $name . $this->_chainNameSeparator . $childRouteName;
      if (isset($childRouteInfo->chains)) {
        $this->_addChainRoutesFromConfig($chainName, $chainRoute, $childRouteInfo->chains);
      } else {
        $this->addRoute($chainName, $chainRoute);
   * Remove a route from the route chain
   * @param string $name Name of the route
   * @throws Zend_Controller_Router_Exception
   * @return Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite
  public function removeRoute($name)
    if (!isset($this->_routes[$name])) {
      require_once &#39;Zend/Controller/Router/Exception.php&#39;;
      throw new Zend_Controller_Router_Exception("Route $name is not defined");
    return $this;
   * Remove all standard default routes
   * @param Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Interface Route
   * @return Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite
  public function removeDefaultRoutes()
    $this->_useDefaultRoutes = false;
    return $this;
   * Check if named route exists
   * @param string $name Name of the route
   * @return boolean
  public function hasRoute($name)
    return isset($this->_routes[$name]);
   * Retrieve a named route
   * @param string $name Name of the route
   * @throws Zend_Controller_Router_Exception
   * @return Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Interface Route object
  public function getRoute($name)
    if (!isset($this->_routes[$name])) {
      require_once &#39;Zend/Controller/Router/Exception.php&#39;;
      throw new Zend_Controller_Router_Exception("Route $name is not defined");
    return $this->_routes[$name];
   * Retrieve a currently matched route
   * @throws Zend_Controller_Router_Exception
   * @return Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Interface Route object
  public function getCurrentRoute()
    if (!isset($this->_currentRoute)) {
      require_once &#39;Zend/Controller/Router/Exception.php&#39;;
      throw new Zend_Controller_Router_Exception("Current route is not defined");
    return $this->getRoute($this->_currentRoute);
   * Retrieve a name of currently matched route
   * @throws Zend_Controller_Router_Exception
   * @return Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Interface Route object
  public function getCurrentRouteName()
    if (!isset($this->_currentRoute)) {
      require_once &#39;Zend/Controller/Router/Exception.php&#39;;
      throw new Zend_Controller_Router_Exception("Current route is not defined");
    return $this->_currentRoute;
   * Retrieve an array of routes added to the route chain
   * @return array All of the defined routes
  public function getRoutes()
    return $this->_routes;
   * Find a matching route to the current PATH_INFO and inject
   * returning values to the Request object.
   * @throws Zend_Controller_Router_Exception
   * @return Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract Request object
  public function route(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
    if (!$request instanceof Zend_Controller_Request_Http) {
      require_once &#39;Zend/Controller/Router/Exception.php&#39;;
      throw new Zend_Controller_Router_Exception(&#39;Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite requires a Zend_Controller_Request_Http-based request object&#39;);
    if ($this->_useDefaultRoutes) {
    // Find the matching route
    $routeMatched = false;
    foreach (array_reverse($this->_routes, true) as $name => $route) {
      // TODO: Should be an interface method. Hack for 1.0 BC
      if (method_exists($route, &#39;isAbstract&#39;) && $route->isAbstract()) {
      // TODO: Should be an interface method. Hack for 1.0 BC
      if (!method_exists($route, &#39;getVersion&#39;) || $route->getVersion() == 1) {
        $match = $request->getPathInfo();
      } else {
        $match = $request;
      if ($params = $route->match($match)) {
        $this->_setRequestParams($request, $params);
        $this->_currentRoute = $name;
        $routeMatched    = true;
     if (!$routeMatched) {
       require_once &#39;Zend/Controller/Router/Exception.php&#39;;
       throw new Zend_Controller_Router_Exception(&#39;No route matched the request&#39;, 404);
    if($this->_useCurrentParamsAsGlobal) {
      $params = $request->getParams();
      foreach($params as $param => $value) {
        $this->setGlobalParam($param, $value);
    return $request;
  protected function _setRequestParams($request, $params)
    foreach ($params as $param => $value) {
      $request->setParam($param, $value);
      if ($param === $request->getModuleKey()) {
      if ($param === $request->getControllerKey()) {
      if ($param === $request->getActionKey()) {
   * Generates a URL path that can be used in URL creation, redirection, etc.
   * @param array $userParams Options passed by a user used to override parameters
   * @param mixed $name The name of a Route to use
   * @param bool $reset Whether to reset to the route defaults ignoring URL params
   * @param bool $encode Tells to encode URL parts on output
   * @throws Zend_Controller_Router_Exception
   * @return string Resulting absolute URL path
  public function assemble($userParams, $name = null, $reset = false, $encode = true)
    if (!is_array($userParams)) {
      require_once &#39;Zend/Controller/Router/Exception.php&#39;;
      throw new Zend_Controller_Router_Exception(&#39;userParams must be an array&#39;);
    if ($name == null) {
      try {
        $name = $this->getCurrentRouteName();
      } catch (Zend_Controller_Router_Exception $e) {
        $name = &#39;default&#39;;
    // Use UNION (+) in order to preserve numeric keys
    $params = $userParams + $this->_globalParams;
    $route = $this->getRoute($name);
    $url  = $route->assemble($params, $reset, $encode);
    if (!preg_match(&#39;|^[a-z]+://|&#39;, $url)) {
      $url = rtrim($this->getFrontController()->getBaseUrl(), self::URI_DELIMITER) . self::URI_DELIMITER . $url;
    return $url;
   * Set a global parameter
   * @param string $name
   * @param mixed $value
   * @return Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite
  public function setGlobalParam($name, $value)
    $this->_globalParams[$name] = $value;
    return $this;
   * Set the separator to use with chain names
   * @param string $separator The separator to use
   * @return Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite
  public function setChainNameSeparator($separator) {
    $this->_chainNameSeparator = $separator;
    return $this;
   * Get the separator to use for chain names
   * @return string
  public function getChainNameSeparator() {
    return $this->_chainNameSeparator;
   * Determines/returns whether to use the request parameters as global parameters.
   * @param boolean|null $use
   *      Null/unset when you want to retrieve the current state.
   *      True when request parameters should be global, false otherwise
   * @return boolean|Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite
   *       Returns a boolean if first param isn&#39;t set, returns an
   *       instance of Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite otherwise.
  public function useRequestParametersAsGlobal($use = null) {
    if($use === null) {
      return $this->_useCurrentParamsAsGlobal;
    $this->_useCurrentParamsAsGlobal = (bool) $use;
    return $this;

