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JavaScript Design Patterns Video Tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1Introduction to JavaScript design patterns

An introduction to JavaScript design patterns

00 minutes53 seconds

Interpretation of design pattern concepts

05 minutes15 seconds

The development and application of design patterns in JavaScript

05 minutes00 seconds

Design Principles

06 minutes45 seconds
Chapter2JavaScript design pattern singleton pattern

Design Patterns Singleton Pattern Course Overview

01 minutes00 seconds

Interpretation of the concept of singleton pattern

05 minutes43 seconds

The role and precautions of singleton mode

06 minutes27 seconds

Singleton mode code practice and summary

12 minutes02 seconds
Chapter3JS design pattern constructor pattern

Constructor Pattern Course Summary

01 minutes05 seconds

Interpretation of the concept of constructor pattern

06 minutes10 seconds

Constructor pattern functions and precautions

06 minutes20 seconds

Constructor pattern code practice and summary

10 minutes33 seconds
Chapter4JS design pattern builder pattern

Builder Pattern Course Summary

00 minutes57 seconds

Interpretation of the concept of builder pattern

07 minutes18 seconds

The role and precautions of builder mode

06 minutes25 seconds

Builder pattern code practice and summary

14 minutes29 seconds
Chapter5JavaScript design pattern factory pattern

Factory Pattern Course Overview

01 minutes03 seconds

Interpretation of the concept of factory model

06 minutes26 seconds

Factory mode functions and precautions

05 minutes58 seconds

Factory pattern code practice and summary

10 minutes00 seconds
Chapter6Javascript design pattern proxy pattern

Agency Model Course Overview

00 minutes55 seconds

Interpretation of the concept of agency model

07 minutes50 seconds

The role and precautions of proxy mode

06 minutes05 seconds

Actual combat and summary of proxy mode code

09 minutes18 seconds
Chapter7JavaScript design patterns command pattern

Command Pattern Course Overview

00 minutes47 seconds

Interpretation of the concept of command pattern

04 minutes57 seconds

The functions and precautions of command mode

04 minutes06 seconds

Command mode code practice and summary

04 minutes50 seconds
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