Heim >php教程 >PHP开发 >Ausführliche Erläuterung des Hinzufügens, Löschens, Änderns und Abfragens von Yii2.0-Datenbankoperationen

Ausführliche Erläuterung des Hinzufügens, Löschens, Änderns und Abfragens von Yii2.0-Datenbankoperationen

2017-01-03 09:32:011864Durchsuche

1. Einfache Abfrage:

]: 根据查询结果返回查询的第一条记录。

[[all()]]: 根据查询结果返回所有记录。

[[count()]]: 返回记录的数量。

[[sum()]]: 返回指定列的总数。

[[average()]]: 返回指定列的平均值。

[[min()]]: 返回指定列的最小值。

[[max()]]: 返回指定列的最大值。

[[scalar()]]: 返回查询结果的第一行中的第一列的值。

[[column()]]: 返回查询结果中的第一列的值。

[[exists()]]: 返回一个值,该值指示查询结果是否有数据。

[[where()]]: 添加查询条件

[[with()]]: 该查询应执行的关系列表。

[[indexBy()]]: 根据索引的列的名称查询结果。

[[asArray()]]: 以数组的形式返回每条记录。

[code=php]Customer::find()->one();    此方法返回一条数据;

Customer::find()->all();    此方法返回所有数据;

Customer::find()->count();    此方法返回记录的数量;

Customer::find()->average();    此方法返回指定列的平均值;

Customer::find()->min();    此方法返回指定列的最小值 ;

Customer::find()->max();    此方法返回指定列的最大值 ;

Customer::find()->scalar();    此方法返回值的第一行第一列的查询结果;

Customer::find()->column();    此方法返回查询结果中的第一列的值;

Customer::find()->exists();    此方法返回一个值指示是否包含查询结果的数据行;
Customer::find()->asArray()->one();    以数组形式返回一条数据;  
Customer::find()->asArray()->all();    以数组形式返回所有数据;
Customer::find()->where($condition)->asArray()->one();    根据条件以数组形式返回一条数据;  
Customer::find()->where($condition)->asArray()->all();    根据条件以数组形式返回所有数据;
Customer::find()->where($condition)->asArray()->orderBy('id DESC')->all();    根据条件以数组形式返回所有数据,并根据ID倒序;

2. Verwandte Abfrage:



    public function getCountry()
        return $this->hasOne(CountrysModel::className(), ['id'=>'Country_id']);
// 查询客户与他们的订单和国家
CustomerModel::find()->with('orders', 'country')->all();

// 查询客户与他们的订单和订单的发货地址

// 查询客户与他们的国家和状态为1的订单
    'orders' => function ($query) {
        $query->andWhere('status = 1');



1.在查询时加了->select();如下,要加上order_id,即关联的字段(比如:order_id)比如要在select中,否则会报错:undefined index order_id

// 查询客户与他们的订单和国家
CustomerModel::find()->select(&#39;order_id&#39;)->with(&#39;orders&#39;, &#39;country&#39;)->all();
// 查询年龄为30,状态值为1的客户  
$customer = Customer::findOne([&#39;age&#39; => 30, &#39;status&#39; => 1]);  
$customer = Customer::find()->where([&#39;age&#39; => 30, &#39;status&#39; => 1])->one();  
// 查询key值为10的所有客户  
$customers = Customer::findAll(10);  
$customers = Customer::find()->where([&#39;id&#39; => 10])->all();  
// 查询key值为10,11,12的客户  
$customers = Customer::findAll([10, 11, 12]);  
$customers = Customer::find()->where([&#39;id&#39; => [10, 11, 12]])->all();  
// 查询年龄为30,状态值为1的所有客户  
$customers = Customer::findAll([&#39;age&#39; => 30, &#39;status&#39; => 1]);  
$customers = Customer::find()->where([&#39;age&#39; => 30, &#39;status&#39; => 1])->all();  
$customers = Customer::find()->where($cond)->all();   
// SQL: (type = 1) AND (status = 2).  
$cond = [&#39;type&#39; => 1, &#39;status&#39; => 2]   
// SQL:(id IN (1, 2, 3)) AND (status = 2)  
$cond = [&#39;id&#39; => [1, 2, 3], &#39;status&#39; => 2]   
//SQL:status IS NULL  
$cond = [&#39;status&#39; => null]  
//SQL:`id=1 AND id=2`  
$cond = [&#39;and&#39;, &#39;id=1&#39;, &#39;id=2&#39;]  
//SQL:`type=1 AND (id=1 OR id=2)`  
$cond = [&#39;and&#39;, &#39;type=1&#39;, [&#39;or&#39;, &#39;id=1&#39;, &#39;id=2&#39;]]