So fügen Sie Routen hinzu

öffentliche Funktion addRoute($name, Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Interface $route)

öffentliche Funktion addRoutes($routes)

$router = $ctrl->getRouter(); // returns a rewrite router by default
         new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(&#39;user/:username&#39;));

Der erste Parameter von addRoute ist der Routenname. Der zweite Parameter ist die Route selbst. Die häufigste Verwendung von Routennamen erfolgt über die Hilfsmethode Zend_View_Url:

"<?= $this->url(array(&#39;username&#39; => &#39;martel&#39;), &#39;user&#39;) ?>">Martel</a>

, was zu href: user/martel.

Routing ist ein einfacher Prozess, der alle bereitgestellten Routen und URI-Definitionen durchläuft, die mit der aktuellen Anfrage übereinstimmen. Wenn eine positive Übereinstimmung gefunden wird, wird der Variablenwert von der Routeninstanz zurückgegeben und in das Zend_Controller_Request-Objekt zur zukünftigen Verwendung in Dispatchern und vom Benutzer erstellten Controllern eingefügt. Bei einer negativen Übereinstimmung wird die nächste Route in der Kette überprüft.

Hinweis: Abgleich in umgekehrter Reihenfolge

Durch den Abgleich von Routen in umgekehrter Reihenfolge wird sichergestellt, dass die häufigsten Routen zuerst definiert werden.

Hinweis: Der zurückgegebene Wert

Der von der Route zurückgegebene Wert stammt aus dem URL-Parameter oder dem für die Definition verwendeten Standardwert. Auf diese Variablen kann später über die Methoden Zend_Controller_Request::getParam() oder Zend_Controller_Action::_getParam() zugegriffen werden.

Für Ihre Routen stehen drei spezielle Variablen zur Verfügung: „Modul“, „Controller“ und „Aktion“. Diese speziellen Variablen werden von Zend_Controller_Dispatcher verwendet, um Controller und Aktionen zu finden und diese zu versenden.

Hinweis: Spezielle Variablen

Wenn Sie den Standardwert über die Methoden setControllerKey und setActionKey ändern, können die Namen dieser speziellen Variablen unterschiedlich sein.


Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite ist mit der Standardroute vorkonfiguriert, die URIs in der Form von Controller/Aktion abgleicht. Darüber hinaus kann als erster Pfadparameter ein Modulname angegeben werden, der URIs der Form Modul/Controller/Aktion ermöglicht. Schließlich werden standardmäßig auch alle zusätzlichen Parameter abgeglichen, die an den URI angehängt sind – controller/action/var1/value1/var2/value2.

