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Yan Shiba mongodb video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1Yan Shiba mongodb video tutorial

Introduction to the characteristics of mongodb document database

19 minutes58 seconds

mongodb installation process

20 minutes46 seconds

Mongo database table operation statements

19 minutes37 seconds

Detailed explanation of CURD operation

54 minutes19 seconds

Drill down query expressions

50 minutes36 seconds

Cursor operations

28 minutes38 seconds


49 minutes02 seconds

User Management

18 minutes27 seconds

mongoDB backup and recovery

29 minutes07 seconds

replication set

57 minutes17 seconds

shard shard

59 minutes28 seconds

Manual pre-sharding

16 minutes33 seconds

Replica is used in combination with shard sharding

38 minutes12 seconds

Compilation and use of PHP-Mongo extension

33 minutes16 seconds

URL algorithm of short URL project

43 minutes50 seconds
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