], [&#39;id&#39; => [1, 2, 3]]  
//SQL:`NOT (attribute IS NULL)`  
$cond = [&#39;not&#39;, [&#39;attribute&#39; => null]]

[[between]]: not between hat die gleiche Verwendung

<b>[[]]: </b>not in 用法类似  
//SQL:`id IN (1, 2, 3)`  
$cond = [&#39;in&#39;, &#39;id&#39;, [1, 2, 3]]  
$cond = [&#39;in&#39;, [&#39;id&#39;, &#39;name&#39;], [[&#39;id&#39; => 1, &#39;name&#39; => &#39;foo&#39;], [&#39;id&#39; => 2, &#39;name&#39; => &#39;bar&#39;]]]  
$cond = [&#39;in&#39;, &#39;user_id&#39;, (new Query())->select(&#39;id&#39;)->from(&#39;users&#39;)->where([&#39;active&#39; => 1])]


//SQL:`name LIKE &#39;%test%&#39; AND name LIKE &#39;%sample%&#39;`  
$cond = [&#39;like&#39;, &#39;name&#39;, [&#39;test&#39;, &#39;sample&#39;]]  
//SQL:`name LIKE &#39;%tester&#39;`  
$cond = [&#39;like&#39;, &#39;name&#39;, &#39;%tester&#39;, false]  
<b>[[]]: </b>not exists用法类似  
//SQL:EXISTS (SELECT "id" FROM "users" WHERE "active"=1)  
$cond = [&#39;exists&#39;, (new Query())->select(&#39;id&#39;)->from(&#39;users&#39;)->where([&#39;active&#39; => 1])]

Darüber hinaus können Sie einen beliebigen Operator wie folgt angeben:

//SQL:`id >= 10`
$cond = [&#39;>=&#39;, &#39;id&#39;, 10]

//SQL:`id != 10`
$cond = [&#39;!=&#39;, &#39;id&#39;, 10]

Häufige Abfragen:

// WHERE admin_id >= 10 LIMIT 0,10
User::find()->select(&#39;*&#39;)->where([&#39;>=&#39;, &#39;admin_id&#39;, 10])->offset(0)->limit(10)->all()
// SELECT `id`, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `user`) AS `count` FROM `post` 
 $subQuery = (new Query())->select(&#39;COUNT(*)&#39;)->from(&#39;user&#39;); 
 $query = (new Query())->select([&#39;id&#39;, &#39;count&#39; => $subQuery])->from(&#39;post&#39;);
// SELECT DISTINCT `user_id` ... 


//runValidation boolen 是否通过validate()校验字段 默认为true 
//attributeNames array 需要更新的字段 
$model->update($runValidation , $attributeNames); 

//update customer set status = 1 where status = 2
Customer::updateAll([&#39;status&#39; => 1], &#39;status = 2&#39;); 

//update customer set status = 1 where status = 2 and uid = 1;
Customer::updateAll([&#39;status&#39; => 1], [&#39;status&#39;=> &#39;2&#39;,&#39;uid&#39;=>&#39;1&#39;]);


$model = Customer::findOne($id);



Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert(UserModel::tableName(), [&#39;user_id&#39;,&#39;username&#39;], [

Ausführungs-SQL anzeigen

$query = UserModel::find()->where([&#39;status&#39;=>1]); 
echo $query->createCommand()->getRawSql();

Das Obige ist Yii2.0 Detaillierte Erläuterungen zu Datenbankoperationen, Hinzufügungen, Löschungen, Änderungen und Abfragen. Weitere verwandte Inhalte finden Sie auf der chinesischen PHP-Website (www.php.cn).

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