Einige Beispiele, wie Routen abgeglichen werden:

// Assuming the following:
    &#39;default&#39; => &#39;/path/to/default/controllers&#39;,
    &#39;news&#39;  => &#39;/path/to/news/controllers&#39;,
    &#39;blog&#39;  => &#39;/path/to/blog/controllers&#39;
Module only:
  module == news
Invalid module maps to controller name:
  controller == foo
Module + controller:
  module   == blog
  controller == archive
Module + controller + action:
  module   == blog
  controller == archive
  action   == list
Module + controller + action + params:
  module   == blog
  controller == archive
  action   == list
  sort    == alpha
  date    == desc

Die Standardroute wird im RewriteRouter mit dem Namen (Index) ' gespeichert. default' Einfaches Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Module-Objekt. Es wird ungefähr so ​​erstellt:

$compat = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Module(array(),
$this->addRoute(&#39;default&#39;, $compat);

Wenn Sie diese bestimmte Standardroute nicht in Ihrem Routenplan haben möchten, können Sie sie neu schreiben Ihre eigene „Standard“-Route (speichern Sie sie beispielsweise unter dem Namen „default“) oder löschen Sie sie vollständig mit „removeDefaultRoutes()“:

// Remove any default routes

In Um die Flexibilität des Routings zu erhöhen und die Anpassung neuer Routing-Typen zu erleichtern, definiert Zend_Controller_Router die Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Interface-Schnittstelle und die Klasse Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Abstract. Durch die Implementierung der entsprechenden Klassenmethode kann der Routing-Typ definiert werden, was die Entwicklung erleichtert.

Routentypen von Zend_Controller_Router

Zend_Controller_Router stellt standardmäßig die folgenden Routentypen bereit:



Zend_Controller_Router_Ro ute_Regex
Zend_Controller_ Router_Route_Hostname

Zend_Controller_Router_Route ist eine Standard-Framework-Route. Es kombiniert Benutzerfreundlichkeit mit flexiblen Routendefinitionen. Jede Route enthält eine grundlegende URL-Zuordnung (statische und dynamische Teile (Variablen)) und kann standardmäßig oder entsprechend unterschiedlichen Anforderungen initialisiert werden.


$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
    &#39;controller&#39; => &#39;profile&#39;,
    &#39;action&#39;   => &#39;userinfo&#39;
$router->addRoute(&#39;user&#39;, $route);



Note: 字符的的用法



$values = array(
  &#39;username&#39;  => &#39;martel&#39;,
  &#39;controller&#39; => &#39;profile&#39;,
  &#39;action&#39;   => &#39;userinfo&#39;



public function userinfoAction()
  $request = $this->getRequest();
  $username = $request->getParam(&#39;username&#39;);
  $username = $this->_getParam(&#39;username&#39;);



$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
  array(&#39;module&#39; => &#39;default&#39;)
$router->addRoute(&#39;default&#39;, $route);




$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
  array(&#39;year&#39; => 2006)
$router->addRoute(&#39;archive&#39;, $route);




$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
    &#39;year&#39;    => 2006,
    &#39;controller&#39; => &#39;archive&#39;,
    &#39;action&#39;   => &#39;show&#39;
$router->addRoute(&#39;archive&#39;, $route);





$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
    &#39;year&#39;    => 2006,
    &#39;controller&#39; => &#39;archive&#39;,
    &#39;action&#39;   => &#39;show&#39;
  array(&#39;year&#39; => &#39;\d+&#39;)
$router->addRoute(&#39;archive&#39;, $route);





$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
    &#39;host&#39; => &#39;blog.mysite.com&#39;,
    &#39;path&#39; => &#39;archive&#39;
    &#39;module&#39;   => &#39;blog&#39;,
    &#39;controller&#39; => &#39;archive&#39;,
    &#39;action&#39;   => &#39;index&#39;
$router->addRoute(&#39;archive&#39;, $route);


如果你想匹配参数在主机名里,使用 regex 选项。在下面例子中,子域为动作控制器被用作用户名参数。 当组装路由时,你可以给出用户名为参数,就像你用其它路径参数一样:

$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
    &#39;host&#39; => array(
      &#39;regex&#39;  => &#39;([a-z]+).mysite.com&#39;,
      &#39;reverse&#39; => &#39;%s.mysite.com&#39;
      &#39;params&#39; => array(
        1 => &#39;username&#39;
    &#39;path&#39; => &#39;&#39;
    &#39;module&#39;   => &#39;users&#39;,
    &#39;controller&#39; => &#39;profile&#39;,
    &#39;action&#39;   => &#39;index&#39;

$router->addRoute('profile', $route);




$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Static(
  array(&#39;controller&#39; => &#39;auth&#39;, &#39;action&#39; => &#39;login&#39;)
$router->addRoute(&#39;login&#39;, $route);


上面的路由将匹配http://domain.com/login的URL,并分派到 AuthController::loginAction().




$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex(
    &#39;controller&#39; => &#39;archive&#39;,
    &#39;action&#39;   => &#39;show&#39;
$router->addRoute(&#39;archive&#39;, $route);



$values = array(
  1      => &#39;2006&#39;,
  &#39;controller&#39; => &#39;archive&#39;,
  &#39;action&#39;   => &#39;show&#39;


Note: 在匹配之前,开头和结尾的斜杠从路由器里的URL中去除掉了。结果,匹配http://domain.com/foo/bar/,需要foo/bar这样的regex,而不是/foo/bar。

Note: 行开头和行结尾符号(分别为'^' 和 '$')被自动预先追加到所有表达式。这样,你不需要在你的正则表达式里用它们,你应该匹配整个字符串。

Note: 这个路由类使用#符作为分隔符。这意味着你将需要避免哈希符('#')但不是正斜杠('/')在你的路由定义里。因为'#'符(名称为锚)很少被传给webserver,你将几乎不需要在你的regex里使用它。


public function showAction()
  $request = $this->getRequest();
  $year  = $request->getParam(1); // $year = &#39;2006&#39;;


Note: 注意这个键是整数(1) 而不是字符串('1')。

因为'year'的缺省没有设置,这个路由将和它的标准路由副本不是非常精确地相同。即使我们为'year'声明一个缺省并使子模式可选,也不清楚是否会在拖尾斜杠(trailing slash)上还将有问题。方案是使整个'year'部分和斜杠一起可选但只抓取数字部分:(这段比较绕口,请校对者仔细看看,谢谢 Jason Qi)

$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex(
    1      => &#39;2006&#39;,
    &#39;controller&#39; => &#39;archive&#39;,
    &#39;action&#39;   => &#39;show&#39;
$router->addRoute(&#39;archive&#39;, $route);


让我们看看你可能注意到的问题。 给参数使用基于整数的键不是容易管理的办法,今后可能会有问题。这就是为什么有第三个参数。这是个联合数组表示一个regex子模式到参数名键的映射。我们来看看一个简单的例子:

$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex(
    &#39;controller&#39; => &#39;archive&#39;,
    &#39;action&#39; => &#39;show&#39;
    1 => &#39;year&#39;
$router->addRoute(&#39;archive&#39;, $route);



$values = array(
  &#39;year&#39;    => &#39;2006&#39;,
  &#39;controller&#39; => &#39;archive&#39;,
  &#39;action&#39;   => &#39;show&#39;



$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex(
  array( ... ),
  array(1 => &#39;year&#39;)
// OR
$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex(
  array( ... ),
  array(&#39;year&#39; => 1)


Note: 子模式键必须用整数表示。


$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex(
  array( ... ),
  array(&#39;year&#39; => 1)



$values = array(
  &#39;year&#39;    => &#39;2006&#39;,
  2      => 10,
  &#39;controller&#39; => &#39;archive&#39;,
  &#39;action&#39;   => &#39;show&#39;


因为regex模型不容易颠倒,如果你想用URL助手或这个类中的 assemble方法,你需要准备一个颠倒的URL。这个颠倒的路径用可由sprintf()解析的字符串来表示并定义为第四个构造参数:

$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex(
  array( ... ),
  array(&#39;year&#39; => 1),



$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex(
    &#39;controller&#39; => &#39;blog&#39;,
    &#39;action&#39;   => &#39;view&#39;
    1 => &#39;id&#39;,
    2 => &#39;description&#39;
$router->addRoute(&#39;blogArchive&#39;, $route);





routes.archive.route = "archive/:year/*"
routes.archive.defaults.controller = archive
routes.archive.defaults.action = show
routes.archive.defaults.year = 2000
routes.archive.reqs.year = "\d+"
routes.news.type = "Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Static"
routes.news.route = "news"
routes.news.defaults.controller = "news"
routes.news.defaults.action = "list"
routes.archive.type = "Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex"
routes.archive.route = "archive/(\d+)"
routes.archive.defaults.controller = "archive"
routes.archive.defaults.action = "show"
routes.archive.map.1 = "year"
; OR: routes.archive.map.year = 1



$config = new Zend_Config_Ini(&#39;/path/to/config.ini&#39;, &#39;production&#39;);
$router = new Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite();
$router->addConfig($config, &#39;routes&#39;);






interface Zend_Controller_Router_Interface
  * @param Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request
  * @throws Zend_Controller_Router_Exception
  * @return Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract
 public function route(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request);



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